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Release: New Adult Sport Romance (Fire and Ice)

Page 18

by Vaughn, Violet

  A glance at the clock on my dash tells me she’ll be done with work in a half hour. Oh wait. I look at my phone and realize the time is right there. I smile to myself. I’m entering a whole new world. I turn the key in the ignition and roll my window up, leaving only a crack. Spring air blows my hair as I drive toward the mountain.

  I pick my way through slush and puddles. My fashionable boots are not working out so well for me right now, and I hold my phone with a tight grip. I enter the locker room, relieved to walk on level ground. Heather greets me as she walks down the aisle to her office.

  “Cute boots. Have a good day off?” The freckles on her face are vibrant from the sun.

  “Thanks. Yes, it was nice to give my body a rest.” I hold up my phone. “I’m off to find Casey for a crash course in iPhone.”

  “Oh fun. I think I saw her come in. She should be here.”

  “Great, thanks.” I continue on toward my locker. When I turn down the aisle, I see Jason first.

  “Hey, you look clean and well-rested. I’m jealous,” he says. Hair is stuck to his forehead with sweat.

  I guess he had beginners on the lower mountain. Adult beginners require you to hike up the hill in your skis numerous times. On a day like today, it’s really hot when you wear a helmet.

  “I am.” I point my phone at Casey. “I need your expertise.” I face the phone toward her and tilt it back and forth with my wrist. “Lookie what I got.”

  “Sweet. You’ll love it so much you’ll want to take it to bed with you.” She grins.

  “Yeah, well you’d better teach me how to love it. Right now it’s a fancy watch.”

  “Sit.” She pats the bench near us. She pulls her phone out of her coat pocket. “What’s your number?”

  I give it to her, and she explains what she’s doing. “Push the phone icon and then the little contacts one on the bottom. Then you just type in the information.” She hands me the phone, and I peck out numbers and letters.

  “Text me. I’ve never texted before.” I hunch my shoulders up in anticipation. She chuckles and sends me a text. I let out a little squeal when my phone dings. “This is fun.”

  Jason jokes. “Just wait. It’ll take over your life.” He winks and nods his head toward Casey, who is focused on texting.

  She looks up and shakes her head. “You have no idea the amazing things a phone can do.” She turns her sun-kissed face toward me. I just sent you my info and you can copy it into your contacts easily. Let me show you.”

  Casey proceeds to teach me numerous things about my phone. As I add Megan’s info, a pang of longing makes me wish I had Kaleb’s to add too. I shake the thought from my mind.

  “Thanks for the help. I’m off to work and will Google all things iPhone. Then tonight I plan to download a ridiculous amount of music.” I stand and put my phone in my back pocket so I don’t drop it as I maneuver my way back through the parking lot.

  I have to get to the rec center for testosterone duty. If only it meant I would see Kaleb too. I sigh and touch the phone in my back pocket. I have something fun to distract me, and I won’t let my broken heart ruin it.

  Chapter 43

  The scent of mint tickles my nose as I sip my hot drink. On my couch with a book and a pot of tea, I revel in a work-free night. My phone chimes, and I get up to see who’s texted me.

  “It’s Gretchen, back from Crested Butte.

  I’ve got news for you.”

  My fingers fumble a text back. “What?”

  “Kaleb’s an idiot. He thinks he failed you because he didn’t save you from Lucas. That’s why he broke up with you. He thinks you deserve better and would have figured it out once the shock of what happened was over.”

  What? Oh, my gosh. “That’s crazy.”

  “I know. He’s at work with me now ;)”

  No way. He broke up with me because he thinks he’s the problem? That I would think he isn’t worthy of me? I can’t explain why, but anger surges through my veins. I grab my coat and throw it on over my hoodie. Annoyed, I yank the bulky hood out of my jacket and pull back my hair. Static crackles as I slide it through my loosely gripped hand.

  At the door I remember my phone and return to the coffee table to retrieve it. I jog out the door. When I run down the steps, the beat of my feet against the wood feeds my anger. Once in my truck, I slam the door hard, and the cab shakes from the force. Okay, this isn’t time for a display of road rage. Relax, Lori.

