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Very Twisted Things (Briarcrest Academy #3)

Page 13

by Ilsa Madden-Mills

  “Wait, you planned a driving trip because of my fear of flying? You want me to meet your family?”

  He sent me a cocked eyebrow. “Duh.”

  Sweetness swept over me. “Thank you,” I said simply. “Date or not, I’d love to go.”

  He shrugged, but it felt like something big had just happened.

  We arrived at the cabin a bit later. Situated on a small hill, the rugged structure was secluded and quaint with a fire pit and even a big wooden swing mounted between two sturdy oak trees.

  When we walked inside, however, we discovered a small problem.

  Mila pursed her lips. “This is all wrong. The picture on the brochure showed four beds, not two.”

  I peeked my head in the first bedroom. Yep. One smallish bed. It was the same in the second bedroom.

  Spider, who didn’t seem concerned—who in fact looked pleased—spoke up. “I’m not cuddling with Sebastian on that tiny bed.” He grinned at us broadly. “So which one of you birds is gonna keep me warm?”

  Mila poked him in the arm. “Watch yourself, Clarence.”

  He blanched, his eyes on me and then back to her. “Mila, fuck, no one, and I mean no one knows my real name. Easy there, my love.”

  I chuckled. “Clarence? No wonder you kept that under wraps.”

  He strutted around the small den. “Spider suits me better. That’s all. But you are now sworn to secrecy. You can’t tell anyone, V.”

  “You called her my love,” I felt compelled to add since no one else seemed to notice.

  “I did?” Spider asked, a quizzical look on his face.

  “Yes,” we all said. Mila blushed.

  “So.” He took out a cig and lit it up. His hand trembled.

  “Ugh, take your smart mouth and that cancer stick outside.” Mila pushed at him until they were out the door.

  Sebastian groaned as they left. “How much longer can I let them go on like this without saying anything?”

  I sighed. It was obvious to everyone that they were into each other.

  “Spider does seem calmer when she’s around.”

  I tugged on his hand. “You can’t control people or emotions.”

  He swept his tongue over his bottom lip as he gazed at me. “Tell me about it.”

  An hour later, no one mentioned the sleeping arrangements again as we pulled out the grill and built a bonfire. Spider and Sebastian cooked the burgers and Mila and I made a salad. We drank cold beer with stars above us as brilliant as diamonds.

  “This is the best thing I’ve done in a long time,” I told them softly, looking at each of them as I sat on our blanket and roasted a marshmallow in the diminishing fire.

  Mila smiled as she snuggled with Spider. “I agree.”

  I took a big breath. “Guys, there’s something I’d like to ask you tonight. All of you.”

  “What?” Sebastian said, easing over to sit next to me on the blanket.

  I clasped my hands together. “One of the reasons I moved here was an orphanage my parents had been interested in sponsoring. I grew up helping them, and I don’t want to stop just because they’re gone.”

  “What a great way to honor your parents,” Mila said.

  I nodded. “So, the orphanage is gearing up for a big benefit gala, and I’m helping with the planning. I—I wanted to ask if you’d be willing to come and support me and be the entertainment? Just play a couple of songs? I know your other band guys are in Dallas on hiatus—”

  Sebastian had a funny expression on his face as he looked at me. “Wait a minute—what’s the name of this orphanage?”

  “Lyons Place.”

  Silence fell as Spider and Sebastian looked at each other and then back at me.

  Mila straightened up at the guys’ odd expressions. “What’s going on? You guys look weird.”

  “Spider and I volunteer there.”

  I shook my head in bewilderment. “How is that even possible? That’s crazy. It’s one of several homes in LA. Did you know it was mine?”

  Sebastian shook his head. “No. Just something about the place called to me. I saw the sign one day, and wanted to go in. We’ve been teaching guitar lessons there.”

  I licked my lips. “What a weird coincidence.”

  “It’s the universe trying to get you two pussies together,” Spider muttered.


