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Love Song (Rocked by Love #2)

Page 1

by Susan Scott Shelley

  Love Song

  Susan Scott Shelley

  Copyright © 2016 Susan Scott Shelley

  ISBN-13: 978-1-944220-09-9

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Table Of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Thank You!


  About The Author

  Susan’s Books

  Chapter One

  Mind as blank as he could get it, Luke Thompson lounged poolside. The sparkling water and gorgeous day soothed his soul. Not that he deserved soothing. A cloudless sky of brilliant blue met tall green palm trees and the high white stone privacy fence surrounding his band mate Zander's house and yard. Sighing, he rolled onto his back.

  Tired. But he could no longer blame that on the tour.

  Lonely. But... There wasn't much he could do about that.

  To his left, Zander manned the grill. To his right, his other band mates Landry and Brendan wrestled with Zander's dogs on the lawn. Luke closed his eyes and breathed in deep, soaking up the mundane peace. A private oasis. And after months and months of touring and all the drama that had ensued, the quiet seclusion was exactly what he needed.

  Laughter drifted along the breeze. He turned his head in time to see Zander step away from the grill to kiss the woman he'd proposed to a month earlier. Jayne was perfect for his best friend, but the way she talked and moved was a constant reminder of the one woman Luke couldn't have—Audrey.

  He'd been so fucked up over losing Audrey that he'd nearly ruined Zander and Jayne's relationship. Hell, he'd nearly ruined the band, too. He'd acted like a prick during most of the final leg of the tour, and had jeopardized his relationships with his fans, his label, and most importantly, his band mates. The guys, closer to him than his own family, had been with him for over ten years. Forgiveness had been granted, but he didn't think he could ever make amends for all the drama he'd caused.

  He'd sure as hell try, though.

  Stretching, he stood. When Jayne caught his gaze, he offered her a smile. Thankfully, she smiled back.

  He collected his half-empty beer and wandered closer. "Need a hand with anything?"

  "Nope. All done." She set a bowl of salad on a table already laden with enough food to feed their entire road crew.

  "Looks great." He turned as Brendan shouted a whoop. Two seconds later, the drummer push Landry into the pool. The bassist should have seen it coming. No way could Brendan resist. Neither could the dogs, who splashed in right after Landry. Not to be outdone, Brendan canonballed into the mix.

  Letting out a hollow laugh, Luke sank onto a chair. He should be happy. The tour was over and the summer stretched out before him with promises of long days and nights of freedom. He had a few visits scheduled to audition fans who'd won a contest for a chance to sing with the band, and then the party in Vegas where they'd perform together, but that was it. For the first time in years, he had a vacation. He really should be happy.

  But inside, all he felt was empty. Deflated. Down. Like a cluster of gray clouds constantly hovered over his head, accompanied by an ache in his soul that wouldn't ease. Broken hearts sucked.

  Zander nudged his shoulder. "Steak, fish, or veggie burger?"

  He didn't feel like eating but if he didn't choke down something, Jayne would fuss over him. She always went out of her way to take care of the band. "Whatever. Just not veggie."

  "Those are mine, anyway." Landry strolled over, dripping wet, and plucked one of the tan circular patties off of the plate by the grill.

  Luke forked a piece of steak. Normally, he'd have a smart retort ready to go, but drumming up the energy seemed too much work. Instead, he glanced at Zander. "I thought Irisa was coming."

  "Dom is leaving for a road trip today. You know my sister. She's probably spending every second that she can with him before he has to go."

  The barking of a dog drew his attention to the house. Irisa, the band's manager and Zander's sister, strolled in tugging a large Great Dane beside her. "Sorry I'm late. I got held up by a phone call."

  Jayne hugged her, then laughed as the dog darted straight into the pool. "We figured you got held up by your fiancé."

  She smiled a face-splitting grin that shone with the giddy happiness of new-found love. "Well, maybe a bit."

  "No worries. The food just came off the grill." Zander gestured at the table. "Help yourself."

  Once they were all seated and eating, Irisa set her fork aside and cleared her throat. "Time to talk business. We have a situation. Vance Dubrow contacted me today."

  Everyone groaned in unison, but Luke felt the groan all the way to the pit of his stomach. A direct phone call from the recording label's president was never a good thing.

  Zander shook his head and gestured with his beer. "We just got done with the tour. The label knows we're taking a long, overdue, and much needed break. We're doing the fan contest this month, then the fan party in Vegas, and then we're on hiatus. I don't want to hear the words new album, recording, studio sessions, or special performances."

  "How about the words you're done?"

  The words took a second to sink in and then Luke's stomach sank like a lead weight. "What?"

  "Are you serious?" Landry formed a fist by his plate. He shot one look at Luke before returning his attention to Irisa.

  "Done?" Brendan frowned, his face for once devoid of any smile. "Why?"

  Zander reached for Jayne's hand. "What did Vance say?"

  "He said that due to all of the drama on the last tour, and album sales not meeting expectations, they've opted to exercise the greatest hits clause in our contract to fulfill the final album obligation. They feel they'll make more money there than spending money on a brand new album from The Fury. They're releasing it in a month."

