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Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby

Page 5

by Stephanie Brother

  Sash moans lightly as he moves towards the patch of skin above, that forms the meeting point of her breast bone and clavicle, and in there, where the dimpled hole disappears into a dark shadow, he leaves a series of secrets that Sash hopes will bind their forbidden love forever.

  Sash tilts her head back, the sensation all too exquisite to bear. She lifts his head up and kisses him. A long, passionate, necessary kiss of lips and tongues and bites and smiles that neither of them wants to break. Afterwards, when they feel like they’ve caught up just enough for now, she makes him kick his legs out and lie on top of her, so his weight pushes her into the mattress. Like this they tessellate.

  This is her stepbrother, her forbidden taboo. They are not meant to be together, but here they are again, sharing the same bed, sharing the same desires and the same wonderful conclusion. Her mind is filled with doubt, and a million unanswered questions, but as she feels the wonderful contentment of sleep begin to pull her under, she’s more than happy to enjoy what she knows she definitely has now, and leave the rest to deal with in the morning.

  As she turns, she makes sure Dante turns with her, his cock already hardening again against her leg.

  “Slowly this time”, she says. “I’m still mad at you for what you did.”

  Dante trails the tips of his fingers over the length of Sash’s torso, from her outer thigh up to her shoulder.

  “I’ll make it up to you”, Dante says. “I promise.”

  “Fuck me until I fall asleep in your arms”, Sash whispers, “and then we’ll talk about how you can make it up to me tomorrow. Remember you’re already three years in debt.”

  “Ok”, Dante agrees, closing in on her hungrily.

  “And this one”, Sash is careful to add, as she draws her knees up to her chest. “This one you get for free.”

  Chapter 7

  The knock on the front door rouses her slowly from a deep and restful sleep, the sound belonging for a confusing moment to the cloudiness of her dream. When she realizes it’s not going to go away, she forces herself awake. There is a moment of dawning realization, before the memory of last night comes back to her and she knows something is wrong. Turning quickly, she sees the bed is empty next to her. Dante has gone.

  “No”, she says. “no, no, no,no, not this time.”

  She looks under the bed, around it, in the shower, but he’s not there.

  “Fuck”, she says, cursing her stupidity. Where the fuck is he? She can’t believe she’s let him in again so easily, only to have him turn around and run out. “Fuck”, she says again, banging her fists on the bed. She can’t believe it. She can’t believe he’s gone. She can’t believe she’s been this stupid.

  The knocking continues. Rhythmic taps on the panels of the door that show no sign of going away. Sash gets out of bed and pulls on her clothes. There is nothing else she can do but go on.

  Martin presses his nose up to the viewing hole, hoping to catch sight of Sash through the spiraling darkness. When she opens the door quickly, he almost topples forwards into the room.

  “Martin”, she says disappointedly, half hoping it would be Dante.

  Martin rushes to compose himself, running fat fingers through thinning hair. He’s out of breath too, which is remarkable, considering the short distance he has to travel to get to her flat from his. “Sorry to disturb you”, he says, “I thought you might be sleeping.”

  In her haste to get to the door, Sash has forgotten about the mess they made of the living room last night. Realizing it now, she tries as best as she can to block it from view.

  “I was”, Sash says.

  “Did you have a party last night?” Martin asks, trying desperately to peer round her, as though doing so is part of his remit as a landlord. “I heard noises. Banging. The walls were shaking.”

  “There was a cockroach”, Sash lies. “I had to turn the living room upside down to find it.”

  “A cockroach?”

  “A cockroach. A big ugly cockroach. It got away as well, but when I find him, I’m going to kill him.”

  “That’s unusual”, Martin says, not entirely convinced by her story.

  “Look, anyway, Martin, how can I help?”

  “It’s the end of the week”, he says. “I need the rent money, Sash, otherwise I’m going to have to call the police. “

  “You don’t need to call the police”, Sash says. “I’ve got it here.”

