Business and Pleasure

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Business and Pleasure Page 15

by Jinni James

  “You are so wet, so ready for me.” He whispers hoarsely against my cheek.

  I can barely breathe. My entire body is on fire. “Please, Alex. I need you now.”

  He kisses me again, runs one hand back up my body to cup my breast, while he steadies himself with the other, bracing his weight as he slides deep inside me. Now I feel complete. He fills me entirely. My pussy opens to him, allowing him to go deeper, and I moan loudly, lost in a fog of heady sensation.

  “More please.” I groan.

  He growls low, a deep rumbling in his chest, as he begins to move faster. He breaks our kiss, and we both gasp for air. He thrusts into me repeatedly, going deeper and deeper with every stroke. My muscles tense. An intense wave of ecstasy envelopes me from my toes up to my throat, followed by the explosion of my orgasm releasing throughout my body. I cry out, vaguely registering Alex’s shout of pleasure as he joins me in sweet release. Hot cum fills me, coating my channel, and Alex cries out again. He collapses next to me, his body shuddering, and we both gasp for breath. Dear God, that was intense. I can totally see myself living with this man. I can only imagine how much more wonderful this gets after we’ve been together for a while and learned what brings each other the most pleasure. As I finally begin coming back down to Earth, I feel Alex’s arm slide across my bare stomach.

  “Tonight, you have made me the happiest man in the world. All I want is to be with you, now and forever.”

  Hot tears fall down my cheeks. “I love you, Alex.”

  He leans up and kisses my wet cheeks, and then laps up my tears. “As I love you, Elizabeth.”

  He gently coaxes me to roll over onto my side, until I lay with my back to his chest, and then he pulls the covers up over us and wraps his arm around me. As I’m drifting off to sleep, I smile. If this is how life will be, living with Alex, then I definitely made the right decision.

  Chapter Eleven

  I awaken to the sound of rain spattering against my bedroom window. Normally, I hate this kind of weather, but today, I love it. Why? Because I’m lying in the arms of my love, plus, I took the day off, since its Thursday, and Becca is graduating from NYU this evening. I can’t even begin to describe the joy I’ve experienced these past few days. Having Alex here every morning and every night is like living in a dream; every day is a new, special experience. But in a way, we’re also becoming like an old, married couple. As if we’ve lived together for years, we’ve even developed somewhat of a routine. We wake up, shower together, and then he gets out first and gets ready, while I finish up. Afterward, he dries me off; we get dressed, fix a couple of “to-go” coffees, and head to work. In the evenings, we’ve been hanging out with Becca, eating and watching television. Mark has come over a few times, and I must say, I love seeing the two of them together. I thought socializing with them as a couple would take some getting used to, but they’re great together. He really seems to care for her, and she is entranced by him. They really are cute. I’m happy to say that my friendship with Mark hasn’t been affected; we’re as close as ever. He and Alex seem to get along well, too, which is a huge plus. I’m also glad to be back at work. But something’s up with Natalie; she’s been up my ass lately, and I can’t figure out why. Other than Nat’s strange behavior, it’s been a relatively quiet work week, which has allowed me to accomplish a lot. The only thing driving me a little crazy is Bryan. He’s a great guy, but it’s really unnecessary for him to sit around at my office all day and shadow me around everywhere. I’ve tried telling Alex the extra security isn’t necessary, but he refuses to set Bryan loose until either his guys or the police find Bob. So, I’m stuck with an escort until my stalker is found and put behind bars. I guess I understand Alex’s fears. I’m just not used to having a babysitter. I rise up, just enough to see the rain still falling down my windows, while I’m tucked in nice and warm in my bed with Alex. As if hearing my thoughts, Alex opens his eyes to peer up at me.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Alex stretches out his arms and legs, but then quickly resumes his original position. Obviously, he’s in no hurry to go anywhere.

  “Good morning, sweetie.” I reach over and wrap my injured arm around him. What a relief I can finally use the darned thing for something other than a sling-holder now.

