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The Dance on the Moons of Serenity

Page 3

by M. D. Cooper

  “Oh yeah?” Cheeky said, passing another rifle. “Like what?”

  “Well, basically my skin is filled with microbes that crave a broad range of the EM spectrum, right?”

  “Yeah, we covered this in Nance and Finaeus Alien Lifeforms class.”

  Jessica smiled. “Funny, Cheeks. Anyway, like any plant, if they don’t get light, they start to die.”

  Iris said.

  “Because you’re soooo busy,” Jessica said.


  “Uhhh…pardon?” Cheeky asked. “Any part?”

  Jessica grinned at Cheeky. “And here I thought you were an exhibitionist.”

  Cheeky flushed a bright red. “Piya, Iris, there have to be boundaries. You can’t do this!”

  The silvery sound of the two AIs laughing entered their minds and Cheeky fixed Jessica with a level stare. “Now I know we’re really in trouble. Our AIs are developing senses of humor.”

  Piya said with a grin in their minds.

  “How long till Serenity?” Jessica asked.

  * * * * *

  Several hours later, after both Cheeky and Jessica had showered, Jessica stood on the ramp in her trusty purple shipsuit with an EV helmet attached. At the top of the ramp, Cheeky stood behind a grav shield, hand hovering over the emergency release for the ramp.

  Jessica asked.

  Cheeky shrugged nonchalantly.

  Jessica replied as she clipped her tether onto one of the anchors on the bulkhead.

  She saw Cheeky visibly shiver at the top of the ramp.

  Jessica muttered as she cut the seal on the cargo pod and opened it up.

  At first, she wasn’t certain what she was looking at. Ammunition had been high on her list of possibilities as well, but what she was looking at was most certainly not ammunition.

  Cheeky asked.

  Jessica replied.


  Jessica pulled off her helmet while continuing to gaze down into the cargo pod. “Come see for yourself.”

  Jessica reached into the cargo pod and turned over one of the items inside as Cheeky reached her side.

  “Is that a sex bot?”

  “Really, Cheeky, do you think they’d smuggle sex bots?

  Cheeky shrugged as she reached into the create and touched the gleaming silver torso. “How would I know? They’re not big on AI in Orion space. Maybe they figured people shouldn’t be able get advanced companionship either.”

  Iris said.

  “I think it’s a warrior of some sort,” Jessica said. “They’ve shipped all these weapons; if all the blue crates were automatons like this one—and if they were AI controlled—they’d be formidable.”

  “There were twenty blue crates, right?” Cheeky asked.

  “Yup, practically a platoon of ultra-badass robot warriors.”

  Cheeky touched the torso once more. “Then why’d they make it look so sexy? And have breasts?”

  “Maybe it’s used for infiltration ops,” Jessica said. “Let’s assemble it and see.”

  “Really? Your plan is to put the death-bot together and ‘see’?” Cheeky asked.

  Jessica shrugged. “I know I won’t make it the seven days to Serenity just wondering what this thing is for. It’s gonna happen sooner or later.”

  It only took ten minutes to put the automaton together, and once they were done, both women stepped back to admire their handiwork.

  “Tech like this doesn’t fit with Orion. They seem like they’re stuck in the thirtieth century,” Cheeky said.

  “Thirtieth century is when sentient AI were created. They were made with the purpose of fighting wars more effectively than humans or NSAIs. So, this could very well be thirtieth century tech,” Jessica said with a glance toward Cheeky. “What do they teach you in school where you grew up anyway?”

  Cheeky rolled her eyes. “You know…stuff happened after the forty-fourth century too. There’s a lot to learn, I’m still pretty young.”

  Jessica chuckled “OK, I’ll grant you that.”

  She turned her attention back to the automaton, which was, as Cheeky had first noticed, essentially female. Once its limbs had been attached, the joints molded together and created a fluid skin. Though the breasts and lack of a male appendage between the legs marked the machine as female in appearance, it did not possess specific genitalia.

  “So how do we turn it on?” Cheeky asked.

  Iris suggested.

  “I didn’t see a manual in there,” Jessica said. “Has it Linked? Perhaps it can provide us with its startup sequence.”

  Cheeky reached out and touched the automaton’s lips with her finger. “They feel really supple, not cold or hard like you’d expect.”

  Cheeky continued to push at the robot’s lips, when suddenly its eyes opened. It focused on Cheeky, then Jessica, then back to Cheeky. A second later, its skin changed from silver to a pale pink, perfectly matching Cheeky’s color. Then it shrunk several centimeters and its body proportions matched Cheeky’s. Long, blonde hair grew out of its scalp, and settled around its shoulders.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” Cheeky said.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” the Cheeky doppelganger repeated.

