Book Read Free

Pursuing The Plug

Page 13

by Mercy B

  “And what’s that?”


  “In that case, maybe I will stay put.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  “I’m exhausted anyhow.”

  “So am I. Now, shut up, and get some shut eye.”

  The feeling of Hampsher’s hand resting on Rafeeq’s head was both appalling and appreciated. The circles she drew as she massaged his scalp brought him solace and closer to his destination. Sleep was near, and he couldn’t wait to catch up to it.

  Hampsher lay awake and listened to the sounds of Rafeeq. As he journeyed to a faraway place, she simply quieted her mind and opened her heart. She wanted to accept him. She needed to accept him because the rejecting was tearing her to bits and pieces. However, she understood that her acceptance would be consequential. For the being, she was willing to take the risks involved.

  His heartbeat, breathing, and pulse were all of significance to Hampsher. Their rhythm was the sweetest melody she’d ever heard in her lifetime. If she had to admit to herself, she’d love to wake to the sound each morning and lay down with it as her background music each night as she was lulled to sleep. The thoughts she was having frightened and excited the distressed damsel as her eyes closed and body succumbed to the demand of rest that had been requested.

  “Wake up, sleepy head. Are you planning to sleep in all day?” Rafeeq questioned Hampsher as he stood over her.

  “What time is it?” Stirring, Hampsher stretched her arms and pulled a fully clothed Rafeeq into the bed with her.

  It was Thursday evening, the day before she was set to return home for the week. Hampsher had gone back to her grandparent’s home after she and Rafeeq had awakened at her home. The budding couple shared their first car ride together with him in the driver's seat. Though Hampsher ended her stay in Philly on Wednesdays, she’d been convinced to add an extra day to her trip so that she and Rafeeq could spend some time together. However, the only thing she wanted was to sleep, and he had to handle business at the bar for hours on end, or so it seemed.

  “Time for you to wake your ass up.” Rafeeq tightened his grip around her body and inhaled her womanly fragrance. She didn’t wear perfume, but there was the smell of oatmeal and honey that rested on her skin at all times.

  “For why?” Hampsher whined, wanting more time in the coziness of Rafeeq’s sheets. He’d had the linen changed to a solid white with it being her preference. Anything he could do to make her feel at home, he did as a way of alerting her that she’d been spending serious time at his crib. Rafeeq was learning the benefits of in-house pussy, and he wanted that shit as close to him as often as possible.

  “For why?” The both chuckled, Hampsher more lazily and drawn out. “Because we have shit to do.”

  “Or we could cancel, and just stay here.”

  “No. You’ve been doing that shit for the last twenty something years. The last thing I’m thinking about is staying here. Get up.” Slapping her on the ass, Rafeeq lifted himself from the bed and tossed the covers from Hampsher’s body. “Get up.”

  “OK.” Giving into his commands, Hampsher lifted from the bed. “Let me relieve my bladder and freshen my breath. You never answered me. What time is it?”

  Rafeeq didn’t bother checking the time. Instead, he became completely engulfed in the naked body before him. Hampsher hated sleeping in clothing, and that drove Rafeeq up the wall. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever get acclimated with seeing her undressed and looking every bit of fuckable.

  “Down boy,” he warned his dick, which was rising to the occasion. “We have all night.”


  “It’s seven, H. A bit past seven. We need to get going soon.”

  “Where are we going again?”

  “Out!” Rafeeq yelled behind Hampsher. “You’re not slick. Quit yapping and get dressed.”

  Dressed in a pair of black jeans and one of his white shirts that she’d tied to fit her, Rafeeq admired Hampsher as she stepped from the back of the truck and into his chest. She wasn’t one of the women that plastered her face with makeup and wore the skimpiest of outfits, but she was beautiful nonetheless. Her skin was flawless, giving her a glow that couldn’t be duplicated by product.

  “What cologne are you wearing? It is so strong.”

  “I don’t know, why? I haven’t put on any since this morning. I’m sure it has almost worn off by now. You ready?”

