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Her Detective Dragon_A Paranormal Mystery Romance

Page 13

by Alice Summerfield

  She tugged at his shirt, yanking it over Grissom’s head, and then nearly cursed when he abandoned her to strip himself naked.

  Grissom’s dick was the only one that she had ever seen up close, but Ana quite liked it – and not just because it felt so good inside of her. It was long and thick, and it flushed redder the more aroused Grissom got. There was a thick vein on the underside of it that Grissom liked to have licked, and the head was always so soft against her lips.

  Grissom settled on top of her then, pinning Ana to the bed with his bulk and kissed her mouth.

  Ana’s knees came up, bracketing Grissom’s hips, and she twined her arms around his shoulders, kissing him back just as fiercely. He was still dressed, his pants rough against her skin and his shirt crumpling between her clutching fingers.

  Grissom was balanced on one elbow, and his other hand was between them, gently kneading one of her large breasts. He teased it, pinching and rubbing her peaked nipple until he had Ana squirming beneath him.

  All of that squirming meant moving against Grissom, who had settled his bulge at the apex of her thighs, his erection pressing just right against her clit. She rocked up against him, rubbing against him.

  It felt fantastic.

  It felt even better when Grissom began to roll his hips down, pressing his sex harder against hers, and Ana groaned at the sparks of pleasure that he sent flurrying through her.

  She was wet and entirely ready when Grissom hitched her thigh up against his hip, thrusting into Ana in one long, smooth stroke.

  Ana gasped, her inner muscles fluttering around the delicious stretch of his penis’ head as it was pushed inside of her.

  Grissom set up a quick, nearly punishing, pace that wrung helpless, strangled noises out of Ana. She tried to be quiet – it was embarrassing how noisy she got during sex – but she couldn’t help making some noise. Grissom just made her feel so good.

  Ana’s hips rolled up against his, meeting him stroke for stroke. He was kissing and nipping and sucking at her throat, and whimpering, Ana arched to give him better access.

  One of his hands found its way between them, his fingers rubbing her clit roughly.

  And Ana came, keening and shuddering again Grissom’s warm bulk.

  At the same time, Grissom groaned, his head bowing to press against Ana’s shoulder.

  Grissom wasn’t bowed over for long, though. Pulling almost all the way out of her, Grissom thrust into Ana again; his stroke hard, quick, and fierce. He set a brutal pace, one that knocked gasps and groans out of both of them.

  Ana’s head was tipped back, the back of her head digging into the mattress beneath her head – she was so, so close again – and Grissom skimmed his lips over her chest, kissing her and pressing muffled endearments into her skin.

  Under him, Ana whined and strained against him. She grabbed his hair, roughly wrenching his mouth up to hers.

  Ana was kissing him as she came, breaking their kiss to cry out. She clenched around his thrusting length, relishing the feel of it inside of her, and Grissom followed her into orgasm, groaning throatily as he came too.

  Afterwards, he slumped against Ana, his forehead pressed to the bit of mattress past her shoulder. They were both gasping for their next breath.

  “I love you,” he told her, his voice slightly muffled by the bedding. “I never want to see you running from men who mean you harm ever again. The next time I ask you to quit a job, just do it. Okay?”

  That sparked a memory at the back of Ana’s mind, something that she had completely forgotten about in light of the morning’s excitement. Ana pushed at Grissom’s shoulder.

  “Off,” she ordered. “I still have to show you that thing.”

  “Now?” he nearly whined. “But I like it here. It’s all soft, and it smells nice, and there’s even an afterglow to enjoy.”


  Grissom sighed, as if heavily put upon. Nevertheless, he rolled off of her.

  Ana had had her purse when she went to ask for the rest of the day off. And miraculously, she had held onto it throughout the rest of the morning, probably by habit more than anything else. She had even dragged it all the way upstairs with her.

  Scrambling out of bed – and giving only the briefest of thoughts to how that probably looked to Grissom – Ana scampered across Grissom’s bedroom to her abandoned purse. Now, she dug through it, pulled out her fellowship letters. They were bent and a bit worse for the wear, but at least they were still there, and they were still sealed.

