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How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom: Volume 9 (Premium)

Page 4

by Dojyomaru

  I have something more important than making a name for myself now!

  Halbert recommitted himself, swearing that he would never make the same mistake again. Then, turning his short spear toward the battle, he said, “We’re going in, Ruby! Let’s wrap this up, and get back to Kaede together!”

  “Huh?! ...Right!”

  It seemed Halbert’s determination had gotten through to Ruby, as she spread her wings wide.

  Then the red dragon knight descended on the battlefield.

  ◇ ◇ ◇

  After parting ways with Fuuga and Hal’s group, we headed up to a higher plateau than Wedan City, which had been built against a small mountain. We were on our way to Wedan Castle, the home of Duke Chima.

  There was an intense back-and-forth battle unfolding on the battlefield below us.

  I was a little worried that Hal, who had gone after Fuuga, might be drawn in by the other man’s aura, but, well, Ruby was with him, so he’d probably be fine.

  “Sire, look.” Aisha pointed.


  When I looked in the direction she was pointing, there was a soldier waving a flag up on the castle walls.

  “Let’s see... He’s signaling for us to land in the courtyard,” Aisha told me, catching the detail with her excellent distance vision.

  Following the orders from Wedan Castle, we landed in the courtyard with the half of the wyvern cavalry we had kept as guards.

  Setting down the gondola that Tomoe and the rest were riding in, Naden turned back into human form and jumped down to the ground with Aisha. At that point, a middle-aged man quickly appeared from inside the castle, walking toward us with a relaxing smile.

  “Well, well, it’s Sir Souma Kazuya, the King of Friedonia!”

  With his arms spread wide, a man with a Kaiser-style mustache welcomed us with an exaggerated reaction.

  He was average weight and height, and his graying black hair made him look to be about fifty years old.

  Though he wore the smile of a kindly old man, which reminded me of Liscia’s father, Sir Albert, I felt something suspicious from him, too. I was pretty sure, out of all the men in our kingdom, he most resembled Sebastian of the Silver Deer, or Lord Weist of Altomura.

  Also, behind the man, there was a pretty woman with a longsword slung over her back. She looked to be about twenty, and her beautiful, long hair that was tied together at waist-level left an impression.

  On top of a hakama, she wore armor that looked like the sort used in ancient Japan. Because she looked like the sort of person with more than a passing familiarity with the martial arts, I was reminded of Komatsuhime of Shinshu Ueda, or Kiso no Yoshinaka’s mistress Tomoe Gozen, two similar people from the other world.

  The man with the Kaiser mustache took my hand with both hands and knelt with one knee on the ground before me. The woman followed his lead in kneeling, and lowered her head. I was taken aback by the suddenness of it.

  Then the man held my hand reverently over his head and said, “I have already been briefed by your subordinates. I could not be more grateful that you have come all this way to assist us.”

  “I am indeed Souma,” I said. “And you are?”

  “Pardon my late introduction. I am Mathew Chima, the ruler of the Duchy of Chima.”

  Oh! This guy with the Kaiser mustache was Duke Chima? He was acting so obsequious, I’d wondered, but... yeah, now that he said it, it was somewhat convincing.

  The reason his kindly-old-man smile had felt suspicious must have been because his face as the head of a family that had survived through crafty politicking was showing through.

  “Please stand up, Sir Mathew,” I said. “As rulers of our respective nations, we are equals.”

  “No, no, my country is a small one, even with the Union of Eastern Nations. You, the king of the great nation of the south, are far above me.”


  Th-This is tough...

  It was really hard to deal with someone who was being thoroughly humble, and making a point of trying to lift me up. Hearing compliments from someone when I had no idea how they really felt didn’t feel comfortable at all.

  That said, since he was being friendly, I couldn’t mistreat him. Was this how Gaius VIII had felt with Weist kneeling before him?

  “It can’t be easy to talk from that position,” I said. “Stand up, please. You, too.”

  “Ohh, I neglected to introduce her. This is my daughter Mutsumi.” As Mathew stood up, he put his hand on her back as he spoke.

