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Mobster's Angel (Mobster Series)

Page 13

by Rachiele, Amy

  “Happy birthday,” Mrs. Delisi says to me from across the table.

  “Thank you,” I return. She hands me the bag she carried in.

  “I wasn’t sure what to get you.”

  “Thank you for thinking of me.” I open the bag and pull out a beautiful, soft white angora sweater. “I love it.”

  “I’m so glad.” Mrs. Delisi is nice and has been wonderful to Megan. I’m glad she cares about me too.

  Everyone is in their own conversations and examining the menu. I hear bits and pieces of wedding talk from my mother and Mrs. Delisi. Mr. Delisi is on his phone and my father is his typical quiet self.

  The waiter fills all of our water glasses and places wine goblets in front of everyone.

  “I’m going with the veal,” Antonio says.

  “I never get anything but chicken parm,” Megan offers.

  “You should try something else,” Antonio suggests.

  “No. I like it.” Megan puts her menu down and Antonio holds her hand in his. He is so in love with my sister.

  I sense Vito’s eyes on me while I read the choices. I turn and look up at him.

  “What are you thinking of having?” I ask him.

  He looks at me for a moment, clearly pondering what to say. He has that warm, comforting look on his face again. “Does it matter?” he finally says.

  I want to ask him what he means, but just then the waiter comes around to pour red wine in everyone’s goblets, including mine.

  Mr. Delisi stands. He holds his glass up high.

  “Your daughter is my daughter. And her sister is my daughter. Our families have come together. We share in the celebration of the little one’s birthday.” He tips his glass to me. “Happy birthday and salud.” The table echoes salud and everyone takes a drink.

  I look at Vito. I have a feeling I know what he meant anyway.


  The O’Neill’s kitchen is packed with people. I feel uncomfortable. The house is filled with Irish people I don’t know. I keep sticking my hand in my pocket to make sure the velvet box is still there.

  Her mom has decorated in all pink. Paper plates, cups, napkins, and a cardboard banner that says sweet sixteen. Antonio comes over to me.

  “How’s it going?”


  Kirk comes in from the living room. He must have just arrived. He's scared shitless of me, but I must be the only person he knows because he comes to stand beside me. We nod, acknowledging each other. He’s nervous.

  “This is Kirk,” I say to Tonio. “He’s in our Comp class.”

  “Hey,” Tonio says.

  Ronnie comes around the corner too. Kirk is slightly pleased to see him.

  “Hey,” he says.

  A kid with reddish-blonde hair and freckles crosses the kitchen to the refrigerator. It’s Connor. My eyes narrow and I spring to approach him, aggravated Erin even has to be in the same house with this fucker. Antonio stops me with a hand to my chest.

  “Don’t,” he says. “He is still a friend of the family.”

  I back off and leave the room, deciding it’s better for the kid’s health if I do. Antonio is coming around about Erin and me. He’s been really cool about it, actually.

  I pass a few people and something brushes my arm. The soft touch of a small hand comes from a hall closet.

  “Psst. Vito…” A tiny feminine voice whispers.

  She tugs me inside and shuts the door. The soft glow of the closet light illuminates Erin. Before I know what I’m doing I pull her close to me, wrapping my arms around her. I press my lips to her soft pink ones. My insides tighten and yell at me to take more. She’s all I’ve ever wanted. I run my fingers over her neck. Kissing her is sweeter than wine: a warming, mind-clouding fuck, and I haven’t even taken her clothes off. Shit! She has me… she controls me.

  “Happy birthday,” I say pulling back, trying to reel in my self-control.

  Erin’s face is glowing. Sixteen agrees with her. I stick my hand in my pocket and put the small box in her hand and her smile deepens.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything! I got enough presents from you last year to last a lifetime of birthdays.”

  “This is a new year,” I comment matter-of-factly.

  Erin opens up the tiny box and reveals a pair of diamond and emerald earrings.

  “They’re beautiful,” she gushes. “Thank you.” Erin takes them out of the box to put them on. She slips on one, then the other. “How do they look?”

