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Northridge Vampires_Drake

Page 5

by Amy Robyn

  “Fine, but you’ll be sleeping on the couch.” She tells me as she starts the car. I start laughing.

  “I didn’t expect anything different.” She looks over at me as though I had grown another head.

  “You’re not going to let me be alone, are you?” She says this as more of a statement than a question but I answer her anyway.

  “Not a chance in hell.” She rolls her eyes as she backs out and turns the car around. She doesn’t say anything as we make our way out of town. I had forgotten that she lives further away. I just hope it isn’t the city. I do not mind visiting occasionally but I get tired of the constant noise and crowds of people. I like my solitude and not having to pretend I am someone else. Something else.

  She pulls off the freeway into the town of Silverthorne and I take a deep breath. I am so glad it isn’t as far as I thought it would be. Only a forty five minute drive. If I run it would only be twenty minutes. I could get to her fairly quickly if I decided to give her space. I nearly snort out loud. Like I would ever leave her vulnerable. Being human makes her extremely fragile. When we finally bond she will have my ability to heal and my longevity.

  She will still be human, mostly. She will not need blood to survive. She will still eat human food. She will just share some of my abilities. I will be able to track her anywhere she is and communicate telepathically with her no matter how much space is between us. There is nothing more intimate than a vampire’s bond with his mate.

  She pulls into a parking area outside of a four-plex. I groan. This is not going to be fun. I am not a fan of people being too close, that I do not know and trust. My senses are heightened. I will hear and smell everything they do. It can be distracting when I need to have all of my faculties, to protect my mate. I hate walking into the unknown and that is exactly what I am doing. I look over at her as she removes her seat belt. She is worth it and more.

  “Which one is yours?” I ask as I follow her out of the car.

  “Top, left, is mine.” She says and I look up at it. Of course it’s on top. The bottom units are typically larger, which means that families usually take them. Her being single, it makes sense to pick the top floor. She leads the way up the steps and I enjoy the view of her rounded ass in her tight slacks. Her hips sway with every step. She clears her throat, distracting me from the tantalizing view. I look up to see her looking over her shoulder at me with an eyebrow cocked.

  “You can’t blame me for enjoying the view.” I tell her as she stops in front of her front door. She snorts as she swings the door open. A medium sized dog with ears so big that it almost trips over them, comes running to greet her. She drops to her knees and wraps her arms around the dog. The dog licks her cheek happily and she grabs the leash off of the small table by the door.

  “Want to go for a walk, Sammy?” She gets excited and runs in circles around Emmy. Then she stops in tracks when she notices me and starts growling. All dogs react to us like this. They recognize the predator in us. I get down and growl back at him.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Emmy asks as she watches me like I am crazy. I do not answer her. I just continue to growl and I let my fangs drop. I open my mouth wide so the dog can see them. She lays down and rolls onto her back. I let my fangs retract and scratch her belly.

  “Dogs sense the predator in us. I needed to establish my dominance with her or she would fight me all the time.” I tell Emmy who looks like she wants to say something but instead shakes her head. She seems to do that a lot. She clips the leash on Sammy and walks back outside. I follow her down the stairs and out to where there is grass. Sammy squats down immediately. I feel bad now that I kept Emmy away so that this poor creature had to put her needs on hold.

  “Good girl.” She tells the dog as she walks over to a bush to take care of more business. I take Emmy’s hand as we walk. I sniff the air to make sure there are no other predators out. All I smell is Emmy’s sweet scent that calls to me on the most primal level. I pull her into my arms and tip her head back. I kiss her again. I make sure to put every drop of the emotions I feel boiling up inside of me, in this one kiss. I suck her lip before pressing my tongue into the depths of her mouth.

  I moan as I taste her and feel her tremble in my arms. I am not sure how much longer I can control myself. I want nothing more than to strip her bare and mount her like an animal. She makes the wild side of me come alive in ways I never knew were possible. She is all I can see or smell. All I will ever want, forever. It takes considerable effort to keep from rubbing my hard cock against her. It feels like it is going to break through my zipper to get to its prize. I pull away from her and step back.

