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The Upper Worlds (The Soul Survivor Series Book 1)

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by Van Forson

  Sandwiched between the Twins, I walked easily through the crowds. People stepped out of our way in awe and parted to let us pass as if we had a golden force field around us that gave us special privileges. In fact, we did have a super power, and it was called popularity.

  “Where were you?” Sal said stepping across our path blindsiding me. “I came out of my way to give you a ride to school, but when I got to your house, your ma said you had left already.”

  “Oh yes, sorry Sal. I had something to do this morning, and I totally forgot our plans.” I answered truthfully.

  “Kiddie-Girl was with us,” Mindy said.

  “We gave her a surprise make-over,” Cindy added.

  “Kiddie-Girl!” Sal spat out the Twins latest nickname for me as if she had just swallowed a fly.

  “Yeah, Kiddie-Girl,” Mindy said, blinking cutely. “Don't you just love her new outfit?”

  Sal looked me up and down with crossed arms that matched her cross face. I shifted uneasily.

  “I mean come on Kid!” Sal said throwing up her arms in disbelief. “Really? I mean really what are you wearing?”

  “It's vintage McQueen.” Cindy chimed in factually. “But don't worry we can sort out your look another day. I can see you could do with some help. Ciao for now.”

  Cindy dismissed Sal and the Twins wheeled me away from her towards the Top Tables. I turned back to look at Sal who shook her head at me in disapproval. I quickly looked away. Yes, I had been spending less time with her lately, but I was tired of justifying my friendship with the popular kids. Unlike me, Sal felt no need to fit what society deemed as normal. In fact, she thrived on no one knowing her Type. I was different enough as it was, I didn't need to wear my oddness on my sleeve. I was just trying my best to fit in. At least I was able to physically do that, unlike the Tachions.

  Tachions usually lived and went to school in Sub Zero. Sub Zero was a district on the outskirts of town. Most Upper Worldians preferred it that way. I've heard adults speak about how unsightly and unruly Tachions were. Although branded inferior, there is this unspoken fear of Tachions, a palpable sheer panic by most Code Types that one day the Tachions would somehow hurt them by using their undiscovered genetic ability. My ma, who works in Sub Zero, told me that Tachions never dared to find out about their latent power. Doing so was a direct violation of Truth number one, the first Law of the Upper Worlds which states, ‘Tachions must never harness their power, in any way or at any time against a Code Type.' If a Tachion ever broke that law, they would be fuzzed, meaning annihilated by the Guardians on the spot. The small group of Tachions that attended FB stuck together and didn't mix with us Code Types. That was all except for my friend Philippe.

  Philippe didn't hide away in Sub Zero. His parents were both high achieving, well-decorated athletes and had raised him to succeed despite his genetics. He had lived his whole life amongst the elite and Philippe wore his difference like a badge of honour. I had a longstanding admiration of him for that.

  “… And that wasn't the half of it.” Philippe chuckled, in full comic rendition as we reached the Top Tables.

  “You're so funny Big P.” Madeleine Stone tittered loudly.

  Madeleine was the leader of a band of AEs so shallow they made a puddle seem deep. They called themselves the ‘Pretties’ due to how good-looking they were. I called them the ‘Prees’, not to their face of course, because they liked nothing better than to pree, which was to stare and judge. Kate, Lottie and Porsha were the staple of Madeleine's airheaded army and were quick to shoot down anyone with a catty comment or a sarcastic snicker. They were merciless and cruel to everyone they deemed unworthy, and because I didn't yet have a Code Type, I was a prime target for their flawless foulness.

  As the Twins and I approached, Madeleine's eyes darted to Brad. She was desperate to monopolise his attention before he noticed that we, by that I mean Mindy, had arrived. Madeleine quickly turned on her heels and walked away, rudely interrupting Philippe's story. The Prees dutifully followed suit. Although they had been giggling with Philippe, a second ago, he was now dead to them. Philippe looked momentarily dejected as the Prees ditched him for Brad like so many other people had done on so many occasions. He took it all in his gargantuan stride, literally, and was standing by another group of elite Code Types, who also liked the danger of being associated with such a fierce looking Tachion. In a matter of seconds, he was relaying his funny exploits to them, and they were rolling around in stitches.

