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Charlene Hartnady - Stolen by the Alpha Wolf 3# (Determined Theft)

Page 10

by Unknown

  Stephany tried to smile through the feelings of panic that rose up inside her. “We labor like any other female. Our body prepares to expel the baby, it is a long arduous process. Once our bodies have prepared, we have to push the baby out. Which is just as long and arduous as a human’s experience it seems.”

  Ward must have sensed her worry, because he cupped her jaw with his strong, lightly calloused fingers. “I will be here every step of the way.”

  “You look exhausted. Rest. If all goes well, you’ll go into labor some time during the night” Becky paused, looking at the watch on her wrist. “I will try to break your water if there has been no change.”

  “Okay. I’ll try to rest.” She smiled at the human. “Thank you, Becky. I really appreciate your help.”

  Ward nodded, his whole frame was tense and he probably didn’t even realize that he was squeezing the blood out of her hand.

  “You’d better make yourself comfortable, Ward.” Becky gestured to one of the chairs at her desk. “It’s going to be a long night. You’re welcome to crash on the sofa.”

  Ward shook his head. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Call me immediately if anything changes.” Becky cocked her head slightly to the side. “I’ll camp out in the waiting room. Can I set something up for your men?”

  Ward shook his head. “No, they won’t sleep. By now Rushe has assessed the perimeter and has devised an escape plan, although we would probably need to take a stand if attacked. The males will stay on watch until this baby is born and we are able to leave.”

  “That could be a day or two. No man can last that long.” Becky’s eyes were wide. She was looking at Ward like he’d lost his senses.

  Ward threw the human a lopsided grin. “They aren’t men, they are shifters capable of lasting for days without food, water or sleep for that matter. Although, I would request that you keep them fed. I want them performing at top level if the need arises.”

  Becky did a fluttery thing with her eyelids and clutched a hand to her ample chest. “Oh my…not men. Shifters.” She nodded her head. “I’ll feed them, don’t you worry.” She turned and left. Stephany swore that she could scent arousal, but maybe her senses were a little wonky at the moment.

  “Get yourself a chair.” Stephany urged Ward once the human had left. “You heard Becky, this is probably going to be a long night.”

  Ward shook his head. “Scoot over.” His eyes dropped to the hospital style bed that she was lying on.

  Stephany choked out a laugh. “It’s narrow, I’m not sure there’s enough room for the three of us.” She rubbed her belly.

  Ward smiled. “We’ll cuddle.” He winked. “I don’t think I am capable of resting without you in my arms.” He glanced away for a second or two before his eyes locked back with hers. They had darkened, he stared at her, intense emotion radiated off of him. “You know that you are everything to me, don’t you?”

  She nodded. “I know.” Stephany wanted to tell him exactly how she felt about him, but the words stuck to her tongue. Instead, she moved over as much as the small bed would allow.

  “If I’m going to make you uncomfortable, I would rather sit on a chair.”

  “I will be most comfortable in your arms.”

  He nodded. “Turn over.” Stephany did as he asked and Ward slipped in behind her, pulling her against him. His hot breath was on her neck and his hand curled around her belly. His unique scent wrapped around her. “Try to sleep, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 8

  Back at the castle…

  It had been a long day. Sweat coated Lance’s body, making his shirt stick to his skin. The new recruits were starting to shape up and would be ready for graduation within the next few months. They had worked on their sword skills for the better part of the afternoon and Lance’s arms burned from the exertion.

  In order to be able to call oneself a true warrior, it was import to be able to wield a sword using both arms. So, as was customary, they would swap sword arms halfway through practice. Two of the males were showing great promise and had been earmarked as potentials for the royal guard.

