Book Read Free

Something Amazing

Page 12

by M. Clarke

  Upon opening the door to my office, I saw a clear vase full of beautiful red roses. My heart thumped faster as I approached my desk, wondering if they were from Jax. I knew it was silly to think that he would have done this when we had agreed to be friends, but a small part of me…no, a huge part of me wished they were from him.

  After a long whiff of the fragrance that filled my room, I took out the note that was inside of the envelope and read it.


  Please give us another chance.

  I haven’t been the guy you fell in love with.

  I promise to be different. Call me when you’re ready.

  Miss you so much,


  I read the note twice, wondering if somehow I had read it wrong. As mixed feelings of sadness and anger overcame me, I dropped to my chair behind my desk and soaked it all in. Turning on the computer to load the file of pictures I’d taken that day, I tried to figure out the best way to handle this sensitive situation with Greg. He did say to call him when I was ready, so perhaps not saying anything was the best way.

  After I uploaded and selected the ones I thought Morgan and Jess would approve, I sent the files through drop box. Knowing they would love the pictures, I couldn’t wait for them to see them. Seeing the outcome of my work that I was proud of always sparked exhilaration through me. It was the best feeling in the world, the reason why I loved being a photographer.


  Jill was peeking through the cracked door.

  “Come in, Jill.”

  Jill pulled up a chair and sat, placing a notepad on her lap. “Who gave you the roses?” She fidgeted in her seat to get comfortable. “Did you meet someone in Kauai?” Her blue eyes grew bigger.

  I let out a soft laugh and fibbed. “I wish.” I paused. “They’re from Greg.”

  “I thought you broke up with him.”

  “I did.”

  “Oh.” The room became silent.

  I enjoyed Jill’s friendship, but regardless she was my boss, and I wasn’t about to spill my guts to her about my love life. I didn’t mind sharing the surface, but not the detail.

  “Anyway, I wanted to tell you how much Morgan and Jess raved about you. And they are not the only clients that do. I want to offer you a raise with a permanent status. I’m looking into opening up another studio, and I would love for you to run it.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Jill.”

  “Say yes.”

  If Matthew’s offer was never on the table, I would have jumped at the chance. And since a part of me was still indecisive, I couldn’t give her the answer she wanted to hear. “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I need to think about it. I was thinking of moving to Los Angeles to be closer to my sister. Could I give you an answer after I get back from Paris?”

  “Sure. That will be fine. Refresh my memory.” Jill started writing notes on the pad. “You leave next weekend, not this weekend, right?”

  I opened the calendar on my computer to confirm. “Yes.”

  “Oh, good. For a minute there I thought I got your schedules confused. Don’t forget about your dates.”

  “What dates?” I panicked, unable to recall what she was talking about. And she said dates, not date.

  “Remember my friend, Marcus, the doctor? You had agreed to go out on a date with him this Friday, and my other friend, Tyler, the construction worker, on Saturday. Don’t worry. They don’t know each other.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I exclaimed. I tried to think of excuses why I couldn’t, but my ideas were lacking. “Of course I did. Sorry. Jet lag. Thanks for the reminder.” Oh crap!

  “Anyway. They’re both cuties. I think you will hit it off with one of them for sure.” She shrugged her shoulders with a giggle. “I can’t wait for you to tell me all about them.” With that, she was out the door.

  Just as I was about to close down, I decided to check my email one last time. I had two new emails. I clicked on the first.


  Hey sis. I heard from Becca that you had a wonderful time. That’s fantastic. Sounded like Hendrix took good care of you. What are you still doing there? I’ll be paying you ten times what you’re getting paid and you’ll get to work with hot models. What are you waiting for? I have a proposal. After the wedding, come do one shoot for me. You can test it out. If you want the job, it’s yours. If not, at least you gave it a shot. Let me know when I see you in Paris. No pressure.


  Then I clicked on the second.


  Surprise! I got your email address from Stacey. I hope you don’t mind. Don’t forget to send pictures, especially the ones of you without clothes. Those will be my favorite. I’ll have to post one on my ceiling. How have you been? You probably have tons of guys asking you out all the time. Yup…I’m jealous. Say hi to JC for me.

  Miss our friendship,


  Reading Jax’s name on the email caused a sting in my heart. How was it possible that he could cause me this much pain when I’d known him only the past twelve days? Trying to forget him, I shut down the computer.

  Chapter 18


  Stacey entered my room and comfortably sat on my bed. I only had a bra and panties on, but we were comfortable with each other that way.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I have a date.”

  “You have a date?” Stacey bellowed in surprise.

  “It’s a blind date,” I grumbled. “I’m not looking forward to it. I don’t even know what he looks like. Jill set me up.” Shuffling through the hangers, I searched for something simple to wear.

  “Jill? Your boss Jill? Oh, hell no.”

  “You feel the same way, too? That’s not good.”

  Closing her lips tightly together, she seemed like she was trying to stop herself from saying something. But Stacey being Stacey, she eventually spoke her mind. “I don’t mean to judge, but I met Jill and her boyfriend that time I was there…remember? I met you at work before we had lunch together.”