  “I don’t want to do it, but I’ve got no choice, I’m sure you’ll understand. This is-”

  “Just wait there”, Sash says, closing the door on him before he’s even finished his sentence.

  Frantically she searches for her coat, finding it eventually by the side of the couch. Expecting to find the money in the hip pocket, she’s confused to find it empty. She checks the other one, but it’s not there either. It’s not in her bag, on the floor to the side, or the million and one other places she rushes around her apartment to search in. She calls Dante’s mobile but it goes straight to his answer phone, and when she phones his office it just rings out.

  “Fuck”, she screams.

  When she opens the door again, Martin doesn’t look like he’s moved. “Serious now”, he says, finishing the same sentence Sash cut off, as though the movement of the door acted as a pause button.

  “I don’t have it”, she says, beginning to cry. “I had it, but I don’t have it now. I’ll get it. I promise I’ll get it, just give me another day or so.”

  Suddenly she realizes she’s not hiding the crime scene behind her anymore, and Martin is looking at her, and it, with concern.

  “I’m sorry Sash”, he says. “I’ve been more than reasonable.”

  “Martin, please”, she says. “Just until the end of the day.”

  Martin shakes his head. “No”, he says. “Time’s up Sash. I want you out of here by six. Either you go alone or the police escort you.”

  “Martin, please”, Sash cries, but Martin has already begun to shift his immense bulk into a turn. Getting him to come back and change his mind would be like trying to change the course of an oil tanker. She’s fucked.

  Back in the apartment, she screams at the top of her voice, kicks one of the fallen paper back books against the far wall and then crumples into the sofa.

  “Dante”, she screams out loud, shaking her head in disbelief. “Where the fuck are you?”

  She can’t believe it. Not only has he tricked her into fucking him for the very first time, claiming something she would never give him the first time around, he’s taken the money she needed to pay her rent. Fucking ass-hole.

  Sash folds herself over so she’s lying down on the couch. With her hand on her belly, she remembers the incredible fuck he gave her last night, that almost brought the whole house down. She remembers the kisses he left on her clavicle, and the delicate way he held her and fucked her to sleep. What she can’t understand is why he’d do that only to then fuck her over again. Did he just want what she couldn’t give him the first time around? Was that it?

  Most of all, she remembers the way he came inside her, and the fact that it didn’t even occur to him to ask her whether she was on the pill. Typical fucking Dante. She wonders whether he would have continued anyway if he knew for a fact that she wasn’t. It doesn’t matter now. It could be growing inside her already, and there would be nothing either of them could do to stop it.

  Despite the fact he’s fucked her and fucked off, and Sash feels cheated again, she’s certain that if it’s already begun, there is no way he’ll be able to refuse her. The words feel heavy and unfamiliar on her lips.

  “Baby”, she says, just to hear them spoken aloud. She shakes them away and feels stupid for saying it. The idea won’t leave her though. She imagines herself confessing them to him, having him hear the words and then holding the thing out to him and getting him take it.

  “It isn’t that weird”, she says out loud now. “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve dreamt it.”

  ### />
  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 1

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 3

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 4

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 5

  About Stephanie Brother

  Stephanie Brother writes scintillating stories with step-siblings as their main romantic focus. She’s always been curious about the forbidden, and this is her way of exploring such complex relationships that threaten to keep her couples apart. As she writes her way to her dream job, Ms. Brother hopes that her readers will enjoy the full emotional and romantic experience as much as she’s enjoyed writing them.

  Continue reading the series!

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2 available to read here (US) here (UK)

  Sneak Peek!

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2

  It takes Sash a moment to realize where they are and why they shouldn’t be. This is her bedroom, Dante’s old one. When he opened the door, lifted her into his strong arms and carried her up the stairs, she was eighteen and innocent again, and she thought nothing of it. Now, as the moment clarifies itself, reality comes thundering back with it. She pushes Dante off her and sits up to look around the room. She feels an immediate need to panic as though what is expected of her in this situation automatically overrides the residual sensation of what she has always wanted.