  I hold the wheel and let the cool plastic calm my nerves. When my heart rate settles to a normal pace, I start the engine. It roars to life, and I calmly drive to town.

  Street parking looks full, but I manage to find a spot about a block away from The Bike Shop. Lighting is dim as the day fades, and the pavement sparkles when headlights approach and light up the frozen moisture left behind by melting snow. I step gingerly out of my truck to avoid a fall on the ice-covered road.

  The sidewalk is dry, and my feet stomp on the concrete as I let my anger return. I can’t believe I’ve spent the last few months with a broken heart because he thinks he’s not good enough. Is he really such a throwback that he thinks he’s supposed to take care of little weakling Lori? I’ll show him weak.

  I push open The Bike Shop door with force. The poor bell jangles as if it hangs on for dear life. Gretchen spots me and just nods her head toward the back. As I walk by her, she whispers, “Go get ’em, girlfriend.”

  Kaleb tunes a ski, and I move over to where I’m in his line of vision. He sees me and stops. I stand with my hands on my hips because I mean business. His eyes open wide in surprise, and he flips off the machine. The poster behind him reminds me of something. The thought leaves my head once he removes his earplugs.

  “Kaleb Wakefield, you’d better listen to me. I don’t know where you got the idea you failed me. You’re the reason we’re both alive right now.” I point my finger at him and revel in the release of a little of my suffering from the last two months. “You taught me how to be strong and fearless. Just before I kneed Lucas in the crotch, it was your voice in my head telling me to visualize what I was about to do. You showed me how to focus and work past fear. The old Lori would have cowered in the corner, helpless to save herself or you.”

  Heat has rushed to my cheeks and my body shakes. “Being able to save you from Lucas made me love you so much more. Don’t you get it? You’re the reason Lucas is in jail and I’m free.”

  I take a deep breath and he doesn’t speak. I jump back in to my speech. “There’s more. I don’t for one minute believe your sisters would be impressed with you thinking you’re supposed to be my savior. In a relationship, it’s a two-way street. If we aren’t equal, then we’re nothing.” I inhale deeply and my anger dissipates a little.

  “And one more thing.” I point behind him. “Is that poster of you?” It’s a reenactment of Gretchen’s poster; only it’s Kaleb in baggy board pants that hang low on his hips. He’s shirtless and looks damn fine. Little girls replace the boys on the blurry porch.

  He blushes. “Ah, it’s a proof.”

  “So it’ll be a poster for Burton?” Poor guy. He looks afraid of me.


  “I need one of those.” I turn and walk out.

  Gretchen whispers at me as I walk by. “Fuck yeah.”

  I continue out the door for the drama, but as soon as I’m outside, I don’t know what to do. I return to my truck and text Gretchen.

  “Now what?”

  “He’s pacing and running his hands through his hair. You shook him up. Nice job, cupcake.”

  She didn’t answer my question. I guess I wait to see what he does? I hear the faint noise of another text from Gretchen come in.

  “Go home, and I’ll give him your number later. That way if he wants to see you tonight he can text to make sure it’s ok.”

  “Thanks. Do I owe u 1 if we get back together?” I laugh at myself and wait for her response.

  “Naw, just call me a sucker for love

bsp; And cupcakes :)”

  Now that I’ve put myself out there, I feel naked. What if that’s only what he said to Gretchen? What if there’s more? What if he is too proud to admit he thinks I’m too messed up? Damn it. By the time I get home, I regret the whole thing.

  It’s dark when I pull into my driveway. The snow has melted off the pavement, and my wheels drive over it quietly. I walk slowly from my truck and wonder what Kaleb will do. The stars twinkle in the blackness of the sky. I look toward the mountains and see their faint outline.

  As much as I hope he’ll come see me tonight, I don’t count on it. If the only reason he broke up with me is because he couldn’t save me, then I laid a big thing on him tonight. He might need time to process it. Or maybe I just made a total fool of myself.

  The bolt slides into the door with a single clunk. I sigh and set my phone down on the kitchen counter. When I hang up my jacket, I notice my tea. I pick up the pot with the intention of heating it up in the microwave. My phone chimes on my way, and I quickly grab it.

