Hometown Proposal
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Seth picked up his little girl. “What do you think, Olivia?”
Olivia clapped her little hands. “I loves Daddy. I loves ’Lise.”
Seth pulled them both into his embrace. “Olivia has the right idea. We’re going to love each other forever.”
While Elise stood in the circle of Seth’s arms with Olivia and drank in the wonder of this day, she realized God had answered her prayer. He’d shown her how to face her fears and be merciful, and in return she’d received mercy and love.
Dear Reader,
Thank you for choosing to read Hometown Proposal. I hope you enjoyed another story set in Kellerville. The journey that Elise and Seth took to reconciliation is a lesson in forgiveness and mercy. Sometimes forgiveness is hard because the hurt is so deep, but God can give us the strength to forgive and show mercy. When I don’t feel very merciful, I like to remind myself of the story that Jesus told Matthew in 18:21-35.
I love to hear from readers. I enjoy your letters and e-mails so much. You can write to me at P.O. Box 16461, Fernandina Beach, Florida 32035, or through my Web site: www.merrilleewhren.com.
May God bless you,
At the beginning of the story Elise is upset with her sister, Juliane, because she kept information about Seth a secret. Do you think Elise had justification for being upset? Has something like this happened to you? If so, how did you handle it?
Seth is worried about seeing Elise because he doesn’t know how she will react to his having Olivia. How would you feel if you were in Elise’s place?
The sudden death of Seth’s father made him examine his life and make changes. Have you or someone you know had a tragic event precipitate a life-changing examination? Explain.
Although Elise doesn’t want to be drawn into Seth’s life, she feels the pressure from those around her to do the “right” thing when it comes to helping him. As Christians, we are often called to help those in need. Discuss the feelings that can accompany this call.
Elise thinks about how God wants her to treat Seth. How might the message in Luke 6:27-36 help her? Discuss the difficulties with following God’s directives in these verses.
Seth is prompted by his faith to seek forgiveness from those he has hurt. Do you think asking for forgiveness can be as difficult as the forgiving? Why or why not?
Seth became a Christian, in part, because he saw how the church members gave his mother support when her husband died. Matthew 6:2-4 and John 13:35 are two scriptures that shed light on this subject. What do they say about how we should treat one another?
Both Elise and Seth have problems forgiving themselves for their past mistakes. Do you ever have problems forgiving yourself? How could these verses help? Psalm 103:11-13; Romans 4:7-8; 1 John 1:9
Seth wants desperately to reconcile with Elise, but he fears that God may have other plans for his life. How do the verses in Isaiah 55:8-9 relate to the lives of the characters in this story? How do they relate to your life?
Both Elise and Seth know that God has a plan for their lives, but often they are afraid to let God have complete control. Do you wonder about God’s plan for your life? What do the following scriptures say about God’s plans? Job 42:2; Proverbs 16:19; Proverbs 19:21; Jeremiah 28:11
Elise tells Seth that she believes God can use our lives even when we don’t make a good decision. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Seth is haunted by the mistakes from his past. He fears that those mistakes will always be a barrier between Elise and him. Why do past wrongs often keep people apart? What can be done to prevent that from happening?
Father’s Day creates mixed feelings for Seth. The day makes him remember his dad’s death, but it also reminds Seth what a blessing he has as Olivia’s father. Holidays can be difficult times when we have lost loved ones. What steps can a person take to deal with those difficult times? What can a person do to remember the blessings?
Elise is hurt and confused by Sophie’s reappearance in Seth’s life. Do you think her reaction was reasonable? Why or why not? Have you or someone you know had to deal with a similar situation? If so, how did you handle it? How does the story of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18:21-35 apply to the characters in this story?
ISBN: 978-1-4268-6500-8
Copyright © 2010 by Merrillee Whren
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