  “Yes, I remember.” Pulling a black dress out of the closet, I draped it in front of me and turned to Stacey. “What do you think?”

  “It depends. You want an ‘I just want to be friends’ dress or a ‘take me to bed’ dress?”

  “Friends, of course.”

  “That dress will do. Anyway, I’m sorry to say, but he’s not attractive at all. I hope she sets you up according to your taste and not hers.”

  After slipping into the dress, I walked to the bathroom to make sure my makeup and hair were presentable then came back out. “What do you think?” I posed for her.


  “Thanks.” Slipping on my heels, I sat next to her. “Have you spoken to Hendrix?”

  Stacey spread herself sideways across my bed, supporting her head with her fist. “Every day. Either he calls or I call after work.”

  “Speaking of work…I thought you were going to quit your job and go get your MBA? You have one more year to go. Don’t stop. I know it’s been rough since your sister passed away.”

  “Taking the year off was good for me. I’m not sure what I want to do. I make a pretty good salary being a waitress. I just don’t know, Rachel.”

  “Sorry. I don’t mean to pressure you. I’m just looking out for you. I’m also happy that you and Hendrix are trying to work things out, but just be careful.”

  Stacey reached over to the next pillow, picked up JC, and started to stroke it. “I really like him. He’s coming back with us after the wedding. Are you okay with Hendrix staying here?”

  “Of course.”

  “Thanks. I have to say, Jax was pretty sly giving you JC. I bet you think of him every day, especially when you see this turtle on your pillow beside you. Did he call you? He asked for your number.”

  “No, but he did email me asking me to send the pictures I took of him and us. We’re just friends.”

  “Are you sure?”

“He said ‘missing our friendship.’ That’s pretty clear to me.” I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, but knowing Stacey, she read right through me.

  Stacey opened her mouth, but shut it when the chime of our doorbell alerted us. For a brief moment, we froze.

  “I’ll go get the door.” Stacey sprang off the bed. “If he’s ugly, I’m slamming the door.”

  “Stacey,” I whispered out loud, afraid Marcus might hear.

  “I’m just joking.” She was halfway to the door. “Take a picture of yourself and send it to Jax. Make sure to let him know you’re on a date. That boy needs to wake up and go after what he wants.”

  Stacey never gave up; it was one of the qualities I loved about her. When her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, Stacey quit her internship and took a year of absence from NYU business school. She helped her through the chemotherapy and was her cheerleader to the very end. Stacey never gave up on her sister, even when the doctors told her family that there was no hope, being that it was stage four cancer and it had spread to the rest of her sister’s body. I could clearly recall those hardest months of her life. It broke her, but it didn’t change her. She was still my best friend Stacey in all aspects of her personality.

  “Hi,” Stacey greeted cheerfully, “I’m Stacey, Rachel’s roommate. Come in.”

  “Thank you. I’m Marcus,” I heard a deep, manly voice say. That was a good sound. I assumed they shook hands.

  “I’ll be back. I’ll get Rachel for you.” Hearing her chipper tone was a good indication, I hoped.

  Hearing her footsteps, I opened the door wider. “Well?”

  “How old is Jill?”

  “Why?” I didn’t like where this was going.

  She didn’t answer. “Come.” Before I could say a word, Stacey dragged me out.

  “Hi,” I greeted, and found out why Stacey had asked that question.

  “Hi. I’m Marcus.” He shook my hand, and then let go.

  Marcus was tall and lean, with hardly any muscles. His mixture of brown and blond hair hid some grays on the side. How old was he? I had no idea, but as far as I was concerned, too old for me. As I thought about ways to cancel the date, I changed my mind when he smiled at me, and I also didn’t want to be rude since he was Jill’s friend. Marcus was not the type of guy I would have ever agreed to go on a date with, but at this point, I had no choice.

  “Ready to go?” he asked.

  “Have a good time.” Stacey’s tone was too friendly and her eyes said it all. She was enjoying this way too much.

  Marcus took me to a cozy, romantic restaurant. Though there was candlelight, it was a bit too dark. Although, perhaps it was better that way. After we ordered, the waitress gave us a basket of bread and left.

  Marcus took a sip of water for the fifth time. I could tell he was nervous by the way he was fidgeting in his seat and the lack of eye contact. Feeling sorry for him, I decided to help ease this interaction.

  “How do you know Jill?” I asked, breaking the ice.

  “Oh. She didn’t tell you?” He scratched the back of his head, looking puzzled. “We…umm…dated a couple of times,” he said hesitantly.

  “Oh.” My pitch went up a notch. “So then what happened?” I really didn’t want to know, but my curiosity got the best of me.

  “It didn’t work out. I had just gotten a divorce. I don’t think I was ready to date.” He took a sip of his water and placed it away from the edge of the table.

  “I see. How long were you married?”

  “About five years.”

  “How long ago did you get divorced?”

  “About a year ago.”

  Thinking I was headed in the wrong direction with this conversation, I figured talking about his career might help him ease up, but was interrupted by a buzzing sound. I glanced down to my purse when I saw a light flash from my phone. “Excuse me,” I said with an apologetic smile and opened my text, just in case it was Stacey or someone important, but I didn’t recognize the number.

