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Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

Page 19

by Heather Allen

  Jack laughs and glances over at me, “You heard right. I think this might be the last battle we’ll have to fight.”

  Andrew looks over to me and bows his head. I look over to Jack with a questioning look wondering what this is. Who are all of these people?

  He looks up and calls back raising his spear, “It’s time. Let’s win this for good.”

  Jack pulls me out of the way as they storm through the water around the caves toward Roman and his people. I watch as every face that passes me has that same determined look I just saw on Alody’s people. Almost a year ago, I came here with the intent of being with someone who I thought was meant for me. Now I realize it’s so much more than that. It’s belonging and believing in something.

  Jack tells me, “Those are the Erebus from all around the sea. Your brother has been pretty busy.”

  I laugh, “You think so?”

  He leans down and kisses me quickly asking, “Are you ready?”

  I smile and ready my bow, following him into the fight for our lives.

  Chapter 50


  When I shot the trident between the Lior and us, I was hoping it would give everyone a chance to escape until our reinforcements came. Luckily, they were around the corner at the front of the caves. Alody and I swam to the side of the caves and waited.

  We watch as hordes of people pass us. The sheer number of Erebus that are here hits me. I am suddenly feeling pretty confident about my decision to fight. I was second guessing myself for a little while. They said they would be here;I just wasn’t one hundred percent sure.

  Alody pulls me toward the battle once the gold meshes with the silver, reminding me of the battle fought near here so recently. I’m glad we are able to keep it out of the city this time.

  I follow her into the slew of moving bodies using the trident to scare the Lior but I don’t blow anyone up with it. That is just cruel and against what I believe in. It seems as though the Lior are scared when I get near. They shy away when they spot the glowing stick in my hand and swim in the opposite direction. I guess I might be afraid of it too, knowing what it’s capable of.

  Alody continues firing arrows into the sea of bodies hitting anyone fighting with an Erebus from her home. She hits her mark almost every time. She is watching over her people and I admire her so much for it.

  Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me and my skin starts to crawl.


  In one swift movement I grab Alody, turn around to the voice and angle so that I am blocking her. My eyes meet those turquoise ones I know so well.

  Sara states, “I just wanted to say thank you for what you did.”

  I frown at her but nod.

  She continues, “I think for a long time, I’ve been floundering. I didn’t know where I was supposed to be. I…”

  She looks down and back up at me, “I’m sorry for everything. I know I don’t belong here. But I don’t belong with them either.”

  I feel movement behind me and it registers that Alody is moving around me. I grab her arm and tell her, “No, get back behind me.”

  She frowns and turns to face me, “James, we aren’t this. Remember what we are fighting for, acceptance for everyone. I know she hurt you and Ever and I know you don’t feel anything for her, I’m not worried. She should have a place with us.”

  I shake my head out of frustration and stare at Sara as Alody turns to face her.

  “Sara, you do belong here. Anyone that wants to be here, deserves to be here.”

  Sara looks over Alody’s head at me with a questioning look. I give a curt nod and search for my sister. She’s really going to love this. I have to accept it though. Alody is so good and pure hearted. She believes in and sees the good in everyone. If she can see past Sara’s past and trust me as well, I will support her in anything she chooses.

  I finally see Ever and Jack across the field. She has taken up a spot on a jutting rock at the top of the caves. She is shooting at any Lior getting close to Jack. I look back to Alody placing my hand on her shoulder, “Hey, we need to go and help…out.”

  “Go ahead, I’ll be right there.”

  I turn to go, knowing she can take care of herself but then I remember the last time I turned away in a battle with Sara nearby. Quickly I spin back to find Sara pulling a knife out from behind her back. As if in slow motion, my hands move to their own accord. The trident brightens and a small spark shoots out the middle. It strikes Sara in the shoulder and she’s thrown backward. I scurry over to a shocked Alody.

  “What, What, did you just do, James?” She looks so hurt.

  “Alody, she was about to stab you. I know it’s hard to believe. I just… I don’t think she can be saved.”

  Alody rushes to her side anyway. She grasps Sara’s head and shouldert thins cradling her in her arms and pleads, “James, give her your blood.”

  All of my energy leaves me at that moment. Alody just can’t see.

  She yells at me, “James, help…help her.”

  I shake my head, “I can’t.”

  Before I know what is happening, as I look at Alody sadly, the trident is taken from my hand. I turn quickly to come face to face with Roman.

  He growls pointing the now dull trident at me, “James my boy, you might want to do as she says. My daughter is dying because of you. I told you there wasn’t a chance you could win this.”

  I turn back to Alody and Sara has the knife at Alody’s throat smiling. The moment slams into me when I realize that my life, my everything, is in danger.

  Alody’s eyes meet mine and she mouths sadly, “I’m sorry.”

  She has nothing to be sorry for. I know Sara always has an ulterior motive. I shouldn’t have turned away.

  Reserved to do whatever it takes to save Alody, I turn and slice my hand open on the tip of the trident. Pain sears through my arm. I swim over to Alody and Sara, squeezing my blood over her wound. Sara’s knife is still at Alody’s throat so I am helpless. There is nothing I can do except pray that she doesn’t hurt Alody.