  I don’t answer her; I kiss her because I need more.

  Chapter 16


  I compulsively look out my window, waiting for Vito. Every time I see his slick black car my heart jumps. My hand goes to my earlobe feeling the cool stones of the earrings he gave me last week at my birthday party.

  I notice someone parked across the street. It’s the same car I’ve seen all week. It looks like someone is in it. My heart lurches in a different way, but I try my best to calm my nerves. Maybe the neighbors just got a new car.

  Before I can panic too much, the engine starts and the car pulls away. I guess it was nothing.

  A few seconds later, Vito’s car smoothly parks against the curb of my house. I clap my hands together, giddy, and bolt out of my room. I run to my white wool coat hanging on a kitchen chair.

  “Where are you off to?” my mother asks.

  “Vito’s here. We’re going out.” I slip my arms into the sleeves and pull my long black hair out of the collar.

  “I don’t like you going out with him all the time. He’s too old for you.”

  “He’s more responsible and nicer than other people in my life.” I sound sarcastic, but it’s true.

  “I’m going to speak to your father about this.”

  “Go ahead,” I say. I want to leave. He hasn’t rung the bell yet.

  “I don’t like your attitude.”

  “Do you ever?” I ask bluntly, not letting her ruin my mood. I’m not really interested in her response.

  I walk to the door and head outside. I run down the steps and peek in the darkened windows of Vito’s car. Vito is on his cellphone. That explains why he didn’t come to the door right away. I reach for the handle and try open the car door. It’s locked.

  Vito’s door opens and he stands, still on his phone. He comes around and opens the passenger door for me.

  “I gotta go,” he tells whoever is on the line. “Picking up Erin,” he adds. “Yeah, I know.”

  He presses the end button. “I would have come to the door soon enough,” he says.

  “It’s fine. I just wanted to get out of there. My mom is on my case.”

  I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you,” I say with absolute sincerity. “Where are we going?” I slip into the car.

  “A club.”

  My door shuts and I watch Vito walk around to the driver’s side. I’m excited. A club.

  “I love to dance!” I exclaim with way too much exuberance as he gets in the car.

  Vito smiles at me and leans in to kiss me. He meant it to be chaste, but I’m turned on. I attack, wanting more from him. I’m over the center console. My arms wrap around his neck. I kiss him long and hard and it leaves me breathless. I haven’t felt happiness in a long time, and now I’m getting drunk on it.

  “Easy, Angel,” he whispers. He pulls away a little and puts his hand on my butt. “I’m not known for my self-control.”

  “I’m not worried about it.” I kiss him again. He squeezes me hard and it sends shivers through me. I moan.

  He pulls away. “Gotta stop,” he says with a fiery passion. I behave and sit back down in my seat. I click on my seatbelt and reach for my pocketbook to put on some lipstick. It’s not here.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “I forgot my purse.”

  “You don’t need it,” he says. I smile.

  He’s sweet for thinking I’m pr
etty without all the makeup. In fact, he’s nice to me all the time. He won’t even let me pay for anything. I should do something for him… to thank him. He reaches over, takes my hand, and holds it in his as he drives.

  It’s a short drive to the club; it’s right in town. There’s a line of people to get in, but we walk right past them. No one asks me for an ID. The bouncer at the door gives Vito a fist bump and we’re in. Colored lights spin and whirl around on the ceiling and walls. Music is pumping through large black speakers scattered around the room. The crowd is thick with moving, grinding bodies.

  The waitresses are wearing skimpy black dresses, their boobs practically hanging out. I feel self-conscious; I’m far from voluptuous. Vito doesn’t seem to notice as he scans the room for Ronnie.

  “Nice outfits,” I yell into his ear.

  Vito looks down at me. He places his hands on my shoulders possessively and pulls me close to him. He pushes me into his waist. I feel the hardness under his jeans. “This ain’t for them, Angel.”

  The forcefulness of the movement embarrasses and excites me. Vito typically treats me delicately. This wanton attitude is a welcomed change.

