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Hear Me Roar (The Bloodshed Duet Book 2)

Page 3

by Dee Garcia

  It’s going to be a long night with these three.

  Reyna somehow decided that the information Hazel was about to share with her was confidential. She shooed us away with a flick of her wrist and dragged my girl onto the couch with her, shooting Luis and I a deadly glare I couldn't help but laugh at. Apparently, she didn’t seem to think I would’ve told Luis regardless, which was kind of stupid, considering I told the man everything. But I understood it was more a case of they needed some girl time after many weeks apart, so Luis and I gladly collected our beers and stepped out onto the balcony that overlooked the ocean. He dropped into one of the patio chairs as I shut the sliding glass door behind us and plopped down into the seat opposite him. We clinked our beers together and took a long sip that instantly melted away the tension spurred on from the craziness that took place earlier on in the day.

  “So, what the fuck happened?” he asked, crossing a leg over his knee at the ankle. “Reyna would not shut up about it in the car, all but berating me to drive faster when I was already ten over the limit.”

  I choked out a laugh and stole a glance inside at the two women huddled on the couch in the living room. “You remember Bernie, right?”

  “Yeah, obviously.”

  “Well, he has a daughter,” I said, transfixed on my girl as she spilled every last detail of the same story to my childhood friend.

  Then, with great detail, I went on to regale Luis with our little family meeting, taking care not to leave out anything important. The more I explained, the more his brown eyes widened in shock. Didn’t take him long to understand why his sister had been so worked up on the way over.

  “And she wants to talk to Hazel? For what?” he questioned, scooting to the edge of his seat.

  I shrugged and took another sip. “That’s what we don’t know. She didn’t tell Karley why she wanted to speak to her; she just said she did.”

  “The fuck? What did Hazel have to say about it?”

  “That there was no way in hell she was calling her.”

  “I can’t say I blame her, bro.”

  “I know, I can’t either.” I sighed. “Something about the whole situation is odd, though.”

  “Yeah, I get that, but you can’t force her to call the chick.”

  “Dually noted, trust me. If anything, I’m just glad she told my sister that it was perfectly acceptable for Maya to reach out if it was that important.”

  Luis drained his Heineken and set the now emptied bottle on the small table between us. “Bet I know why she said that.”


  “She probably doesn’t think Maya will take the leap and make the call.”

  “You think so?” I hedged and he nodded, his lips puckered.

  “Karley will have to tell this woman Hazel declined making the first point of contact, which in turn, will more than likely discourage her from pursuing anything further.”

  “You have a point.”

  “But you never know, Rey may be able to convince her otherwise.”

  “If she does, I’ll have to thank her. Deep down, despite whatever she says and all Maya has done, I know Hazel is seeing red flags. A part of her wants to reach out and potentially help this girl should she need it, but in the same hand, she wants nothing to do with her, almost as though aiding her would be wrong.”

  “You think this girl needs help?” Luis asked warily.

  “What else could it be? There has to be something going on with the husband. He’s fifteen years older than her, has more money than he could possibly know what to do with, forbid her from making contact with her own father. He's without a doubt hiding something.”

  “Fuck, Carr. what if he’s into some dirty shit? What if he hurts her?”

  “Don’t.” I held up a hand. “I’ve been thinking the same thing, but I don’t want to push Hazel either. Not about this. She has every right to decline contact.”

  “Can Karley look into it? Maybe if she gives Hazel proof, it would sway her.”

  “I doubt it. There’s only so much she can dig up if the girl doesn’t wanna give her the details.”

  “Then let’s hope Rey is on our team in this respect.”

  I hummed and he reclined in the seat, folding his arms behind his head. “So, aside from the tornado that touched down today, how’s the couple life treating you?”

  A broad smile instantly stretched across my face. Not only was this typical A.D.D. Luis, switching to a new topic like whiplash, but it wasn’t until then I realized how much I’d missed him. He and Reyna had spent a few months in Puerto Rico with one of their aunts, which meant peace and quiet for Hazel and I. But around the five-week point, it was just too quiet. Hazel missed having Reyna around and I’d missed having my brother around too.

