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Mason (Striking Back #2)

Page 5

by S. M. Shade

  “At the moment I’m fighting the urge to make you the happiest woman on earth tonight.” His lust filled eyes rake over Amy’s bikini clad body.

  “Somebody didn’t get the memo,” Macy whispers.

  “Forget it, Parker. You’re barking up the wrong vagina,” I call.

  “You’re supposed to put a good word in for me with your friends, Ev,” Parker replies, pretending to be offended.

  “Sorry, you’re not my type, handsome.”

  “Handsome isn’t your type? How about very well-endowed?”

  “Well-endowed tits, maybe,” I mumble, and we laugh.

  “Don’t make me whip it out and prove it, ladies.”

  “Unless you can whip out a nice smooth, tight vagina, I’m not interested.”

  Understanding dawns on his face, but he’s only rattled for a second. “Fuck, that’s hot. So have you and Evie?”

  A sunscreen tube and water bottle fly at his head, interrupting his question. “All right!” He gives another killer smile before swimming off. “Just a suggestion.”

  “What a pig.” Amy laughs, turning onto her stomach.

  “Yeah, he’s a good guy, though,” I remark.

  “He is,” Macy adds softly. “He stayed with me in the hospital and he’s been at the safe house since I moved there.”

  “How are you feeling, Mace?”

  “Better.” She sighs. “Physically anyway. I’m having panic attacks and anxiety. Then I get pissed off because I never had those issues before Al’s bullshit.”

  I reach to squeeze her hand. “It’ll get better. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “You introduced me to Striking Back. I don’t know what I’d have done without their support. I’ll feel better when he’s locked up, though.”

  “They’ll find him. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the Reed brothers, it’s that they’re relentless and stubborn.”

  “No wonder you and Mason bump heads,” Amy snorts, and I have to laugh.

  I shift to lie on my stomach, my chin propped on my arm as I look around me. Mason and Parker are relaxing on the patio while Alex, Cooper, and Ian throw a football around. I get that wonderful warm feeling again that I imagine people feel when they’re around family.

  I love my friends and Mason. They feel like family, and damned if I’m not starting to feel the same about Alex and Parker. I remember Parker saying, “You’re one of us, now,” after I was nearly drowned. It feels good to be one of them.

  It’s one of the best afternoons I’ve had in a long time. Everyone gathers around the picnic table, eating and talking. Ian really seems to hit it off with Alex and Cooper, and they head off to Mason’s garage to play pool. Parker and Mason beat Macy and me in a hilarious game of volleyball in the pool.

  “Never had a chance!” Mason taunts, pinning me against the edge of the pool by my hips. His warm tongue slips between my lips, exploring and sending shivers through me.

  “Of resisting you? Obviously not.” A groan rattles his chest when I slide my hand over the front of his shorts. “Hmm, isn’t it supposed to shrink in cold water? I don’t think Longfellow here got the message.”

  “Longfellow?” I’m rewarded with a crooked grin before he runs his tongue up the side of my neck.

  “Do you have a better name?”

  “Hmm, how about All Day Sucker?”

  “Let’s go find out.” I grab his hand and lead him up the stone steps from the pool. Amy, Macy, and Parker hoot as we head into the house, and I flip them off without looking back. My mind is focused on the dripping wet perfection beside me.

  A low sexy chuckle just makes me move faster, yanking him into his bedroom and kicking the door shut. My hands slide under his waistband, and I drop to my knees taking his board shorts down as I go. The hiss of air he draws through clenched teeth when I suck him in makes me smile. I’m going to wreck him.

  “Evie…fuck,” he groans, his hands threading into my hair. I tease him, licking every hard inch before taking him in again. He’s so damn wide, my jaw aches, but I barely notice. My senses are full of him. I inhale his natural musky scent mixed with chlorine, my hands wandering around to squeeze his firm ass. “Oh…so good…fuck.” His words come in small bursts between gasps and groans. “I’m close, Evie,” he warns.