  I strutted, as best I could, to keep in step with Mindy and Cindy as we walked towards the table where Brad and the other jock and cheerleader Types were sitting. Madeleine and the Prees had beaten us to it and looked the Twins up and down assessing every aspect of their attire. They were beautifully turned out in matching outfits. Obviously.

  I wasn't a threat to Madeleine’s top rated status, so she glanced at me with a look of annoyance rather than envy. I twitched nervously under her scrutiny.


  I had been practising my plastic smile every day after school. It had taken a long time for my fake smile to read as cute, but I had finally achieved it. Whenever Jet, my little brother, caught me grinning to myself he would say I looked like I belonged in UC, which was an underground prison for deranged criminals.

  “Ewww! What's that weird thing you're doing with your face?” Madeleine shrieked, wrinkling up her perfect button nose in sheer disgust.

  I attempted to ignore her, trying with all my might to fit in by holding the prettiest smile my face muscles could muster. Holding the perfect smile was no easy feat, I can tell you. There was no way I would ever be able to maintain the cutesy cute, look that the Twins did so effortlessly. I just wasn't born that way.


  There it went again! The face spasm that made it clear that I didn't belong here at the Top Tables amongst the elite Top Set, those who lived an amazing life due to their genetics. The tiniest facial movement betrayed me, letting everyone know my life was a lie.


  Sugar! The nervous tick was not letting up. I had been holding my fake smile for far too long. For the briefest moment, the corners of my mouth turned down into a frown.

  “Why are you, like, doing such crazy things with your face?” Madeleine squealed in high-pitched disapproval. “You look so – like – UGLY!”

  Madeline had drawn unwanted attention to my far from perfect face. Others around the table stopped their conversations to stare at me. She had once again made it blatantly obvious just how out of place I was among the stunningly beautiful girls.

  I tried to regain my smile, but another cheek spasm gave the game away completely. I sucked my cheeks in hard and pouted my lips. That would have to do while I tried to fix my facial muscles back into a pleasant smile.

  “Like – seriously, what is that?”

  “That's right, work it!” Mindy and Cindy clicked their fingers and jovially chirped in a sing-song unison swooping in to once again save me from utter humiliation.

  “I saw a model recreate that look yesterday on Fashion Focus on TEN - ” Mindy said.

  “- Duck face, old school selfie pose. It's retro. You’re bang on trend, Kid.” Cindy completed her sister's sentence as she so often did.

  The Twins imitated my pained expression but somehow managed to look like Goddesses. Not at all uncomfortable and awkward like I was.

  Madeleine narrowed her eyes but then seemed to buy the cover as Kate, Lottie and Porsha copied the Twins’ model pose.

  “Well - ‘kay!” Madeleine gave in - but not before shooting me, what she could only wish would be, a cutting look.

  I was grateful for the Twins helping me out. But I didn't like pretending to be someone I wasn't. The old me, the one not concerned with fitting in, would have put Madeleine in her place. I didn't like being this meek.

  Brad greeted the Twins and me with a hug and smiled his brilliant white-toothed grin. I called Brad's trademark smiles ‘dazzlers’ because that's exactly how you fe
lt when he shot one at you. Dazzled.

  “Good morning, Bonitas.” Brad beamed arching an eyebrow.

  “Good morning Braddy.” The Twins sang in girlie unison.

  “Hey, Brad.” I blushed.

  “Hey, Kid.” Brad said grabbing me by my shoulders and spinning me away from the Twins.

  He pulled me into the centre of his teammates.

  “Look, your muscles are getting bigger. I told the guys earlier your Type is kicking in. Hey, maybe you'll turn into a Jock!”

  Crimson flashed through my cinnamon skin.

  “Lol, Brad.” I said dryly, denoting that he wasn't funny in the slightest.