  Silence reigned. They'd been with the label from the band's inception. Ten years was a long time.

  "So, we're free of them? The Fury is no longer part of Excite Records?" Zander carefully looked at his plate, expression unreadable.

  Shit. Luke glanced at his band mates. Guilt settled over him like a heavy blanket. Granted, they'd all played a part in things spiraling out of control, but the majority of the blame rested squarely on his shoulders. He'd do whatever they wanted to fix it. "Guys, I'm
sorry. We all know I fucked up the most this last tour. I don't want to bring anyone down with me. Maybe the label will reconsider if I'm gone."

  Zander's head shook swiftly. "No way, man. We're not losing you."

  "We weren't happy with Excite for dicking us around these past few years anyway." Brendan patted his shoulder. "This might be a good thing."

  Irisa signaled for their attention. "They've also pulled the plug on the fan contest."

  "That's bullshit. It's only six weeks away." Luke slammed his fist on the table. "We created the contest to mend our relationship with the fans. We can't not see that through."

  "So what do we do now?" Landry scowled into his beer. "Form our own label?"

  Zander snapped his fingers. The light of battle came into his eyes and a slow smile spread across his face. "Hell, yeah. That's exactly what we do. We're forming our own label."

  "What are we going to call it—Furious Records?" Brendan laughed and reached for a second burger.

  "Actually, I like that name." Luke grinned as the other guys agreed. "How about this? Instead of just winning the chance to perform with us, the fans we select will combine to form a group which will be the first band to sign under our new label. You all know they were hoping for a chance to sign with someone. Might as well be us."

  Brendan nodded. "They could open for us on our next tour."

  Irisa held up both hands. "Slow down. You're creating a lot of work for me to do. Let me grab something so I can make a list. If we're keeping with the six week timetable, I need to get started now."

  Luke pulled out his phone and opened the note app. "My fuck-ups caused most of the drama, so I'll take the lion's share of the work. We need a venue in Vegas, clothes for the new band when we do the unveiling, a name for them, and logos for both our label and them."

  Jayne touched his arm. "The fan contest was my idea. I'm happy to help you. We can let the fans choose the new band's name. That would be fun."

  "Thanks. We'll also need a press release."

  Again, Irisa waved her hand. "Jett Hale called me today. He had a cancellation on his TV show and wanted to know if we could fill in. It would be good for publicity and a great way make this new announcement."

  Jett was one of their biggest supporters. They'd been guests on his New York City based hard rock show numerous times over the years. Luke nodded. "I'm in. When?"

  "In about two weeks. Friday, the twelfth."

  "Works for me. I have to be in NYC that week anyway for one of my fan auditions." The words came out casually, but Luke felt anything but calm. The city that never sleeps was also the home of the one woman in the world he couldn't forget.

  "Lucky you." Brendan frowned into his beer. "I'm in Arizona that week. Do you know how long the flight is from Phoenix to New York?"

  Luke glanced at Zander, and then Landry. They all knew how much Brendan hated flying.

  Before he could say anything, Landry gave them a slight nod and then threw his wet towel at Brendan's chest. "I'm in Texas then for mine. I'll meet you in Phoenix after that, Bren. We'll travel together."

  "Thanks, man. I'm almost sorry I pushed you into the pool now." Brendan grinned, drumming his hands on the table as Landry flipped him off.

  The fan auditions were individual—each member auditioning four fans, in four cities, spread out across the country. Luke wouldn't have minded some company in New York. Something to help distract him from Audrey.

  As if Irisa read his mind, she cleared her throat. "We need to figure out set design, clothes, and the rest. I know we always use Audrey as our fashion designer. She called me today, before I heard from Vance, to invite me to a fashion show she's hosting on the thirteenth. It's the day after Jett's show, so we'll all be in New York anyway. I'm going to attend. She said to extend the invitation to the band too. I could see if she's available to work with us on this project."

  Every head swiveled in Luke's direction. His mouth went dry.


  Just hearing her name was enough to slash a fresh blade of regret through his stomach. His fingers clenched the cold bottle in his hand. For the sake of the band, he'd somehow suffer through while the only woman he'd ever dreamed of a forever with would be achingly close and firmly out of reach. "Fine by me."

  While the guys compared the rest of their audition dates and flights, he headed into the kitchen under the guise of grabbing more beer for everyone. Anything to work off the nervous energy that filled him. If she agreed to work with them, how the hell would he steel his heart?

  Irisa slipped into the room and closed the patio door at her back. "Hey."

  He nodded. "Want a beer?"

  "Sure," she said casually, but he could tell he'd been cornered alone for a reason. He just hoped to God it wasn't another round of sisterly bullshit.

  "About Audrey," she began, taking the microbrew. Her rings glittered in the light shining through the window.

  He dragged his gaze from the sparkles to her face. "Yeah?"

  "I wasn't sure I should tell you this, but I think Audrey wanted me to tell you, even though she didn't ask me to. She called off the engagement with Dante. They've split."

