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Logan Enchanted

Page 3

by Lolah Lace


  “You went raw in that nasty bitch and you got burned. So you gave that nasty shit to me. So you can kick boulders.” BITCH!

  “Shit, I know.” He shook his head from side to side. I just hoped you hadn’t got it.”

  “You knew she burned you and you weren’t going to even tell me? You are a nasty motherfucka for real.”

  “No, no, I was going to tell you. I just found out. I was going to tell you today.”

  Yeah right. “You are gross. We talked about this. You swore you were clean. That’s why we stopped using condoms.”

  “I was. I used condoms with her but she took it off this one time and I didn’t even know.”

  What a fucking liar. “I don’t even care. You gave it to me. You don’t even know how to cheat right.”

  “Shit, so you really have Chlamydia.”

  “Yeah I do. Is there more?” I was so scared it was worse.


  “How many times did you fuck her?” I don’t know why I asked. Did it matter? It was enough to burn me.

  “Three times, I swear.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “On my grandmamma.”

  I guess that was supposed to mean something to me because I met him at the nursing home where he regularly visited his grandmother. He claimed to love his granny but shit he claimed to love me too.

  “Don’t let one little slip-up ruin our relationship. I love you, only you.”

  “You couldn’t love me. You slipped your janky-ass dick into a fucking hoe.”

  “I know and I’m sorry and I promise it will never happen again. I can’t lose you Cheyenne. I love you.”

  Darius dropped to his knees. I looked around the room although I knew we were all alone. He wrapped his arms tightly around my legs. I was so stunned I just stood there frozen in place. His face was smashed into my crotch. I heard what I thought was crying. I had never heard him cry before and I wasn’t sure what it sounded like until now.

  The emotional gesture was foreign to me. I was becoming overwhelmed. I hated when anyone cried. All the feelings I had locked away had come bubbling back to the surface. Was this really happening? Was he really sorry? Should I give him another chance? I hated myself for thinking those thoughts.

  His whimpers increased in volume and I was stuck there second-guessing everything I thought I knew. Did I want to really throw an eight-month relationship away? Did Darius deserve a second chance? It was one mistake. He had been a picture-perfect boyfriend before this.

  Through his consistent sobbing, I could hear him begging the word please over and over again into my legs. He was really crying. My heart had dropped and so did the wall I had built. I did love him. I do. I can’t believe he really felt this way about me, about us. I couldn’t believe he had so much raw emotion.

  My heart couldn’t take it so I started to cry too. I knew I still loved him. I was just hurt beyond belief. I placed my hands on top of his head and let him squeeze me for as long as he wanted. This embrace was cathartic. I couldn’t believe I was even thinking about us like this.


  Two days later Darius agreed to let me come and get my stuff from his apartment. I got my stuff and was talked into having dinner with him. I refused to go anywhere near that bedroom. He had more flowers for me and he bought me a dress. It was wrapped up nicely and he made sure he left the price tag on the garment just so I could see how expensive it was.

  I didn’t care about material possessions and expensive gifts. I actually just wanted a boyfriend I could love and trust. I went along with what was happening. I had to admit to myself I had one foot in and one foot out. I was being cautious. I didn’t want to just give in to him. I also didn’t want to be a quitter but I still didn’t want to look and feel like a dumb ass.

  Darius kissed me after dinner. Since I was yet to be cured of the STD I was safe from any form of sex with him. I would never have sex with him in that bed. I could still see that girl riding his dick. The vision was embedded in my cornea.

  I missed him. I had to admit it. I missed the way he made love to me. At least I thought it was love. I missed the sex, the good dick that I thought was reserved only for me. Not the dirty dick he used to fuck that figureless bitch, Keisha.

  I just don’t know what to do. My heart says give him one more chance but my mind says girlfriend don’t do it.

  I lost track of time but it was clear that we weren’t back together but we were still seeing each other. I felt happy and like an idiot all at the same time.