  “Do I have a choice?”


  “OK.” Hampsher tilted her head and stared at the large skater’s shoe that was on the building they stood in front of. “I’m ready then.”

  During their drive back to Philly, she’d exposed the fact that her childhood possibly wasn’t the normal one, and that she’d never been interested in the things that other children were. Her days consisted of books and nothing but higher learning. The books were her method of connecting with her mother, being that learning was both of their favorite activities.

  Rafeeq called off a long list of activities that children and young adults participated in as youths, and to his surprise, Hampsher hadn’t indulged in even one. Keeping that list embedded in his brain, he made a silent promise that they’d visit them all so that she could experience them with him. In his mind, forging childhood experiences would help Hampsher to unearth and become duller around the edges. She was as sharp as a knife for the time being.

  “Where are all the people?” Hampsher questioned, satisfied that no one was actually in the vicinity with them.

  Rafeeq had insisted that she leave her hoodie home. According to him, she’d been hiding from the world for too long, and he was correct. But he had no idea why. Hampsher knew that she had every reason to protect her identity. Her life wasn’t as common as Rafeeq imagined. In fact, she was everything but what he was attempting to see her as. The truth was he was attracted to a cold-blooded killer who would cut off her own hand if it meant saving the rest of her body.

  “It is just you and I. I rented the spot out so that you can bust your ass in peace. Here, let me help you with that.” Rafeeq assisted Hampsher in tightening her skates. Without them laced correctly, she was sure to fall.

  “Don’t act like you’re a pro at this.”

  “We have a rink at the crib. It was a family night tradition. I’m aight on the floor. You won’t catch me on the ground, though. I can assure you of that much.”

  Hampsher stopped to consider everything that was in their home before she moved with her grandparents. Because her father was concealing her identity and existence, there wasn’t much room for skating rinks or playrooms. The mention of family night brought about sore memories and a bitter taste for Hampsher.

  “Teach me your ways.” She nodded toward the large open floor.

  There was music in the background that she didn’t recognize and lights flashing all over the place. The tacky carpet was full of dots and circles of which made her dizzy just staring at it. There was a concession stand where they could buy treats or order food, but Hampsher wasn’t interested.

  “Come on. Stand and take my hand.” Rafeeq reached out to Hampsher.

  She obliged, standing to her feet and grabbing his hand. Though her body was still, her feet began to protrude. The wheels on the skates continued rolling until Hampsher’s body contorted.

  “Whoa. Where are you going?” Rafeeq tossed a leg over her body and broke her fall.

  “Heck if I know. Do these things ever stop?” Both chuckled to combat the nervous energy that it was obvious Hampsher was harboring.

  Their tittering was short winded as the doors of the skating rink swung open, and three bodies snaked inside. There were two men who took position just beside another, serving as his protection. Hampsher and Rafeeq had heard their entrance and straightened their posture. Rafeeq’s hand rested on his waist, a sign that his gun was the next thing to come off of his hip. Hampsher, on the other hand, had placed her weight on the wooden railing behind them and dug her hand into her b
ra, where she was concealing a .22 that was small but had enough power to put the biggest nigga to rest. The slightest movement and she was going to go completely off.


  The third body became more visible as the men finalized their positions beside it. Hairs on the back of Hampsher’s neck stood at attention as her mouth slacked and breathing labored. The spitting image of the man she’d grown fond of stood with enough confidence to put anyone with insecurities to shame. His large, invisible ego was inflated and filling the vicinity to its capacity.

  Never removing her hand from her gun, Hampsher gripped the barrel a bit tighter and waited for Rafeeq’s response. His hands fell toward the sides of his body, and a slight smirk appeared on his handsome face, yet she was unable to witness the registering of his father’s presence in his demeanor. Hampsher could only sense it. Though hesitant, she slowly released the gun and removed her hand from her shirt.

  “Pops, what brings you here?” Rafeeq inquired.

