Business and Pleasure

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Business and Pleasure Page 14

by Jinni James

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  Becca heads into her closet, and I leave the room, shutting the door behind me. For a moment, I stand there in the hallway. My mind is still racing with what I just discovered going on under my very own roof. Becca and Mark. Who would have thought the two of them would hook up? Ah, well…I’ll hear the whole story soon enough, I suppose.

  I walk downstairs to find Bryan sitting on the couch. He’s got his head back and his eyes closed. I try to enter the room without making any noise, but something must have notified him of my presence, because he lifts his head and looks in my direction. Damn…he really is good at his job.

  “I am so sorry, Ms. Hamilton. The thought of someone else being here didn’t even cross my mind. Please let her know I’m sorry.”

  Poor guy. My heart goes out to him.

  “Its okay, Bryan. No worries. It’s my fault, really; I should have mentioned that she would be home. You were just doing your job, which I thoroughly appreciate.” I hurry to reassure him.

  He bows his head as he lets out a sigh, making me wonder if I succeeded at making him feel any better.

  “Thank you, Ms. Hamilton. I checked the rest of apartment, and everything is fine. I’m going to take up a position out in the hallway. If you need me, just give a shout, and I’ll come running.”

  “Thank you, Bryan.” I wish I could convince him to just go on home, but I know he won’t listen. He has a job to do, and he’s obviously very conscientious, but damn…the thought of him sitting out there—or, God forbid, standing—in the hallway all night long makes me crazy. It’s my turn to sigh, and I shake my head at the ridiculousness of it all. Stupid Bob…he sure has caused a lot of problems for everyone. “I guess I’ll say good-night, then. Have a good evening.”

  As Bryan walks out the door, Becca comes down the stairs. She has her hair up into a ponytail, and she’s wearing a pair of NYU sweatpants and t-shirt. She looks very comfortable…and very young. Too young to be doing what she and Mark were doing up there in her bedroom earlier.

  “So, did your Kevin Costner wannabe leave?”

  “Be nice, Becca. He was just doing his job.”

  “Yeah, okay. Whatever. So, how are you? I’ve missed having you around here.”

  A laugh bubbles up, and before I can stop myself, a giggle escapes my lips. “Yeah. I can tell.”

  Becca wrinkles her nose at me, and then turns and goes into the dining room. “Before we talk about Mark, you might want to check out the package that came for you. It’s right there on the table. I’m going to fix some drinks, non-alcoholic for you, and then we can have a nice little chat.”

  Becca continues on into the kitchen, and I walk over to the large package sitting on my dining room table. There’s a note attached to the box, and I pry it loose so I can read the message.

  My love,

  I thought you might like some of this for your first night back home with Becca. Enjoy.

  Love, Alex.

  P.S. Don’t forget to be thinking about things. ;-)

  I open the huge package and look inside. There, folded neatly, are the sweats I wore while at his place, a box containing a Crème De La Crème Cream Cheese Cake, along with some strawberries and cream from Serendipity 3. Talk about buttering me up…or, should I say sweetening me up? This is like getting a little piece of heaven in a box. I dip into the powder room to change real fast, and the minute I put on the sweats I feel more relaxed. No wonder people like to wear this stuff. I come out of the bathroom and find Becca sitting on the couch. She’s got one of her pink throw pillows in her lap, and she’s holding a pink martini. I walk over and sit down on the couch next to her, and she hands me a wine glass.

  “It’s just soda, don’t worry,” she says in answer to my inquiring look. “But I figured the glass might make you feel like you were having a real drink with me.”

  We both giggle, and I realize how much I’ve missed our nights like this, which makes me think about how much I’d miss nights like this if I decide to move in with Alex.

  “I love seeing you dressed like a normal person,” she says, interrupting my depressing thoughts.

  “Excuse me?” A normal person? What’s that supposed to mean?

  “Oh, don’t look at me like that. You know what I’m saying. You always dress to the nines, even when you’re at home. It’s a little hard to get comfortable and lounge around when you’re wearing a designer dress or pantsuit.” Becca makes a sweeping gesture, indicating my current outfit. “You look relaxed and at ease, for a change. I like it.”

