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Empaths (Pyreans Book 1)

Page 49

by S. H. Jucha

  “I’ll need the name of those witnesses, Captain,” Emerson stated officially.

  “And you won’t receive them, Commandant. You’re not entitled to the Captain’s Court records.”

  Aurelia, who was listening with Dingles on his comm unit, giggled, and the first mate smiled at her.

  “Every witness detailed a personality that can only be described as sociopathic. In addition, the court has discovered that evidence procured at the Andropov home after the arrests was deemed unnecessary to present to the Review Board, prior to the hearing.”

  “What evidence, Captain Harbour?” Stamerson demanded.

  “Found in the nightstand of a room that was reserved exclusively for Dimitri Belosov’s meetings with Aurelia Garmenti were a collection of devices of the bondage type. Aurelia Garmenti testified to the nature and use of those items on her by Dimitri Belosov. In each and every encounter, Aurelia vocally protested Dimitri’s use of his bondage devices and his subsequent molestations. The court found Aurelia Garmenti’s testimony compelling, and the evidence points to a pattern of aggravated sexual assault by Dimitri Belosov on her person. In summary, it was the judgment of the Captain’s Court that Aurelia Garmenti acted in self-defense, which resulted in the accidental death of Dimitri Belosov by his own hand. Therefore, the charge of murder laid against Aurelia Garmenti by the previous governor has been set aside.”

  “You won’t get away with this, Harbour,” Lise yelled, before throwing her comm unit across the salon, effectively ending her participation in the call.

  “Captain, as commandant of the JOS, I can’t abide by your decision. If Aurelia Garmenti sets foot on the JOS, she will be arrested and tried for murder.”

  “Aurelia Garmenti has no intention of visiting your foully governed station, Commandant, while you sit in that office, but I hope to remedy that one day, one day soon. And, while we’re threatening each other, be advised that if you send your people to collect Aurelia, I intend to deny them entry to the Belle, and I don’t care what orders they carry from you.”

  Harbour’s comm unit indicated that Emerson had dropped off the call without replying, but Captain Stamerson remained online.

  “For my part, Captain,” Stamerson said, “I look forward to reading the documents that you’ve sent, and, may I say, well done, Captain, absolutely well done.”

  Harbour could hear the retired spacer captain chuckling, as he closed his end of the call.

  * * *

  Aurelia visited Harbour in her quarters after dinner.

  “I take it nothing’s changed, Captain, regarding my freedom,” Aurelia said.

  “I’m sorry to say that it hasn’t, Aurelia,” Harbour replied. “On this ship, I can defend your freedom, but my announcement today was only the opening in a long fight to correct what’s been done to our society. I’m afraid if you left this ship, you’d become a pawn in the struggle, and pawns are often sacrificed for the gains of those in power.”

  Aurelia was crestfallen, and Harbour sensed her descending darkness.

  “But you’re aware that Captain Cinders and I have decided to continue our agreement.”

  “Aye, Captain.”

  “Then there’s nothing to stop you from joining up with one of Captain Cinder’s ships when they leave the JOS for Emperion, but it will be incumbent on your part to rejoin the Belle before they make either station again. Understood?”

  “Aye, Captain,” Aurelia said, her smile and pleasure beaming at Harbour.

  — The Pyreans will return in Messinants in mid-2018. —


  — Watch for the return of Alex and company in Vinium in early 2018. —


  Colony Ship

  Arlene – Artisan leader

  Beatrice “Birdie” Andrews – Comm operator on the Belle

  Bryan Forshaw – Propulsion engineer on the Belle

  Celia O’Riley – Former name of the current Harbour

  Danny Thompson – Pilot on the Belle

  Dingles – Nickname for Mitch Bassiter, first mate on the Belle

  Harbour – Protector of the empaths, captain of the Belle, originally known as Celia O’Riley

