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Hometown Proposal

Page 12

by Merrillee Whren

  “I don’t think you’ll scare her away. She seemed quite concerned about you while you were in the hospital after the accident.”

  His mother’s statement gave him hope, but he didn’t want to be too hopeful and find he’d been too optimistic. “That’s the kind of person Elise is—the kind who cares for other people. That’s why Olivia was drawn to Elise from the very beginning. She cares about my little girl.”

  Maggie touched his arm. “And I think she still cares about you, too.”

  “We’ll see.” He wished he had his mother’s conviction, and he hoped she wasn’t going to interfere by trying to push Elise and him together. He wanted to do this in his own time and his own way. Then he cautioned himself. Better make that God’s time and God’s way.

  As Seth and Maggie continued toward the gathering in the Kellers’ backyard, Elise approached them. She still held Olivia in her arms.

  “Hi, Daddy. I finded ’Lise.”

  “You did.” Smiling, Seth glanced at Elise. “Hi. Thanks for including my mother.”

  Elise looked past him. “Hello, Mrs. Finley. It’s good to see you again. I’m so glad you could join us today.”

  “Thanks. And please call me Maggie.”

  Elise gave her a tentative smile. “Okay. I’ll try to re member.”

  Maggie surveyed the crowd. “I wanted to say hi to your mother, but I don’t see her.”

  With her free hand, Elise pointed toward the house. “She’s in the kitchen, preparing for the big picnic.”

  “Does she need help?”

  Elise shook her head. “She’s in there surrounded by most of my aunts, who are helping her. My mom and aunts have these holiday gatherings down to a fine science. If there’s any reason to celebrate, the Kellers throw some kind of party. They’ve got things so well organized that sometimes I think the food serves itself. But I’m sure she’d love for you to stop in and say hello.”

  “I think I’ll do that.” Maggie smiled. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciated your parents’ hospitality when Seth was in the hospital.”

  “I know my mom enjoyed having you and Olivia at the house. She loves entertaining company.”

  “Okay, then, I’m headed up there.” Maggie gave Olivia a kiss on the cheek. “You keep an eye on your daddy and make sure he uses his cane.”

  “Daddy and I be good.” Pointing toward the group of children playing in the giant sand box at the edge of the yard, Olivia squirmed to get down. “I go play?”

  “Okay. Go have fun.” Elise set Olivia on the ground, and she toddled off to join the other youngsters.

  Seth turned his attention to Elise. “I’ve graduated. No more crutches.”

  “I see.” Elise smiled. “That’s great. How does the leg feel?”

  “Good. Doc says I’m making excellent progress.” He grinned. “I’m ready for the Wiffle Ball game. Has Nathan got it set up?”

  Elise nodded. “He’s planning on the game, but since we have more room here than at your place, he intends to play softball rules so more people can play.”

  “I’m there.”

  Elise narrowed her gaze. “Your daughter told your mom you’d be good. I’m not sure running bases with or without a cane is being good.”

  Seth laughed. “Are you concerned that I’ll hurt myself?”

  “Seth, be serious. You don’t want to fall and break your other leg or an arm, do you?”

  Seth placed a hand over his heart and gave Elise a deadpan look. “I’m serious. I want to play Wiffle Ball.”

  Raising her eyebrows, Elise shook her head. “You’re not serious. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be teasing me and ignoring my advice.”

  “Does this mean you care about me?”

  Elise stared at him as if she weren’t sure what to say. “Sure. I care about you. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. You have a little girl to care for.”

  “I know. Olivia’s the most important thing in my life. She’s my top priority, so I’m going over to the picnic table near the sandbox, so I can keep an eye on her. Would you like to join me?” Seth wasn’t sure what to make of Elise’s answer. Did she only care about him because of Olivia, or was there something more personal there?

  Elise hesitated as that same wary expression he’d seen before crossed her face. “Okay.”