  That’s my cue to slide two wet fingers just behind his balls and deliver two firm strokes in the right spot. A cross between a shout and a yelp fills the room as he fills my throat. I look up at him, thoroughly satisfied with what I see. He’s leaning against the wall, head tilted back, chest rising and falling as he pants, trying to pull himself together.

  I pull his shorts back up, leaving them hang on his hips so I can lick each side of that sexy V. A strong hand grabs my nape when I stand and the other clamps almost painfully on my ass as he slams his lips on mine. He kisses me long and hard with no reservations about where my mouth has been. I love it that he doesn’t care. That he can be dirty.

  When we come up for air, our gazes lock, and the vulnerability in his eyes peels away the protective layer I’ve wrapped around my feelings. Who am I kidding? He’s burrowed through and crawled into my heart for good. “You break me into pieces, Everly.”

  I wrap my arms around his warm back, and he embraces me. “And you put me back together.”

  We stay there for a moment, wrapped up in one another. My eyes close when his lips land on my forehead, lingering affectionately. The moment is broken when a cacophony of voices shakes the house. “Guess someone got hustled at the pool table,” Mason remarks, shaking his head.

  “We’d better go check on the kids,” I reply, laughing.

  It’s early evening when the party breaks up. Amy and I make plans to get together again before she flies back to New York. Ian leaves with Cooper and Alex to hit the bars and continue their quest to get trashed.

  Parker slaps Mason on the back. “I’d better get Macy back to the safe house.” He turns and gives me an unexpected hug. “It was good to see you, Ev. When you get tired of old ugly here, give me a call. I promise not to chain you up.”

  Christ, does everyone know? I smack Parker on the chest before sliding my arms around Mason’s waist. “I prefer my captors dark and handsome.”

  “Well, when it’s dark, he’s handsome.” Parker laughs, dodging Mason’s hand when it flies toward the back of his head.

  “Come and visit, Ev, if you can,” Macy pleads. “I’m going crazy being cooped up.”

  “Definitely. I need a girl’s night,” I reply, hugging her before they leave.

  The house seems so quiet as Mason grins down at me. “Did you have fun?”

  “I did. I think I need a shower and a nap before we go to the fireworks, though.” Goosebumps race across my skin when he grips my hips from behind and nuzzles my neck.

  “Want some company in the shower?” His warm breath tickles my ear.

  “Can you keep your hands to yourself?”

  “Hell no.”

  “We’d better hurry, then.”

  * * * *

  I’ve volunteered to chaperone the BTC trip to the bank of White River for the big fireworks display. The city sponsors it every year and they go all out. I told Mason he didn’t have to accompany me, that he could go hang out with his buddies, but he insists. Needless to say, I’m terribly disappointed with his decision.

  After a quickie in the shower and an hour long nap, we set off to BTC. The kids are running around like lunatics, excited about the trip. Matty spots Mason and runs to meet us. “I’m in Mason’s group!” he cries, attaching himself to Mason’s leg.

  Laughing, Mason scoops him up, shifting him onto his back where he clings like a chimp. “You’ll have to ask Everly.”

  I ruffle Matty’s hair. “Let me go talk to the counselors and see how we’re dividing up.”

  We end up with Matty, Justin—another eight year old—and James, our fifteen year old resident smartass. We’ll all be meeting at the river, but each counselor or
volunteer is responsible for their own group of kids.

  “I’m too old for fireworks,” James grumbles, buckling his seatbelt.

  “Are you too old for girls in tank tops and short shorts?” Mason asks with a smirk. “Cause there will be a lot of them at the river.”

  I smack Mason as James replies, “Proceed.”

  We find an empty spot on the wide riverbank and lay out a couple of blankets. Matty takes Mason’s hand as we walk to the edge of the river. “Can I get wet?” Justin asks.

  “If you want to grow a third testicle,” James quips.

  Justin’s eyes widen. “Screw that.” This boy has been spending too much time with James.

  “It’s too dirty, Justin. You could get sick from swimming in it. See there?” I point to a spot along the shore where the water is thick with soggy food wrappers, soda cans, and other refuse.

  “It smells bad too,” Matty says, waving a hand in front of his nose.

