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Wyatt (Lane Brothers #1)

Page 78

by Kristina Weaver

  A beleaguered sigh reaches my ears and I roll my eyes to the ceiling, resting my head back on the sofa in defeat.

  The truth is I really want to go over there and see Devon, I mean so badly that when Davy had first invited me over I’d been unlocking the front door and grabbing my keys before I realized what I was doing.

  Now I’m just being silly, trying to resist temptation and convince myself that I don’t want to see him.

  “Alright hun, no more arse comments. Swear. Come over. Please. If you don’t want to talk to the blighter just ignore him, half the time we do anyway. We ordered Italian and got that new 007 flick so it’s not as if you have to even look at him if you don’t feel like it.” He pleads.

  “Fine, but you’d better have ginger ale and something chocolate or I’m out.”

  Thirty or so minutes later I find myself standing on the porch of a truly magnificent house. I’m no architect or anything so I can’t say what style the place is or any of that bookie shit but it’s huge, has one of those porches with a swing and sports black shutters to go with the white exterior.

  And now I know I am crazy nervous,because since when do I give a shit about the small details. Heck, my parents have a house larger than this. Only difference is this one is exactly what I’d wanted since I was thirteen and was still telling my Barbies about my dream house and wedding.

  Don’t judge me for playing with the Barbies at thirteen; I was plump and friendless-besides Lila-so I took love where I could get it.

  Heck, Ken doll taught me to kiss.

  Just when I work up enough energy to bolt to my car in one leap the door opens and I am well and truly caught.

  “You’re here.”

  “Oh green beans.”

  That grin has the power to undo me and build me back up in one go and I find myself holding my breath and looking at him, drinking him in with my eyes. I want so much in that moment that I can’t explain it all but I know one thing; the man is pure carnal heat and I want nothing more than to fall on him and break Ken’s plastic heart.

  “Imp I-”

  “Move loser, she’s here to visit the wolf pack.” I hear before a ball of energy shoves my wet dream aside and pulls me into the house.

  I look around and gasp, feeling my stomach drop in a way I have only experienced once before; the night I propositioned Devon and he turned me down.

  Everything is exactly as I wanted it. In my girlish dreams I’d told Ken to buy me a house that was pretty but homey with a sweeping staircase and muted yellow walls so that they look gold in the sunlight.

  I’d also told the poor man that I want a big picture of a seahorse hanging over the stairs and baby pink chairs in the hall. It’s all here, everything, down to the ugly ass white and purple checked rug beneath the table.

  It’s hideous, really hideous; something that only my girlish imagination would have conjured and I love it so much I actually have to bite my lips to stop a laughing cry.

  “Christ, we told you it looked horrid. Don’t pay any mind to this shit hun, we’ll have it out soon. Apparently this one.” He snarls, twitching a thumb at his brother. “Can’t decorate to save his bloody life.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  We all laughed at that but deep down inside I feel unsure, like I’m walking on shaky ground as the three ‘lads’ show me around and give me the grand tour.

  Devon follows behind, hands in his pockets and stares at me the entire time, his eyes a hot brand he doesn’t bother to hide. When we get upstairs and Davy points me in one direction while they hop back downstairs to check on dinner I know that something is off.

  But who cares?

  Seriously, I love this place. It’s a hodgepodge of colours and styles, sort of like the sets of Nanny McPhee. Everywhere I walk, everywhere I look is something different.

  I explore to my heart’s content, giggling when I get to a room that’s decorated in lilac and white striped wall paper, honey coloured hardwood floors and robin’s egg blue accessories. Every thing’s bright and out of tune and just-

  “This is the master bed and bath.”

  I turn quickly and gape when Devon saunters into the room and stops about three feet away, his expression inscrutable as he looks between me and the wonderful disaster that is the colour scheme.


  It’s all I can say when he prowls by me and flicks at the bedspread, his grey eyes peeking lazily at me through his lashes.

  “Haven’t slept in here as yet.”

  This is so awkward, so, so awkward as he keeps his eyes on mine and runs a hand over the mattress, his bottom lip sucked between his teeth. He looks up at me from beneath his lashes and releases his lip with a pop, his eyes telling me everything he isn’t saying.

  My nipples bead and poke at the soft cotton of my shirt and my breaths come in shallow pants when he drags a finger over the fabric and closes his eyes, groaning long and low.

  “I thought of nothing but getting you naked and sliding you between these sheets. Do you remember that morning imp? You woke me with your mouth on mine and your hand squeezing my dick.”

  Yes, yes I do. I remember waking to the sensation of his skin stuck to mine where we were joined, chest to hip, his sweat blending with mine. I remember the smell of sex and the even better smell of his skin where my nose borrowed into his neck.

  I’d woken sore and sated and so curious I’d been unable to stop my hands from roaming his body in my quest to learn the feel of him. He’d slept as I ran my fingers from the nubs of his flat nipples, down over his hard abdomen to that place I’d felt deep inside me the night before.

  I’ve read books and Googled a lot of things but nothing could have prepared me for the sight and feel of his erection were it lay hard and imposing, the crown just kissing his navel.