  Alex shifts until he’s able to nuzzle my neck. “This is so romantic…waking up to the sound of rain pattering against the windows, with you nice and warm in my arms. I could like here like this forever. How about we just stay right here for the day?”

  I can’t help but giggle. “Well, dear, that sounds like a nice idea, as long as we’re up later in time for Becca’s graduation.”

  “I’ll set the alarm.” Alex reaches over and fiddles with the clock, then snuggles right back up against me. “Now, what can we do to kill a few hours?”

  Before I can respond, Alex is on top of me, and as always, he manages to make me forget everything but him. His smell, his eyes, his body…he overwhelms me, and I can definitely imagine spending every day and every night with this man, for the rest of my life.

  We spend the next several hours alternating between sleeping and making love, until finally, the alarm’s insistent buzzing forces us from the bed. We shower, eat, and get ready for Becca’s graduation. As I’m dressing, I am filled with a sense of excitement for my little sister. She’s about to graduate from college. How awesome for her! My baby sister is all grown up.

  Alex and I make our way downstairs to find Becca and Mark sitting at the bar in the kitchen. He leans over and places a kiss on her cheek, and she giggles like a little girl. She’s acting like someone who’s about to graduate from junior high school, not college, but I think it’s actually kind of cute. In marked contrast to how she acts when she’s with Mark, she looks so grown up in her graduation gown and hat. I promise myself I won’t cry, but tears sting my eyes, and I don’t think it’s going to be so easy to keep my word.

  Mark and Alex leave for the school before Becca and me, so we sisters have some time alone. I decide to take advantage of these few moments.

  “Are you excited, Becca?” I ask, crossing to give her a hug.

  She smiles, but I know her well, and I can tell her expression is more forced than natural.

  “I’m not so much excited right now as I am nervous. I hate these things.” She fidgets in her seat.

  “You’ll do great.” I try to be reassuring, but I’m not sure what else to say. If I were in her shoes, I’d be nervous, too. I’m not a huge fan of these kinds of events, either.

  I smile as we make our way downstairs to the waiting black M35. Bryan is, of course, behind the wheel, and after he assists us into the car, we head off toward the school.

  Throughout the drive, I keep stealing glances at my little sister. I still can’t believe she’s graduating. My sweet little Rebecca is on her way to becoming one fantastic dentist. Ever since she could brush her teeth, she’s been fascinated by them. She has never had a cavity, and she brushes, flosses, and uses mouthwash at least three times a day. She carries her floss around with her everywhere. I used to make fun of her about her obsession, but now, looking at her perfect, straight, white teeth, I’m more understanding. She’s like one of those toothpaste models, so I wasn’t surprised when she told me her major, and I think she’ll make a wonderful dentist.

  We pull up to the school, and Becca looks ready to bolt. She has never done well when it came to participating in big, public events like this. I take her hand and give it a reassuring squeeze, and then she and I climb out of the car. Mark and Alex spot us immediately and walk toward us, and I can’t help but notice that the minute Mark puts his arms around my sister, she begins to relax.

  “Ready, baby?” Mark gives her a quick peck on the lips.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be, I suppose.” Becca reaches down to smooth out her gown, and then we make our way up the walkway to the school. At the students’ side entrance, we say our good-byes.

  “Okay, honey, this is it. We’ll see you after
the ceremony. Please relax; you’ll do great. Just breathe, and if it gets too bad, just imagine the crowd sitting there in their skivvies.”

  Becca laughs half-heartedly at my attempt at levity, and I lean in to give her a tight hug.

  “I love you, sis.” I whisper so only she can hear me. “And I know Mom and Dad would be so proud.”

  She pulls back. Tears fill her beautiful blue eyes. “I love you too, Lizzy. See you shortly.”

  After one last brief hug, I take Alex’s hand and we head off to find out seats. I look back and smile at the sight of Mark hugging Becca, then kissing her before he turns and runs to catch up with us.