  “There he is.” Vito takes my hand and shuffles us through the crowd. It’s barely an effort because people move aside for him.

  It’s hot in here and my heavy coat is making me sweat. Ronnie is kissing the girl he’s with… passionately. He doesn’t stop to say hello or to acknowledge us. Heat rises to my face watching Ronnie practically devour the girl he’s with. I turn away, taking my coat off. I rest it on the back of a nearby chair.

  Vito leans down to whisper in my ear, “Too much for you?” he jests.

  “No. I just wish I was doing that.”

  Vito’s eyes flash with desire. He grabs my hand again and pulls me to the back of the club. He rushes us into a hallway by the bathrooms and through a side door into an office. It’s empty.

  “Don’t say shit like that to me,” his husky voice goes right through me.

  He picks me up, his hands under my butt, and pushes me against the wall. I let out a chirp of surprise and he kisses me. And kisses me. Hot and dirty. It’s nothing I have ever experienced before. Raw… pure… need.

  His hands knead my ass hungrily. I turn my head to catch my breath and he goes for my neck. He bites me. It’s erotic and startling. I cup his head in my hands and entwine my fingers deeply into his hair. His tongue strokes mine in a rhythmic motion that is intoxicating. My heart pumps harshly and my crotch dampens. One of his hands trails up my side and gropes me over my thin silk shirt. A sheen of thin sweat coats my skin. My need for Vito skyrockets. He is all man. There is no boy left in him. He is confident, strong, and wants me.

  The office door opens. I look over sharply. A man wearing an expensive suit is standing in the doorway.

  “Take it out of my office, Vito.”

  This guy knows Vito by name. Has he taken other girls in here? A flash of jealousy goes through me. He’s older than me - he’s seen more and done more. I get it. But a little voice inside me nags that maybe I’m just another notch in his bedpost. What does he want with me? A person he is used to calling kid, someone tiny and prone to bouts of mentally checking out?

  Vito lowers me reluctantly to the floor. His eyes are glued to me like I’m some sort of prey. He takes my hand and leads me back out into the hallway. He pushes me against the wall, bends down to my level, and kisses me frantically one last time before he takes my hand again and walks us back out into the club.


  That was stupid because now I’m so fuckin’ horny I could saw a brick in half with my dick. It’s what she does to me. She’s all I think about and want.

  “Can we dance?” Erin asks.

  “You can.”

  “You don’t dance?”

  “No. I’ll watch you.”

  At a table near Ronnie, I see someone familiar. Dennis, the guy Tonio and I shook up a couple of months ago. His face turns towards me and skews in fear. He takes off, pushing and shoving people in the club out of his way.

  What’s this shit? He paid. My instinct tells me something is fucked up.

  “Stay with Ronnie!” I tell Erin, and I chase Dennis through the throngs of people.

  Dennis dips around people and out a back exit. I follow. He does a stunad thing by checking behind him to see if I’m still coming. I’m right there. I send my fist out and pop him one in the jaw. He falls onto the sidewalk.

  “Shit!” he screams, rubbing his chin.

  “What the hell did I tell you? Don’t run!”

  He nods his head, while clutching his jaw.

  “Nothing says guilty more than fucking running like a bat out of hell when you see someone.” I help him up. “What’s going on?”

  “I… I borrowed more money.”

  “What the fuck?” I run my hands through my hair, exasperated.

  “I thought you were gonna try to collect.”

  “What the hell do you need more money for? Drugs? Gambling?” I ask irritated.

  “My mom is sick.”

  “That is the oldest fuckin’ line in the book.” He doesn’t look like a druggie. I grab his arm, checking for track marks. I take a good look in his eyes. They’re clear.

  “No. I’m serious. We can only afford shit doctors. Clinics don’t treat you for cancer. Her medicines are a couple of grand a month.”

  I sigh, looking him over. The kid looks like shit – looks like he hasn’t slept.

  “Well tonight is your lucky night,” I say, grabbing him by the shirt. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?” He’s scared shitless. I would be too. “I’ll get the money. I just need some time.”