  “It’s fucking bliss,” I said merrily.


  “Yeah, bro, really. I’m so crazy in love with her, I can’t even think straight sometimes.”

  “Well, damn, Carr,” he chuckled, the sound pleasantly surprised. “Might be too soon to ask but, are you thinking she’s the one?”


  “The only one,” I corrected, stealing another peek at the woman in question.

  At the woman my heart beat for.

  As if she sensed my ardent stare, those decadent chocolate brown orbs darted to where I sat, a heated flush quickly coloring her cheeks.

  I love you.

  “Jesus fuck, man, you do realize what you just said, right?” he asked me, his voice barely audible as my girl and I held onto the moment between the glass door separating us.

  For those brief seconds, time stood still. The world around us was non-existent. Catching her eyes on me always did me in, because all I could see when I looked back at her was my wife. Lately, I’d found myself thinking about it more and more. Crazy, I know, because we hadn't even been together for a year, but when I was kid, my mom always urged Karley and I to follow our guts, and my gut had yet to steer me wrong. It wasn’t until Reyna glanced over her shoulder that the trance fell away, a quick shake of my head bringing me back to the here and now. When I peered over at Luis, he was grinning in amusement.

  “So, when are we going ring shopping?” he questioned, thrumming his fingers together.

  “Give me a few months, alright,” I countered. “If I buy it now, I'm gonna wanna give it to her. Timing isn't right.”

  “Yet. Timing isn't right yet.”


  Luis laughed and ran a hand through his dark hair. “You know, man, I gotta be honest. I never thought I'd see the day Knox Carr wanted to get married. Not after, you know.”

  “I know, I didn't either, but Hazel, she's just…” I trailed off, at a loss for words.

  “She’s the one for you. I get it, bro.”

  “Even when we fight over the stupidest shit, I can't be mad at her. If I have a bad day at work, I come home and everything is instantly a million times better. When I look at her, I see happiness. My future. My fucking everything.”

  “Good God, Carr, you are whipped,” he snickered.

  “Damn right, I am.”

  “You’re not even the least bit ashamed, are you?”

  “Nope.” I shook my head. “That woman owns me as much as I own her. Best fucking feeling in the world.”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’ll be the eternal stud, forever alone.”

  “You say that now… What ever happened to Kara?”

  His face contorted in disgust as he visibly cringed at the sound of her name. “She got way too fucking clingy for my liking.”

  I rolled my eyes. “They’re all too clingy for your liking.”

  “Clingy equals crazy. Reyna is crazy enough...I don’t need more crazy in my life.”

  “Love is always crazy, bro. You just have to-”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he groaned, shooting up to his feet. “I need another beer if I’m going to sit through one of your lectures.”

  “I’m not lecturing you, dic
khead. But fine, let’s go inside and see what those two are up to. I could use another one anyway.”

  Reyna was alone on the couch when Luis and I shuffled inside. She glanced our way at the sound of the waves crashing behind us, a small smile playing across her face.

  Where’s Hazel?

  “Sit, I’ll get it,” I said to Luis, peering down the hallway. “Rey, you want something?”

  “Hazel’s got it already. Thanks, though.”

  I should’ve guessed. For women, they actually drained their beers in entirety rather than nursing a single bottle all night long. Sometimes, they could even outdrink me and Luis. Swooping under the archway into the kitchen, I found my girl slicing a couple of limes to lay out on a small plate. She was so engrossed in the task at hand, she didn’t even hear the sound of my footsteps approaching. Setting down the empty bottles onto the granite counter beside her, I slid my arms around her waist and buried my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her deeply. She smelled like home and my mind instantly rolled back to the moments before our friends got here, her scent flickering image after cock-twitching image that had me pulling her closer for purchase.

  A soft laugh rattled her small frame against me as she reached back and threaded her fingers into my hair. “Well, hello to you too.”

  “You're mine the second they leave, you hear me?”

  “Mmm, yes, sir,” she purred playfully.

  “I'm serious.”

  “I didn't say you weren't. After our little interruption earlier, I’ve been throbbing all night.”