  Seth limped alongside Elise as they walked to the picnic table in silence. He could already feel his confidence about asking her out slipping away. He didn’t want to be the guy who was too full of himself, but he didn’t want to be so diffident that he couldn’t get up the nerve to ask Elise for a date.

  When they reached the picnic table, Seth vowed to quit thinking about what he wanted. This conversation was the first step in a journey to reconnect with this woman, and he needed to think about her and her wishes.

  He waved at Olivia as he sat on the bench, facing outward so he could watch her. “I’m right over here if you need me.”

  She waved back with her little plastic shovel. “I digged a hole.”

  “Good job.” Seth waved again before he turned his attention to Elise. “Does this gathering include people from both sides of your family?”

  “Yes, and friends and neighbors, too. I think this is the biggest party of the year for my dad.” Elise glanced over to where her dad was talking with a group of men while they readied the big built-in barbeque grill to cook the meat.

  “Is your dad in charge of the grilling?”

  Elise nodded. “And the singing.”

  “Yeah. I’m waiting to hear your dad sing, and you, too.”

  “Have I told you that you have the most adorable daughter?” Elise’s brandy-colored eyes showed genuine affection for Olivia as she changed the topic of conversation. Seth went with the flow, not wanting to push.

  “No, but your actions have told me. I think she’s adorable myself, but I’m prejudiced. I guess you figured that out.” Seth knew his past actions had told Elise that he was a very self-centered man. He wanted to show her with every fiber of his being that he was a different man now. He was capable of prioritizing other people over himself—especially if the people included his daughter, or Elise.

  “Yeah, I can pretty much tell she’s got you wrapped around her little finger.” Elise laughed.

  “I have to confess. That’s probably true.” Seth leaned back against the picnic table and hoped to get her to talk about herself. “How did your finals go?”


  “So are you done and have the summer off?”

  “No. I’m taking classes during the summer session, but I get my degree in August.”

  “That’s super! Then what are you going to do? Any job prospects?”

  Shaking her head, she grimaced. “Not a huge demand for music teachers these days—special ed, yes, but that’s definitely not my calling.”

  “No openings for music teachers in Kellerville?”

  “I was hoping one of them would retire at the end of the year, but they all plan to stay at least one more year. Mom told me that today after she talked to one of my aunts who works in the district office.” Elise shrugged. “I guess I’m going to have to send out applications to school districts in other places.”

  “So you’d move away from Kellerville?” Seth didn’t want to believe it. Wouldn’t that be a cruel joke, if she moved just months after he’d taken a job here?

  “Not what I want, but looks like I’ll have to.”

  Seth’s heart sank. How was he supposed to win her back if she moved away? Maybe this was the answer from God that Seth didn’t want to hear.

  No. He wasn’t ready to give up. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Not yet. Somehow things would work out, or God would make it completely clear that Elise wasn’t supposed to be part of his life.

  Seth wanted to take her hand in his and comfort her and tell her everything would work out for the best. But he gripped the edges of the bench to keep his hands to himself. She might
not welcome his comfort, but he could at least tell her he didn’t want her to go. “I hope something works out so you don’t have to move.”

  “Thanks.” Elise smiled. “Me, too.”

  Her smile made Seth’s heart race. He should quit wasting time and ask her out. She’d agreed to sit with him here. That had to be a good sign.

  As he was about to open his mouth, Juliane rushed up to them, her breath coming in gulps. “Lukas’s grandfather drove his car into the ditch about a mile up the road.”

  Elise jumped up from the bench. “Is Ferd okay?”

  Juliane nodded and pointed toward the house. “He’s right over there. I think he’s a little shaken, but he’s fine.”

  After grabbing his cane, Seth stood. “If he drove his car into the ditch, how did he get here?”

  “He walked, and Dot, too.” Juliane looked back toward the house. “Lukas and some of the other men drove over there, thinking they could push the car out, but we’ve had so much rain lately that they can’t push it out. It’s really stuck in the mud.”

