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Save the Date (Chicago on Ice Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Aven Ellis

  In turn, I talked about my life at Purdue and how I spent more time in the stables than going to parties. Gabe never understood how I could spend hours a day with my horse.

  But Luca does.

  “Our dinner has been perfect,” Luca says, his eyes holding on mine. “But the meal isn’t over yet. You haven’t seen the dessert menu.”

  I groan. “I’m way too full to even think about dessert.”

  “But what if they have something pumpkin?”

  My ears perk up.

  “Do they?”

  A sexy smile spreads across his face, and I swear to God I’m about to become a puddle in my chair.


  “You know.”

  “I do.”

  “You tease,” I counter.

  “Not with you.”


  While I might be in a spaghetti strap dress, I’m about to start sweating.

  Our server returns to the table.

  “Would you like to hear our dessert specials this evening?” she asks.

  “Do you have anything with pumpkin?” I ask.

  She grins. “We have a pumpkin budino, which is a pudding. It’s light in texture and is served with a spiced rum whipped cream.”

  “Yes,” I say. “I’ll have that.”

  “It’s delicious,” she says, nodding. Then she turns to Luca. “And for you, sir?”

  “I’ll have a decaf cappuccino, please.”

  “Oh, that sounds good,” I say. “I’ll have one, too.”

  “I’ll get that right out for you,” the server says, sweeping up our plates and taking them away.

  “See?” Luca says, cocking an eyebrow at me. “There was pumpkin on the menu.”

  “Have you been here before?” I ask.

  “No, but I called and asked if they could do a pumpkin dessert for you.”

  My heart flutters wildly inside my chest. “You what?”

  “When I made the reservation, I said I was Luca Ballerini and asked if they could do something pumpkin for you. First time I used my status to score something special, by the way.”

  “You went to all this trouble for me?” I ask, stunned.

  “Why wouldn’t I?”

  I’m speechless. Absolutely speechless. This is the kind of stuff I pull off for clients.

  And now I’m on a date with a man who wants to do these special things for me.

  “Since they agreed, I’m glad you opted for it because it would have been embarrassing if you had said no,” he says.

  “The server was in on it?” I ask, delighted that Luca went to all this trouble simply to give me a pumpkin dessert.

  “Yeah, but she’s getting a great tip for her acting, so she doesn’t mind,” Luca says, grinning.

  “I don’t know what to say. Thank you doesn’t seem adequate.”

  “Thank you is more than enough.”

  The server returns with two white cups, setting them down in front of us. The scent of cappuccino drifts toward me, and I sigh happily.

  “I love coffee,” I say, picking up my cup and taking a sip.

  “I grab one every day on the way to practice,” Luca says.

  “What do you get?” I ask.

  “Fully caffeinated cappuccino,” Luca says, taking a sip of his coffee. “And I get another one before I head to the arena on game day. I like the natural pick-me-up it gives.”

  “I do the same,” I say, “but I get a pumpkin spice latte before heading into the office. If I’m at home, I use pumpkin spice creamer. Which reminds me, I need to go to the store and stock up.”

  “Stock up?”

  “Well, yes, I can’t stand not having it in my fridge. It’s my favorite creamer for fall. It makes the coffee, Luca. It’s paramount.”

  A sexy smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. For a moment, I lose my focus and wish I could brush my fingertips over his mouth, just to touch his soft lips again.

  “Pumpkin spice creamer is paramount—got it.”

  “Not just pumpkin spice. It has to be Coffee-mate. That’s my favorite brand.”

  “You hoard Coffee-mate?”

  I tilt my head to the side. “If I tell you the truth, you might run, Prince Charming.”

  “This Prince Charming isn’t running, Cinderella.”

  Oh, the chemistry between us is off-the-charts hot.

  “First, I read the expiration dates and grab the farthest ones out,” I say, explaining my very weird habit. “Then I buy enough so I have at least four in my fridge at all times.”

  “Four? You keep four bottles of creamer in your fridge?”

  “You make it sound so odd,” I tease.

  “It is.”

  “Changing your mind about running?”

  “No, but you have a problem.”

  Okay, when he says it like that, I do sound odd.

  “Always pumpkin?” Luca continues.

  “No. Pumpkin until December, then I switch to peppermint mocha for the Christmas season.”

  “I see.”



  “That’s only the tip of the iceberg of weird things about me,” I say mysteriously.

  “Fascinating,” he counters.

  “Isn’t it?”

  I notice his eyes drop ever so slightly to my mouth.

  Oh, he wants to kiss me, I can tell.

  I want to kiss him, too.

  An “I lock my fingers in his hair, press my body into his exquisite dress shirt, and explore his mouth with mine” kind of a kiss.

  I need air.

  “Here we are,” the server says, interrupting my thoughts. “One pumpkin budino. I brought two spoons, just in case,” she says, nudging the votive candle out of the way and setting the pudding between us.

  Normally, I’d be all over this pumpkin goodness, diving in with abandon and relishing my first bite of pumpkin and rum whipped cream and sighing in total bliss afterward.