  It’s Gretchen. “Just gave him your number. He’s on the phone with his sister right now. He’ll call.”

  I’m glad she’s so confident. I text back. “I hope so. Am I pathetic?”

  “No! He’s still very much in love with you. Don’t do this to yourself. Be patient and let him come to you when he’s ready.”

  That makes me feel better. “Thanks. I’m going to go practice swearing in front of the mirror.”

  “Practice this. ‘I want you to fuck me.’”

  I picture her laughing as she texts. I giggle and go heat up my tea.

  Chapter 44

  At ten I decide to go to bed. I’ve resigned myself to the fact Kaleb won’t call tonight. It’s okay though. I’m sure he needs to come to terms with it all. I hope his sister convinced him that we belong together.

  In the middle of the night, the chime of my phone wakes me up. I lift it off the nightstand and read the text.

  “It’s Kaleb. U awake?” I am now. My heart skips.

  “Yes.” I watch little gray dots dance and know that means he’s typing. I glance at the clock. It’s after three.

  “I screwed up. I’m sorry.” Warmth floods my heart.

  “Does this mean I get a poster?” Code for will we get back together? Only I’m not sure he knows the code.


  “Will u sign it?” I picture his dimples and wish I could touch them.

  “Only if you promise to hang it over ur bed and replace Justin Bieber.”

  That makes me laugh. My teen crush was on Corbin Bleu in High School Musical, and he knows it. I text back. “Okay, but u can’t tell Justin.”


  I want to invite him over, but I don’t want to push. I’m sure he’s tired from his trip and having to work tonight after driving back. I tap out a text. “I love u.”

  “I love u, 2. Cya in the morning.”

  I kick my feet back and forth under the sheets and let out a squeal. He still loves me! I pull a pillow against my chest and hug it tight. I fall asleep with Kaleb on my mind.

  * * *

  I get to the locker room early. Knowing I’ve arrived before Kaleb, I practically skip to his row. I have tea for me and a coffee for him. I tap my foot in anticipation. I pick up my phone and text him. Because I can. “Waiting at ur locker, brought coffee.”

  “Almost there.”

  “Ur not texting and driving are u?”


  “Are u texting and walking?”


  I start to type out another text when I notice him. A smile dominates my face as I let my eyes take in the entire package. I stand up to go to him, but he moves quickly and takes me by surprise.

  Kaleb presses me up against the locker with his body. The metal twangs as he leans his hands against it above my head. He drops his head down to whisper in my ear. “Want to be my girlfriend?”

  Heat races to my core. I whisper back as he kisses my neck. “Yes.” Gosh, he smells good. I let out a little moan and notice another instructor watch us. I can’t do what I want here.

  I push him away. “Come with me.” Leading him by the hand, I take him to the ladies’ room. My back pushes the door open while Kaleb looks both ways.

  I ask, “Chicken?”

  His eyes land on the counter full of toiletries. “Whoa, it’s nice in here.”

  I yank him into a stall and lock the door. The door rattles when I lean into him and he falls back on it. I say, “Now you can kiss me the way I want you to.”

  His mouth crushes mine. Fingers thread through my hair, and he palms the back of my head. Our tongues reach deeply as we try to devour each other. His powerful thighs hold him in a squat as I mold myself to his chest and groin. He gets hard, and I press against it with my hand.

  His moan echoes in the tile room. He reaches down and lifts me onto his waist. Turning, he presses me up against the metal door and the whole stall shudders. I want to strip him and feel his skin against mine. My juices flow, and the desire to have him inside me overwhelms my thoughts.

  Panting with desire, I break away to breathe and whisper, “Do you think we could do it right here?”

  His eyelids lower and he’s about to speak when the ladies’ room door squeaks open. He releases my legs, and I sigh. The latch of the stall door clicks, and we step out to see Eliza’s surprised face. I say, “Hi.” And pull an embarrassed Kaleb out of the bathroom.

