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Save the Date (Chicago on Ice Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Aven Ellis

  Oh, I’m falling for him.

  “Sorry,” Luca says, breaking the kiss. “I should wait until after dinner to continue my in-depth investigation of pumpkin spice kisses.”

  I think about taking the sushi, chucking it into the fridge, and saying screw that, but decide I can at least try managing to wait.

  As long as dinner doesn’t last more than fifteen minutes.

  I nod in agreement, although I don’t agree at all.

  “Come on in,” I say, letting him inside my apartment.

  “Nice place,” Luca says, looking around my small space. “How long have you been here?”

  I shut the door and lock it, moving next to him. I take a moment to inhale the now familiar cologne on his skin, and oh, how I love that I know his scent.

  I redirect my attention to dinner and head into my tiny kitchen.

  “I have been here three weeks,” I say, opening a cabinet and taking out two plates. “As you can see, it’s the size of a matchbox, but at least it’s mine. The door straight ahead is my room. The one on the left is the restroom. Tour complete,” I joke.

  Luca places the bag on the counter and begins lifting out containers.

  “I got a new place this summer,” he says. “It’s not that much bigger than yours, but I don’t need a ton of space, especially when I’m gone so much during the season.”

  “When does your season start?” I ask, setting the plates down next to the takeout cartons.

  “Wednesday,” Luca says. “I can’t wait. It’s my first season opener as the starting goalie. We fly out tomorrow for Cleveland.”

  “Any opening-night nerves?” I ask.

  “No,” Luca says confidently. “I know I can do this.”

  “How do you manage to say that and sound sincere, not cocky?”

  Luca grins. “A good goalie knows he’s good. Not only do I believe it, but I know it. I’m good at stopping the puck.”

  I have to admit, his confidence is one hell of a turn on.

  “This is yours,” Luca says, nudging a box toward me.

  “My spicy yellowtail roll?” I ask, popping open the lid.

  “No, your pumpkin roll.”

  I laugh. “Okay. Right.”

  But when I remove the top, I don’t find tuna. Instead, I see orange squares wrapped in brown rice and nori.

  Luca opens a package of chopsticks and points them at me. “You thought I was making that up.”

  “Oh my God, it’s spiced pumpkin sushi?” I cry, incredulous.

  “Just pumpkin, no spice,” Luca says, taking his chopsticks and arranging vast amounts of salmon and tuna on his plate. “I had to get you pumpkin. It’s your thing. That’s why I had you pick from this sushi place. I already knew it was something seasonal they were doing, and I had to get it for you. I got your original order, too, of course.”

  My heart melts from his thoughtfulness and how he cared enough to plan another surprise for me.

  “Are you real?” I ask.

  “What?” Luca asks, a crease forming on his brow.

  “You’re perfect.”

  “Oh, shit no, I’m far from perfect. You just haven’t seen my flaws yet.”

  I open the fridge. “I don’t think you have flaws,” I say. “What would you like to drink, Luca? I’m afraid I only have iced tea and water.”

  “Definitely water.”

  I grab two bottles and take them to the coffee table, plunking them down. “You can sit down on the loveseat,” I say, returning to the kitchen to get my plate.

  “Okay,” Luca says as he piles some seaweed salad on his plate.

  Wow, Luca has a lot of food. It’s all healthy, and considering his frame and what he does for a living, I know it is fuel for him, but wow.

  We step into the living room and Luca sits down first. I crack up when I see how much space he takes up on the tiny loveseat.

  The size of his thighs in jeans . . . oh my, he’s absolutely huge.

  Way huge.

  I could climb him, he’s so big and strong.

  No! Not climb him. What am I thinking?

  Not tonight.

  But climbing him eventually would be amazing.


  Talk about feelings I never knew I had.

  Apparently, I was lacking physical and emotional connection.

  Luca Ballerini definitely brings both.

  I sit down next to him, and Luca studies me. “Sorry, I know I’m taking up space,” he says, his large, muscular thigh pressing against my leg and causing every nerve I have to jump in response.

  “I don’t mind,” I say.

  Seriously, Luca, I don’t.

  “You can take off your heels and swing your legs across my lap,” he suggests. “It might be more comfortable for you that way.”

  I see the genuine expression on his handsome face and realize he’s comfortable enough with me to suggest such an intimate gesture on our second date. It must feel right to him.

  It does to me, too.

  “Okay,” I say, resting my plate on the end table while I slip out of my heels. I swing my legs across his, and when he rests his plate on top of my legs, I can’t help but laugh.

  “You wanted a tray table,” I tease.

  Luca grins. “That was the plan. So, how was your day?”

  I groan. “You don’t want to know.”

  “No, I do.”

  I pause and try a bite of the pumpkin roll. “Mmm, Luca, this pumpkin roll is fantastic,” I say. “It tastes good with the other veggies in there.”

  “Even though it doesn’t have pumpkin spice?”

  “Even I know that would be gross,” I say, giggling.

  He flashes me his beautiful smile. “I’m glad to see you have some boundaries on your pumpkin spice obsession.”