  I’d been curious and terrified as I ran gentle fingers over the smooth skin, my touch light as I explored him from base to tip and back again, enthralled by the heat and satiny texture.

  My innocence, or maybe just plain ignorance hadn’t registered that my explorations had become somewhat more than innocent curiosity till I’d found my mouth on his and become aware of my hand-

  “Stop.” I say quietly, taking deep breaths to still my racing heart and breath. “I-I’m not here for you.”

  A lie but something I have to say to restore my equilibrium.

  Devon is an effortless flirt, something I have only now come to realize, months after doing one of the stupidest things ever. I fell for his innocent kindness which I now recognize as having been his spider drawing my fly into his web.

  There had never been an option for me, not once that whole week when he’d changed his tune and drawn me in. I hadn’t stood a chance against his methods and had foolishly believed that our night together was my choice, an illusion he’d given me to make him feel better about taking without giving, while I felt powerful in my own sexuality.

  And here he is, doing it again, luring me in with his heated eyes and hot words.


  “No. I know what you want and while I swore I would hear you out that doesn’t mean I have to let you use your, your methods on me. I don’t want to marry you and spend the rest of my life as the consolation prize. I’m worth more than that. So you can choose. We can be friends and maybe we can come to an agreement about living arrangements or I can leave and we’ll agree about visitation later.” I say clearly, stepping back from his advance.

  My words stop him cold and I fancy I can actually see his mind working when he realizes what I’ve said.

  Yeah, after seeing this house, a long ago childhood fantasy come to life I am well aware of the effort he’s making to give me what he thinks I want and therein lies the problem; he doesn’t know, has no clue but he’s doing what Devon does, going full steam ahead to get his hands on me.

  Thrilling, but nowhere near my goals.

  I really want this to work, really I do. Nothing would make me happier than living in this doll h
ouse and getting to know not just the guys but Devon too, but I’m gonna need more than astumbling declaration of ‘I want to love you’ to make things worth working for.

  “You’re here to negotiate?” he asks and I almost laugh when his eyes take on a calculating light.

  Smug fool.

  “Yes and no. I will move in here with you and give you two months, only, to see where things go. If at the end of those two months you and I aren’t working out I’ll go home and we can talk about visitation when the time comes. That’s all I’m willing to give right now and it’s a lot more than you deserve after the shit you pulled at the hotel. Take it or leave it.”

  “I’ll take it.”

  Too quick Baxter I think, smirking and holding his eyes.

  “Separate bedrooms.”

  I walk out and bounce downstairs into the kitchen before he can say another word or ask hard questions that I am in no way ready to answer. This is a last surge effort to get my life in order but if it doesn’t work, which I honestly don’t think it will, I have a backup planning ready and waiting for the moment Devon drops the ball.

  “Oy get your hands off the food Garret! Ladies first. You’re a right pig you are!”

  I spend the night watching the three guys fight and squabble over everything from food, to the movie and even who gets to sit with me on the sofa.

  In the end its Devon who takes up the other half of the space, his glower and outright threats convincing the others of the danger of coming anywhere near me.

  “Stay.” They all say later when the credits start rolling and I stand to stretch, looking around for my ballet flats and car keys. “We’ll make up the guestroom.”

  “Too late to drive now.”

  “I’ll make breakfast and-”

  “Slow down guys! Okay, listen up. Your brother and I have a lot to discuss before anything is resolved and I really don’t feel com-”

  “Settled then. Davy go fix the spare bed, imp and I will be up later after we’ve spoken. Garret you’re on breakfast duty tomorrow. Ryan go pull her car in please.”

  I could protest this take charge attitude and probably get my way but the truth is I feel strangely reluctant to leave these guys and a lot more comfortable knowing that I can sleep peacefully with four men watching over me and keeping me safe.

  And then there’s the ever-present gooey inside that keeps telling me to give in and let Devon take charge and have me. The truth is I want to stay and be his. I want to belong to this family who doesn’t judge or demand and looks at me as if I hang the stars.

  “So, talk.”

  I scrunch my face at him as the boys run to do his bidding and look around the room, narrowing my eyes at the gross orange doily hanging off the back of one of the sofas.


  “Devon. Look, here’s the deal. Me’n Dill are tight and short of miracles happening the guy is willing to give a relationship with me his all. Hell, he’s willing to put a ring on it and make it stick. But I promised myself that I would do the right thing and by that I mean I’m willing to give you a chance to prove you’re not as much an asshole as I thought.”

  I hold up a hand when he opens his mouth and take a deep breath, going all in, well for me right now anyway, before my natural reticence stops me from taking a leap.

  “I’ll move in, eh eh eh, hear me out before you start doing a victory dance. I’ll move in and we can be friends, but I am not in a million years getting anywhere near your bed. That ship has well and truly sailed and sunk somewhere off the Bearing Sea. It’s gone but for the sake of my sanity and because I just truly adore your brothers I’m willing to give this co-parenting thing a go. Deal?”

  Chapter Eighteen


  The words are barely out of her mouth before I’m nodding and taking her baby soft, much smaller hand in mine. Why would I give in so quickly you ask?