  Mutsumi Chima. Then this woman was the Mutsumi, the one that Madam Maria had said was the most popular of Duke Chima’s children?

  She was a clever-looking beauty, that was true, so I felt like I could see why so many lords wanted her for themselves.

  Mutsumi stood up and bowed to me. “I am Mutsumi Chima. Thank you so very much for sending troops to aid us. You seem to have many good subordinates, Sir Souma. That’s very reassuring.”

  As she said that, Mutsumi glanced to my left and right.

  The ones standing beside me were Aisha and Juna. If she was looking at them and calling them “good subordinates,” then she was likely a good enough warrior to tell how strong her opponents were just by looking. It seemed her reputation as a woman blessed with wisdom and bravery was not an exaggeration.

  “Madam Mutsumi,” I said. “It’s true that they act as my bodyguards, but these two are also my fiancées. The one on the right is Aisha, the one on the left is Juna.”

  “Yes, sir. I am Aisha Udgard.”

  “Juna Doma. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  “Oh! Pardon me. I’m Mutsumi Chima.”

  Mutsumi quickly apologized for treating them like common retainers before shaking their hands. Then...


  I turned, feeling a tug on my sleeve, and Naden was looking at me with her cheeks puffed up. Her upset eyes said, “I’m your fiancée, too, so introduce me properly!”

  “Ahem... And this is Naden,” I said quickly. “She’s also my fiancée.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Mutsumi said. While shaking Naden’s hand, she stared hard at Naden’s antlers. “Antlers and a scaly tail... Are you of the sea serpent race, by any chance?”

  Naden puffed up her slight chest and snorted. “I am not. I’m a dragon from the Star Dragon Mountain Range.”

  “A dragon?! You’ve formed a dragon knight contract with a dragon, Sir Souma?!”

  “Yeah, well... we’re a bit of an unorthodox dragon and knight, though,” I told the surprised Mutsumi, smiling wryly.

  The moment he learned I had formed a contract with a dragon, I felt like Sir Mathew’s smile got a little deeper. “My word! To have formed a contract with a dragon, even though you’re not from the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom! That’s a truly heroic accomplishment. I am in awe.”

  “Uh, no, listen, my contract with Naden’s a very unusual one, and...”

  “Don’t be modest. Why, I envy those who will be lucky enough to marry you. I’ve been hoping my own daughters could marry a man such as you, you know.”


  Whoa, buddy! Not so close.

  He was being weirdly pushy now. And oddly eager to foist his daughter off onto me.

  Juna subtly wrapped herself around my arm.

  While I was wondering what was up, Juna whispered so just I could hear, “Be careful. I’m sure Sir Mathew wants a connection to you, sire.”

  A connection... Oh, a direct line, huh?

  When Mathew Chima had sent a request for aid with the current demon wave, he had made public his intention to send his six capable children out to become vassals or marriage partners in response to how hard each party worked.

  While it was meant as bait to lure in reinforcements, it was also a way to get his children into the service of powerful factions, or to marry into them, in order to increase his own influence.

  From Sir Mathew’s perspective, I, as the provisional
king of the largest power on the east side of the continent, was the best catch he could hope for. No matter what it took, he wanted to take this opportunity to set up a direct channel of communication.

  If possible, he clearly wanted me to marry his daughter and become a relative.

  That was why he was trying to promote Mutsumi, who was the most popular catch with the other lords, to me.

  “I don’t really like his methods, though,” I whispered back so that only Juna could hear.

  Using his daughter’s betrothal as a tool. It shouldn’t have been any different from what the former king, Sir Albert, had done, but this time it felt way more unpleasant.

  Sir Albert had done what he had for both my future and Liscia’s, and he’d wished for our happiness from the bottom of his heart. He hadn’t been just using her as a political tool.

  Juna whispered to me again, “I understand how you feel, but without the ability to carry out negotiations like this, I’m sure it would be difficult for him to maintain independence in an area with so many countries through just diplomacy.”

  “...I guess you’re right,” I murmured.

  There might be some countries and lands where it was only possible to survive through underhandedness and duplicity. It was true I didn’t like his methods, but if that was this country’s secret to success, I didn’t want to be judgmental.