  “It is getting harder to be a gentleman with you.” I tell her only half joking. She giggles as she walks her dog back to the apartment. I follow behind them and enjoy the view of her hips swaying. I may never get enough of just watching her. She is like poetry in motion, the way she moves. Stronger men than I could go insane, with the desire I have for her.

  Chapter 6.

  It has been two weeks since he started sleeping on my couch. He follows me around as though he is my guard. He ticked off my boss several times, which secretly I enjoyed immensely. It means I have had a couple of weeks free from his grabby hands. He follows me to investigate stories and he even follows me into my sleep.

  I dream about him every night. Crazy, erotic dreams that leave me panting and on the edge of cumming, with no relief. I could play with myself but the man has super senses. I get embarrassed every time I use the bathroom because I know he hears me. The worst part is waking from my dreams and hearing his moans as he pleasures himself. I think he can smell my desire. He hasn’t tried to be with me any further than kissing. I know he has to be hungry and yet he hasn’t asked to feed.

  I know it sounds strange but I am craving his feedings. I want to feel his fangs in my neck and the feel of him sucking the blood from my body. It is the most intense pleasure I have ever known. I want to feel it again. I want to feel him. I only hope he doesn’t keep me waiting too long. Tonight we are going back to the castle. I am taking vacation and I agreed to go there to stay while I am off of work. We are taking Sammy with us, so that she can get used to being around the other vampires. Drake says that he can help protect me if he learns the difference between friend and foe.

  I just shrug my shoulders and go with it. It won’t hurt for her to get used to the guys. As I seem to grow more and more attached to Drake, I know I need to assimilate into his life as much as he has for me. I need to get to know all of those he considers family. I am starting to understand just how important I am to him, just as he is to me.

  I roll out of bed and go over to my dresser. I grab the clothes I laid out last night. I am already packed and ready to go. I just need to shower and dress. I take my clothes in the bathroom and sit them by the sink. I go back out to make sure Drake is awake and to turn on the coffee maker.

  “Drake you up?” I ask as I push the start button on the coffee maker. He doesn’t respond. I go over to the couch and lean down until am by his ear.

  “Wake up, sleepy head.” I say in his ear. Still he doesn’t respond. Fear shakes me as I grasp his shoulders and shake him. There is nothing. I press my ear to his chest and hear his heart beating though it is very slow. I shake him again and yell. I grab his phone off of the coffee table and find William’s number. I hit call.

  “Drake, is everything okay?” He asks in a calm voice. I feel anything but calm.

  “I can’t get him to wake up.” I shout into the phone as panic takes control of me.

  “Has he fed lately?” Oh god, he hasn’t since the night at the castle as I straddled his lap.

  “No, he hasn’t asked to feed since the first night we met.” I tell him. He clears his throat.

  “That was two weeks ago.” He says as though I didn’t know that already.

  “I would have fed him, William. All he had to do was ask.” I know I sound defensive but I am scared out of my mind that maybe this
is my fault.

  “I’m not judging you, Emily. I just needed to know. Okay this is what you need to do. Put me on speaker phone.” He says and I do as he ask.

  “Okay, now grab something sharp.” I go into the kitchen and grab a sharp knife. I bring it back into the room with me.

  “I have a knife. Now what?” I ask as I sit down beside the man who has been stealing my heart more and more every day.

  “Open his mouth.” I take his head and tilt it back. I pull his chin down until his mouth is open.

  “What next?” I stare down at Drake as I wait for further direction. Now that I am paying close attention I can see the dark circles around his eyes and how pale his skin is. What have I done? I should have told him to feed from me. I knew he would need to. The stubborn man was giving me space like I asked.