  Because I am a master of the deal and one thing I know how to do is keep my bloody cards close to the chest and my game face on. Little miss smarty pants thinks she’s just cut me off at the knees but the truth is she hasn’t.

  She doesn’t want to go anywhere near my bed? Good, because I am fine with that. There is more than one place to fuck and I find the thought of cornering her in the kitchen, laundry, bathroom, hell the library, more than satisfying enough that my dick picks up its cue and starts hardening to full length.

  She really should have qualified before shaking on it but as her poor judgement is working in my favour I’m not about to point that out. At least not till I’m balls deep in my woman and making her scream for me.


  I see her shoulders soften and bite back a smile. I’d pity her misplaced relief if she hadn’t just walked straight into that trap willingly but as it stands I’m dying to have her under my roof and at hand as my seed swells in her and if I have to double deal to get her that’s what I’ll do, decency be damned.

  She gives me a soft smile and finally meets my eyes and I’m tempted to seal the deal with a kiss and I go to do just that when one of my three cock blocks ambles in and slings an all too familiar arm around my property.

  “Car’s in the garage and Davy says your room’s all set hun. Come on, I’ll give you a shirt-”

  Too bloody far. No other man’s shirt will touch that soft skin or skim her breasts or rest against my unborn son. What’s mine stays mine and they bloody well know it, which is likely why the little bugger said it to begin with.

  “Get your arse upstairs lad, I’ll take care of her from here on out.”


  “You have school tomorrow.” I growl, cuffing him upside the head when he leans in and plants a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

  My emphasis makes imp giggle and the lad throws me a scowl and then winks over her head before running upstairs and leaving us alone again. Right now I want nothing more than to rip her clothes off and take her underneath me on the thousand dollar sofa.

  I haven’t had a woman in over two months and the thought of all that creamy skin and the tight heat between her thighs makes my mouth water and my dick start howling with need.

  “Er, uh, I guess I’ll go to bed then.” She peeps and I bite my lips to stifle a growl when she scampers up the stairs, her ample arse jiggling just so and making me harder than a pike.

  I let her go and drop down in a seat, adjusting myself with a grimace when my erection tries pawing its way through me zipper and lets off a groan of outrage.

  “Blimey you’re in deep.” I hear from the door way and turn a glare on Davy.

  He’s the youngest of the three at seventeen, but what the lad lacks in age he more than makes up in debauchery. According to him it’s his job to get as much experience as possible before finding his woman and he’s made a bloody good go of collecting that experience the last year.

  I’ve seen him with six females so far and those are just the ones he couldn’t shake off fast enough before moving on.

  “Shut it simpleton.”

  He grins and flops down at the end of the sofa, flipping through channels before settling on sports and leaning forward to read the stats being displayed.

  “I like her Dev. She’s a good one. Do us a favour and don’t hurt her yeah? I’d like her to be here for good while she grows and gives birth to my nephew so try not to fuck this up because that snake Gia ripped your heart out. She wasn’t for you anyway so good riddance I say.”

  That brings me up short and I sit back with a frown.

  “You didn’t like Gia?”

  “Oh for Pete sakes, I met the woman when I was eleven and too aware of tits to think straight. I liked her just fine till I heard her making plans to marry you and ship the rest of us off to boarding school.”

  “Yeah, apparently she thought her quim was golden enough to make me toss my family away.” I snort, chuckling when he pulls a face and shakes his finger at me.

  “I hate horror movies old man so no tales before bed time thanks much, I don�
�t need the mental scarring. Just do me a favour?” he asks, standing and stretching noisily. “Get your game on and do something before our hun realizes what a tosser you are and runs for the hills.”

  I grin, a look he’s familiar with and am back feeling a lot lighter than I did a moment ago. I’m already halfway to where I need to be thanks to my colossal oversight the night I’d taken her, and for the first time since I started having sex I feel smug about that loss of control.

  One night and a morning have put my seed where it belongs, now I just have to convince my baby that she likes it there as much as I do. It fucking turns me inside out just thinking about part of me growing in her belly and she hasn’t even started showing yet.

  “I have game you little git, how else do you think I get her with child?” I grunt, shoving a cushion over my lap when the thought goes straight to my groin.

  Davy chuckles and skips to the door, his smile sardonic as he eyes the pillow and shakes his head.

  “You are so screwed old man. So screwed.”


  I walk into the kitchen the next morning to the sound of giggling and male teasing and feel my already volatile mood take a dip for the worst when I see imp laughing hysterically at Garret while Ryan sits back and smiles, his eyes glued to my girl.

  Jealousy hits me hard and fierce and it takes a fucking lot of effort not to walk in swinging and instead move to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup before taking a seat at the head of the table.

  I’m irritable thanks to a long night of no sleep because just the thought of her being a wall away from me had me hard as rock and nowhere to go with it. At one point I’d found myself at her door, ready to barge in there and say to hell with whatever nonsense deal we’d made. I’d been a breath away from storming in and falling on her like a beast when three doors had opened silently and my brothers had looked out, stern and implacable and pointed me back to my own room.

  Bloody traitorous mother hens.


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