  Herbert McKinley – Medical spacer aboard the Belle

  Lindsey Jabrook – Previous Harbour

  Makana – Artisan who decorated Harbour’s skins

  Nadine – Eldest active empath

  Pete Jennings – Engineer and ex-spacer

  Stacey Young – Medical spacer aboard the Belle

  Yardley – Blind artisan, who works in metalcraft

  Yasmin – Harbour’s closest friend, empath


  Andrei Andropov – Founder of the Andropov dynasty

  Aurelia – Eldest daughter of Helena, also known as Rules

  Dimitri Belosov – Son of Liana Belosov and the governor’s nephew

  Gerald – Tech at El landing pad

  Giorgio Sestos – Governor’s head of security

  Helena Garmenti – Kidnapped by the governor, mother of Aurelia and Sasha

  Idrian Tuttle – Dome family head

  Liana Belosov – Sister of Markos Andropov

  Lise Panoy – Dome family head, later governor of domes

  Markos Andropov – Governor of Pyre’s domes

  Rufus Stewart – Dome family head

  Sasha – Younger daughter of Helena, Aurelia’s sister


  Angelina “Angie” Mendoza – First mate on the Pearl

  Belinda Kilmer – Third mate on the Pearl, later second mate on the Marianne

  Buttons – Crew member aboard the Spryte

  Claudia Manning – Spryte’s shuttle pilot

  Corbin Rose – Captain of the Marianne, bequeathed his ship to Cinders

  Darrin “Nose” Fitzgibbon – First mate on the Marianne

  Hamoi – Assay tech on the Marianne

  Ituau Tulafono – First mate aboard the Spryte

  Jeremy Kinsman – Navigator aboard the Spryte

  Jessie Cinders – Owner of a mining company and captain of the Spryte

  Kasey – Tech aboard the Spryte

  Leonard Hastings – Captain of the Pearl

  Mitch Bassiter – Known as Dingles, first mate on the Belle

  Nate Mikado – Second mate aboard the Spryte

  Orson – Shelter tech on the Marianne

  Oscar – Assay engineer on the Marianne

  Schaefer – Second mate on the Marianne, then traded to the Pearl

  Sima Madigan – Mining captain on the Dauntless

  Tobias Samuels – Lead excavation engineer on the Marianne

  Tully – Survey engineer on the Marianne

  Yohlin Erring – Captain of the Marianne

  Stationers or Topsiders

  Bondi – Member of the Review Board

  Bowden – Officer in station security

  Cecilia Lindstrom – Corporal in station security, later promoted to sergeant

  Devon Higgins – Lieutenant in station security

  Emerson Strattleford – Commandant of the JOS

  Evan Pendleton – YIPS manager

  Gabriel – Latched On store owner

  Henry Stamerson – Head of the Review Board, retired mining captain

  JD – El car freight crewman

  Liam Finian – Major in station security

  Maggie – Hostess of the Miners’ Pit, ex-spacer

  Miguel Rodriguez – Sergeant in station security

  Nunez – Officer in station security

  Pena – Young girl who Toby likes

  Penelope – Terminal arm 2 manager

  Phillip Borden – Groundskeeper employed by downsiders

  Rules – Sasha’s nickname for Aurelia

  Sam – Terminal arm 4 manager

  Stephen Jenkels – Engineer and architect of the orbital station, the JOS

  Terrell “Terror” McKenzie – Corporal in station security, and Giorgio Sestos’ asset

/>   Toby – Boy in wheelchair awaiting BRC surgery

  Vac Suits

  Frances – Jeremy’s suit name

  Jessie – Aurelia’s suit name

  Spryte – Jessie’s suit name

  Objects, Terms, and Cantinas

  Bender – Slang for empath

  BNNT – Tiny, nanotubes made of carbon, boron, and nitrogen, interspersed with hydrogen for insulation

  BRC – Bone replacement copy, pronounced “brick”

  Caf drink – A mix of artificially grown coffee and cocoa with a mild stimulant

  Cap – Transportation capsule

  C-chip ring – Coin carrying/transfer system housed on a ring

  Coin – Reference to electronic currency

  Coin-kat or coin-kitty – Male or female sex service provider

  Comm-dot – Communications ear-wig that relays to a comm unit or trans-stick

  DAD – DNA analysis device

  DBs – Refers to the people who live in the domes

  Deck shoes – Shoes with patterned bottoms, which allow people’s feet to adhere to decks