  Madeleine joined in with a high-pitched cackle,

  “You're so funny, Braddy.” She said batting her eyelashes and twiddling her hair.

  “Kid is gonna get hench and try to challenge me for FB captaincy.”

  Brad had quickly gotten into his favourite new pastime, which was baiting me in an attempt to get Mindy's attention. He would make a joke at my expense, something he knew I could handle as we had been friends for so long. Mindy would protect me by telling him to stop and after much of the Twins insisting he would say, “I'll stop, only because it's you” and shoot Mindy a dazzler. Mindy would cutely curl a lock of her golden hair around a perfectly manicured finger, and Brad would be mesmerised by her effortless beauty and grace.

  But this time Brads little game had not worked because Philippe had joined us and made a beeline straight for Mindy. He whispered a joke that only she could hear. Mindy giggled uncontrollably, leaving Brad entertaining Madeleine and the Prees.

  “What's so funny?” I asked, making my escape from Brad.

  “I was just telling the Twins that I was going to nominate myself as a contestant in the next Miss Teen Upper Worlds.” Philippe joked.

  “You're like, so silly, Philly.” Mindy giggled.

  “I think I've got a chance to win that golden tiara, don't you?” He winked a muscle-laden eyelid at Mindy.

  She batted her eyelashes back. Cindy followed suit.

  “You're definitely in with a chance, I'd vote for you.” I laughed.

  I instantly felt relaxed in Philippe’s company. He knew how to make us all feel good about ourselves and put a genuine smile back on my face. Now I was calm and ready to join the schoolyard banter.

  And that's when it happened.

  School is for learning.

  1 + 1 makes 2.

  But when you question all you know,

  What are you going to do?

  Two: The Time is Now

  A harlequin-clad figure agilely scaled the school fence, and front flipped effortlessly into the forecourt. It moved with the grace of a ballerina and the silence of a shadow.

  The Harlequin hurtled through the air like a red and white chequered whirlwind. The movement across the schoolyard was so rapid that the Harlequin reached the Top Tables before anyone, even the floating surveillance Orbs, could detect any unusual activity.

  The catapulting figure came to a stop and kneeled directly in front of Kid.

  “You must be in action,” The Harlequin spoke in soft tones and a strange accent.

  “Oh, my!” The Twins gasped in unison as they and the Prees backed away from the mysterious intruder.

  “Only you can save us now. Only you can save us all.” The Harlequin announced urgently, although the speech was barely a whisper. “Kid. The time is now!” The Harlequin said, before springing to its feet.

  “Did you just say my name?” Kid gasped.

  Taken by complete surprise, the cumbersome Guardians were slow on the uptake. They fumbled with their armour before launching a white lightening population control ray. In that instant Kid was knocked from her spot and hurtled eight feet away from the tables. The pop con laser instantly turned the spot where Kid had sat, into a clump of smouldering ash.

  Kid had not been blasted by the Guardians, but rather it was the hulk of Philippe that had swept her off her feet, knocking her to the ground and out of harm's way. Philippe covered Kid and the Twins, sheltering them from the chaos.

  The Harlequin somersaulted majestically into the air and landed agilely on the Eee Ces table.

  “Wow!” Sal mouthed awestruck.

  The Eee Cees usually expressed a nonchalant disdain for life, but even they couldn’t hide their shock. Nothing like this had ever happened at FB.

  The second wave of old school Guardians whirled into action. They usually sat inactive near the U-bend workstations. They had never had cause to be fired up before. The surge of activity led to a drain on the mainframe, which resulted in the image of the carnations and oak trees to flicker in and out, momentarily revealing the reality of the schoolyard. The recreation area was no more than a mess of grey concrete littered with plastic motion sensors. FB's picturesque courtyard, with flowers in bloom, was in actuality a virtual reality holographic simulation.

  The Harlequin flipped across the forecourt in leaps and bounds. The entire forecourt erupted in panic as students ran screaming and hiding under tables in an attempt to avoid the reckless blasts from the Guardians. The Harlequin took a tremendous leap of faith from the Brainiacs workstation towards the school gates and freedom. But before the Harlequin’s feet made it to the ground and safety, a gamma ray racked through the intruder resulting in instant annihilation.