  “Now cut your wrist but not too deep. Put the cut over his mouth and let the blood drip into it.” I do as he asked and nick my wrist with the knife. I place it over his mouth and watch as blood slides down the side of my wrist. One fat droplet lands on his tongue and nothing happens. I am starting to really worry again when the third droplet lands on his tongue and I hear him moan. Yes. He pulls my wrist into his mouth and bites. I cry out.

  “I think I will hang up now.” Says William.

  “Uh… oh…. Yes.” Is all I can get out before I hear a click and know that he has hung up on his end. I moan as William starts sucking. He grabs my hips and lifts my over his straining erection. I grind down on him, seeking release.

  “Oh god.” Is the last thing I say as I cum. I throw my head back and shout his name as I feel his cock jerk underneath me and the moisture of his release dampens my panties further.

  “Emmy, my sweet mate.” Drake says as he licks my wrist. I groan as it awakens my desire. I rub against Drake until I feel him become firm against me.

  “Hold still, baby.” He tries to stop my movements with his hand on my hip. I growl at him.

  “I want you.” I tell him. I lean down and press my lips to his. He opens for me immediately and I can taste the coppery taste of my blood but mostly his masculine taste that I have grown to love.

  “Take me.” I tell him as I feel his control snap. He reaches between us and rips my panties off of me as though it were nothing more than a piece of paper. I moan as his hand finds my moist folds. His finger searches my center until he finds the button that makes my legs jerk. His other hand reaches for my shirt and rips it off of me with ease. He leans up and latches his mouth on my nipple. I buck my hips and press my pussy more firmly in his hand.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He says with a voice that is rough with desire. He looks down at my body and where his hand is rubbing. He groans before attacking my other nipple. I grab the back of his head and hold him against me as he moves his finger over my clit, making my start to climb closer to cumming again.

  “I have to be inside of you.” He says in a growl.

  “Yessss.” I hiss as I feel him shove his boxers down. Then I feel the broad head of his cock as he rubs it against my sensitive nub. I jerk and he moves it to my entrance.

  “Sit.” He slaps my ass. Normally that would make me mad as hell, but I know it is because we are both too far gone for rational thought. I do just as he asked and slide down his cock, slowly. The man is huge. I have never felt anything like it. I am panting with the effort of getting him to fit.

  “You’re too big.” I tell him and he moans as I bare down and take him another inch.

  “Fuck.” He says and his finger finds its way through my damp folds until he finds my clit again. He rubs it in a circle and I slide down more. I cry out when I finally fall the last few inches on his enormous manhood. We are both shaking with intense desire by the time he is fully seated inside of me. I never knew a man could be this large or that my body would accept him.

  “Fuck.” He shouts as he moves both hands to my hips and lifts me off of him until only the tip of his cock still remains. He drops me back down causing us both to shout. I have had sex before. Not many times, but I never remembered it feeling like this. This is intense, visceral and a deep craving begins in me that I know will only ever be satisfied by this man. I feel close to cumming and we have only begun.

  I try to take control and start moving but he chooses that moment to flip us around. Now I am on my back and he is between my thighs. He starts moving inside of me and any thoughts of complaining are gone. He makes the sexiest noises as though he can’t get enough of me. He grunts as he bottoms out inside of me. He groans as he slides out only to grunt again when he pushed back in. It makes me even hotter. My need for him is like nothing I have ever known.

  “You feel so good.” He groans out as he works his hips even faster and I get caught up in the rhythm of his movements. I move with him as I try to seek the pleasure that I feel pulsing on the edge.

  “I need…” I can’t finish my sentence as I am so far gone that I can’t articulate my thoughts. I want more yet it is too much. I want him deeper yet he is too deep. I am full of contradictions as I feel his powerful thrusts between my legs. He leans down and takes my nipple in his mouth as he starts pounding into me with powerful thrust that have me babbling incoherently . Then I feel his fangs slide into the flesh surrounding my nipple and it forces me over the edge and into the biggest orgasm of my life.