  “I’m going to help you get the money.”


  Chapter 17


  I’m dancing with Ronnie’s girlfriend. Or the girl Ronnie is here with tonight. I’m not entirely sure what she is to him. Her name is Joanna. I only know because I asked her. Ronnie was sucking her face so much that the poor girl couldn’t even turn her head to talk. Dancing with me is a break for her.

  Ronnie is standing behind us near a tall table drinking a beer. It’s an unsecured one, I might add. A couple of guys try to dance with us, but Ronnie seems to be very schooled at shooing them away.

  I catch a glimpse of Vito. He’s so tall that I can see him above everyone else. He’s dragging someone with him.

  “Come on,” he mouths and holds his free hand out to me. I grab my coat. Ronnie, Joanna, and I follow him single file out of the club.

  “Meet me at Baby’s,” Vito orders Ronnie. We separate. Vito, the guy he is dragging, and I walk to the car.

  Vito opens the door for me and I slide in. The guy gets in the back.

  “This is for you only. You can’t tell any of your loser friends about this. And if you are fuckin’ lying to me about your mother, I will kill you. And I am not speaking theoretically.” Vito is almost shouting at the mysterious person in the back seat. The guy nods.

  Vito drives over to Baby’s place and parks on a side street. We walk to the entrance and Vito opens the metal door. A guy is sitting there is a folding chair. He jumps up, then relaxes.

  “Oh, it’s you.”

  “Hey, Joel. I’ve got a new one for Baby. I’m going to show him the ropes.”

  Joel waves us by, indifferent.

  “What is this place?” Dennis asks.

  “Underground fighting.”

  “Shit!” he says.

  “You’ll be fine,” Vito says reassuringly.

  “I’m no fighter. Look at me.” He points to his skinny body as we get to the bottom of the long stairwell.

  “I’m gonna teach you, Dennis.”

  “Where is everyone?” I ask.

  “No fights on Saturdays.” He turns back to the guy. “That means you’ve got a week to prepare.”

  Ronnie and Joanna come down and stand with us. There are a couple of guys in a corner way on t
he other side of the basement. Baby is sitting behind some newer looking crates in his own world, counting money like Ebenezer Scrooge.

  Vito drags Dennis over to Baby.

  “I gotta new one for you.”

  Baby’s beady eyes look Dennis up and down. He moves the cigar around in his mouth, pondering.

  “Forget it.” Baby’s eyes drop back down to his money.

  “I’m working with him.”

  Baby looks at the guy again.


  “Why the fuck not?”

  “He’s too scrawny. Bets will be fucked up…” A greasy smile creeps up the sides of his mouth. “Unless you’re willing to take a dive for him?” I want to yell, no way. I want to take the stacks of bills in front of Baby and shove them up his stinky cigar ass! Vito is considering it. I can tell.

  “People will know it’s fixed,” Vito challenges. The pathetic smile on Baby’s face dies. “But I’ll get him to the point that he can beat Jacko.” Now, Baby does some serious thinking. His cigar rolls around like crazy.

  “You get his boney ass trained enough to beat Jacko, he’s in. If he doesn’t, you gotta take a fall.”



  “Who the hell is Jacko?” Dennis asks as Vito drags him away.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Ronnie asks Vito. I step into the corner with them to listen. Dennis stands aside, looking fearful.

  “This kid owes the Boss. I’m helping him win it.”

  “That is fucked up!” Ronnie shouts on a whisper. “If this kid owes the boss money you can’t fuckin’ help him get it.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s… it’s… cheating.”

  “Are you fuckin’ serious? Cheating?” Vito rolls his eyes. “Listen. If this kid can win, Baby will get off my fuckin’ ass. That will get Baby off the Boss’s ass. And this kid could possibly win more money for the Boss than he fuckin’ owed him in the first place.”

  “Are you fuckin’ crazy?” Ronnie turns to me. “This is your fault.”

  “My fault?” I whisper. I’m stunned.

  “He’s been acting fucking oobatz since you came back.”


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