  “Home”, Dante whispers, as though fulfilling a promise.

  Sash looks around the room. She goes to the curtain to look out onto the street. She goes to the door to make sure it’s shut and the light outside in the corridor is off. Finally she goes back to the bed and looks at her stepbrother.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “Showing you how much I want you”, he says. “Proving to you that I mean it.”

  His shirt is already unbuttoned. Now he takes it off and drops it casually to the floor. Sash watches him closely. His upper body is so perfect, he could have been carved out of stone to display at the entrance to a gated city.

  “They’ll hear”, Sash says, shaking her head. “Stop, Dante. Not here.”

  “Not if you don’t let them”, Dante says.

  He begins to undo his trousers. The buckle of the belt first, the buttons next. Already she can see his bulge fighting to get out. She’s transfixed by it for a moment, unable to look anywhere else.

  “We could go to yours”, Sash says.

  Dante shakes his head. Pop goes the last button.

  “It has to be here”, Dante says. “This is where it always should have been.”

  He pulls his trousers down, holds them out theatrically and drops those casually onto the floor too.

  “Fucking hell”, Sash says.

  “Take off your clothes”, Dante commands.

  Sash shakes her head. She does it not because she doesn’t want to, but because she knows it will be better if she resists.

  “Take off your clothes”, Dante says again. He hasn’t raised his voice and nor does he need to. They both know Sash will comply. She wouldn’t have got into the car in the first place if she wasn’t going to. Hell, she wouldn’t have even sent the photos.

  Sash takes a moment to look to the side, and then back to Dante as though she’s used the moment to think. She smiles a you’ve-caught-me smile.

  “What will you do to me if I do?” she asks, the question phrased in such a way to indicate the answer is something she’s keen on hearing, the look she gives him when she does so, smoldering.

  She likes this. It’s wrong, but she can’t help but admit that she likes it. Her fucking stepbrother. She leans over sideways to prop herself up on her outstretched arm and watch her stepbrother lazily undress himself. She can’t stop him anyway, she knows that. If he wants to let the whole house know about it, so be it. He has much more to lose than she does after all. She might as well enjoy this while she can. Fuck it, let the whole world know.

  “You going to leave again, soon as you’ve fucked me?” Sash asks him. She doesn’t know whether the question is rhetorical, nor whether she’s got enough energy to be bothered if it is or not.

  “I came to set things straight”, Dante says.

  “Is that a yes or a no?” Sash asks him. She rolls over so her head is hanging off the bed and she’s looking at him upside down, legs lifted up into the air and pushed out straight. The flexibility of a dancer. “It’s just, I need to know if I should make plans. Bake a cake, go for a run, do the-”

  Dante pulls down his boxer-shorts.

  “Fuck”, Sash says, melting at the sight of him. She spins over again so she can see him properly.

  “Take off your clothes”, Dante commands again. “I won’t ask you again.”

  “You take them off for me”, Sash says, teasingly.

  Continue reading the series!

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2 available to read here (US) here (UK)

  Stepbrother: Alpha Billionaire (excerpt)

  I have dreamt of this moment for most of my adult life. I was never the prettiest or the most popular, or even the cleverest girl at school, I was always just Cass, the one on the outside looking in. Never the Prom Queen or the Fairy Princess, just the one that slipped by without being noticed. I never thought I’d be here doing this.

  There is an urgency that descends upon us like a desperate hunger. I can feel it burning inside me and I don’t know how much longer I can resist before it takes me over. I want to claim it before it passes me by. I want him before he changes his mind. Before I change mine.

  Fuck the immoral. Fuck the taboo. Felix and I aren’t related to each other. If we’d got together before our parents did, nobody would bat an eyelid.