  “I can help with the planning,” Mila offered, as we all ignored Spider’s remark. “I have a list of celebrities we can invite. Big spenders.”

  I grinned. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.”

  “We’d love to help you with the gala, but there’s one condition,” Sebastian said.

  “What?” I asked. My heart thudded and I don’t even know why, except that I was reeling from knowing that he was already part of something that was important to me.

  “I said I’d find you a gig, and I have. You play with us at the gala.”

  “But why would you want me to?”

  “Because it’s you, V, and I want you to be happy. I’d do anything for you. Don’t you see that?” His voice was heavy with emotion.

  Mila and Spider got up and murmured excuses about getting more marshmallows, and headed back to the cabin. I didn’t think they’d be back.

  I stared at Sebastian as he sat next to me. “Why am I so special to you?”

  His finger started at my head and traced a line down between my eyes, over the slope of my nose, past my lips, my neck, and down to my pounding heart. “You’ve two sides to you, V. One wants to be the way you used to be, but the other side of you has found a new home. You’re starting to shine—hell, sparkle. I see it. I want to see you shine on stage in front of an audience too.”

  How was it that he knew exactly what I needed to hear?

  I leaned into him, and he leaned into me, both of us breathing in the other.

  We sat like that, his fingers tracing little designs on my arm, his lips a hair’s breadth from mine. My fingers itched to trace his lips, to pull him down to me, but it was a line I couldn’t cross. Not if we were just friends.

  After a while, he tugged a blanket around my shoulders. “I need to put you to bed,” he whispered in my ear.

  “I don’t want to go to bed and neither do you. Plus, Spider and Mila are probably having sex in the cabin as we speak. We should sleep here. Together.”

  He stilled his hands, which had been rubbing my back. “What are you saying?”

  I inhaled sharply. “That I want you, and I’ll take you any way I can, even if it means just one night.”

  “You’re on dangerous ground, V.” His voice had deepened.

  “I’m sick to death of tip-toeing around how bad I want you. I think you are too.”

  His fingers stroked my lips, rubbing across my upper lip and then my lower. “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

  I captured his fingers. “Then kiss me and pretend it’s a plain kiss, one that doesn’t mean a thing.”

  His chest rose, distance building in his eyes. “I want you, but you’d regret us in the morning when things are back to normal.”

  Enough. I was tired of his push and pull. Tired of the longing looks he’d give me but then deny them. “Forget it. I’m not going to beg you to make love to me, Sebastian. If you want me, come and get me.” I jerked up and strode off toward the large wooden swing near the two oak trees. Sturdy and made for two, it was the perfect place to vent. I sat down and leaned back to push off.

  “Dammit, come back,” he demanded from behind me. I shivered at the tinge of authority in his tone, every molecule in me wanting to turn around and run to him. I resisted and settled for pushing off again.

  He walked over to me with intent, his broad shoulders blocking out the moon.

  Sending me a searing look, he halted in front of me and pulled on the chain to stop my momentum.

  I gasped. “What are you doing?”

  He scowled. “Get off that swing, V, or I’ll fuck you while you’re on

  And as if on cue, my core got wet for him. “Don’t make a promise you won’t keep,” I said softly.

  “Even wrapped in sorrow, she lived in color.”

  —Sebastian Tate

  MY COMPOSURE CRACKED. Which wasn’t surprising, considering the way she’d been prancing around in those tight jeans all day, talking about sex on a horse. My willpower had dissolved into dust. I was so screwed.

  “Get off and face me,” I told her. “Or are you all talk and no play?”

  I put my hand out and helped her stand, her eyes wide as I tugged her against my chest and kissed her. I cradled her head with my hands and took what I’d wanted all day. She tasted like marshmallows and I groaned, needing more of her, more of us. Like a man dying of thirst in the desert, her lips and tongue were a fucking waterfall.

  I kissed down her neck and nibbled and then sucked on the hollow of her throat. My hands moved to her shoulders, cupping them, and then moved down to play with the buttons on her shirt.