  I knew for sure I was going to get my own apartment. I couldn’t ever lie in the bed where he fucked that tramp. I didn’t even know how I could ever have sex with him again. He was gross and so was his dick. I still had feelings and I couldn’t deny it. Why is giving up on him so hard? I think he may really be sorry. I think he may really love me. I’m so damn tired of thinking.


  Yes, I was an idiot. Yes, I am an idiot. I believed in love and all that romantic mumbo jumbo. I took him back. We started over and we went on dates. Darius wined and dined me. I was treated like a princess. I was sexed beyond belief but there was a hole in my heart that just couldn’t be filled. I think the hole was doubt. The trust was damaged between us.

  I had to live my life and that meant getting my own place. I had moved into the apartment complex that Logan recommended. He helped me move in. I didn’t want Darius to know where I lived just yet. I was being cautious for obvious reasons. I was on the third floor of the same apartment building Logan lived in. He was on the second floor.

  I started carpooling with Logan after a few weeks on the job. Preppy emailed me a spreadsheet of how much money we would save if we drove one car to work. It was an odd thing to do but Logan was really into numbers and he tried to find logic and reason in everything. This was how my carpooling adventures with Logan began. Another good thing about Logan was he was always on time. He helped me with my punctuality. He would make sure I got my slow dragging behind to work on time. I was one of those Black people that lived on CP time.

  I told Logan everything because he was so easy to talk to. I mean I told him everything that was going on with Darius and me. He listened and wasn’t judgmental. Plus, Logan had the common decency to bring food when I was ranting about my relationship woes.

  Logan listened as I went on and on and on about Darius. My bestie Sheba would listen but she rolled her eyes so much I stopped telling her everything. Logan didn’t seem to feel any kind of way. He was always in neutral. He just plain ole listened and I needed that. Logan didn’t offer advice. I felt like I was going to a therapist that didn’t charge or plow me with meds.


  It only took three months for me to realize Darius wasn’t the one. I guess I already knew it. I couldn’t trust him. I was cured of the STD he gave me. I made sure of that. I could never have unprotected sex with him ever again. When he was out of my line of sight, I always thought he was cheating. I had turned into the paranoid girlfriend. I barely recognized myself.

  This was not the best way to move forward in a relationship. I didn’t want to be labeled a quitter. I wanted to save face but for who, exactly? I tried to hold on to our connection but mentally it was impossible. Break ups are hard and terrible so I avoided any talks about our doomed relationship. So I didn’t say anything to Darius about ending the relationship. I just acted like everything was roses and daisies. Which was so not cool. It was cowardly and I knew it but I dreaded that conversation.

  It was very unhealthy to stay in a doomed relationship but I wasn’t quite ready to move on and start dating again. If we were killing the messenger then I was dead. Darius and I were officially still together. I wanted out and he was none the wiser. I was a good actress apparently. My heart wasn’t in it. I went through the motions hoping things would get better. It didn’t. I hoped he would leave me but that didn’t happen either.

  I took solace in work. Logan took my mind
off things. He made my workday go by quickly and without too much inner contemplation. Logan also distracted me from my failing relationship. I unloaded all my garbage on him and he just listened without pointing the finger at me. Most of all, Logan didn’t give me shit for being weak. He also didn’t blab all my business around the office like a damn woman would probably do.

  My girl Sheba was in a new relationship. I didn’t want to be the friend that always had some negative thing to say about men. I was happy for her and her new guy Rashid, even though my relationship was a pile of hot garbage. Flaming hot garbage.

  I was slowly distancing myself from Darius. He seemed to be living in some fantasy world. I would lie to him and say I had my period to avoid sex. I just didn’t want to have to sleep with him. I just didn’t want him to touch me. The best sex of my life turned into the worst. Only because I didn’t like the guy that was attached to the dick.


  I stood Darius up to hang out and watch movies with Logan. It wasn’t the first time I did it. Logan came over to my apartment and we pigged out on all the stuff that wasn’t healthy. He drank beer and I drank Pinot Grigio. I was asleep before the end of the second movie.