  He closed the door behind him, making for the bathroom. The laptop on his desk caught his eye and he almost slowed to carry out his routine check. Hunger gnawed at his insides though, reminding him that he had little time to spare. He ignored the computer, quickly making his way to the shower instead. Sapphire would be there any minute. He sighed, the female had tried countless times to rut with him and his resolve was growing thin. She was exquisite. Long black hair the color of a raven’s wing, the bluest eyes. Her blood was just as sweet. Thinking of the female had his cock filling. He really should call one of the others, keep temptation at bay. Then again, his own mate was off rutting with a…mangy, fucking beast. His hands fisted at his sides. Lance knew that he would get Stephany back one way or another.

  There wasn’t time to schedule an appointment with someone else, but this would be the last time he would drink from this female. He glanced at his watch. She would be here any minute. He wouldn’t get to appease the pressure in his balls before she got there. Damn. Lance undressed and headed for the shower, stepping under the water even before it had a chance to heat. Once his body was wet, he lathered himself with soap and rinsed. Turning the faucet off, he stepped from the shower and grabbed a towel.

  There was a knock at the door. He dried off as quickly as he could while fastening the towel around his waist and made for the door.

  Sapphire wore a tight dress, it accentuated her light curves. Curves of any sort were considered highly attractive, especially on a vampire female. This female, with her slightly flared hips and succulent looking breasts would most likely be fertile. The thought caused his dick to stir.

  Pulling the door closed with a bang, he shut his eyes for a few beats, trying to get his hormones under control. When he opened them, the female was naked, the pink sheath on the floor at her feet. Her hair was jostled about her shoulders. His eyes were immediately drawn to her raspberry tipped breasts.

  Lance had to work to keep his breathing even. Where the fuck were his pants? He really didn’t need this type of temptation. Not right now.

  “I’m thirsty.” Sapphire threw him a feral grin, which quickly turned serious as her gaze landed on his neck. His heart raced at about a mile a minute.

  The female sauntered over to him, her stunning hips sashayed with every step. Her amazing breasts jiggled with the movement. Lance licked his lips.

  “Oh my, but you are a big boy.” Her eyes dipped down and he followed their movement to the jutting bulge at his crotch. The towel was barely holding together.


  He put a hand to his middle, trying to tame the raging beast that was his lust filled cock.

  She giggled, even somehow managing to make the noise sound sexy. “Don’t be silly, we are both adults.” Grabbing him by the hand, she pulled him in the direction of the bed. He felt powerless when she turned him and made him sit, straddling him in one easy motion.

  He took a deep breath, intent on arguing that it wasn’t a good idea if…she flashed him a toothy smile and was at his neck in an instant, her fangs deep inside him. The air seized in his lungs and a strangled noise was torn from his throat.

  This female was good. So incredibly fucking good. She sucked hard, causing his eyes to roll back. He had to work hard to suppress a moan. Another hard suck had him clutching her upper arms. He should push her away, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

  Her hand closed around his cock, which she palmed with a tight squeeze. This time a deep, gravelly moan was drawn from him, even though his teeth were clenched together to a breaking point. Even her greedy little swallows turned him on.

  He glanced down between them, wishing he hadn’t. The towel gaped. Her small hand worked him like a pro. Already he could feel his balls pulling up and his skin growing tight. The sight of her pink, glistening pussy had him swallowing hard.

  Stephany was his mate, not t
his female. He had vowed not to take another to his bed despite her indiscretions. It would give him the upper hand when he finally found her. Had to be strong. Another deep draw in time with her hand on his dick had him almost losing his load.

  Fuck it, he thought. If Stephany could screw some fucking beast, then he could rut too. He would be true to her once she was back at his side. A male had needs. He wasn’t going to deny his for even a moment longer.

  On a loud roar, he stood taking the female with him. He spun and in under a second she was on her hands and knees on the bed. He grabbed her soft hips and plunged into her welcoming pussy in one easy thrust.

  “Oh, yes.” Voice high pitched and laced with excitement, the female bucked against him.