  “Still, it’s a pain when he goes at it so hard,” I muttered. “Juna, could you stick close to me for a while? It has to be harder for him to bring up marriage talks when my fiancée is present.”

  “Hee hee, there’s a role with perks,” she giggled. “I’m glad I stuck around.”

  As she said that with a mischievous laugh, Juna was so cute I couldn’t help but stare adoringly.

  While we were talking, there was a sudden beating of wings. Looking up, I saw a white tiger, red dragon, and countless wyverns descending to the courtyard.

  Fuuga, Hal, and the rest had returned.

  “Ha ha ha! Honestly, there wasn’t a worthy foe in the lot of them!” Fuuga announced.

  Unlike Fuuga, who was lifting up his crescent blade in joyous celebration of his triumphant return, Hal was holding Ruby’s reins with an exhausted expression on his face.

  Looking closer, there was a fresh wound on Hal’s forehead. What had happened out on the battlefield? Did I need to ask him about it later?

  Fuuga jumped off Durga the white tiger, walking toward us with broad steps. “Duke Chima, I went and took out the big ones wherever it looked like there was going to be a collapse.”

  “Ohh, excellent, Sir Fuuga! You work with the intensity of a fierce god!”

  “This is nothing. As long as we’re here, this country can’t lose.” With that, Fuuga winked at Mutsumi.

  Mutsumi smiled, folded her hands in front of her, and bowed. “I am pleased to see you return uninjured after scattering our enemies. I am awed by your prowess. Do you know no fear, Sir Fuuga?”

  “Naw, it’s all so I can take you as my bride,” Fuuga smirked. “I’ll bet I need to work even harder.”

  He was suddenly declaring he’d make her his wife?! How bold.

  Mutsumi’s eyes went wide for a moment when he said it, but she eventually giggled and smiled. “You’re an honest man.”

  “If I want something, I say so. If I say it, I make my wish come true. That’s my creed,” Fuuga said, brimming with confidence.

  If he wanted something... huh. So he was the type that lived true to his desires, and drew power from that. That made him easy to read, but I’d be scared if our interests ever clashed. Once that man resolved to do something, I doubted he’d ever back down.

  Just then, I heard voices from behind us. ““Eek?!””

  Turning back, I saw that Hal was hugging Kaede and Ruby, who was back in her human form. He actually picked them both up.

  Kaede was flailing her arms in surprise. “W-Whoa, Hal?! What do you think you’re doing all of a sudden?”

  Kaede kept protesting, but Hal didn’t let the two of them go.

  “...Sorry,” he said.

  “Huh?” she asked, looking confused.

  “That I came close to forgetting you two, for even a moment... I’m truly sorry,” Hal said gravely.

  Seeming to have picked up on something from that, Kaede gently patted Hal on the back.

  Ruby was silently letting him do what he wanted, too.

  I was silent. Something really must have happened out on the battlefield. But, well, as long as those two were with him, he’d be fine.

  Even when you seem ready to collapse, if there’s someone at your side who cares for you, you can get going again. I’d been through that a number of times myself up to this point. By feeling that warmth, you can reconfirm what it is you ought to be protecting.

  I clapped my hands, trying to get myself back on track. “Sir Mathew. The reinforcements will arrive tomorrow. I’d like to discuss arrangements.”

  Sir Mathew nodded eagerly. “Ohh, of course! We don’t have time to just flap our gums out here forever. Let us go inside the castle. Come, come, Sir Fuuga, everyone, this way!”

  With that, Sir Mathew began to lead the way.

  Before we reached the inside of the castle, I gave instructions to each of my companions who were present. “Aisha, Juna, Naden, Hal, Kaede, Ruby. The six of you will come with me. The wyvern cavalry are to stand by here until further orders. Kuu and Leporina, you can do as you like, but...”

  I looked over at the master and servant pair from Turgis.

  Kuu crossed his arms behind his head and laughed. “While Bro’s holding war talks, maybe we’ll take a little look around the area. Right, Leporina?”

  “I’ll come with you, but don’t cause too much trouble for the people here, okay?” Leporina scolded.