  But that’s not the bliss I’m craving.

  “Thank you,” Luca says, smiling at her.

  “Enjoy,” she says, walking away.

  I know I’m going to have to shelve my plans to make out with Luca for a bit, so I pick up my spoon and force myself to focus on dessert.

  “This looks so good,” I say, dipping my spoon into the pudding. I take a bite, and oh God, it is divine. It’s light and airy and has all the wonderful pumpkin spice flavors I love. The rum whipped cream is the perfect accompaniment. “Wow,” I say, putting my spoon down. “That is insane, Luca. It’s so good! You have to have a taste. You have to.”

  Luca picks up his spoon. “Normally, I don’t cheat on my diet.”

  “What is inspiring you to deviate tonight? My rave review?”

  “No. Just you. You make me take chances,” he says, scooping up some budino with his spoon. “You could be dangerous.”

  I watch as Luca takes a bite.

  “Damn, that is good,” he says, setting his spoon back on the plate.

  I notice a spot of rum whipped cream on the corner of his mouth. I take advantage of it and lean across the table, brushing my fingertip against his lips to wipe it away. Heat rises in me the second I feel the warmth and softness of his lips.

  Luca’s eyes widen. My breath catches in my throat. I begin to lift my fingers away when Luca wraps his large hand over mine and gently places a kiss across my fingertips.

  Never have I wanted a man in the way I want Luca.

  “I could get a to-go box,” I suggest.

  “Yes,” he says, and I know he has the same urgent need I do.

  Luca gets the attention of our server then helps me
slip into my coat so we can leave in a hurry. Anticipation surges through every inch of me as he leads me out into Wicker Park.

  Luca walks with purpose as we move past the bars and shops and all the people out and about. He turns toward my street, which is much quieter with its historic brick apartments and tree-lined walk. We reach my building, and Luca abruptly stops in front of the black iron gate.

  His hands slide up to my face, then into my hair, tangling the strands as his hazel eyes remain locked on mine.

  “I thought I could wait until I walked you to your door,” he murmurs, his voice low with desire. “But I can’t. I need to kiss you, Collins. I need to kiss you now.”

  And before I can say a word, Luca’s lips urgently claim mine.

  Chapter 12

  Some days will be long, but the end result is worth it . . .

  Luca’s mouth eases mine open in a hot, seeking kiss. The second his tongue finds mine, desire explodes inside me. I slide my hands up his neck, finding his silky waves and tugging on them as his lips burn against mine.

  His kiss is demanding and intense and by far the hottest end-of-date kiss I’ve ever had. I find myself matching him with my tongue, exploring him, tasting him, filling myself up with him as he draws me closer. I feel his strong hands spanning my back, sliding up to the nape of my neck and causing a shiver to run through me. Luca holds me to him, his powerful arms embracing me in a way that makes me feel protected and safe and oh, nothing is sexier than this.

  I move my hands from his hair to his face, relishing the feel of his freshly-shaven skin against my fingertips. I inhale the scent of him, that wonderful masculine cologne, and commit it to my memory. This is the scent of him, and now it’s a part of me.

  His mouth continues taking from mine, and I eagerly take from him, too. The taste of him is like a drug to me. Now that I’ve experienced it, all I will crave is more of him, of his warm lips, his delicious taste, and his muscular body holding me close.

  Luca breaks the kiss and gazes down at me. I stare back at him, completely mesmerized by what just happened between us on a sidewalk in Wicker Park.

  He cups my face in his huge hands, and the butterflies dance like crazy in my stomach.

  “I already want to do that again,” Luca murmurs, his eyes burning with desire. “I’ve never wanted to kiss any woman as badly as I want to kiss you.”

  The butterflies triple their assault inside me upon hearing those words from Luca’s lips.

  “That was,” I say, winding my arms around his neck, “the best first kiss I’ve ever had.”

  “Technically, it was our third,” Luca corrects.

  I grin up at him. “Then I look forward to our fourth.”

  “I love the way your eyes sparkle when you smile at me,” Luca says, combing his fingers through my hair and tucking some strands behind my ear.

  “They sparkle because I’m happy,” I say, speaking from my heart.

  “I’m happy, too,” Luca says, bending down and dropping a sweet kiss on my lips.

  Mmm. Perfect.

  “Let me walk you upstairs,” Luca says, brushing his lips against my forehead.

  “Okay,” I say.

  Luca takes my hand, and I open the gate. We walk up to the old building, and I let us inside.

  We head up to the third floor, and I pause outside my apartment door.

  “Would you like to come in?” I ask, hoping he’ll say yes.

  “Well, I’d love to if only to see your stash of Coffee-mate, but if I come in, I won’t want to leave,” Luca says, drawing me against his chest.

  I snuggle against him. “I don’t see how that is a bad idea.”

  Luca laughs softly. “It’s not, but I have practice tomorrow. I need to get a full night of sleep.”

  Luca is diligent about his preparation for the season. I think about what is in store for my Monday, and a groan escapes my lips.