  He fucked her hard, enjoying the tight confines of her body. She squealed and writhed, pushing back against him and begging him for more. Who was he to argue? Lance could feel the sweat dripping off of him as he rutted her harder. His balls were pulled up so high now that they almost sat in his throat. His skin was so tight that he thought it might just burst. Placing a knee on the bed, he crouched over her, sure to keep his hips pistoning back and forth. His dick still deep inside her velvet sheath. With something close to aggression, Lance bit into the female, his fangs sinking as deep as they would go. He sucked hard, knowing that the onslaught might hurt the female. He had a feeling that she was the type that would enjoy it rough though and he was right. She screamed as her pussy clenched around him.

  He exploded into her on the next hard draw, his hips jerking, his balls slapping. He continued to drink for the longest time, drawing out the mind blowing pleasure.

  When he finally released her, she slumped on his bed, her chest heaving, a glistening sheen on her skin. The wound on her neck had started to congeal. It was ugly and raw. Guilt welled in him.

  Her brilliant blue eyes cracked open beneath heavy lids. “By blood, that was good. I knew you would be worth the wait.”

  Her pussy glistened with his seed, her breasts seemed fuller and he palmed one, enjoying the feel of her nipple tightening beneath his touch. “You should rest for a bit, female.”

  “And why is that?” She rose to her elbows, looking lovely in the fading light.

  “I am going to rut you again soon and this time I don’t plan on going easy on you.”

  Her breath hitched, but quickly evened out. A sly smile appeared on her face. “I don’t need a break.” She opened her legs wider. “I could rut one such as you all night.”

  Lance shrugged, feeling his dick fill at the thought of being inside her again. “Get on your hands and knees then, female.”

  She turned, lifting her ass suggestively and looking at him from under her lashes.

  Lance grit his teeth. It really had been far too fucking long. He would make up for it tonight though, inside this female. He would take her so many times that she would beg for him to stop.

  “I suggest you hold on.” Lance said, moving into position behind her.

  Sapphire’s husky laugh turned to a deep moan as he gripped her tits, putting the tip of his cock in line with her dripping pussy.


  Lance sat upright in bed just as the first light of the new day crept in. He pulled the drapes to the side. The sky was still shadowed, it still housed the last few stars that would soon disappear. The first streaks of crimson had just appeared on the horizon.

  Breathtaking. It was his favorite time of day. Quiet. Crisp. A new start, full of opportunity.

  A light snore drew his attention back to the bed. His bed. The female lay draped across his covers. He had to fight the instincts inside him that made him want to ask her to leave. He fought down the emotion. She would wake soon enough.

  Even through his frown, he felt the corners of his mouth pull into a smile. The female had been insatiable. Matching him thrust for thrust. Taking all he had to give and still demanding more. It was him who had finally fallen back onto the soft mattress. Chest heaving, unable to move so much as his pinkie finger. He’d drifted off to sleep before sending her on her way. Thank blood, she wasn’t the type of female that would want more than a casual rut. He might even take her to his bed again if he didn’t find Stephany soon.

  His mate.


  Not some mangy wolf’s. He would find his female, kill the wolf and bring her back. She would be his whether she liked it or not. This was far from over. Lance did not give up. He was a warrior dammit. The term give up was not a part of his vocabulary. His female was just confused. She had to be. Those wolves had brainwashed her somehow. Once he got her back, he would take his time and convince her that they belonged together. Once the wolf was out the way, he was sure that she would see reason. Lance would save her, he would cut the child from her. She would thank him in the end for saving her life. His mate would see reason in the end, she had to.

  Lance leaned over his desk and switched on his laptop before heading for the bathroom to relieve himself. The laptop had booted up by the time he got back. The female still slept, his eyes tracked the contours of her still naked body.

  His hands almost moved of their own accord, as he had done this so many times before. He logged onto the account, clicking on the cell phone number in question. He started to move away, expecting the attempt to come up blank as it always had in the past. Instead, the number turned red and a loading circle appeared on the screen.