  Her breath came in little gasps. “Sebastian?” she whispered as I tugged her shirt out of her jeans, pulled it off her head and tossed it on the ground.

  I tweaked her nipples through her bra, making her hiss. “I’m going to do what I’ve wanted to since the first time I saw you. I’m going to make you mine—just like you want, V.”

  She shivered and I put my hand to her chest. “Your heart is flying. Do you want me to stop? Because I’m about three seconds away from a point of no return with you. My cock is hard enough to chop wood, and we don’t need anymore for the fire.”

  She sighed. “Please don’t stop.”

  I reached behind her and took the bigger than normal swing seat and tossed it over the branches until it was raised, tugging on it to make sure it would hold.

  “What’s going on?”

  Without answering, I turned back to her and pushed her bra down underneath her breasts, positioning them so I could lean in and lick one and then the other. I shoved them together and sucked hard, making her gasp out as she clutched me.

  This is what she craved. Intensity. Consuming need. I’d sensed it in her from the moment she played, and I burned for her, my entire body throbbing, shaking with need. “I feel like I’ve walked away from you a thousand times. But not this time,” I murmured.

  She nodded and that was all the acquiescence I needed. I peeled my shirt off and tossed it with hers. I unzipped her jeans and shoved them down, my hands cupping her ass and squeezing. God, she was beautiful. “I love you in red, V,” I said, fingering the lace of her panties.

  With need riding me, I fell to my knees and kissed her stomach, my tongue delving in her navel. Worshipping her. I bit her hipbones and then sucked them gently as I eased her boots off.

  She cried out my name beseechingly as I slipped my fingers inside her panties and burrowed inside, finding her hot and wet. Fuck, yeah. My fingers skimmed her pussy and then teased her entrance, her juices making it easy for me to slide in. I rolled her clit around as she squirmed to get more of me. “You been thinking about me all day?” I said, my voice low, my breathing winded.

  She nodded, her head tossed back as I slid my fingers in and out of her. “Yes,” she ground out. “I wanted you on the ride. I wanted to sit in front of you on your horse while you did this until I came.”

  My heart raced, and my adrenaline shot sky high. I needed more. I needed her riding my cock.

  But first …

  I eased her panties down and she stepped out of them. “Sit back on the swing and spread your legs,” I rasped out. “Scoot your body forward, V, so I can put my mouth on you.”

  She sat down and parted her legs for me, her eyes glowing. “Make me burn for you.”

  I cupped her breasts and raked my eyes over her, soaking it in. She looked gorgeous and ready, her eyes heavy-lidded, her lips plump from where I’d kissed her. I placed her hands on the chains of the swing and positioned her legs further apart until she was spread before me beautifully, her body glistening for me.

  Desperation drove me. I had to have her taste, her smell in my mouth.

  On my knees, I pulled the swing forward with one hand and pressed her hot core against my stiff tongue. The fingers of my other hand explored her gently, even as my tongue pillaged and took control. She writhed and leaned back, bucking to give me more access. Desire owned me as I delved into her, my fingers finding her sweetest spot. I rubbed her wetness around, some soft strokes, some more insistent, her little cries driving me on. She was letting go, her body flushed and straining to come.

  “I want to touch you,” she gasped out.

  “Be still,” I rumbled against her. “Going to give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had.” My hand tightened on the swing, yanking her closer. My tongue and lips devoured her as I rubbed her harder, working her clit and then moving away to tease her honeyed entrance.

  She panted, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead.

  “Wider,” I demanded, nudging her legs apart more. “More, V, I need more.”

  She bit her lip and whimpered as she edged lower and spread her legs even more, her hips jerking as she tried to get more friction. “Please, Sebastian.”

  I lifted my head and gazed into her eyes. “You’re beautiful, V. I want to remember you like this forever. Begging for my touch.”

  She squirmed and keened. “Just make me come, or I’ll kill you.”