  Returning to the bed, Ana found that Grissom had not been idle while they were apart. Lounging against the pillows at the top of the bed, he was as naked as she was. Their clothes were folded and neatly stacked on one of the bedside tables.

  Clambering onto Grissom’s big bed, Ana joined him against the pillows.

  “I got these yesterday,” said Ana, “but I haven’t had a chance to open them yet.”

  “Haven’t had a chance to open them?” probed Grissom, always the detective, and Ana grinned.

  “Not with you,” she said tartly, and Grissom smiled.

  “So go ahead and open them,” said Grissom. He returned the letters to her hands, his own arm going around Ana and pulling her against his chest – the better to read over her shoulder, she suspected.

  Ripping open the first letter, Ana quickly skimmed the top page. Then she read it again more slowly, Grissom’s arm tightening around her waist.

  Ana smiled. Carefully, she laid the packet of papers aside, using Grissom’s lap as a desk.

  Her hands trembling ever so slightly, Ana ripped open the second letter. She read it twice before she absorbed any of it, and then read it a third time for good measure. By the time that she finished, her head felt floaty and unreal. Carefully, she put the letter down in her own lap.

  “You got them both!” he sounded thrilled.

  Two. She had gotten two of them.

  “I did.” Ana was too dazed to be thrilled. She had thought that she might have them – the envelopes were thick with papers, and she had found that encouraging – but she hadn’t really thought that she’d have them. Both of them. At the same time. One would have been enough.

  “Because you’re amazing! I told you that you’re amazing!”

  “You did,” agreed Ana, just now realizing that she was wearing an utterly silly smile. Ana began to laugh, delight blooming within her. Turning, she flung her arms around Grissom, shouting, “I got them!”

  “You did!” He didn’t shout, but Grissom didn’t sound any less happy for her either.

  Together, they were the best money that she had ever made! And she was going to earn them while doing something that she loved!

  Carefully, Ana removed both packets of paperwork from the bed. Those went on top of the nearest bedside table. Then, the deck clear, Ana clambered into Grissom’s lap.

  “Do you want to celebrate?” she asked – seductively, she hoped – and then spoiled it by giggling.

  She was still giggling when Grissom tipped her onto her back for round two.

  Chapter 21 – Ana

  Grissom took her flying, and not in an airplane.

  If it had been any other dragon with his five fingers wrapped around her middle, his wicked scimitar-like claws pressed harmlessly against her back and belly, Ana probably would have found it terrifying. But it was Grissom, and so Ana found it exhilarating.

  He took her to a forest with trees so tall that the creatures that lived in their canopies had never once set foot on the ground in their entire lives, and there they had a picnic. Then she spent the afternoon sketching, while Grissom read a paperback. As the sun set, Grissom flew her home again, his giant scaly dragon hand once again carefully wrapped around her middle.

  At home – Grissom’s home, although for all intents and purposes it was already their shared home – Grissom landed them gently on the roof.

  Grissom had once told her that the house had been built by his great-uncle and passed onto him after
the man’s death. Ana thought that his great-uncle must also have been a dragon. It was the only way to explain the landing pad on the roof, which just happened to be large enough to accommodate two dragons.

  Ana admired the man’s style.

  And, lying on the picnic blanket next to Grissom, she admired the evening sky as the last light of the day faded from it, leaving the stars winking against a dark sky.

  “Aren’t you cold?” asked Ana. “Your clothes are in the knapsack.”

  “No,” said Grissom. He snuggled closer. “You’re warm enough for me.”

  “Shameless,” declared Ana loftily, as she nestled against him. “Utterly shameless.”

  “You don’t seem to mind.”

  “I like them shameless.”

  Grissom laughed.

  He tugged at her, and Ana ended up on top of him and all of his lovely bare skin. Reaching up, he gently smoothed her long hair away from her face.