  Ash intertwined with clumps of red and white material fell to the ground. A deafening silence descended across the forecourt, and every pair of eyes turned to look at the person the intruder had held onto. Kid.


  Bibi, my father, grabbed the controller and stopped the onscreen playback of the incident at school.

  “I don’t know why you insist on continuously watching this back Milan.” He scolded my ma. “We have the facts; this security footage from the Orbs, the report from the Guardians and the account from the Principal. This incident was nothing more than a case of mistaken identity. A mad man at the school gates.”

  “It was a woman dad,” I replied flatly. “A young girl at that.”

  “It’s a figure of speech Keziah.” Bibi sighed as he paced the metallic floor of our pristine living room, which we only used when we had important company.

  After the incident, it was a blur, but I was marched to the Principal’s office by the Guardians, questioned, cleared, debriefed and sent home. Principal Farley had explained to my parents that this was the actions of a lone assailant, and I should return to school on Monday as normal.

  My dad took the facts as they stood and was willing to move on. My mother, on the other hand, had burst into tears, called a family meeting and not let me out of her sight. So far she had replayed the incident seventeen times.

  “I just want to make sense of it. My angel could have been hurt.” Ma cried, throwing her arms around my neck and cradling me like a newborn baby.

  “I can’t breathe,” I huffed.

  “Let’s not get hysterical,” Bibi said with a furrowed brow frown.

  My dad is a scientific Code Type – deriving conclusions based purely on data, which he called fact. My dad said the word ‘fact’ a lot.

  “The fact is Milan, you mollycoddle these children and what you’re doing right now is just making matters worse. Keziah was unharmed. The school is fine. The perpetrator was caught. The end!”

  “Yes, it could have been the end, the end of our daughter!” Milan wailed. “If it wasn’t for Philippe who knows what would have happened to her.”

  My mother was a Compassionate Code Type. Modified to be charitable, caring and kind. There wasn’t much of a demand for her Type anymore. She was a rarity and many of her views outdated.

  “That boy is just so amazing, so wonderful, so special!”

  It was due to my ma that I had close Tachion friends in the first place. Not just Philippe, but people like Wain who lived in Sub Zero. She had always campaigned for Tachion rights and equality. She said the way Tachions are treated on the Upper Worlds by Code Types was in

  “How is Philippe? He wasn’t hurt at all, was he? And the Twins? Are they ok?”

  My friends always said I was lucky to have a warm-hearted mother, but on days like this, it was just truly annoying.

  “He’s ok ma, like I’ve already told you, no students were hurt.”

  “And you precious one, how are you really feeling?”

  “I’m fine ma.” I lied, freeing myself from her suffocating sympathetic grip.

  “Icy. Check out those garms on the girl that got fuzzed,” Jet, my little brother, excitedly grabbed the controller, “no one around here dresses like that.”

  He sat so close to the screen that it lit up his face as he rewound the footage in slow mo.

  “Everyone’s talking about it,” Jet said as he played the incident for the eighteenth time. “People are saying the intruder could have been from UC!”

  This was the most animated I had seen Jet in years. He spent most of his time sullen and joint at the hip to his one and only friend, Skye.

  “Stop playing that footage Jet!” Bibi demanded grabbing the controller.


  Bibi erased the clip from the screen. “There! It’s done. No more mention of this will be made in this house.”

  “Dad!” Jet threw his hands up in protest. “That was excellent training research you just destroyed.”

  “Training for what?” Bibi asked.

  “Never mind, you wouldn’t understand anyway…” Jet muttered underneath his breath, skulking away from the screen.

  “Just because you deleted the clip it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I can’t believe I’m once again the talk of the town.” I cringed

  “Keziah, I can assure you that it’s only this household who are blowing everything out of proportion,” Bibi said. “The fact is this incident hasn’t even been reported on TEN local. I can assure you if it were of any importance it would have been on the news.”


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