  Our seats provide us with a perfect view of the stage, and I dig my little digital camera out of my pocketbook. As I check the flash, I notice my hands are shaking a little. Why am I nervous? I’m not the one who’s graduating, so I guess I’m just sympathizing with Becca. In a few minutes, she’ll walk across the stage and get her degree. I would give anything for our parents to be here right now. How happy they’d be to see how much we’ve grown, me with my own business, Becca graduating, and both of us in committed relationships. Mom and Dad would have loved Alex and Mark, of that, I am certain.

  Feedback from the microphone draws my attention toward the stage. The ceremony begins with the emcee welcoming the graduates, their families, and their friends. I can hardly contain my excitement for Becca. Alex places his hand on top of mine, applying steady pressure to my bouncing knee, and I force myself to sit still and pay attention.

  The ceremony seems to last forever, and then, finally, my baby sister walks across the stage and accepts her degree. I take picture after picture, determined to capture every bit of the event, for posterity’s sake, and I probably end up with about fifty images just of Becca walking across the stage.

  At ceremony’s end, everyone stands and cheers. I lose sight of Becca in the shuffle, so Alex, Mark, and I headed toward the exit. We made prior arrangements to meet at the car and travel to go to her celebration dinner together, but we stop and wait for her at the exit.

  Several minutes pass, and I’m getting a bit impatient. Everywhere I look, I see people in graduation caps and gowns. Like a page out of a Where’s Waldo book, it’s impossible to discern one graduate from another. The crowd begins to thin, and still, there’s no sight of Becca.

  “Where in the heck is she?” I say to Mark and Alex. “She should have been out here by now, don’t you think?”

  Before either man can respond, my cell .phone rings. A quick glance at the caller ID and I sigh in relief.

  “Becca,” I say, “Good. Where are you? We’re outside, right by the door.”

  “Ah, Elizabeth, so nice to hear your voice again.”

  For a minute, I’m too shocked to speak. Eyes wide, I glance toward Mark and Alex, and then I pull myself together enough to address the unexpected caller.

  “Bob! What in the hell did you do with my sister?”

  Both the guys’ expressions turn from slightly bored impatience to angry disbelief. Alex steps closer, presumably so he can overhear my conversation, but I don’t care. All I can think about is finding out what the bastard on the phone has done with my sister.

  “Now, Elizabeth, it isn’t very ladylike to use that kind of language. Especially not in public.”

  By now, Alex and Mark are both on their cell phones, no doubt contacting private security and the police.

  “Trace this number now!” Mark is screaming at the top of his lungs while everybody stands around and watches.

  “Alright Bob. Where is my sister?”

  “Rebecca is right here with me. She is unharmed…for now. She will stay that way, as long as you do as I say.”

  My heart is racing, and panic fills me.

  “What do you want? I’ll do whatever it is you want.”

  “That’s a girl. Go back to your apartment and wait for me to call you later tonight. I can’t tell you everything on this phone, since it’s your sister’s, and I’m sure everyone is having it traced right now. So, until tonight, Elizabeth.”

  “Wait!” Before I can get out another word, the line goes dead, and I break down in tears. Alex comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me.

  “What did he say about Becca?”

  “He told me to go back to the apartment and wait for him to call.”

  Mark joins us, his phone still at his ear.

  “Okay, Lizzy, you and Alex go back to the apartment. I’m going to pick up a few guys and some equipment and meet you there. Don’t worry; we’ll find her.”

  Still stunned by this sudden turn of events, I stare after Mark as he runs off to round up his men.

  “Elizabeth? Honey?” Alex puts a hand on my elbow. “Come on. Let me take you home.”

  Alex leads me to the car, and the moment I climb into the front seat, I begin sobbing. Alex drives toward the apartment, and throughout the entire drive, he keeps trying to assure me that we’ll find Becca and that everything will be okay. But I’m not so sure. I know Bob fairly well, and I would never have imagined he’d do any of the things he’s doing now. As if he has snapped, he seems to have gone off the deep end, and if he’s willing to shoot me, then he’s probably willing to do just about anything. He worked up the nerve to actually kidnap my little sister; God only knows what else he might be capable of doing.