  She’d heard great things around the city about him, listened on the low to the gloating of his name from people who’d entrusted him, and could even attest to the legacy that he’d built. But Hampsher had never seen his face or been in his presence. The RahMeek Jones was a mere myth if proof of his existence was backed by his appearances. Those days, he was simply a figure of speech, almost like a figment of the imagination.

  Seeing him in the flesh made it all real. He was among the living, and everything that Hampsher had heard of him exuded in his spirit as it protruded like a sore thumb, preceding him without effort. He was the epitome of a king who’d willingly handed his crown to his young son.

  It was the only explanation for Rafeeq’s aura and the way that he handled himself. He’d been raised as royalty and nothing short of. It was in his gestures, his mannerism, his words, his walk, his talk, and even in his bedroom skills. Rafeeq slung big dick energy around all day, and it was appropriate for the size package he was carrying below, which resembled the energy that was being injected into the air and produced by his father, who was only a few inches shorter and a few pounds lighter than him.

  “Something of significance that requires your presence and immediate attention,” RahMeek barked.

  Without hesitation, Rafeeq leaned forward and began unlacing Hampsher’s skates. He then did the same for his own. There were no words spoken as he handed her the shoes she’d worn before grabbing his own to toss on his feet. In record time, he was prepared to kiss the rink goodbye. Duty had called, and he was ready to answer.

  “Let’s roll.” He nodded forward, assuring Hampsher that their time of departure had come.

  “The girl stays.” RahMeek spoke again, causing both Rafeeq and Hampsher to snap their neck in his direction.

  Their eyes locked, connecting the second hers were upon him. Hampsher searched for something within him that she’d remembered seeing within her father but found nothing. Though notable, he was unreadable, and the fact frustrated Hampsher. For years, she’d studied personal traits, human behavior, and the list went on for miles. Upon contact, she could dissect and assess the most complex of creatures. Yet, she drew blanks when it came to the man before them.

  “H, take the keys to my truck and go back to my place. Don’t wait up for me. Get yourself some of that rest you’ve been begging for. I’ve got shit to do, ma.”

  Rafeeq spoke, jarring Hampsher from her thoughts and placing her head back in the correct space.

  “Alright.” Without putting up a fight, she agreed to the terms sat for her.

  He said nothing more. He only moved forward and closer to his father. Hampsher’s feet were planted as she watched the dynamic duo push forward and out of the doors. It wasn’t until Rafeeq and his father had reached the parking lot did he summon an answer.

  “What is it? The matter at hand?”

  “It’s your mother. She’s been in an accident.”

  Rafeeq’s entire system nearly shut down as he thought of a million worst-case scenarios. Add to that the fact that his mother must’ve been alone with his father finding the need to come scoop him up. Then there was Reign; she must’ve been frightened out of her mind.

  “Don’t worry. She’s well. She requested your presence, and I refused to give you that news over the phone and have a second collision on my hands.”

  Calming himself, Rafeeq began to understand why RahMeek’s presence was necessary. He was certain that his mother had played a part, knowing that he’d lose his shit if he received the news over the phone no matter how they attempted to downplay it.

  For hours, Hampsher admired the extremely high levels of melanin infused into Rafeeq’s skin as he slept. He’d returned in the wee hours of the morning and was out as soon as she was in his arms, and his head had hit the pillow. His slight snoring confirmed his exhaustion and need for rest, which was why Hampsher hadn’t awakened him.

  As she traced his goatee with her eyes for the hundredth time, her heart rate continued its erratic, unpredictable surges and plummeting. Completely smitten by the creature beneath her, Hampsher tried pinpointing the moment things for them had changed. In a matter of weeks, Rafeeq had accomplished a task she’d spent an entire childhood and adulthood shielding.

  A sly smile crept upon Hampsher’s lips at the thought of their first encounter, their second, and their third. Admittedly, Rafeeq had been a blissful addition to her boring life. She’d made every attempt to rid herself of him, but he continued to show up like a bad rash that she couldn’t cure.