  “Ana Alves,” he said, his eyes gleaming in the fading light. “Will you marry me?”

  Ana froze.

  She meant to say, ‘Yes, of course!’ but what actually came out was, “Are you sure?”

  Grissom’s eyebrows jumped.

  “What do you mean, ‘Am I sure’?” he demanded, his voice sharp.

  “I mean are you sure?” said Ana, trying and failing to make her voice equally sharp. Instead, she sat up, the better to glare down at Grissom.

  Pushing himself upright, Grissom glared right back at her. Ana found herself straddling his lap.

  “I know you like my art, and I know that you love me,” said Ana. “Sometimes when you look at me, I can feel how much you love me. But if you married me, you’d be giving up so much. And I don’t want you to give anything up for me.”

  “What,” said Grissom, his voice dangerously quiet, “do you think I’d be giving up if I married you?”

  “A dragoness that can go flying with you?” guessed Ana. “A woman that has money and connections and, I don’t know, the right kind of family? Someone you can bring home to your family. I just have… me. I don’t have anything except for myself. And as someone that grew up sharing a bathroom with all her siblings, I am almost positive that your parents are going to disapprove of me.”

  Grissom snorted.

  “There are at least five things wrong with everything you’ve just said,” he said, his voice still low. He was so angry that Ana could nearly feel it prickling against her skin.

  “In the first place, I don’t mind doing all of the flying,” he said, his voice still sharp. “You could become a dragoness, if you wanted, I guess. But for the record, I like you just the way you are. All of our children could be as human as you are, and I’d just be happy that there were little living mixes of you and me in the world.

  “In the second place, I don’t want a dragoness or some snot from an old family and older money. I’m rich enough to support both of us for at least a thousand years, no sweat, assuming that we continue investing our wealth wisely.

  “Thirdly, my family is old enough that it could do with having some hearty peasant blood mixed into it.”

  “Hearty peasant blood?” sputtered Ana, half indignant and half laughing.

  “Fourthly,” said Grissom, ignoring her. “If you marry me, you’ll be a woman with money and connections and the right kind of family, for all the good that it’ll do you.

  “And fifthly, you are my actual, honest to goodness soul mate. I will always be able to find you, and I will always know when you’re in danger. I know when you’re feeling sad or happy or scared or triumphant. And someday, we might even be able to speak mind to mind. There is absolutely no way that you could be a bad match for me, Ana.”

  Ana would have stopped him then and called bullshit or accused him of playing a bad practical joke on her, but she remembered his voice as he had said, ‘You were so scared. I could feel how frightened you were – how much in danger. I was so scared for you.’

  And she had gone left when she had meant to go right, heading away from more obvious sources of help in favor of going towards Grissom. Her feet had known, even if she hadn’t, which way to go.

  And sometimes, when he looked at her, Ana just knew what he was feeling.

  That sounded a lot like what he was describing.

  Wow, thought Ana, stunned. There might… actually be something to this?

  Reaching out, Grissom cupped her cheek, and Ana thoughtlessly leaned into his touch.

  “No one in this or any other world could match me as perfectly as you do,” Grissom said, his voice softening with the force of his emotion. “I’d never be embarrassed to introduce you to anyone, least of all my parents. We’re not one of those uptight families that just want to get richer or more powerful or whatever. My parents just want me to be happy. And no one could make me happier than you do.”

  “Grissom,” began Ana, her voice wavering.

  “Shhh,” hushed Grissom. “Let me finish. Do you remember when you asked me about my family? And I overreacted?”

  Ana nodded. It was what had first gotten her thinking that perhaps he didn’t want to introduce her around.

  “Dragons traditionally marry in triads. It’s usually a pair of brothers, ideally twin brothers, and a dragoness. They say that only triads have soul mates and soul bonds. Lone dragons – dragons like me, who don’t have a brother that they can pair up with – are usually thought to be incomplete. We’re not supposed to have perfect mates. But I’m lucky. I have you.”