  The drive to my place seems to take hours, but we finally arrive. The moment Alex cuts the engine; I climb out of the car and race inside. In a daze, I change my clothes, and then take up a position near the phone to await Bob’s next call. While I wait, all kinds of scenarios run through my brain. What if he has already killed her? What if we do what he wants and he still doesn’t let her go?

  “Who—?” I jerk and look toward the door, drawn from my thoughts by a series of loud knocks.

  “That’ll be Mark and his men,” Alex says. “I’ll get it.”

  Alex greets Mark with a curt nod, and then stands aside. Mark and two other guys I’ve never seen crowd into my foyer. The strangers carry cases of equipment, and at Mark’s direction, they turn toward my dining room area to set up shop. After issuing orders to his associates, Mark turns toward me, and his expression softens.

  “That’s Officers Stevens and McAllister,” he says. “They’re two of the best in the business. Don’t worry, Lizzy; we’ll find that asshole and bring Becca home.”

  I look Mark right in the eye, and even though a part of me realizes what I’m about to ask of him is irrational and unrealistic, I say, “Promise?”

  Mark doesn’t blink. “Promise. Remember…I love her too.”

  I give him a nod, and he joins the others to help set up the equipment. Alex, who’d disappeared into the kitchen after greeting our guests, comes back into the room. He’s carrying two glasses, and he sits next to me and hands me one of them. I give him an inquiring look.

  “Yes, it’s a drink,” he says in response. “I figured you could use one.”

  Despite the insane situation, I smile softly. Alex is beginning to know me pretty well. I down the glass of Brandy like a sailor, and then place the glass on the table. The alcohol burns its way down my throat and warms my stomach, chasing away the chill I’d had since hearing Bob’s voice come over the line from my sister’s phone. For now, at least, I’m warm.

  “Alex, what if he already killed her?” I give voice to the thought that’s been nagging me since the moment I found out Bob had Becca.

  Alex places his glass down next to mine on the table, and then turns and wraps his arms around me.

  “No way, baby. That hasn’t happened. He needs her. He won’t kill her.”

  Not yet, anyway. The unspoken words hang like a black cloud between us.

  Despite my misgivings, I nod. My gaze goes to the little red numbers on the front of the cable box across the room. Less than an hour has passed since Bob’s last call. The wait is driving me crazy. All I can do is sit here while Mark and the other officers rig up their recorders and what
not, and I feel helpless, so I focus on trying to find explanations for some of my unanswered questions. For instance, how did Bob even know about Becca’s graduation? And how was he able to kidnap her right out from under my nose, while she was surrounded by hundreds of fellow students, their families, and school faculty? Why didn’t she scream? How is it possible nobody even noticed her abduction? A frustrated sigh finds its way past my tightly pursed lips.

  When is he going to call? Once again, I check the time on the cable box. Five minutes have passed since the last time I looked. I feel like I should be doing something…anything other than just sitting here, waiting. Alex has been on the phone a few times, and so has Mark, but my phone has been dead silent. Good thing. I can just imagine myself, jumping for the phone every time it rang, only to find it’s a friend or acquaintance. I’d go nuts.

  My phone rings, and for a moment, I’m so shocked by the sound, I don’t respond.

  “Elizabeth?” Alex says.

  “Right.” I draw a deep breath, and then reach for my cell. The word “blocked” is written on the caller ID screen. “It’s gotta be Bob.”

  I hit the button to connect the call, and then the one to turn it on speaker. “Hello?”

  “Hello there, Elizabeth. Are you ready to give me what I want?”

  The mere sound of his voice makes my blood boil.

  “No, Bob. I’m ready to get my sister back.”

  “Then I suggest you listen carefully and keep that smart mouth of yours shut. I want a plane that will take me from where I am now to Mexico. I also want five million in cash to be waiting on the plane for me. I want this done by ten o’clock tonight. Oh, and last but not least, I want your fifty one percent of Neo Corp.”

  “Are you crazy? I can’t just hand over my share of Neo Corp. Besides, what would you do with my shares? You can’t show your face here; the stock would be useless to you.”


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