  “Take me to your bedroom”, I whisper insistently into his ear. “Now.”

  This feels wrong, only because we are stepsister and stepbrother. It makes my heart pound in my chest when we ascend the stairwell to the rooms, several eyes upon us. I imagine the conversations people have in our wake. They go like this:

  “Such a wonderful family”, “taking her to her room, how sweet”, “their parents would be so proud.”

  What they don’t see is the erection hardening quickly below Felix’s trousers, nor the desire and need I carry for him, exploding out below the surface of my skin.

  In the corridor outside his room, we wait patiently for a couple to pass us by, the hands that only moments before were exploring him, hidden quickly out of sight to the side, now trembling at the thought of what awaits us.

  When we are alone again, the rest of the guests either already in bed or still downstairs, we hurry through the door and into his chamber. Felix shuts the door quickly behind us and leans against it momentarily, his heart pounding.

  I’m suddenly afraid. What if someone knows? What if someone catches us? What if I can never give him up?

  Felix bites his lip. The corner of his mouth curls up into a smile, he winks at me, and then he comes over. A cat ready to pounce on its prey.

  I back away waving my finger, wanting him to earn me. He knows the game, lets me fight him off a few times and then grabs me round the waist with one of his huge arms and pulls me into him. He wrestles me to the bed, trapping me against the soft cotton duvet. He goes to kiss me, but I don’t let him. As he moves in, I twist my head to the side. Undeterred, he tries again, only for me to move to the other side. We’re both laughing now, teasing ourselves.

  “Fine”, he says, mock offended. “If you don’t want me to-”

  He tries to pull away, but this time I won’t let him. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him down into me so I can feel the heat of his crotch against mine.

  “No, wait”, I say. “Kiss me.”

  He grabs hold of my hair to make sure I don’t move, leans in, tilts my lips towards him and kisses me deeply. I run my hands through his hair and pull him towards
me, desperate for the moment to last forever. Our tongues fight for a while against one another, until his proves too strong and I take it into my mouth, sucking the thick, sweet tip like a lollipop. He bites my lower lip, and then I bite his, and then he moves away from my mouth altogether to explore the sensitivity of the soft tissue around my neck, and the delicate structure of the bones of my clavicle.

  He bites me hard around the muscle that runs along the left hand side of my neck and it turns me on so much I have to pull him back to do it again. My body is tingling, and trembling so much from excitement Felix asks me whether I’m cold. Every time his mouth moves towards the sensitive skin around the bones of my shoulder, or lower, towards the line of my dress and the forbidden skin underneath that forms the beginning of my breasts, I get a shooting wave of pleasure cascading up and down my spine, that turns somersaults in my stomach and makes my pussy tingle. I feel as fragile as glass. I feel like I might explode into a million pieces if he continues, but I know there is no way I want him to stop.

  I let my hand slide along his thigh, tug eagerly at the tucked in shirt, and make a big enough hole through which it can disappear and explore the taut skin on the other side. I run my hand across his belly and then up towards his chest, his muscles perfectly firm and well defined. When I find his nipple, my finger tracing a circle first of all through the thin hair that surrounds it, I can’t help but squeal in delight. I tease it and then pull at it and then immediately want him to do the same to me.

  Felix has his hand in the hole on my dress, his fingers exploring the soft tissue of my thigh. The hole is placed in such a way and his fingers are of such a length, that he can just about reach the edge of my panties. As he kisses the exposed skin at the top of my dress, he tries to lift my panties and slide his fingers underneath the fabric. I let him do this for a while just to tease him. I love him having his hand there, but what I like more is knowing that in this way, he’ll never quite be able to reach what he wants. I want to make him understand what the last three years have been like for me, reaching in from the outside, desperate to touch something I can’t quite get to. When I’ve had my fun, and the desire to have him actually touching my pussy, holding me open with his slender fingers and pushing one inside me, I fight my way out from underneath him, roll over and put myself on top.


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