  “What is your function?” Jessica asked.

  “Incorrect voice imprint. Imprinted person, please speak further,” the automaton said in a soft voice.

  The response did not surprise Jessica, though she was annoyed that the bot wouldn’t accept commands until the voice imprinting was complete.

  “What is your function, Cheeky-bot” Cheeky asked.

  Jessica asked Cheeky over the link so she wouldn’t affect the voice imprint.


  “I am an Autonomous Human Assimilation Personage. You may call me AHAP-145-A98-12,” the automaton replied in a voice that sounded closer to Cheeky’s, but still not quite right.

  “Well, I certainly cannot call you that. It’ll take all day,” Cheeky said. “How’s about I call you…Addie.”

  “Nickname accepted,” the automaton replied. “I am Addie.”

  Jessica was surprised by how quickly the AHAP had matched Cheeky’s voice. “OK, now it’s creepy. If it wasn’t for the fact that it’s standing stock still, I’d think it’s you, Cheeky.”

  “You’re telling me,” Cheeky said as she walked around the AHAP. “Thing looks exactly like me.”

  “What are you used for, Addie?” Jessica asked.

  “Please request permission from primary imprintee to address me,” Addie replied.

  “Addie,” Cheeky said with a soft laugh. “Jessica here has full root-level permissions.”

  “Understood,” Addie replied. “Jessica, my main purpose is to facilitate a perfect matching of a person through flawless imitation. I am also capable of accepting neural transference, although it is not reciprocal. With my ability to create a flawless representation of a human, I am well suited for infiltration, trysts, assassinations—”

  “We get it,” Jessica said. “You’re an infiltrator chameleon. At least that’s wh
at we used to call them back in Sol.”

  “Neural transference,” Cheeky said with a shake of her head. “That’s a level of tech…well…that I’ve never personally encountered.”

  Piya said.

  “Well, yeah, I mean they had it but—”


  “So, there’s a backup of me out there somewhere?” Cheeky asked.

  Piya replied.

  “I bet these things go for a lot out here,” Jessica said. “Addie, I assume you’re capable of remote pilot?”

  “Yes, including full immersion remote control,” Addie replied

  “It’s going to be pretty interesting to see what these folks at Serenity are like,” Cheeky said. “Ordering twenty of these AHAPs is probably not cheap.”

  “We should really try to figure out who is expecting these,” Jessica said. “We’re going to need repairs and fuel when we get to Serenity. Whoever expects this stuff won’t pay us a cent for it, but I bet whoever they planned to infiltrate or assassinate will be very interested.”

  “Addie,” Cheeky addressed the AHAP. “Do you know who your buyer is?”

  “No, it is why I imprinted on you.”

  “Well, why don’t you make yourself useful. Go look over the cargo pod you came in, and all these weapons and try to get a clue.”

  “Total black-market scenario,” Jessica said. “Get them set up to imprint on the first person. No documentation, no support, just assemble, massage its lips, and go.”

  Iris said.

  Jessica nodded. “Yeah, but that takes all the fun out of needling Cheeky.”

  “Addie,” Cheeky addressed the AHAP. “Can you change your hair color to red? It’s a bit weird seeing myself.”

  Jessica glanced at Cheeky, then back at Addie, who was now rifling through the cargo pod she came in, looking for evidence of her intended buyer. “Or put on a big fuzzy sweater, then no one would confuse you with Cheeky.”

  Iris interrupted.

  “We could pump waste heat into an expendable material and dump it,” Cheeky suggested.

  Piya added.

  Jessica chuckled. “You two don’t even need us, do you?”

  Iris said with a mischievous grin in Jessica and Cheeky’s minds.

  Piya added.

  “It’s a skill,” Cheeky replied with a grin.

  “So, exactly how hot is it going to get in here?” Jessica asked.


  STELLAR DATE: 10.21.8938 (Adjusted Years)

  LOCATION: Edge of the Serenity System

  REGION: Serenity Ordus, Orion Freedom Alliance, Perseus Arm

  When the SS Sexy—renamed to the Beauty now that they were wanted in the Kidron System—finally dumped out of the dark layer, Cheeky was sweating buckets, and Jessica was growing warm enough to consider a shower with the ship’s tepid water reserves.

  “Cooling vanes deployed,” Cheeky announced, once normal space had materialized around them. “I’ve never been quite so happy for cold, hard vacuum.”

  Jessica nodded absently as she looked at the initial optical scan of the Serenity System. “This is weird. I’ve seen a lot of weird stuff, but this is real weird…”

  “Weirder than a ring of black holes tearing apart a white dwarf remnant?” Cheeky asked.