  Downside – Refers to the domes on Pyre

  E-cart – Electric cargo transport

  El – Elevator car linked between the orbital station and Pyre’s domes

  Empath – Person capable of sensing and manipulating the emotional states of others

  E-trans – Electric passenger transport

  Green – Replenishing drink for the empaths

  Latched On – Spacer supply house

  Mag-boots – Boots that hold vac suited spacers to ship decks

  Miners’ Pit – Cantina owned by Jessie Cinders

  Mist mask – Makeup mask

  Mist wipe – Removes makeup

  Normals – Individuals who have no empath capability

  Ped-path – Walking and electric vehicle transport surface in the domes

  Pull – Empaths term for reading the emotions of another

  Push – Empath term for affecting the emotions of another

  Review Board – Judicial body aboard the JOS

  Rose’s Reward – Used in the negative to mean an unsuccessful trip

  Sensitives – Preferred alternate name for empaths

  Shock stick – Weapon carried by JOS security personnel

  Skins – Preferred clothing of stationers and spacers

  Sleepholds – Places for people to temporarily bunk

  Slip boots – Used to protect the feet inside mag-boots

  Starlight – Expensive JOS cantina

  Stationers – People who live on the Jenkels Orbital Station

  Trans-stick – Pyrean fashion, which function as a transmitter

  Vac suit – Spacer’s vacuum work suit

  Stars, Planets, and Moons

  Crimsa – Star of the planet Pyre

  Emperion – Pyre’s second moon

  Minist – Pyre’s first and smallest moon

  Pyre – New home world of Sol-NAC colonists

  Triton – Pyre’s third and largest moon

  Ships and Stations

  Dauntless – Mining ship, Sima Madigan captain

  Honora Belle – Colony ship, also known as the Belle

  Jenkels Orbital Station – Station above Pyre and anchors the El car to downside, nicknamed the JOS, pronounced “joss.”

  Marianne – Captain Jessie Cinders’ first ship, referred to as the Annie, willed to him by Corbin Rose

  Spryte – Captain Jessie Cinders’ third ship

  Unruly Pearl – Captain Jessie Cinders’ second ship, referred to as the Pearl, willed to him by Corbin Rose

  Yellen-Inglehart Processing Station – Mineral and gas processing platform called the YIPS, pronounced “yips.”

  My Books

  Empath, the first novel in this new series, the Pyreans, is available in e-book and softcover editions. Please visit my website,, for publication locations. You may register at my website to receive e-mail updates on the progress of my upcoming novels.

  Pyrean Series


  Messinants (coming 2018)

  The Silver Ships Series

  The Silver Ships









  Vinium (coming 2018)

  The Author

  I’ve been enamored with fiction novels since the age of thirteen and long been a fan of great storytellers. I’ve lived in several countries overseas and in many of the US states, including Illinois, where I met my wonderful wife more than three decades ago. My careers have spanned a variety of industries in the visual and scientific fields of photography, biology, film/video, software, and information technology (IT).

  My first attempt at a novel was titled The Lure and was a crime drama centered on the modern-day surfacing of a 110-carat yellow diamond lost during the French Revolution. In 1980, in preparation for the book, I spent two wonderful weeks researching the Brazilian people, their language, and the religious customs of Candomblé. The day I returned from Rio de Janeiro, I had my first date with my wife-to-be, Peggy Giels.

  In the past, I’ve outlined dozens of novels, but a busy career limited my efforts to complete any of them. In early 2014, I chose to devote my efforts to writing full-time. My first novel, The Silver Ships, was released in February 2015. The series, with the release of Omnia, now numbers nine.

  The new series, Pyreans, relates the tale of a third Earth colony ship and gives readers an opportunity to follow new characters, who struggle to overcome the obstacles of a world tortured by geologic upheaval. Humans are divided into camps — downsiders, stationers, spacers, and the Belle’s inhabitants, which consist of empaths and the discarded.

  My deep appreciation goes out to the many readers who embraced the Silver Ships series and its characters. I hope you’ve enjoyed the start of the new series!




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