  Sara calls out, “Now move away or I’ll slice her neck wide open.”

  I back up with my hands out in front of me. Roman has moved because I feel the point in my back once again.

  Sara yells as she slowly gets up, “Daddy, I need help.”

  He angles his body to help her up while still keeping the trident aimed on me. My eyes meet Alody’s as she gets up slowly in front of Sara. Sara’s hand is grasping her arm with her other hand holding tight to the knife. I’m dying inside because everything I can think to do could end badly for Alody.

  It seems for a moment, as Sara gets up, that we are at an impasse. Neither of us can move without repercussions from the other. I look to Roman who is holding onto his daughter, glaring at me. The whole show out in the field was just that, a show. He never disowned her. He always has a plan when Sara is concerned.

  A minute passes before I spot movement behind Sara and Alody, high up in the caves. I move my eyes to look and remember my sister was up there. She has positioned herself pointing her arrow at Sara’s back. I glance back to Sara watching as she mirrors her father’s evil smile.

  She tells me, “Maybe James, you just weren’t meant to be loved.” And she moves to plunge the knife into Alody, but at the same moment, Ever’s arrow enters her back. It throws her forward releasing Alody and dropping the knife. I catch Alody in my arms and twist both of us toward Roman. He is about to plunge the trident into us but before he can get it near, I move my free hand out in front of us and ‘will’ it into my grasp. The moment it meets my fingers the bright glow fills the water. As I point it to Roman a huge spark shoots out and hits him in the middle of his chest. He falls instantly to the sea bottom. I fall backward still holding Alody in front of me.

  Before we can get up, Ever and Jack are thttom.ere. He holds his hand out to help me up. I still don’t let Alody out of my grasp. I’m afraid to let her go. I almost lost her. Never do I want to feel that terror again

  She turns to me crying, “James, I am so sorry, I…”

  I place my finger over her lips to shush her and finish for her, “You didn’t know. It’s okay. I did know and I still turned away. I’m sorry Alody. “

  She kisses me instantly and I can feel all the emotion we were both holding onto. The fear and sorrow and now the feeling of being safe.

  I hear my sister’s voice, “Get a room already. We are having a battle at the moment, you know.”

  I laugh out loud. I said the exact thing to her and Jack in the last battle.

  This time though we are all okay. I tell them, “Should we go and win this thing or what?”

  They all smile and swim with me into the sea of bodies.

  Chapter 51


  Jack and I have been fighting for a while. I’ve found out we are a pretty good team. I found a spot high up in the caves where I could be concealed and still help with the bow and arrow. Jack seems satisfied anyway. He didn’t want me to fight at all. Especially when all the Erebus came to help. He told me we didn’t even need to fight. I laughed at him, knowing he wanted to but wanted me to stay out of harm’s way more. Anytime anyone got near him, I spliced an arrow through the water. Sometimes my aim was perfect. Sometimes, not so much.

  I just happened to glance across the caves to the other side and I felt like we were back in the other battle. My brother was at Roman’s mercy with the trident and Sara, the bitch, was holding a knife to Alody’s throat. Immediately I took an arrow out and aimed. There is no way I will sit back and let this happen. Jue tridst before my release, my eyes meet James’. I see complete fear and surrender. I aim and let the arrow go. It strikes Sara in the back causing her to push Alody forward and her to fall to the ground. More than anything I want to fire another into her but right before I take aim Jack places his hand over mine. I look up into his face and he shakes his head, “She’s gone. It’s okay. She won’t be able to hurt you again.”

  I glance back over and James is on the ground with Alody in front of him. I panic and grasp Jack’s hand ‘willing’ us there. As soon as we appear, I see that they are both unharmed but Roman is not so lucky. He has a very large burn mark across his chest.

  Jack helps James and Alody up. Then we get to witness their PDA so I tell him, “Get a room already. We are having a battle at the moment, you know.”

  He laughs and pulls Alody in the direction of the battle asking us, “Should we go and win this thing or what?”

  I smile at that, grateful for the fact that we are all okay this time.


  After a number of hours I notice the number of Lior has diminished greatly. The number of bodies on the sea bottom isn’t quite as bad as I thought it would be either. I turn to Jack and ask, “Where did they all go?”

  After punching another one that got too close, he answers, “I think they are leaving. These are just the ones that didn’t get the memo.”

  I turn around to look behind us and the one person I never wanted to see again is hovering in the water pointing at me, Metea. She looks as though she’s aged a ton since the last time I saw her.

  Her voice is scratchy and accusing, “This is all because of you. None of this would be happening if you hadn’t come here. Seamus would still be alive.”

  I hover there in the water, frozen not able to respond. Before I know what is happening she is raising a spear and whisks it through the water at me. I know what’s happening but I just can’t seem to move. A hand yanks me out of the way at the last minute and the tip of the spear cuts the side of my arm as it passes me by. I fall into Jack. This seems to wake me up. I look back at her and she is falling backwards with an arrow stuck in her side.

  Jack pulls us both up and we are face to face with Alex and Celia. I ask uneasily, “Did you do that?”