  “Come with me. I want to show you something before it gets dark.” I lead them up the embankment and to the middle of the Sixteenth Street Bridge which has been closed to traffic. “Look down, just beside that stone piling.”

  They all lean against the guardrail and peer over the side. “A car!” Matty cries. “How did it get there?”

  “It’s been there since I was a kid. I guess there was a crash and it went off the bridge.”

  “Awesome,” James says. “I bet there’s a rotting skeleton in it. Maybe more than one.”

  Justin looks up at me, his face stricken. “There are no skeletons,” I assure him.

  “Cause police would rescue them when they crashed, right?”

  “That’s right,” Mason reassures him, shaking his head at James. It gets dark fast and we head back down to the riverbank where vendors are hocking t-shirts, novelties, and food.

  “Can we get an ice cream?” Matty asks.

  Mason buys the boys an ice cream while James and I decide on elephant ears. I sit on the grass between Justin and Matty. As they chatter away, I strain to hear Mason and James conversation behind us.

  “Real?” James says doubtfully.

  “Fake,” Mason replies. “See how close together they are? Dead giveaway.” Oh, they are not talking about breasts! Mason winks at me when I look back at him.

  James points to a woman bouncing past in a bikini top. “Fake?”

  “Good eye. They’re too perfectly round, like cantaloupes.”

  “Damn big cantaloupes.” James laughs.

  “You two are disgusting,” I inform them, trying not to crack a smile. At least James is interested in something.

  When I turn back around James murmurs, “I’ll bet Ev’s are real.” My shoulders shake with laughter when James remark is followed by the sound of Mason slapping him on the back of the head.

  We head back to the BTC group and settle on our blankets just as the fireworks begin. Matty and Justin sit on a blanket in front of ours, eyes glued to the glittering sky. Mason nods at James, who wanders a few feet away to sit with a girl from his school.

  “You’re a bad influence,” I tease, sitting cross legged between Mason’s knees.

  “Aw, the boy’s in love. I know how he feels.” I close my eyes as his lips tenderly touch my neck.

  A joy and contentment like I’ve never known swells within me as I lean back against his chest. The air is thick with music and laughter, peppered with the deep thunder of fireworks, and redolent with the scent of fried dough and popcorn. Wonder filled faces gaze skyward, illuminated with shifting color, eyes shining and happy.

  “You’re smiling like you have a secret,” Mason murmurs.

  “No secret. I’m just…happy to be here in your arms. To spend the holiday with someone who loves me.”

  “We’ll have many more holidays together, sweetheart.”

  If I have one wish tonight, he just nailed it.

  Chapter Six


  A phone ringing in the middle of the night is never good news. Evie’s warm body is wrapped around mine as I reach for my cell. Sometimes, my girl could sleep through a hurricane. Officer Jack Robert’s name flashes on the screen.


  “Mason. I’m sorry to call you so late, but I got a situation. A woman and baby that need to be anywhere else but here.”

  “Text me the address.”

  “The quicker the better, Reed. Before the detectives show up.”

  I realize Jack is sticking his neck out on this one. It won’t be the first time we teamed up to help an abused woman out of a house before charges can be filed. This is what we do. I’m lucky to have amassed a caring group of cops, lawyers, judges, and paramedics willing to put their asses on the line to help these women. Women who have been abused for years would end up in jail for what is essentially self-defense if it weren’t for these allies.

  Evie’s sleepy eyes regard me when I sit up and pull on my jeans. “What’s wrong?”

  “Someone needs my help.” After considering it for a second, I brush her hair from her cheek, and ask, “Come with me?” She’s out of bed and dressed in a matter of seconds.

  The night air is cool on my arms, and I see Evie give a little shiver as we hop in the car. Fortunately, the address is close. I hand Evie my phone. “Dial Devon Hughes and put it on speaker.”

  “Hughes,” he answers.

  “Devon, I need a guy at Blue House.”

  “You got me. An hour at most.”

  Evie gazes at me after he hangs up. “Can you tell me where we’re going?”