  I look down at my sweats, then back up to her, and realize I agree with her. Completely. So much has changed in such a short amount of time, in large part thanks to Alex. But enough about my clothes, already. Becca and I have something to discuss.

  “So, sis, tell me about you and Mark.”

  She lets out a sigh, takes a quick sip of her martini, and then draws in a deep breath. Sheesh…all this, just to tell me she’s been getting it on with my best friend?

  “First of all, it’s not what you think. I—”

  “That’s exactly what Mark said, if you’ll recall, but how do either one of you know what I’m thinking?” I have to fight to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

  “Well, I guess we don’t, but anyway, I was hanging out at the club not too long ago, when Mark comes walking in. I didn’t know what to think at first, since I rarely see him clubbing, so I walked up to him and asked him to come sit with me. This other guy had been hitting on me all night, so I figured if Mark sat with me, the guy would stop—”

  “And did he?”

  “Yes, thank God, now stop interrupting me, would you? Anyway, as I was saying, Mark had just found out about you and Alex and didn’t really know what to make of the situation. I mean, he wasn’t sure if you two were just messing around or if it was something serious. We got to talking, and I think he realized whatever you and him had was over. He wasn’t mad or anything…in fact, he acted just the opposite, like, he seemed so happy you had finally found someone.”

  If we were talking about any other man, I’d think he’d managed to pull the wool over my little sister’s eyes, just so he could sleep with her. But this is Mark, and he is, without a doubt, the most honest, caring, trustworthy man I’ve ever met. If he tells you something, you know it’s the truth. I don’t believe he has it in him to lie…and I definitely can’t imagine him lying just so he could sleep with a woman.

  “Okay,” I say, “go on.”

  Becca takes another sip of her martini, which makes me realize I haven’t even touched my own drink yet. Probably because the idea of sipping on a soda pop while my sister downs a pink martini doesn’t exactly thrill me. I’ve also been a little distracted by the conversation. I keep waiting for the anger or jealousy to kick in, but I feel nothing along those lines. If anything, I’m happy…happy for Becca and Mark. I mean, he could be great for her. She needs a strong, good man in her life, and he needs someone who’s a little free spirited and outgoing, someone who can draw him out of his shell now and then…and that’s my little sister, to a T.

  “Don’t you think?”

  I blink and return my attention to Becca. Lost in thought, I missed her last question. “Um…”

  “For heaven’s sake, Lizzy, pay attention.” Becca shakes her head. “Anyway, one thing led to another, and we ended up sleeping together, but…sex with Mark isn’t just sex; being with him is different. He isn’t like the guys I usually go home with. We’ve been seeing a lot of each other, gone out on dates, texting and talking to each other whenever we can. I really like him. I mean, I really like him.”

  I gaze down at my drink, trying to think of what to say. “Do you think he feels the same way about you?” I can tell this is a sensitive subject for Becca. Wow, she really does like him. I’ve never seen her like this before, and I try to put myself in her shoes and imagine what she must be feeling. Happy, of course. Excited. But I’ll bet she’s a little confused, too, and
maybe even scared. Like me.

  “Actually I do. And I know you and he have this big, long history, but I can’t help how I feel. He’s awesome.”

  I’m still waiting for some sense of jealousy to come over me, but it doesn’t, despite, as Becca pointed out, the ‘big, long history’ between Mark and me. The only thing I feel is happiness…I’m truly happy for my sister and my best friend.

  “Becca, Mark and I do have a history, but if that doesn’t bother either of you, then it’s cool with me. Don’t let whatever Mark and I had come between whatever it is you’re building with Mark. He and I tried the relationship thing back in college, but it never worked out. Sex was always something that helped me get through the tough times, you know? We were always better friends than we were lovers, not to say the sex isn’t awesome. But if he makes you happy, then I’m happy for the both of you. I think you two are actually pretty perfect for each other.”

  The smile on Becca’s face is priceless. My sister is in love, whether she’s ready to admit it yet or not… Hell, she might not even realize how she feels right now, but that’s okay. She’ll figure it out—they’ll figure it out—sooner or later.