  Seth took a step forward. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Yes, that’s why Lukas called on me. He said he thought you had a tow strap in your pickup truck. Do you?”

  “I do.”

  “Good. They want to use it to pull Ferd’s car out of the ditch.” Juliane flipped open her cell phone. “I’ll call Lukas and let him know.”

  “Tell him I’m on my way.” Seth turned back to Elise. “Will you watch Olivia for me?”

  “Of course.” Elise reached out and grabbed his arm, pulling him to a stop. “Be careful and let the other guys do the pushing, okay? I don’t want anything else to happen to you, especially now that you’re getting better.”

  His pulse pounding, he grinned. “I’m sure they’re going to want me to drive my pickup, not push the car.”

  As he limped away, he couldn’t help thinking about the lost opportunity to ask Elise for a date. Maybe he’d lost this chance, but her reaction told him that she cared more than a little bit about him. That gave him hope. The day wasn’t over.

  Chapter Ten

  “Looks like someone has recaptured your heart.”

  Hearing Juliane’s voice, Elise whirled around and glared at her sister. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You tell me. You seemed awfully concerned about Seth.”

  “Can’t I care what happens to him without you jumping to all kinds of wild conclusions?”

  “Are they wild?”

  “Yes.” Elise didn’t even want to discuss it, but she knew Juliane wouldn’t let it go. “I know how he is, and he’d go headlong into helping when he shouldn’t. He has to think about Olivia.”

  “Oh, so that’s how it is, huh?”

  Elise held up her hands. “Okay, you don’t have to tell me. I should mind my own business, but he did ask me to keep an eye on her. And…”

  Juliane gave Elise a hug. “It’s okay. But I think you should be honest with yourself and examine your feelings about Seth.”

  Elise sighed. “You keep telling me that. I have, and I haven’t figured out one thing. I’m still as confused as ever.”

  “Well, at least that’s a start.”


  “You’re admitting your confused feelings to me instead of ignoring the subject.” Juliane grinned.

  Elise laughed halfheartedly. “Yeah. And don’t go sharing that with anyone.”

  “You can count on me.” Juliane did the locking-lips routine again.

  Elise laughed out loud. “I love having you for a sister.”

  “That’s not what you said when we were in high school.”

  “Yeah, I know, but isn’t it great to grow up and find out we can be friends?”

  “It is.”

  Elise glanced at the sandbox. “I’d better do my duty here and keep an eye on Olivia.”

  “And I’m going up to the house to help serve the food.” Juliane started to walk away, then turned back. “Save a spot for Lukas and me, so we can all eat together, okay?”

  “I will.” Elise resumed her spot at the picnic table and watched Olivia as she played with the other kids.

  As the minutes ticked by, Elise enjoyed observing the little girl’s interaction with her playmates. Even at two and a half, Olivia already had her father’s ability to charm her companions. She’d already stolen Elise’s heart. Was that what was drawing her to Seth, too? Was she admitting Juliane was right—that Seth had recaptured her heart? No. He still had a long way to go in that regard, but he was definitely softening her resolve to keep her distance. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do about it. Let it happen, or resist?

  “We got the car out of the ditch, and I’m still in one piece.” Seth’s voice sounded behind her.

  Her heart racing, Elise took a calming breath before she turned to find Seth standing on the other side of the table. “That’s good. Did you find out why he went into the ditch?”

  Seth nodded. “Just like me, he swerved to avoid hitting a deer. That’s a dangerous stretch of road. At least his car only went into the ditch.”

  “Did this bring back the memories of your accident?”

  “It did.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Elise couldn’t imagine reliving the horrific event.

  Seth rubbed the back of his neck. “You know, I want to remember the best thing about that day—your dad praying with me and telling me to hang on while they got me out of that car.”