  Along with his presence, an unfamiliar desire had been breached. Hampsher not only wanted to please herself, but she wanted to please him in the process which was half of the reason she’d slid under the covers. Rafeeq was clothed in only briefs, giving her immediate access to his large chunk of meat that fit into her pussy so perfectly as if it were its final destination. Hampsher pulled back the band of his shorts and freed his dick only to be captured again by her mouth.

  Daring herself to think or rethink about what she was committing to, Hampsher decided to simply go for it. It was the one obstacle she felt was holding her back from total submission, and she wanted to master and perfect the skill as soon as possible. Yes, Rafeeq had mentioned being completely satisfied, but she wasn’t convinced. In her heart, she knew that this was his thing. Getting his dick sucked made him feel like the king that he was.

  With Rafeeq’s limp dick in her hands, she opened her mouth and swung her tongue across the large head. Immediately, she felt a set of fingers gripping at her right wrist before the cover was removed from over her head. Rafeeq had awakened, and he didn’t look so happy. A nervous smile appeared on Hampsher’s face as she traced the lining of the bottom of his head where it connected to the remainder of his shaft.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  Hampsher hadn’t missed the jolting of his body at the flicker of her tongue, egging on her confidence. “I’m sucking your dick.”

  “If you gone suck this motherfucker, then you’ve got to suck it right,” he fussed, wanting to stop Hampsher but wanting to finally teach her the lesson at the same time. Torn, he allowed the flickering of her tongue to be the motivation he needed to direct her in her attempt to unman him in the early morning hours.

  “Move these hands. They have no place here. He can stand on his own.”

  And he could. Hampsher was astounded at the growth of Rafeeq’s dick as it remained in her hands. She could no longer fit her fingers around the damn thing. Obliging, she allowed his man to stand on its own without her assistance. Judging from such a close proximity, Hampsher had to admit that he was much larger than she’d initially thought.

  “Get em wet.”


  “Open wide and don’t stop until he reaches the back of your throat. Your mouth will water and possibly your eyes, but don’t worry about those. You may even feel like you need to gag and that’s cool too. I’ve got a closet full of sheets.”

  “I’m not going to p
uke on your bed, Rafeeq.”

  With a chuckle, he swiped his tongue across the top row of teeth in this mouth.

  “Yeah. Aight.”

  Obeying the rules, Hampsher did exactly as she’d been instructed. She felt as if the sides of her jaws would split at any second due to the wideness of his dick. However, she was determined and was able to fit him into her mouth and toward her throat. Clamping her jaws around him, she held her place until she felt saliva coating Rafeeq’s manhood. Her mouth watered giving her the ammunition she needed to finally slide up and down with Rafeeq’s assistance.

  “That a girl. Curve your lips to cover your teeth so that you won’t scratch my shit. You’re doing good.”

  Again, Hampsher followed as Rafeeq led. His hand was at the back of her head guiding her up and down. As she sucked his shaft, she wondered if this was all there was to oral stimulation of a man and wondered what was so thrilling about it. It wasn’t until Rafeeq continued tossing demands that she realized there was a science behind the entire thing.

  “Okay, you’ve got to grip my shit. Your jaws are too loose. Use your mouth as suction, but keep the spit coming. You do that by making sure I touch the back of your throat each time you come down.”

  Hampsher was the perfect student. She took pride in being so studious. It was the only way she’d become so knowledgeable. For the next fifteen minutes, she sucked and spit and followed every piece of information that was given to her to make Rafeeq’s balls churn and his nut spill from his dick. The thick, acid-like cum flowed down the back of her throat, causing her to gag. However, she was aroused by his praises and boasting about her completing the task, which encouraged her to swallow. She understood that it would all take some getting used to, but she was proud of herself nonetheless.

  “Are you hungry?” Hampsher heard from behind her as she laced up the black boots that she wore.

  “No, I don’t have much of an appetite,” she responded.


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