  I didn’t know how long I had been out. I remember seeing Logan on the other end of the couch with a beer and a bowl of popcorn. He usually would let himself out after I fell asleep. I would wake up and he would be gone. He could lock my door for me because we had exchanged keys. His parents were out of state in Florida. My mother was out of state in Arkansas. He explained how it would be a good idea if we both keep keys to the others apartment in case of emergency.

  Logan had a way of explaining things to you. Things that just made every bit of sense. Logan was a do-gooder. He was sincere and trustworthy. He wasn’t pretending. He was raised right, not a dishonest bone in his body. He didn’t lie or steal and as for cheating, he didn’t have anybody to cheat on.

  I knew I wasn’t asleep anymore when I felt the butterflies in my stomach and the liquid heat pool in between my thighs. It wasn’t really butterflies. It was sensuous arousal. My nipples were burning and they were so stiff. My shirt was pushed up above my chest. I felt his hand knead my bare breasts and pinch my pebbled nipples.



  I was heated all over. Hot from the inside out. Soaking wet in the place that hadn’t been touched in two weeks and three days.

  My eyes peeked opened and I saw the top of his head. His dirty blonde hair was mussed. What is Logan doing? The phrase came to mind and then my question was swiftly answered when I felt his tongue flick over my clit.

  Oh. Okay. Oh.

  No sucking, just flat wet licks before his tongue plunged inside me. His face was in between my legs and he was eating my pussy. Munching on it, seriously going in.

  “Ahhhhhh.” I moaned without any proper permission from my own mind. OMG Logan is eating my pussy!

  I wasn’t sure how I slept through the removal of my panties but I did. My pencil skirt was hoisted to my waist. I missed all the steps that lead up to this point.

  I arched my back upward when Logan pulled my nipple to the ceiling. My eyes rolled back as I succumbed to what was happening. What the hell is happening?

  His tongue generously danced over my lower lips. His tongue worshipped me to a point of sheer pleasure. I wanted to reach down and grab his head but I was afraid he would stop. I didn’t want that to happen. I wanted to cum and if he kept this up that would surely happen.

  I moaned into the air as my core throbbed with every stroke of his tongue. My lips parted to speak words but none came.

  He was so delightfully good at this. Logan, he was damn good. I was wetter than I could remember from oral sex. His tongue was darting in and out my hole. He would pull back and lick me clean. He would savor my swollen lips in a way that I had never experienced.

  Logan took his time and sucked on my clit until my body gushed again and again. I opened my legs wider. I wanted to give him all the access he desired.

  I held my hands above my head to keep them away from him. He hoisted my legs in the air and traced his pointed tongue down to my butthole.

  I panted and then held my breath when I felt him dip his tongue into my asshole. This was happening and it was happening to me. It had never happened before. No man had ever stuck his tongue in my ass. Yep he was in my asshole. I’ve been missing out.

  It felt good. Better than I imagined if I had ever imaged it. I didn’t have to ask for it. He just did it. He worked his flexible wet tongue deep into my ass. I opened my ass cheeks for him to get the taste he craved.

  “Ohhhhh.” I hummed.

  Logan plugged a finger inside my pussy. He swirled it around in deep and wide circles. I was so close to the brink. My top teeth bit my bottom lip. I closed my eyes tight and waited for my body to release all the tension that was built around this encounter.

  His mouth found my damp pussy and he dipped his tongue in and out of me with rapid speed and brute force. I was being mauled with his mouth. I liked being mauled.

  Just like that, I came. My orgasm came rushing through my body like it was meant to be. I squealed and my legs trembled as my warm juice leaked from my contracting hole. Logan licked me clean and laid his head on the patch of hair on my wet pussy. He cradled one of my legs and I think he went to sleep. I couldn’t tell. He was very still.

  Well, I guess Logan isn’t gay.

  That happened. Seriously it happened.