  Who is this?

  I’m the other half owner of JC.

  At that moment my heart did a funny flip.

  Hi Jax.

  Thank you for sending me the email of the pictures. I will have to print them out.

  It’s my pleasure.

  What are you doing?

  Do I tell him? I contemplated what to do. Hell, for all I knew, he was probably dating too. So, I decided to text him the truth.

  I’m on a date.

  What are you wearing?

  I giggled from his text. Use your imagination.

  I hope it’s not what you wore for me the morning you were sick.

  I would get arrested. Ha ha.

  Too bad I’m not a cop. I would handcuff you and do naughty things to you.

  Holy shit! I felt my clit twitch and heat fused through me.

  Does he look like me? He continued before I could text back.

  Seriously? Knowing he was joking, I played along with his humor.

  Yes. I miss you so much that I had to find someone that looks like you.

  I miss you, too.

  I didn’t know if he was teasing or if he was serious. Feelings for Jax suddenly came rushing through. This was bad. I’m all the way across the States and he’s on my mind again.

  I better go.

  Tell your date he might have your company, but I have the naked picture of you plastered on my ceiling.

  What? Naked pictures. There are no naked pictures. LOL!

  Shoving my phone back in my purse, I peered up to Marcus. It was the first long eye contact he had given me since we got there. Perhaps he was upset with me. What were we talking about? Oh, yeah. “Jill tells me you’re a doctor.”

  Marcus’s eyes fell back down to the table. “Yes, I am. I’m a gynecologist.”

  “Oh. Do you deliver babies as well?”

  “No. I look at women’s vaginas and breasts all day long. I mean…I examine them. I think women’s bodies are fascinating.” Marcus’s eyes glistened from the candlelight, and he continued. “For example, just by rubbing the tip of the clitoris, liquid starts forming. And simply by pinching the nipples, one can stimulate sexual desire, making the vagina pulsate.”

  Holy shit! He did not say this to me. Either he was a huge pervert acting as a doctor, or he really enjoyed describing women’s body. He started looking nervous again. I was sure it was caused by my mouth that had just dropped open.

  I jerked when I felt the table shaking like a mini earthquake. I panicked at first until I realized Marcus was causing it. “Marcus, are you okay?”

  Marcus stared at me in horror. “I’m so sorry. It’s a bad habit of mine.”

  “That’s okay. We all get a little nervous. Would you like bread?” Just as I reached over for the basket set in the middle of the table, Marcus extended his arm out. Our hands collided, causing him to jump back into his seat, and at the same time he knocked over his glass of water. Unable to see water streaming across the table, I was too late to stop it from falling on my lap.

  “I’m so sorry,” he gasped, and stood up. When he reached over to hand me his cloth napkin, he knocked over my glass of water, too. Now I was soaking wet. Not only were my legs freaking cold, water was dripping from my dress onto the hardwood floor below, creating a puddle.

  I peered up in horror, with both of my hands held up in surrender. “Can you take me home?”

  Chapter 19


  Stacey could not stop laughing. “Are you serious? I can’t believe he dumped two glasses of water on you.” Her words were so choppy, if I didn’t know what had happened, I would have heard “he dumped you.”

  “You can’t believe it?” I rushed to my bedroom to change. “I’m just glad he didn’t dump wine on me.”

  Stacey followed after me. “I’m guessing you’re not going to go on another date with him?”

  I gave Stacey a funny look and peeled off my wet dress. “Jill has weird taste in men. That is
all I have to say.”

  Stacey plopped on my bed with a huge smile spread across her face. “I wonder what your date will look like tomorrow. Maybe he’ll have more gray hair.” Stacey giggled like she was watching a comedy show. Her shoulders bobbed with the rhythm of her laughter.

  I slipped on my T-shirt and shorts, then sat on the edge of the bed. “Maybe tomorrow’s date will be better.” I rolled my eyes in sarcasm. “At least I was able to tell Jax that I was on a date.” With the quick twitch of my lips, giving Stacey somewhat of a smile, I went back to the bathroom to tie my hair up.

  “He texted you?” Her pitch was so loud that it sounded like a shriek. “Did you send him a picture of what you were wearing like I told you to do?”

  “No,” I said, leaning against the door hinge. “What’s the point?”

  Her neck did a funny dance and her eyes popped open, looking at me as if she couldn’t believe what I had just said. “What’s the point?” she repeated. “You seriously need an education on how to make men jealous.”

  I shook my head and pretended I didn’t hear what she’d said. “Come on. Let’s watch a movie on demand.”

  “I’ll go get Rachel.” Since Stacey’s voice was normal, this was a good sign. Hearing her footsteps, I opened the door just enough for her to enter since I was still undressed. Stacey and I had agreed that after she saw my date, we would decide what I should wear to dinner.

  “Put on the hot dress. Your date is gorgeous.”

  “Really?” Excitement flushed through me at the possibility. I questioned her because I thought she was joking at first, but when she didn’t burst out laughing, I knew at that moment that she was telling me the truth.

  Stacey pulled out a red dress from my closet and shoved it to me. “Put this one on. Yes, I’m being serious.”


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