  “I’m so happy to hear you say that. You have no idea how relieved I am. Mark wasn’t worried, but I was.”

  “No worries, sweetie. I’m with Alex, anyway, and I’m happy. In fact, I don’t know how to tell you this, but he asked me to move in with him, and I’m thinking about saying yes.”

  Becca’s eyes grew large, and she squealed. “Oh my God! No freaking way! What did you tell him?”

  I laugh; she sounds more excited about the prospect of Alex and me shacking up than I am.

  “Honestly, I don’t know what to tell him. I did say I need some time to think about it. He wants to start off slow, like one week he and I would stay here, and the next week we’d stay at his place. I’m just nervous, you know? I’ve never lived with a guy. I’ve only ever lived with you.”

  Becca leans forward, sets her martini glass on the coffee table, and then throws her arms around me. “Oh my God! I am so happy for you. You know you’re going to cave in and say yes, though, right? I mean, the guy is amazing, and he loves you so much. You would be an idiot not to say yes.”

  Before I can respond, my phone goes off, vibrating its way across the coffee table. Becca picks it up, glances at the display, and then hands it to me.

  “It’s your hottie boyfriend.” She teases me.

  I laugh and press the button to connect the call. “Hello, Alex.”

  “Ah, Elizabeth. It’s good to hear your voice. Is everything okay? Bryan said he heard screaming but said it sounded like excited screaming, so he wasn’t coming in. I think you two have scarred my main security guy for life.”

  I can’t help but laugh. Poor Bryan. “We’re okay. The screaming he heard was me telling Becca about your moving-in-together idea.”

  I can’t see him, but I know he’s smiling. “Oh, and what does she say? Is she for or against?”

  Becca leans in as close to me and the phone as she possibly can. “She says yes! She’s definitely for the idea.”


  “Oh, come on, Lizzy; you know you and him are going to shack up together. Just end the crazy, dramatic pause, say yes, and be done with it.”

  Alex starts laughing so hard and so loud, I have to pull the phone away from my ear for a moment. I smile. Crazy, crazy man.

  “It’s not that funny, Alex.” I reprimand him for ganging up on me with my sister. As if having him pressuring me isn’t enough…

  His laughter fades to a series of soft chuckles. I look at Becca and shake my head. The two of them are going to make me nuts.

  “Why don’t you go to bed, talk to Alex, and tell him yes. I think I’m going to go to bed, myself, and maybe call Mark to tell him you’re not heartbroken over our relationship.” Becca gets to her feet, still grinning like a fool.

  “Okay,” I tell her, jumping at the chance to get her out of the room and out of my conversation. “Tell Mark hi for me.”

  “Will do.”

  As Becca leaves, I return my attention to the phone. “Alex? Are you still there?”

  “Yep. So, what’s the verdict? Are you saying yes?”

  I turn once more to look at my dear sister, who has paused just outside the room, and who is now looking right at me, nodding frantically, trying to get me to say yes. I don’t have Alex on speakerphone, so how the hell does she know what he’s saying? Am I that transparent, or are all men so obvious?

  “Yes, Alex.” I sigh, defeated. “I’m saying yes.”

  Alex whoops, practically shattering my eardrum and my sister echoes his enthusiasm, squealing her delight.

  “Okay, Becca. Get lost, would you?” I get to my feet and stride past her. “Actually, never mind. I’m going to my room.”

  I make my way upstairs, sprawl out on the bed, and stare out at the beautiful city and night sky. Officially in heaven, I sigh and return my attention to the telephone.

  “Alex, are you still there?”

  “Sure am…just struggling to keep my feet on the floor. I feel like I’m walking on a cloud, I’m so happy. Do you want me there now? I can pack up a week’s worth of clothes and come on over.”

  Part of me wants to roll over and go to sleep, but a bigger part of me wants to roll over and go to sleep, wrapped in Alex’s arms.

  “Sure. Come on over.”

  “Be there shortly, my love.”

  The line goes silent. Alex has hung up. I set the phone on the side table and close my eyes. I’ve just committed to living with a man. What in the hell am I thinking?