  A lump rose in Elise’s throat. Turning to look at Olivia in the sandbox so Seth couldn’t see, she blinked rapidly to suppress the tears stinging her eyes. Seth had lived through the terrible accident, but it hurt Elise to think of what might have happened without her father’s help. With her emotions finally under control, she faced him. “I’m glad he did. And now that you’re back, I’m going up to the house to help with the last-minute food prep. See you later.” She started to sprint toward the house.


  She stopped. “What?”

  “I hope you’re planning to eat with Olivia and me.”

  “And Juliane and Lukas.” She raced away before he could say anything else. She wasn’t ready to face what was happening. Now that Seth didn’t need her help to get through his recovery, spending time with him had a whole new dimension. She had to decide how their relationship would move forward.

  After Elise got her food, she found a seat at the picnic table where she and Seth had sat earlier. Lukas and Juliane soon joined Elise, putting their plates on the table across from her.

  “Hey, how’s my sister-in-law-to-be?” Lukas stood by as Juliane scooted across the bench.

  “Good.” That was, if she ignored her nervous anticipation about Seth sitting nearby. At least Juliane and Lukas would serve as a buffer.

  “I understand Juliane has talked you into joining us on the church float during the Fourth of July parade.” Lukas took a bite of his hamburger.

  “She has.” Elise wondered what this would entail. She’d been afraid to ask.

  Laying down her fork, Juliane looked at Elise. “Speaking of that, do you think you and Seth could get together to go over some songs?”

  Elise narrowed her gaze. “I can’t speak for Seth. Have you talked to him about it?”

  Juliane nodded. “I mentioned it to him at church, and he agreed to do it.”

  “That’s good.” Elise wondered why Seth hadn’t mentioned it while they were watching Olivia.

  “I’m glad to hear you say so.” Juliane took a sip of her lemonade.

  A puzzled frown knitting his brow, Lukas looked from Juliane to Elise. “Am I missing something here?”

  Elise bit her lower lip as she glanced up at Lukas. Obviously, Juliane hadn’t shared with Lukas any information about Elise’s relationship with Seth. Elise was grateful for Juliane’s silence, but Lukas might as well know what was going on. Elise let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, here’s the deal. Seth and I used to be involved when we
were working together. It didn’t end well. So sometimes things are awkward between us.”

  Lukas raised his eyebrows. “That explains it. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.”

  Elise laughed halfheartedly. “That’s okay. You didn’t know.”

  Lukas turned and looked at Juliane. “Yeah, how come I didn’t know?”

  “You know why you didn’t know. That was sister stuff I couldn’t share.” Juliane playfully punched him in the arm.

  Lukas held up his arms, pretending to defend himself. “Okay, okay. I won’t interfere in the sister stuff. I think that’s something I should put in my permanent how-to-be-a-good-husband memory bank.”

  Elise laughed. “Juliane, I think you’re marrying a very smart man.”

  “Of course, she is.” Lukas put an arm around Juliane’s shoulders and pulled her close.

  Elise took in their good-natured kidding and wished she could be as fortunate as her sister. As Elise continued to eat, she wondered what had become of Seth. She scanned the crowd but didn’t see him or Olivia. He was the one who’d asked to sit with her, but he hadn’t shown up. Had her response about sitting with Juliane and Lukas made Seth think she wasn’t all that interested in eating with him? Why was every decision about Seth accompanied with self-doubt or recriminations?

  “How are you guys going to fit all this singing stuff into your schedule with your wedding coming up in two weeks and then your honeymoon?”

  “We have two whole weeks before the parade to practice after we get back.”

  As Elise took a big bite of her hamburger, she saw Seth maneuvering his way through the picnic tables. Maggie walked close behind him as she helped Olivia with her plate. Olivia appeared unnaturally subdued. Where had they been all this time?

  “Looks like you guys are almost done eating. Were you thinking we weren’t coming?” Seth set his plate on the table, then picked up Olivia and helped her onto the bench at Elise’s end.

  Elise wondered whether she wanted to admit she’d been thinking about him. Quit being silly. Be a grown-up. “I did wonder what had happened to you.”


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