  “Ookyakya! I know that!”

  It seemed they were planning to wander around Wedan. They’d just tagged along of their own accord, so that was probably fine.

  “That leaves Tomoe and Inugami,” I said. “Inugami, I want you to contact Kagetora. It can wait until you’ve been shown to your rooms, but can I leave that to you?”

  “Understood. What should be done about guarding Lady Tomoe in the meantime?”

  “Oh, right... What should we do...?”

  “I-I’ll be fine,” Tomoe said quickly. “Please, do your duty, Mr. Inugami.”

  Inugami looked concerned, but Tomoe smiled as she said that.

  Holding down the fort alone, huh? I was a bit worried, but she would probably be safe inside this castle.

  “Well, can you wait in your room, then?” I asked.

  “Got it,” Tomoe said, snapping her hand to her forehead in a salute. How adorable.

  I cleared my throat to keep myself from fawning on her, and then turned to the rest. “Now then, you can all begin carrying out your orders.”

  On my command, each of them went into action to fulfill their duties.

  We started walking to follow Sir Mathew, but... at this point, we were overlooking something.

  “...Hee hee!”

  We were overlooking the fact that Tomoe’s tail was swishing around as she eyed the area with fascination.

  Our beloved little sister was at an inquisitive age.

  Chapter 3: A Little Adventure and a Meeting

  My name is Tomoe. I’m the adopted daughter of the former royal couple of Elfrieden, Lord Albert and Lady Elisha, which makes me Big Brother Souma and Big Sister Liscia’s adopted little sister.

  Right now, I was in a room in the castle of Sir Mathew, who ruled over the Duchy of Chima. Before leaving this room, Big Brother Souma and Mr. Inugami had given me instructions.

  “All right, we’ll be leaving you alone for a little while, but stay put and wait for us, okay?”

  “I will return as soon as my work is complete.”

  Left alone in the room, I sat on the bed dangling my legs for a while, but I quickly got tired of that, so I jumped down from the bed. Then, quiiiietly a
pproaching the door, I peeked out through the slight crack of an opening.

  No one was in the hallway. It was wartime, so maybe they didn’t have enough people.

  I slipped out of the room, closing the door behind me.

  Big Brother and everyone else told me to stay in the room and wait, but I really wanted to explore the castle.

  I mean, while we were studying together, my teacher, Mr. Hakuya, had said, “The experiences you’ll have as a child are a treasure.”

  I’d answered, “I want to grow up to be a woman who can help my big brother and everyone else.”

  His gentle response: “There’s no need to rush. While you’re a child, with a child’s heart, you should look and listen, and experience many things. The older you get, the more you lose your freedom of emotion. The things you feel with your eyes and ears now are sure to help you when you grow up and become a woman.”

  After saying that, he’d patted me on the head.

  That was why I wanted to see all sorts of things for myself. Not while being protected by Big Brother or Inugami, either; I wanted to explore this sort of unfamiliar place on my own.

  It hurt breaking my promise with Big Brother like this, but I was sure if I apologized afterward, he’d forgive me.

  Having come out into the corridor, I looked around the castle. Unlike the castle in Parnam, Duke Chima’s castle felt unrefined. There weren’t many windows, so it was a little dark, even though it was the middle of the day.

  Maybe because everyone was fighting down below the castle, it felt like most of the people I passed by were maids, or other people who didn’t fight.

  Huh—but our head maid, Serina, and one of the other maids, Carla, could fight, couldn’t they? Maybe one or two of these maids could fight, too.

  My teacher always said, “You shouldn’t judge people solely by their appearance,” after all.

  Thinking over that as I kept going, I spotted a maid by the window who seemed to be on break, so I tried asking her why this castle was so unrefined.

  “Little girl, I think the reason you feel this place is unrefined is that this castle exists purely for defensive purposes,” the maid kindly explained. “Duke Chima usually does his official work at a building in the town at the foot of the mountain. So, when the war came, he took shelter in this castle while we waited for reinforcements. If we first meet the enemy at the town walls, and then fall back here as soon as they break through, we can keep fighting, right?”


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