  I licked my lips. “I can taste you already.”

  “Dirty boy, they’re right there,” she chastised, swiveling around in my arms.

  Coy didn’t quite describe her expression. She was downright salacious.

  “I don’t give a fuck,” I growled, hitching one her legs around my waist. “They’re lucky I’m not railing you against the counter as we speak.”

  “Behave. You can rail me against it all you want when they leave.”

  “Who's the dirty one now?” I smirked.

  “Yo, Knox, where’s my beer?” Luis yelled from the living room, interrupting us yet again.

  That was starting to get really fucking annoying and they’d only been home for a few days.

  “Yeah, Hazel, where’s my beer?” That, obviously, was Reyna.

  My girl giggled softly and shook her head. “They’re fucking twins alright.”

  Were they ever...

  “What the hell is taking you two so long? I swear to God you better not be doing some nasty shit or I’m puking all over your coffee table,” Reyna exclaimed and I heard Luis mumble something that sounded like, “Naaah, chill. They wouldn’t do that.”

  My best friend’s commentary sparked an idea neither he nor his sister would find all that amusing. All the more reason to do it, right? Payback for the blue balls I was suffering with because of them.

  “Wanna press their buttons?” I asked, waggling my eyebrows.

  Hazel rolled her lips together and stifled a laugh. “Reyna will die.”

  “And? It’ll be fun.” Cue exaggerated grin she could never resist.






  “Fine.” She rolled her eyes in a seemingly annoyed fashion. “How do we do this?”

  “Just go along with it. We have to be sure they can’t see us through the pass through,” I murmured, spinning her around to face the counter once more. And then I slapped her pert little ass, tumbling a soft yelp off her lips I knew carried into the living room.

  “You like that, don’t you?”

  “Oh yeah…” she said with exaggerated purpose.

  I rammed my hips against her, which in turn rattled the cabinets, adding the perfect sound effect to our mock-porno.

  “Right there… Don’t stop.”

  “Oh my fucking God,” Reyna howled. “You can’t be serious!”

  “You better be joking, fuckface, or I’m gonna whoop your ass!” Luis belted out right behind her.

  I would've kept going, but Hazel started cracking up, immediately giving us away. Her laughter was contagious and, all too soon, I found myself laughing right along with her. It was moments like these I loved, the ones where she was so light and free of her past. Gone was the vanquished, fearful girl who believed she was only worthy of solitude, and in her place, was a vibrant, exuberant woman who fought fiercely and loved passionately. She’d come a long way since we first met, and knowing I had something to do with it only reassured we were made for each other.

  With Luis and Reyna going off on us not thirty feet away, Hazel spun around to face me again and placed a soft kiss to my lips, smirking as though she'd been reading my thoughts. Then with lithe grace, she snatched the plate of limes off the counter and pulled out the bottle of Patron from the freezer before making her way back to our friends.

  “Are you guys really that gullible?” I heard her ask as I grabbed the shot glasses she forgot. Apparently, we were getting shitfaced tonight and I missed the memo.

  “Fuck you. Shit was banging, you were moaning,” Reyna said in disgust.

  “Fake moans, bitch. Don't act like you don't know how to do it.”

  “Probably not. Reyna is a born-again virgin, remember?” Luis teased.

  “Jump off a cliff,” Reyna barked indignantly.

  “She is not,” Hazel came to her defense, scooting over to allow me a spot beside her on the couch. “She's just not a slut like you.”

  “Hey, I take offense to that! I'm not a slut, I just embrace the single life. I'm not tied to the same pussy if I don't want to be.”

  “Exactly, which makes you a manslut, and being so familiar with the lifestyle should mean that's the last thing you want for your sister when you know how assholes like you operate.”

  Luis rolled his eyes. “I'm not saying I want her to live up the hoe life, but she’s always alone. She hasn't gone on a date in years.”

  Hazel’s eyes went wide as saucers as she turned her attention to Reyna. Even my expression was baffled.

  “We’ve been through this…” Reyna said, fidgeting in her seat.