  I freaked out in my head but I wasn’t sure why. His oral skills were the best I ever experienced but the entire situation made me feel bizarre. Is bizarre a word I’m using now? I obsessed about what happened between us for about thirty minutes. Sleep took over me because I was completely exhausted although I had just lain there on my back. I needed sleep. I could worry about this tomorrow.


  I woke up a few hours later and Logan was gone. My skirt was pulled down and my blouse was covering my breasts but he was gone from my apartment. I rolled off the couch and went and got in the bed. I had work in the morning. That happened. My pussy was still swollen and raw. I fell right back to sleep in my disheveled clothes. I would tackle this obstacle tomorrow.


  I woke up the next morning after hitting the snooze button three times. I showered and dressed. I replayed what happened last night over and over. Now I was unfaithful to my half-ass boyfriend Darius. I didn’t initiate the oral but I participated in it. That’s still cheating. I think.

  I heard the three knocks on the door and I immediately knew who it was. I usually left the door unlocked for Logan but this morning I didn’t know what to do. I was freaking out but in a minor way. We didn’t have real sex. That wasn’t like going all the way. Was this high school? It sure seemed like it.

  Was I supposed to act casual?

  I rushed over and opened the door. I forgot to look through the peephole. Fuck, it’s too late now. Logan was standing there. He looked like the same old Logan. I don’t know why eating my pussy was supposed to make him look brand new.

  “I ran out and got our coffee.” Logan stepped into my apartment with two coffee cups in his hands.


  “Your coffee maker is broken.”

  “Oh yeah.” His memory was too much. He handed one of the cups over to me like he normally would.

  Logan closed my door behind him. “How long you need?”

  “I just have to do my hair.”

  “Okay, you have a few minutes.” He walked by me and took a seat on my couch. The infamous couch where nasty things happened. He removed his cell phone and started scrolling while he sipped from his coffee cup. I just stood there looking slow.

  I wasn’t sure what was happening. He was acting like nothing had happened last night on that couch. I know it happened because of the flaky caked up residue on my lower lips and thighs early this morning.

  “I’ll only be a few minutes.” I tried to sound normal. I failed but he did
n’t seem to notice.

  “Cool.” Logan didn’t bother to glance up at me.

  I walked away and headed to the bathroom. Okay, that was weird. I wondered if this would be addressed in the car. I really don’t want to talk about it. We were drinking so maybe I don’t know. I just didn’t understand what was happening. Well, it’s not a big deal. It won’t happen again. I have a boyfriend so why am I obsessing about it.

  Logan seemed fine with whatever. So I guess I should seem fine too— with whatever. I fumbled around. I was stalling for whatever reason. I finally got my hair together. It was time to buck up.

  We left out of my apartment together like we always did. Logan drove. His car had better gas mileage. That’s what he told me months ago. He turned the radio on and we rode all the way to our job with pop tunes playing. He tapped the steering wheel a few times to the beat of a Bruno Mars song that came on the radio.

  The workday went slowly because of what happened. Logan did his job and acted like nothing happened between us. I listened in when he talked to his mother over the phone at lunchtime. I accepted a call from Darius because he was still my man. Weirdness was catching like the flu but Logan had his flu shots.

  Darius wanted to go out to the movies tonight and I agreed. I felt a little guilty about the Logan oral sex thing. Not because I was a cheater. More so because I didn’t think I was the type that said, if you can’t beat them, join them.

  Basically, two wrongs didn’t make a right. I had never cheated on any boyfriend I ever had. Technically I didn’t participate in the oral sex so it wasn’t cheating.

  Damn! Nope, that’s not going to fly, I opened my legs wider and pushed my pussy towards his face. So yeah, I’m a cheater. I could’ve slapped Logan or pulled his hair. I didn’t do that. I enjoyed it with everything I had in me. I wanted to come and I did. Yep, I’m guilty as sin. I couldn’t take it back. I don’t want too.

  The ride home from work was a little bit different. Logan pulled out the parking lot of our job.

  “So are you going to the movies with Darius?” He finally said something after being quiet after lunch.


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