  “And I have work,” I say.

  Luca moves back from me. “You sound excited about it.”

  I sigh heavily. “I have a full schedule tomorrow. Plus, I’m battling a mother-of-the-bride who keeps calling me and changing wedding arrangements against the bride’s wishes. Then, I have a hormonal mom-to-be who changes her mind every two seconds about her baby shower. My gut says it’s going to be a long day.”

  In fact, as I think of my two problem clients, my neck tenses up. I instinctively begin to rub the tightness away.

  “Here,” Luca says. “Turn around.”

  I do as I’m told, and his strong hands begin working the knot in my neck. Oh, my. As he moves his powerful fingers against the knot between my shoulder and neck, my body begins melting from the sensation.

  I need this beautiful man to massage me all over.

  Oh, I think I might die if Luca were to do that.

  No. Not think.

  I would.

  “That feels so good,” I murmur.

  “It’s supposed to.”

  I continue to let him work on my neck and try to fight the desire that is threatening to erupt within me.

  He brushes my hair aside, then places a light, gentle kiss against my neck. My knees buckle from the combination of sweetness and sexiness.

  “Better?” he whispers into my ear.

  Goose bumps erupt on my skin. I turn around and am again mesmerized by how different Luca is from any man I’ve ever known.

  “Yes,” I whisper. “Thank you.”

  “Do you have any events tomorrow night?” Luca asks.

  Anticipation surges in me. “No, I don’t.”

  “You’re probably going to need your neck rubbed tomorrow after your long day at work,” Luca suggests.

  I see his eyes dancing, and I don’t need a mirror to know mine are, too.

  “Yes, I absolutely will.”

  “You might be too tired to get take out,” Luca says. “And Coffee-mate isn’t an acceptable dinner.”

  A huge smile spreads across my face. “What do you suggest I do?”

  Luca slides his hands around my waist. “Dinner and a massage. I’ll bring dinner, and I’ll give you a massage to get those knots out.”

  Monday night can’t come fast enough.

  “I’d love that,” I say.

  “Good,” Luca says, dropping a kiss on my lips. “I’ll text you and we can work out the details.”

  I nod. “Okay.”

  “I should go,” Luca says, and I love the fact that I hear reluctance in his deep voice.

  “Will you let me know when you get back to your place?” I ask.

  “Yes. Shouldn’t be long since I’m over in Lincoln Park,” Luca says, referring to a neighborhood nearby. He drops one more kiss on my lips, letting them linger there for a blissful moment before pulling away.

  “Thank you for this evening,” Luca says.

  “Thank you, Luca,” I say. “For the pudding, in particular.”

  A smile lights up his face. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  While putting the key in the lock, I hear Luca’s voice.

  “And Cinderella?”


  “Yes?” I ask.

  “Being with you tonight was even better than it was in my dreams,” Luca says softly.

  Then he heads down the stairs, disappearing from my sight.

  As soon as Luca is gone, I lean against the door, letting it hold my body up as I melt from his sweet words. I know a ridiculous smile is plastered on my face.

  That was the most amazing first date ever.

  And I can’t wait to see him again tomorrow night.

  Chapter 13

  Dealing with difficult clients is part of the job . . .

>   I feel like I’m floating as I walk down the street in Lincoln Park, heading to the studio that houses Suzanne’s Soirées, the event planning company owned by my aunt. I should be grumpy. It’s Monday. I have two nightmare clients that I’m sure have blown up my voicemail over the weekend. I have a status meeting this morning, a cake tasting appointment at eleven, and I need to swing by the calligrapher and pick up baby shower invitations at two. Then I have a consultation with a potential client at four thirty and, in-between, I have to follow up with vendors on everything in progress for the two weddings and baby shower I have on my schedule.

  I pause and take a sip of my pumpkin spice latte. Normally, Mondays always make me a bit anxious. There always seems to be some crisis lingering from the weekend and so much work to be done for the week ahead.

  But today?

  Everything is radiant.

  All because of Luca.

  I smile to myself as I move down the sidewalk. We texted for a bit last night, but since I knew Luca had to get some sleep, I told him to get off the phone and go to bed. I was thrilled I had to tell him twice because he kept texting back.

  Of course, I did everything but sleep last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. What an incredible man he is, one I never dreamed could exist. I love how Luca is the perfect combination of serious and fun, but what amazes me the most is his ability to read me. When I tried to hide my emotions, he wasn’t having it. When most guys would think, ‘I don’t need this on the first date,’ Luca didn’t flinch. Not for a split second.

  Yes, Luca might be young, but he’s a man.

  And I’m going to see this man tonight.

  Excitement prickles my skin as I head down the steps to the studio. Replaying his kiss kept me up all night. There is no kiss like Luca’s. Sensual. Hot. Gentle. Passionate. It reflected everything about him and how he feels about me.

  I swing open the door, still imagining his kiss on my lips, and find my aunt at her desk. I try forcing myself to think of work instead of Luca, but I can tell it’s going to be quite the challenge to keep up.


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