  “Very few, but sushi is one of them.”

  “But back to your day,” Luca redirects.

  I go into detail while we eat, telling him about Momzilla Pamela and hormonal Larissa. He stops me several times to ask if I am making this stuff up, and we share some laughs over the crazy aspects of my career in event planning. He laughs so hard he cries when I tell him about the lavish puppy party I threw last spring. I talk about the lovely anniversary party I was assigned and how excited I am to plan it. He asks a lot of questions, like what it’s like to work with my aunt and the other people at Suzanne’s Soirées.

  “I know from the party last Saturday at Beckett’s you’re a talented party planner,” Luca says, putting his empty plate on the coffee table. His hand moves to my knee, and I relish the sensation of his hand on my skin. “But Collins, I know this isn’t your dream. There has to be a way to make that happen.”

  I sigh as I put my plate on the end table and turn back to him. “I don’t see how. I need this job to pay my bills. I don’t know how I’d do the apprenticeship. I work on weekends and nights. Summers are my busiest season. There’s no way. I also don’t know if I’d make enough teaching riding to cover my bills. I’ve come to accept it’s not going to happen.”

  “Don’t accept that,” Luca scolds, his eyes flashing. “There is another way. We just haven’t found it.”


  “We?” I ask softly as my heart hammers against my ribs.

  For a second, I see his confident look waver. Luca might be self-assured when it comes to hockey, but he’s not as confident with me.

  “I want to help you,” he says. “I know we’re still getting to know each other, and you have no reason to feel the things that I am, but I feel like I know you. I feel comfortable with you. I can’t explain it, but I feel it. Do you?” he asks, a hesitant tone in his voice.

  I stare into his eyes, the eyes of the man I’
m falling for. “Yes. I feel it, too.”

  I sit up and move closer to him, and Luca keeps his hand on my leg.

  “Then we’ll make it happen. I haven’t figured out how yet, but we will.”

  I’m touched by his intensity toward my dream. I might have given up on it, but this man, this amazing man, refuses to do so.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “You’re welcome,” he says softly.

  A comfortable silence falls between us as Luca slowly rubs his hand up and down over my knee.

  “You know I leave tomorrow,” Luca says, breaking the silence.

  I nod, wondering where he is going with this.

  “I’m going to be gone a lot now. And even when I’m home, if I have a game the next day, I need to study video at night to prepare. My dream of making it as a starting goalie came true, but I need a determined focus to stay there. I know I’m asking a lot of you to start dating me under these circumstances, but Collins,” he says, his voice determined, “I also want this with you. For the first time in my life, I want to date. When you said I was perfect, trust me, I’m far from it. I’ve never been with any girl in this way before. I’m serious. I know I’ll screw things up. Make mistakes. Piss you off. But the difference is, I haven’t wanted to see the same girl more than once. Until I met you.”

  His honesty takes my breath away. Luca is so mature, so refreshingly candid, and it makes me treasure him even more.

  He slides his hand underneath my hair, his fingers carefully dancing along the nape of my neck as he stares into my eyes.

  “I have so much I want to learn about you,” he murmurs. “It’s selfish of me to want to start when I’m not going to be around all the time, but I’ve wanted to know you since I saw you on Livy’s website. Now that I do, all I want is more of you.”

  He reaches for my hand, and I entwine my fingers with his. His hand is so strong and big compared to my delicate one, but I know more than ever the fit is perfect.

  “Last night after I went home, all I could think about was our date,” he admits. “How stunning you were in your dress. How sexy you are when you flirt with me. How you’re funny. Smart. The way you kissed me. I should say no to this, but I won’t. I can’t, Collins. I want this too much.”

  “I want nothing more than to see you,” I say. “I understand it’s going to be hard. You have hockey and I have events at night, but that doesn’t change anything. I want this, no matter how limited it might be. This feels right to me. You feel right to me,” I admit bravely.

  Luca lowers his mouth to mine, easing it open and kissing me slowly and sweetly. I come alive the second his tongue parts my lips, and I experience the warmth of his kiss, the scent of his skin, and the smoothness of his face as it brushes against mine. I’m a jumble of happiness, desire, and excitement, all from the sensation of his kiss as it claims me.

  “I could do this all night,” Luca murmurs sexily against my mouth.

  I take a breath of air, sliding my hand through his silken waves as desire pounds through my veins. I need him. I need him to keep kissing me.

  “Kiss me again,” I whisper against his lips. “Because that’s all I want.”

  Luca’s lips recapture mine, this time taking more from me, which I eagerly give him. He groans in pleasure as I match him.

  He eases me back further against the loveseat, his hard, muscular body draping over mine, and I entwine my hands around his neck, drawing him into me. I continue to kiss him as his hand finds the curve in my waist, his fingertips dancing along it, causing me to want nothing more than to make out with him until the sun comes up.

  And I have no doubt that is exactly what we’ll do.

  Chapter 15

  Maintaining a sense of calm is key . . .

  How is it I can remain calm when disaster strikes an event, but be a nervous wreck waiting for Luca to start tonight?