  The moment we’re out the door, we burst into giggles. Kaleb says, “We’re never going to live this down. You know what they’ll be saying, don’t you?” His dimples are in full force.

  “I do. And I don’t care.” I lean into him, and his arm hugs my shoulders as we walk back to his locker. “I’ve missed you. A lot.”

  He sighs. “Me too.” He picks up our hot drinks and passes me mine. I take it and reach for his empty hand with my free one. It’s as if I don’t dare let go in case he’s not really with me. “Should we ski?” he asks.

  I raise my eyebrows while I desperately try to think of where we could have sex. My truck, maybe? His thumb rubs my palm. Naw, too small. His Subaru? Even smaller. I blow out a huff of air in frustration.

  Kaleb snorts. “I can see your mind working. I’m game for anything you are.”

  His eyes dare me as his fingers trail up my arm, but I’ve resigned myself to the fact we have to wait. “I don’t have any great ideas, sorry. You?”

  “No. And I have to work tonight.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me and brushes his finger across my lower lip. “You could wait for me in my room.”

  I envision me in his bed in sexy lingerie I don’t own. And then I flash to the house full of guys. “No. You should sleep at my place. I don’t want to be shy.” I send him a sultry look, and his hand drops to a piece of my hair.

  Letting the lock slip through his fingers, he shifts his hips and licks his lips. “Yeah. Good idea.”

  I squirm a bit. Damn, it’s going to be a long day. “Let’s go take a run. I need the cold air.” I fan myself with my shirt and saunter toward my locker to get ready. I hear him chuckle.

  Chapter 45

  Just as I suspected, word travels quickly, and my walk to the Kids’ Castle makes me think of the “walk of shame” I heard girls talk about in my college classes. But, I’m not ashamed.

  Kaleb handles it just fine too. But I suppose sex in the ladies’ room is a badge of honor. Even though he claims we didn’t do the deed, I’ll bet it doesn’t stop every guy from wishing they got a morning quickie in the bathroom.

  Fortunately, working with children means the topic is not up for discussion once I enter the purple building. A goofy grin stays on my face as I contemplate the things I’ll do to Kaleb later tonight.

  It isn’t until I get to my locker at the end of the day that I have to endure more teasing.

  “I want to thank you for having a little bathroom nookie today.” Casey snickers as she twirls the combinatio
n on her lock.

  I sigh, but I’m not annoyed. Nothing can bring me down from my Kaleb high. “We didn’t do anything more than make out. My intent was honorable. I saved you all from too much PDA.” I wink at her. “Wait. Why are you thanking me?”

  “Nate and Seth figured out the stinky-foot bandit this morning.” Her locker door twangs.

  I start to laugh.

  Casey says, “You go ahead and laugh. I’m just grateful your sexual urges can’t be tamed. You blew my headline right out of the water.”

  “Jealous?” I sit to unbuckle my boots.

  She gives me an evil smile. “Kinda. Sex in a bathroom stall sounds hot.”

  “It was.” Heat rushes to my cheeks.

  “Oh my God! You did, didn’t you?”

  “No, we really didn’t. But.” I lower my voice and glance around to make sure nobody listens. “If Eliza hadn’t walked in we might’ve.”

  “Wow. That’s the stuff fantasies are made of. I had no idea you were such a vixen.” Her eyes dance with laughter.

  “Vixen?” Kaleb has just come around the corner. I have no doubt my face is now the same shade as a tomato.

  Casey hits his chest lightly. “Like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” She looks him up and down. “Man whore.”

  He smirks. “I’ve been getting a lot of that today.” He shifts his bag up higher on his shoulder.

  “It’ll get worse when the poster comes out.” He’s so going to kill me for saying that. I watch his eyes roll.

  “Poster?” Casey asks.

  “Yup. You’re looking at Poster Kaleb.” I poke him in the stomach. He grabs my hand and pulls me against his chest with his other arm. I giggle as he nuzzles my neck.

  “Jesus, would you two just get a room?” Jason’s voice carries across the locker room as he approaches us.

  “Dude, we would. There’s just no privacy here.” Kaleb releases me, and I hand him my boots to put on top of the lockers.


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