  Heat zipped up my spine. “Hang on, baby.” I lowered my head, taking her sex hard with an open mouth, my fingers probing and twisting rapidly. She called out my name and stiffened, her tits quivering as she came hard against me. I held on tightly, embracing her hips with my arm and watching her face as she let go. Moments went by as she clenched and unclenched her muscles around my finger, milking me. I continued to touch her, making it last, wanting my dick in her so bad I could cry. Nothing in the world mattered but this. Her.

  Finally her hips slowed and she sat up. “How was that?” I whispered against her nipples, my lips unable to stop tasting her skin. She was addictive.

  She stared at me and the beauty of the moment blew me away, because her face was so open—with an unnamed emotion on it.

  “You on your knees … your mouth on me. I may die now,” she whispered softly.

  “Good. But we aren’t done yet.” I stood up and unzipped my jeans and shoved them off. My tight underwear came next. I tugged my boots off and rolled on a condom I’d taken from my pocket. I stood before her and fisted my cock. I let my heavy gaze slide over her breasts and I reached out to thumb her nipple. I growled, “Now grip those chains and lean back in that swing and get ready.”

  She obliged with wide eyes, and I pulled her closer and kissed her long and hard, my mouth taking her soft lips. I moved down to her neck and shoulders and to her breast, which I suckled like a needy kitten, pushing her breasts together and taking as much as I could in my mouth. “You taste good, V.”

  She trembled and pulled my head up. “Sebastian, look, I’m feeling so much here, and it isn’t just sex. It’s—”

  I got her. “You’re everything in a woman I’ve ever wanted, V. It scares me too, and I don’t know what it means—”

  Fuck. I lost every thought in my head when she bit my nipple.

  I cupped her ass with one hand and pulled the swing toward me with the other until I’d seated myself deep inside her. She whimpered, and I tossed my head back and wanted to howl at the damn moon.

  I took her, watching my cock glide in and out.

  “Harder. Yes, yes, yes,” she said as I plunged in and out of her, using the swing to mechanize my movements. To own her.

  She wriggled around and locked her legs on my hips, trying to get as much of me in her as she could. Desire surged through every vein in my body as my cock pounded her. V.

  But then why did I feel so damn moody and dark with desperation?

  I hissed in her ear. “You’re mine, V. And I know it sounds possessive and caveman, but tonight, I don’t give
a fuck. Don’t think about Geoff or anything but my cock in you. Got it?” I tempered those words by sucking on her earlobe.

  She drank me in as I hovered above her. “Yes … so good, so good, so good,” she moaned at each thrust.

  I repositioned my stance and lowered the swing a tad, pushing in and then out, sliding over her clit and then plunging deep inside her. I tossed my head back, trying to keep it together, but knowing I was going to go over the cliff soon. It had been too long since I’d been with a girl, and this was V.

  “Touch yourself, V. I’m dying to, but my hands are full,” I muttered, gritting my teeth for control. She touched her slit, flicking her fingers. Slow. Fast.

  “I don’t want to stop,” I growled out.

  We were lost. My skin tingled. My head floated.

  I plunged in her wetness, the sounds of our sex, my grunts, her whimpers … it all crashed and my cock swelled painfully as I came hard. My body pulsed, and I roared into the night.

  Without pausing, I fell to my knees and took her in my mouth again. She screamed, her hands twisting the chain as she came hard, her pussy pulsing against my hands and mouth. After a while, she leaned up and sagged against me as we held each other for a few moments, neither of us able to speak.

  I let go of the swing, swept her limp body up in my arms and took her back to the fire and the blanket and lay her down. My head was dizzy and my heart was thundering. I felt on top of the fucking world.

  But …

  What the hell was I going to do now?

  “You never love the same way twice, but the love of a lifetime only comes once.”

  —from the journal of Violet St. Lyons

  HE EASED ME down on the blanket and pressed a kiss to my forehead as if I were a piece of fine china, his gentleness a sharp contrast to the fierceness of his lovemaking. He pulled the ends of the blanket around us while my eyes bored into his, searching for his soul.


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