  “We’re going to get a woman and baby out of a bad situation and relocate them. I don’t know exactly what we’re walking into, but there shouldn’t be any danger. Maybe I’m crazy for asking you to come, but after our past misunderstandings, I want you to see what I do.”

  Her soft hand lands on my knee. “I’m glad you brought me. I told you I want to play a bigger part in Striking Back.”

  “I know, but if you see or hear anything…if it’s too much, promise you’ll tell me, or come back to the car.”

  “I promise, but I can handle it.”

  “I don’t doubt you can, love.” She smiles when I grin at her. After all she’s been through, her strength is inspiring.

  Two police cars and an ambulance are parked haphazardly in the road, lights flashing. It’s an ominous sight that never fails to trigger bad memories. Especially if it’s raining, like the night the police led me away from the house where my mother died.

  Evie is right behind me when I walk through the front door of a tiny brick home. Blood puddles on the floor surrounding a large man wearing only boxers. Paramedics crouch over him, trying to stop his beer gut from bleeding. Jack nods at me and gestures toward the back of the house. “She’s in the kitchen with my partner.”

  I note that both medics are familiar and know how to play the game. “Get her gone. Work on her story. This asshole walked right into a knife,” Jack says. Nodding, I take Evie’s hand and we make our way to the kitchen.

  A wide eyed woman streaked with blood sits on the floor, leaning against the cabinet. “I stabbed him,” she chants. “I stabbed him. I’ll go to jail…and Jesse…they’ll take my baby.” Jack’s partner is trying to console her and advise her what to say.

  “No, dear. He walked into the knife. You weren’t even here.”

  “The baby…Jesse,” she whimpers.

  I have to swallow back my anger at the sight of the tiny blond woman. She can’t weigh over one-hundred pounds soaking wet. That asshole could’ve broken her in half. She cringes as I approach her, and I try to soften my voice. “Miss, I’m here to bring you and your baby to a safe place where your husband can’t find you. You need to get the baby and come with us.” She’s in shock, and I can see my message isn’t getting through. She buries her face in her hands, sobbing.

  Evie doesn’t hesitate. She sits beside her, hip to hip, mindless of the blood. “What’s your name, honey?” she asks quietly.

bsp; “Jenny,” she replies between sobs.

  “I’m Everly. I know you’re scared and confused, but I need you to listen to me. Do you want to help your baby?”

  That makes Jenny pause. “Yes, of course.”

  “Good. See the man in the red shirt? He runs a shelter for abused women and children. The policeman let us know you need help and that’s why we’re here. Do you understand?” Evie takes the woman’s trembling hand.


  “Then I need you to go pack a bag for you and your baby. Right now. Just grab the necessities, we can get you whatever else you need. But you need to be quick. Can you do that? I’ll help you.”

  Jenny nods and gets to her feet, leading Everly to the bedroom. After they leave, I turn to see Jack standing in the doorway. “Is she new?”

  “She’s worked at the main shelter for a while.”

  “She’s good, a natural. Don’t let that one go.”

  “I don’t intend to.” I’m awed by how Evie handled the situation, like she’s done it a hundred times. They return with a small suitcase and diaper bag. Jenny grips the handle of a safety seat, where a baby lies sleeping, covered in a blue blanket.

  When we emerge from the house the medics are loading the injured husband into the ambulance. A steady stream of profanity and threats pour from his mouth at the sight of his wife. “No worries, ma’am,” the medic calls. “Idiot ran himself into a knife. Told me and my partner all about it.” His partner nods and understanding begins to dawn in Jenny’s eyes.

  “We have to go,” I warn, leading her to the car. She buckles the safety seat in the back and climbs in.

  After about ten minutes, she asks, “Where are you taking us?”

  “To a safe house. It’s furnished and stocked with food and necessities. You’ll have a security guard with you just in case, but by the looks of your husband, he’ll be in the hospital for a while, anyway. Do you have a cell phone?”


  I reach into the console and produce a pre-paid cell phone. “Transfer whatever numbers you need to this phone now, then turn yours off and remove the SIM card. You need to be off grid for a bit until everything blows over.”


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