  For a second, he thought that he might be seeing things, but the loading circle kept on turning until a google map appeared with a red flashing tack in the center of it.

  Tanya’s old cell phone was in Sweetwater. That meant that there was a possibility that Stephany was in Sweetwater, or at the very least that someone who would lead him to her was there. Lance threw his head back and roared as adrenaline coursed through his veins.

  Chapter 9

  Stephany wriggled in front of him. She couldn’t seem to get comfortable. Ward eased himself out from behind her, ensuring that the blanket covered her properly before going to fetch the chair. He moved it next to the bed, careful not to make a sound. This way he could keep watch over her from his new vantage point. Hopefully she would be more comfortable on the narrow space if he was out of the way.

  His female had to be feeling exhausted after the long trip yesterday. It hadn’t helped that Becky had woken her up just before midnight to do another check to see if her womb opening was any riper. It was a strange way of describing the entrance to the birthing canal. Like her womb itself was an overripe fruit, ready to burst and expel the infant.

  Her opening was coming along nicely in the words of the human. The female still had no idea how long things would take if left to progress naturally.

  Becky had tried to break Stephany’s water with a sterile non silver instrument that had a hook on the end. His female had gripped his hand in hers, and Ward could hear how her heart raced as the healer had inserted the instrument. Although Becky had tried several times to break the barrier, it had healed immediately after each attempt.

  They had lain awake for the longest time afterwards until, thankfully, his female had drifted back into a restful sleep. The sun had risen over an hour ago, Ward hoped that Stephany would sleep a bit longer. By fur, he knew that she needed it.

  A soft knock sounded on the door. Ward jumped up and quickly opened the door, not wanting to disturb his female. Hopefully her labor would start soon, in which case she would need her strength.

  The little human looked up at him. Ward exited the room and carefully closed the door behind him.

  “Sorry to bother you,” she whispered. “I am going to get some coffee and some breakfast for everyone.”

  “You shouldn’t leave what if…” He tried to keep his voice at a whisper even though panic welled. His female needed her healer here.

  Becky held up a hand. “I will be five minutes away. I can’t send one of your men because they would stick out like a sore thumb.”

  Ward frowned. “What does a thumb have to do wi
th it?” A sound of frustration escaped him.

  “It means that you would be recognized as not being human. You are all much bigger than human males. You would draw attention, which we are trying to avoid,” she whispered.

  “No. You are right.” He ran a hand through his hair.

  “Let me pop out. I’ll get the supplies we need and hopefully a quick shower and a change of clothes.” She looked down at herself and wrinkled her nose. “I promise, I’ll be really quick and you can call if anything changes with Steph. I stay only five minutes away. The coffee shop is on the ground floor of my apartment building.”

  He finally forced himself to nod. “Please hurry.”

  “I will.”

  “Follow me first though, please.” He whispered as softly as his deep voice would allow. The human did as he asked and stayed on his heels as he made his way back to the waiting area. Their backpack was still under one of the chairs where he had left it earlier.

  Ward grabbed it and unzipped it. He removed a wad of cash from the side pocket and handed the human a couple of notes.

  She cocked her head, not accepting the money as he expected. “I’m buying breakfast for five of us not an entire army.”

  “Please take the money. I feel as if I owe you so much more.”

  She shook her head. “Stephany happens to be a friend.”

  “Please take it. The medicines must have cost you money.” He paused, watching her eyes narrow at him. “Besides, we may only be a group of five, but three of us are shifter males. We eat enough for two or three of your males…each.”

  Her stance finally relaxed. “Fine, but this makes us even. Okay?” She took the cash, stuffing it into the purse on her shoulder.

  Ward nodded, he had to smile. “Rushe will have his hands full with you.”

  Her face scrunched up in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand.”

  His smile widened. “You will soon enough. Please get something sweet for my female, she seems to enjoy such foods since becoming pregnant.”

  “Oh my God, you actually glow when you talk about her. You love her very much, don’t you?”


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