  “Huh…good question. Thing is, mining a dwarf star makes perfect sense. Here…why did they do this?”

  Cheeky gestured at the holodisplay of the Serenity system. “Well, their star is young, a little unruly. Maybe they planted all those worlds inside that jovian’s van allen belts to protect them.”

  Jessica shrugged. “I suppose. Seems like a lot of work.”

  “So, which one do we go to?”

  That was the thousand-credit-question.

  Star systems were supposed to have lots of planets, asteroids, stuff. If a system was inhabited, there should be stations and habs everywhere—both drifting freely, and attached to every rock orbiting the star.

  Here there was none of that. Not just a lack of stations and habitats, but no worlds—save the five terrestrial moons orbiting a single, massive jovian planet.

  Everything else in the system was gone. Or had never been there to begin with.

  Iris said.

  Iris gave the words ‘moons’ added emphasis. It was obvious that the five worlds in orbit of the jovian—which now had a label of Serenity Primus hovering over it—were far larger than a typical moon.

  “You think they hauled all their other worlds to Serenity Primus and dropped them into a klemperer rosette?” Jessica asked.

  “I bet they made at least one of the worlds too,” Cheeky added. “I can’t imagine five equally massed planets of that size existing in one system.”

  Jessica looked at the detailed Scan. None of the ‘moons’ of Serenity Primus appeared to be hot—which would be the case if they were recently created. They all had firm crusts and from the view the Sexy was able to get, they were all terraformed and lush.

  “If they did make these, they did it a long time ago,” Cheeky said, echoing Jessica’s thoughts.

  “But we’re still out on the fringe of Orion space,” Jessica said. “Naga was recently settled, and Kidron was only a century older. Yet Serenity is only ten light years from Kidron and appears ancient.”

  Cheeky chuckled. “Jess, you’re looking at me like I know how they did this, or something.”

  Jessica shook her head and smiled. “Yeah…well, you’re screwing the ancient terraformer. I figured maybe some of his knowledge rubbed off.”

  “We don’t exactly talk about terraforming…well, not that kind of terraforming,” Cheeky replied with a wink.

  “That is one of the weirdest euphemisms I’ve ever heard,” Jessica said.


  “No…well…yeah…. I got a weird visual. Let it go,” Jessica said as a flush rose on her cheeks.

  Iris said.

  “Is that a station of some sort?” Cheeky asked. “Glad to see they have one. With our port engine, out I really didn’t want to try and breach atmo with the Sexy.”

  “You afraid to take the Sexy down?” Jessica grinned.

  “Oh, I’m not afraid to go down with Sexy,” Cheeky replied. “She just might not make it back up.”

  Piya interrupted.

  Jessica pulled the object rising over Primus’s north pole into view on the holodisplay and her breath caught.

  “That’s a worldship…”

  “Seriously?” Cheeky asked. “Holy shit…a worldship….”

  Iris said.

  “I thought it would be bigger,” Cheeky said. “It’s what… only six klicks across? You could park that thing inside the Intrepid’s main bay.”

  Iris filled in the details.

  “Well, now we know one that it went to,” Cheeky grinned.

  “I wonder if they just came straight out here,” Jes
sica asked. “Flew out further than they thought anyone would come, made their little five-world setup and called it done.”

  Iris said.

  “That’s so weird,” Cheeky said. “Do you think there are still sub-light ships out there? Pushing their way through the black?”

  Iris said.

  “Yeah, but it jumped through a supermassive gravitational lens,” Cheeky said. “I’m talking people who eked their way up to the edge of lightspeed and are just hugging it, puttering along through space and time.”

  “I kinda hope not, for their sakes,” Jessica said. “Anyone at light seeped would still be within the rim of Transcend and Orion expansion… whatever worlds those poor saps would be headed toward would be settled by the time they got there. Even if they travelled clear across the galaxy, by the time they got to the far side it would be settled.”

  “That’s depressing,” Cheeky said.

  “Plus, dangerous for the light-huggers if they had advanced tech,” Jessica added, thinking of the war for the Intrepid’s technology in the Bollam’s World System.

  Both of the women stared at the disc-shaped worldbuilder ship—now progressing in its polar orbit of Serenity Primus—for several minutes before Piya interrupted them.

  she said.

  “Any other insystem craft? Or signs of recent hops through the jump points?” Cheeky asked.

  Piya replied.

  “Annnd we just got pinged by a beacon,” Jessica noted. “Looks like…wow, sorry, just trying to parse their list of rules here. No fusion drives within 0.25AU of Serenity Primus, no civilian starships over a half-million tons allowed. No approaching the Perseus—it’s some sort of historic monument. No AP drives insystem at all, max speed is one quarter light…the list goes on.”


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