  “Of course you have me,” said Ana, indignantly. She dashed the tears out of her eyes. “You’re kind and clever and so sweet to me. You’re not incomplete.”

  Grissom smiled.

  “I was worried that you’d feel cheated when you found out,” said Grissom. “You only have one dragon as a soul mate when you should have two.”

  “I have one dragon as a soul mate, because I’d only ever want one dragon to be my soul mate,” said Ana staunchly, and then squeaked when Grissom swooped forward to kiss her.

  One kiss turned into many kisses, and before Ana knew it, Grissom had her sprawled out on her back with her shirt rucked up under her armpits and her breasts jiggling against her chest. Ana’s nipples were wet and achingly sensitive from Grissom’s mouth, and she could still feel the line that Grissom had kissed down her belly, warm from his mouth and wet from the occasional lick of his tongue.

  Grissom peeled Ana’s jeans and panties down the length of her legs, then settled back between said legs. His hands stroked her thighs, and he pressed gentle kisses to her mound, her inner thighs, and then to her labia, his breath warm against her tender flesh.

  In her chest, Ana’s heart skipped a beat. She loved it when he did this for her. Ana squirmed, anticipation making every sensation sharper and more immediate.

  But Grissom teased her, making Ana’s hands fist into the picnic blanket and her legs tremble with anticipation. When she almost couldn’t bear the wait any longer, Grissom finally licked up the length of her sex, the tip of his tongue just barely parting her damp folds. And Ana sighed with pleasure – and relief.

  In no time at all, Grissom had her writhing and moaning for him. Her thighs were trembling again under his strong hands, as Grissom teasingly licked his way all around her opening. Another broad lick of his tongue up the length of her labia, and Grissom closed his lips around Ana’s clit. He sucked it, at the same time thrusting two fingers deep within Ana’s channel and twisting them, and Ana cried out. Her body bowed, her vagina clenching around his thrusting fingers as orgasm rushed through her.

  Grissom’s fingers stilled inside of Ana, but he didn’t let her up. Instead, he kept licking at her folds and sucking at her clit, his fingers deep inside of her and rubbing at a place that made her see stars.

  In no time at all, Ana was bucking and squirming again. Desire had pulled her muscles tight, and her hands had somehow found their way into Grissom’s hair. She needed to hold onto something, lest she come flying apart.
  “Grissom, please,” she sobbed, needing him, and gave his hair a very firm tug.

  Grissom obeyed with alacrity, scrambling up the length of her body.

  He pushed into her, Ana moaning at the delicious sensation of him filling her. His length always felt so good inside of her.

  The first time that he had ever entered her, Ana had thought that it felt strange. Not bad, just strange. And very, very big. She had never had someone else inside of her before then, and it had all been so new and overwhelming to her.

  Even now, it was still overwhelming. And somehow, it got better every time. It wasn’t just that they knew each other’s bodies better or were more comfortable making love with each other. It was just… more, and so impossibly better.

  Grissom kissed her and Ana kissed him back, their lips meeting and clinging and never fully parting. His hips were rolling against hers, his strokes slow and languid and so wonderfully deep.

  Feeling impish, Ana clenched around his length. She wrenched a groan from Grissom, and Ana laughed, feeling delighted with her trick and so impossibly happy.

  “Evil woman,” gasped Grissom, his hips jolting hard against hers.

  Still giggling, Ana made it up to him by doing it again… and pressing kisses along his jaw. Somehow, Grissom didn’t seem to find her consolations soothing.

  “Ugh, you’re making this difficult,” he complained.

  “Am I?” asked Ana innocently. She clenched her internal muscles around him again.

  Grissom groaned, his entire back bowing this time.

  “Ana,” he gasped.

  “Yes, dear?” purred Ana, smirking, and then yelped when Grissom rolled them over so that he was the one on the bottom and she was the one on top.

  Ana gaped at him. “How did you do that?”

  “Cop trick,” said Grissom smugly. “Although in retrospect, I don’t think that I was meant to use it in quite this set of circumstances.”


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