  Hope flared a second before his protective instincts kicked in. If that bastard had hurt her... "Did she say why?"

  "Just that she couldn't go through with it." She sipped from the bottle, taking his measure while she tilted it back. "Here's the thing. Then she asked about you."

  His heart picked up speed. "Did she? What did you tell her?"

  "Only that you were fine. Although fine is a stretch." Brows raised, she studied his face. "You're not yourself. And neither is she. I could tell from the tone of her voice."

  "Huh." He resisted the urge to press for details like exactly how she'd sounded when she'd asked, or if she'd asked anything else, or if she'd—He shook his head. Screw it. Who cared if he looked pathetic? Irisa had already seen him at his worst. "Did she say anything else?"

  "She specifically asked if I thought you'd come to her fashion show."

  "That doesn't mean she wants to see me. For all I know, she's hoping like hell that I don't show up."

  "That's not true." Irisa took the bottle from his hand and set it next to hers on the counter. "Listen to me. You both have that same sad, mopey thing going on. Trust me, the way she asked was hopeful, not wary."

  "You think?" The ache in his gut shifted and eased. There was only one thing to do. He pushed away from the counter. "Tell the guys I had to go. I need to pack and get on the next flight. What was the name of the hotel we stayed in? The one by Central Park?"

  "You're going to New York now? You're supposed to be in Nashville in a few days for your first fan audition, remember?"

  "Don't worry, I'll make it to Tennessee. But there's no way I'm waiting around until the thirteenth to see her. If there's a chance I can get her back, I'm taking it. In fact, I'll also present a proposal to her for our project. One less thing for you to worry about."

  "I think I'll still worry about you. Are you sure you're going to be able to work with her that closely?"

  "That's a chance I'm willing to take." He pulled up short by the door. Landry had driven him to Zander's. Shit. He pulled out his phone, ready to call a cab.

  Before he could dial, Irisa dragged him by the elbow to the door, keys in hand. "Come on, I'll drive you back. With the way you're acting, I don't trust you to remember to book a hotel, let alone get on the right flight. Plus, you need help drafting the proposal."

  "You rock, you know that?"

  "Yeah, yeah. Flattery will get you everywhere."

  He grinned. "Don't need everywhere. Just the airport."

  Chapter Two

  Skyscrapers towered overhead, gleaming in the harsh sunlight. Luke stepped out of the cab onto the sidewalk outside Audrey Pierce Designs. He hooked his sunglasses onto his shirt collar, tried to ignore the twisting in his stomach, and swung back the glass doors to beeline for reception. Then bounded up the stairs two at a time.
r />   A blonde woman wearing all black smiled at him. "May I help you?"

  "I'm here to see Audrey."

  "Your name?"

  "Luke Thompson."

  "Just a moment." She disappeared down a hallway.

  Blondie left him plenty of time to appreciate the office digs. At least he had a lot to look at while his heart pounded through his chest. Mannequins draped in leather, sequins, chains, and denim showcased her creations. Audrey had claimed her fame dressing rock's biggest names, The Fury included. The first time he saw her, at a photo shoot for their album cover three years earlier, it was as though arrows had scored a direct shot to his heart. He'd yet to recover.

  She'd been connected with Rob Hawke at the time. The larger than life rocker had been kind to The Fury during their early years. His endorsement of Audrey's designs had made her the most sought after designer in the music industry. When Luke and Audrey had met and he'd looked into her eyes and felt her soft hand in his, he'd finally understood the phrase love at first sight. Or maybe soul mate was more accurate. All he knew was something had clicked, and the look in her eyes had suggested she'd felt it too. But he wasn't a poacher, and he liked and respected Rob too much to try to steal his woman.

  Audrey's sunny personality made her instantly likable, and his band mates and Irisa had warmed up to her immediately. After that, Luke requested Audrey's clothing line for any photo shoot or tour or interview that he could. Anything to stay on her radar.

  The floor creaked behind him and Luke twisted to glance down the hallway. No sign of Audrey. Hopefully, Irisa hadn't been wrong. Maybe running off like a love sick teenager hadn't been a smart idea after all. But he hadn't known what else to do. Shoving his hands into his back pockets, he wandered the room and took deep breaths of the lemon-scented air to calm his pounding heart.

  Framed photos lined one wall. At the center, a picture from The Fury's photo shoot in Central Park, taken a few months earlier, caught his attention. That was the last time he'd seen her. When he'd learned she wasn't with Rob anymore, he'd convinced her to hang out with them while they played shows in New York and New Jersey. At the final show, they'd shared a private moment in the band's dressing room. He'd asked her out and she'd put on the breaks fast. "I don't date rockers anymore." Definitive. Final. He'd waited for her to add in that she'd still give him a chance, because it was him, and she'd felt their bond, but she'd remained silent. He'd been embarrassed, pissed as hell at himself that he'd either read her interest wrong or that she'd dismissed him based on his profession alone. He'd immediately shut down.


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