  “We most definitely have not. Before you left, you told me you had a date with that guy from GNC.”

  “What guy from GNC?” Luis asked, both confused and intrigued.

  “She didn't tell you?”

  “No, she didn't. Who is he, Rey? Are you still seeing him?”

  Reyna shook her head, keeping her line of sight downcast.

  “Why not? What happened?”


  “Something had to have happened.”

  “Nothing happened,” she gritted out, prompting Hazel to reach out for her hand.

  “Rey, what happened?”


  “Tell me what happened…” Luis demanded.

  “Nothing fucking happened, okay? I never went on a date! There wasn't even a guy to begin with,” Reyna blurted out, jerking her brother’s head back in incredulity.

  “Then why lie?”

  “Because...because I was with Liv.”

  “Who's Liv?” I asked, because shit, now I was really curious.

  “My…” She paused, gauging our reactions. “My girlfriend.”

  Annnd silence.

  We all glanced around at one another, unsure of what to say. Had my childhood friend, the girl who'd been like a sister to me, really just come out of the closet on a whim?

  “Are you saying you're…” Hazel trailed off in minor shock.

  “Gay? A rug muncher? A lesbian? Yes,” Reyna said, bowing her head. “I'm sorry…”

  Luis’ face contorted in anger at her apology and before she could blink, he was taking her hand. “What the hell are you apologizing for? If this is you, Rey, then it's you. I'd never love you differently because of your sexuality.”

  “You really didn't know,”
she questioned him, and he shook his head.

  “Not even a thought in the back of your mind?”

  “I never would've guessed” – he shrugged – “but that doesn't matter.”

  “It really doesn't, Rey,” my girl added.

  Reyna stole a peek at me, the only person who hadn't spoken his thoughts, and I silently agreed with a nod of my head. It didn't matter to me that Reyna was gay, but what did matter to me was how ashamed she felt. She shouldn't feel that way about her sexual orientation, no one should, and it angered me that our close-minded society had done this to her.

  “Don't ever be ashamed, Rey,” I said, my voice hushed. “Fuck what society thinks and just be happy, okay?”

  Her brown eyes swung to mine once more, but all she offered was a small smile. “Easier said than done.”

  “I'm serious. Fuck ’em. If Liv makes you happy, be with her. Their opinions are insignificant to your life.”

  “But we get weird looks if we’re out holding hands, and-”

  “He's right, Rey,” Hazel interjected. “Let them look. They're the ones with issues.”

  “You know if Mom were here, she wouldn't care either, right?” Luis assured her.

  Reyna glanced back at her brother. “You think so?”

  He tipped his head. “Mami just wanted us to be happy. Knowing you've found yourself, along with finding happiness, would've been all she needed.”

  Luis was right. I could still so vividly remember Mayra. She had a smile that could light up a room, and the personality to match. Everyone loved her and she loved her kids to the ends of the earth. Everything she did was for them. All she wanted was for them to be happy and healthy, and I think if she were still around today, she'd be proud of the people her children had grown into, whether they were gay or not.

  About two weeks later, Knox and I strolled into the gym hand in hand for our first extensive session together in months. We’d been coming in at least bi-weekly, but it was nothing in comparison to those in-depth sessions from my days with The Underground. He’d been so busy with an influx in clients, I often found myself wandering around here alone, just to get a basic workout in. I hadn’t been sparring either, only shadowboxing with the bag, so when the ring came into view, I was suddenly worried I’d be more than a little rusty. The bag was starkly different from a warm body. Anyone could beat the shit out of a lifeless, stuffed heap. But it took skill, stamina, and speed to take down a beating heart. From the start of my career with The Underground and every year that followed, I'd always trained like a madwoman. Breaks between seasons just wasn't an option I cared to entertain, and luckily, Bernie saw eye to eye in that respect. He stayed on top of my regimen, constantly adjusting it where needed and switching it up to prevent my body from growing accustomed to a certain routine. The difference was, I was Bernie’s sole client, so he had hours upon hours to focus on me. With Knox as my coach, that unfortunately wasn’t the case. Didn't make him any less of a coach, though. He was just busier.


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