  He smiles, “Yep, we’ve been looking for you. Are you alright?”

  I look over at Jack. He reaches out to shake Alex’s hand, “Thanks for that.”

  Alex shakes his hand, “No problem. I came to let you know that I have been trying to get the Lior to leave. Some are still slow but they are all leaving.”

  I look up at him frowning, “You’re leaving? Why?”

  He shakes his head, “Ever, you know this isn’t what I wanted. It’s over. The city is yours.”

  I swim forward and ask tentatively, “But, what about you?” I glance over at Celia who is grasping his hand, smiling.

  “What will happen to you?”

  He runs his hand down my arm with his free hand, “Ever, you’ve opened many eyes that have be?”

  He laughs then, “Don’t worry, I, we will be just fine.”

  With that he turns and pulls Celia behind him. She looks back to me halting him and mouths to me, “Thank you.”

  Maybe she is nothing like her father and sister. I hope, for Alex’s sake.

  Before I know what is happening, I am pulled into Jack’s arms and he is assaulting me with kisses. This is my place, where I belong, where I was always meant to be, forever.

  Forever, what does that mean? To me it means I will live and breathe with the one person I was meant for. The person that completes my being and I complete his. Not many people have experienced the true meaning of forever but I know that the air I breathe will be forever with Jack.


  Once the battle was won James and I had a new battle to fight, our parents. We decided it was time they learned the truth. We have both found our promised and they are from the sea so it’s only common sense that we involve them. The day after the battle we ‘travel’ home after going to Gam-aw’s first. She warned us that it will be bad when we get home, she could fend them off for only so long. I can only imagine. But it was so good to see her and tell her that she’s off the hook.

  As soon as we make it through the door, my mom comes out hammering us with questions, “Ever, James, where have you been? James, you told us two weeks, school starts tomorrow and we haven’t heard from you. I’ve been so worried.”

  I place my hands on her shoulders and tell her carefully, “Mom, you need to sit down, we have something to tell you.” I pull her into the kitchen and tell her to sit down while my brother goes to get our dad.

  He comes in complaining at James, “You should have called. Didn’t we go over this the last time?”

  I smirk at James as he comes in behind my dad, rolling his eyes. Suddenly, he is sounding just like my mom. James smiles and we both sit facing our parents.

  My mom grabs my hands across the table with worry all over her face, “Ever honey, what is it? Are you alright?”

  I squeeze her hands, “Yes mom, we’re great. We came to tell you about something. You need to hear us out though. Okay?”

  She nods slowly and I can see just a glimmer of a tear at the corner of her eye. I knew it wasn’t going to happen. God, I haven’t even started. This is where I get this emotional instability. Thanks mom.

  I start, “Okay, mom, dad, a long time ago….”


  An hour later as I finish with ourtime ago unbelievable story while my parents just sit and stare almost unblinking, I glance over at my brother and smile, grabbing his hand.

  I look back to my parents. A slow tear runs down my mom’s cheek and she states, “This explains a lot about this past year.”

  My brother nods and tells them, “There’s a little more when you’re ready.”

  My dad asks, the first thing he’s said the whole time, “What does this mean for your future?”

  I, for one, am amazed at how well my mom is taking this whole thing. We decided James would tell them the rest. But before he can start my mom asks with a slight tinge of panic and small tears, “This cannot be real, are you both in trouble or something?”

  Okay, taking back my prior statement about them accepting things. I nod to my brother for the demonstration part.

  He tells them, “Watch the salt and pepper on the table.”

  He ‘w
ills’ them to move across the table and up into the air. The look on their faces is priceless, amazement and acceptance all in the same expression.

  I nudge James satisfied that they believe us now so he tells them the rest, “I am staying here if that is alright with you to finish school. I know that Alody is it for me, but I need to finish. After that, we’re not sure. She wants to come and visit if that is okay to see if she likes it here on land.”

  My mom and dad both nod silently in response to him. Where did my parents go? They are taking this so different than how I had imagined. Maybe they are still shocked.

  He glances over to me because this is the part where I think she’s going to lose it, “Ever is staying in the sea. She has found Jack and she wants to watch over our people, our new world.” He smiles as he finishes, knowing the hardest part is over.

  I look across the table and it happens, I knew it would, just a matter of time. Full blown tears start falling down her cheeks. I reach across and wipe them away, “It’s okay mom, I can come back anytime. I’ll visit all the time. I promise.”

  She sits up and begins wiping her tears away. Oh, so this is where I get all of my antics. Good to know.

  “Ever, I’m not crying because you’re going to the sea, it does sound a little scary to me, but I’m crying because you have become a woman right before my eyes. You have found something worth fighting for and put your whole self into it. I am so very proud of you.”

  I get up from the table, make my way around it, and hug her tightly. My dad and James get up and we all hug family style. My parents didn’t turn out to be a battle after all.


  I’ve been officially living in the sea now for a week. Jack, Amber, Alody and I moved into the castle. All of Alody’s people moved to our city finding a new place where they are fully accepted. The Erebus caves are used for play now by the children. No one has to live in them. People are allowed to come and go as they please.


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