  “Collins, you look like you are about to bite through your lower lip and the game hasn’t even started yet,” Livy says, bringing a bowl of kale chips and plunking them down on the coffee table in front of me and Aubrey.

  It’s Wednesday night. The Buffaloes are about to face off with the Cleveland Wildcats in the season opener, and I’m over at Livy’s apartment to watch the game with my friends.

  Or, rather, to have them tell me how on earth they get through a game without fearing for the safety of their fiancés.

  Aubrey pushes the bowl of kale chips toward me as Livy goes back into the kitchen. I slide the bowl back toward her, and we both share a secret smile. Livy might think kale chips are the best invention ever, but I agree with Aubrey.

  Kale should not come in the form of a chip.

  “If you’re nervous, things must be going well with Luca,” Aubrey says, dumping some of the cheese pizza rolls she brought onto her plate. “Yes?”

  My cheeks grow warm. Saying things have been going well with Luca is an understatement.

  Amazing, brilliant, perfect are the words that come to my mind.

  We made out for hours on Monday night, kissing and laughing and talking to each other while snuggled up on my loveseat. It was emotionally intimate, and once again, I found something that was missing in my relationship with Gabe. In our years together, we never had far-ranging conversations like the ones I have with Luca. And after sharing these intelligent conversations, I know Luca is exactly what my heart has been hoping to find.

  Luca initiated questions equally, asking about my political points of view and what qualities I think are important in a serious relationship. To Luca, seeing if our values align is important.

  I was happy to discover that, like me, Luca wants a family someday, values honesty, and needs trust, first and foremost, in a relationship. We agreed that friendship is just as important as chemistry, and it was nice to feel like we were fostering both.

  It was sad when he left for Cleveland, but we texted all day and had a Connectivity Video Chat when he arrived at his hotel last night.

  “Uh-oh,” Livy says, interrupting my thoughts as she returns with three wine glasses. “We’ve lost Collins to LucaLand again.”

  Aubrey laughs, and my face burns hot in embarrassment.

  “I’ve never seen you like this,” Livy says, her light-colored eyes dancing at me. “Luca is different.”

  I reach for the bottle of wine and pour some merlot into my glass. “It’s very early. We’re simply getting to know each other,” I say, even though I know that answer is bullshit.

  Aubrey gives me the side-eye. “Sure. Too early, right, Livy? She couldn’t possibly know if he’s special yet.”

  Then she smirks and pops a pizza roll into her mouth.

  “Aubrey, how can you eat such mass quantities of junk?” Livy asks, momentarily distracted by Aubrey’s food tastes.

  “Asks the woman who eats Zingers? Your diet isn’t all kale chips, you know.”

  Livy smiles sheepishly. “Okay. You win. I love Zingers, but never mind that, let’s get back to talking about Luca.”

  “Come on, you can tell us,” Aubrey encourages. “What are you really thinking when it comes to him?”

  Butterflies dance in my stomach.

  “He’s incredible,” I blurt out. “I’ve never met a man like him. He makes me laugh. He pays attention. And I’ve never had a man kiss me like he does!”

  “This is so exciting!” Livy squeals, sinking down on the sofa between me and Aubrey.

  “You two make such a good couple,” Aubrey adds. “Luca is a great guy, and you deserve that.”

  “But it’s early,” I reiterate, more for myself than for my friends.

  “No, no, this is different for him, too,” Livy insists. “Landon says Luca’s never had an interest in a woman the way he has with you.”

says the same,” Aubrey says, nodding. “It’s time he had a life outside of hockey. I’m so happy you’re the one who is making him see that.”

  I bite my lip, and for a split-second, a flicker of worry lights within me. I know Luca wants to see me, but will he have the time for us when hockey keeps him so busy? If the season hits a rough patch, will he decide he can’t have me in his life anymore?

  Panic rises in my chest. I’ve only had Luca in my life for a few days, but now that I’ve been with him, I know I don’t want to be without him.


  “Oh! The opening!” Livy cries, grabbing the remote and turning up the volume.

  I turn my attention to the Total Access Total Sports broadcast on the flat screen TV.

  “After an offseason building up from the final months of last season, the Chicago Buffaloes return to the ice tonight,” the announcer says.

  The video changes from a shot of the arena to a dramatic shot of Beckett staring straight at the camera with the serious expression he wears whenever he’s on TV.

  “We found our identity as a team toward the end of last year,” Beckett says. “And we’re ready to take our game to the next level.”

  Then the video cuts to Landon, who is wearing an ‘A’ for alternate captain on his chest for the first time. “We all committed ourselves in the offseason to improving our game. We’ve added people this summer to help us do that.”

  Then they show Luca making an incredible glove save.

  My heart pounds inside my chest when I see his body move. He reads the puck and knows instinctively how to stop it.

  It’s badass.

  And incredibly hot.

  “Have the Buffaloes found a solution to their net problem with young Luca Ballerini? The rookie sensation was a force between the pipes at the end of last season. Can he lead the Buffaloes to the playoffs this season? We’re about to find out . . .”


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