  * * * * *

  I must have drifted off to sleep, because the next thing I know, the sound of someone knocking on my door awakens me.

  “Mr. Wonderful is here, sleepy head,” Becca says. “And he brought luggage.”

  I sit up in a hurry. I’m still fully dressed, and the lights are still on. Damn…I must have been exhausted.

  “Thank you, Rebecca.”

  Becca skips back out the door, passing Alex on his way in. He’s looking extremely sexy, as usual, but distinctly underdressed.

  “Did you actually leave your house like that?” My lips twitch as laughter threatens.

  Alex looks down at his outfit. He’s wearing what have to be designer pajama pants a black t-shirt, and a pair of Converse sneakers.

  “Well, I was already in my pajamas when I called, and I was too excited to change, so I packed, got in the car, and here I am. Why? Not sexy?”

  Actually, exactly the opposite. He looks sexy as hell. The giggle I’ve been holding back finally slips out.

  “Sexy? Baby, you look good enough to eat. Well, you will, once you lose the sneakers and the shirt.”

  We both laugh as he places his suitcase beside the door and walks over to the bed, losing the shirt and shoes in the process. He crawls up onto the bed until he’s towering over me, then he leans down and kisses me softly.

  “Is this better?”

  Suddenly, I can’t breathe. He’s gorgeous. Way too gorgeous.

  “Yes.” I manage to choke out.

  What does this man see in me? He rubs his nose against mine.

  “I’m so happy you said yes. I knew you would, but I thought it’d take days upon days before I heard you actually say the word. I must send your sister flowers or something, or maybe I should just offer her a job. Her skills of persuasion are amazing!”

  I let out a loud laugh. “I’m sure she would love that, considering she’s graduating on Thursday.”

  “Really? That’s fantastic! Am I invited?”

  “Yes, Alex; you’re invited.”

  “Great. Now, what would you like to do, my love? Do you want to go back to sleep, or shall I take care of you?”

  “What makes you think I need taken care of?”

  Alex smiles. “Because, my dear, your breathing became rapid the moment I climbed on top of you, and I don’t even need to touch you
to know your pulse is racing. Even now, while I am saying this, your heart is beating faster.”

  The man can read me too well. I hate that.

  “Your lips are so full and beautiful. They are begging me to kiss them.”

  His hot breath caresses my face as he gets closer and closer. Yes, my lips are begging him to kiss me, while the rest of my body begs him to touch me. The man must be a mind reader; either that or I’m giving off signals he can easily interpret. He kisses me softly, coaxing me to part my lips, just enough for his tongue to find mine. My heart is racing, and my head is fuzzy. All I can think about is how badly I need him. Alex breaks the kiss, only to trail his lips down my cheek to my collarbone. He moves my t-shirt down so he can press kisses all around my neck.

  He lifts me up so he can gently slide my t-shirt over my head, then places his fingers just under the top of my sweats and panties, and drags them down my legs. He pulls off each fuzzy sock, one after the other, leaving me completely naked and exposed. He then sits there for a moment, just looking, drinking in the sight of me, I’m guessing, since that is exactly what I’m doing to him.

  “You are beautiful, Elizabeth. So breathtakingly beautiful.”

  He crawls back up beside me, but instead of kissing my lips, he bends his head to lick one of my nipples. He flicks it with his tongue, then takes it into his mouth and gently sucks. Just when I think he can’t make me any crazier, he pulls back and blows lightly. My body catches fire, while chills race across my skin simultaneously, and I buck my hips and squirm on the bed. His lips find my other breast, as he caresses my stomach, and then lower, exploring farther down. He parts my legs enough to get his hand between them, and his fingers slide along my pussy lips, spreading my juices. He rubs gently, and then suddenly, he slides his fingers inside. I gasp at the invasion but lift my ass, silently begging him to go deeper. A moan escapes me, and Alex releases my hard nipple, lifts his head and his lips find mine. Frantic desire spirals through me, a desperate need for him to take me, for him to make me his. I kiss him with all the passion I feel inside me right now.


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