  I scream as my body detonates. Waves crash over me and all I can do is feel. Feel his body moving. Feel his mouth moving on my nipple and feel his passion for me as though it were my own. Then he jerks and I feel his cock expand inside of me. I feel the heat of his semen fill me as he cums in spurts. He groans as he licks my nipple and rides out the remainder of our orgasms. He falls forward and I love the feel of his weight against me. I rub his back.

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me.” He says and I keep rubbing his back.

  “Why would I hate you?” I ask him as he sits up and looks at me. I hear the answer yet his lips don’t move.

  Because I took your blood without permission and had sex with you, when I know it was my saliva making you want me. I should have waited to make sure it was truly what you wanted. I gasp in surprise that I can hear him.

  “How is it that I am hearing your thoughts?” I ask him.

  “We are bonded mates now. I can hear your thoughts and you can hear mine.” He tells me out loud this time.

  “I have been waiting for you to make a move now for a week. You didn’t do anything that I didn’t want.” I tell him as I press my head against his. Our breathing returns to normal yet neither of us wants to move. I like feeling him inside of me even when he is no longer hard.

  “I thought you needed more time. I have been trying to be respectful even when it has been killing me not to be inside of you.” I feel his cock hardening again and my eyes widen. The man certainly has stamina. He moves his hips and I moan.

  “I need you again and then we need to get on the road.” He says as he moves a little more and I grab his shoulders to hold on to.

  “Next time tell me when you need my blood. You scared me. I whisper against his lips.

  “I promise, my love.” He says and that is the last time we talk for some time.

  Chapter 7.

  Emmy surprised me with how passionate she can be. I still feel the heat of her body as though I am still inside of her. She branded herself on my body as much as she has my heart. I never knew that love making could be like that. So consuming and mind altering. I will never have enough of her. I crave her in every way a man or vampire can. Her blood gives me life and her body gives me meaning.

  We arrive at the house after midday. I know that I was planning on making it here in the morning but I couldn’t leave her body alone. We made love twice on the couch and again in the shower. I am not sure how I even had the strength to let her get dressed, honestly. I am voracious, insatiable in my need for her. I crave her body as much, if not more than her blood. Both together is like a smorgasbord of perfection.

; I hop out of the car and help her get Sammy on her leash. I grab our bags and the bag of Sammy’s things. Yes, the dog has her own bag. I follow them up to the door. It opens and William stands back for us to enter. He smiles at me broadly. I am sure he can smell our spent passions, even after the shower. He slaps me on the back.

  “Congratulations on the bonding.” He tells us both. Emmy turns red and tucks herself close to me in embarrassment. I do not understand why. I would like to sing it from the rooftop. Why? Is she ashamed of being with me?

  “No. I would never be ashamed of you. Humans just don’t like to announce that they’ve had sex. It’s a private thing between two people.” She tells me and William looks ashamed.

  “I’m sorry Emily. I shouldn’t have said anything. It is good to know for the future.” He tells her.

  “Please call me Emmy. It’s alright I know that you didn’t mean to embarrass me.” She tells him and I can’t help but kiss her for being so kind to my father. He has been like a father to me for so long, though I was too stubborn to ever call him that.

  “It’s never too late.” Emmy whispers to me. She has become very good at reading my thoughts.

  “Your right, my love.” I tell her as I pick the bags back up and walk up to my room. I leave her to follow though I hear her strike up a conversation with William so I leave them to it. I sit our bags on my dresser and I carry Sammy’s back down with me. I carry it into the kitchen where I set up her bowls and fill them with food and water. I will ask Emmy where we should put her bed. I swear the dog has more things than I do.

  I find Emmy sitting in front of the fire with William and Thomas as they listen to her raptly. She is telling them about how Sammy has decided that vampires are all good. She didn’t growl once since we got here. She removes her leash and she sits down near her feet. She still wants to guard her though. Good dog. I like knowing how protective she is of Emmy. She is the most important thing in this world. She just doesn’t know it.


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