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An Island in the Stars

Page 13

by Susan Laine

  Marcus finally relented, released Sam, and raised his arms to aid in the undressing. As soon as his torso was bare, Marcus cupped Sam’s cheeks and kissed him again, his hunger growing with each second. Sam’s shaky hands reached for Marcus’s belt, unbuckled it, and then unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. Marcus followed suit, shoved Sam’s jeans halfway down his thighs, and gripped his erection through his underwear, stroking the hardening length.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, yesss….” Sam’s voice cracked into a high-pitched noise that rang in Marcus’s ears as proof of a perfect act.

  He pushed Sam toward the bed. It wasn’t soft or springy, but it was convenient. Their winter coats and a single towel had to be enough. Marcus laid Sam down on the bed and then finished removing his jeans, socks, and underwear. Sam’s hard, red dick rested heavy in the groove of his thigh and abdomen, throbbing visibly, a translucent bead of precome dangling from the slit.

  As he stared, momentarily mesmerized, Marcus knew without a shadow of a doubt he was in love and in lust with Sam.

  “D-did you change your mind?” Sam asked nervously, rising onto his elbows. “What’s wrong?”

  Marcus smiled. “Nothing. You’re perfect.”

  Sam blushed and smiled shyly. “You… you make me feel beautiful.”

  His sweet statement sent Marcus’s heart into a fluttering frenzy. “I love you, Sam.”

  Only when Sam’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock did Marcus realize he’d spoken out loud. He’d not intended to blurt it out like that. But the cat was out of the bag now. The truth wouldn’t change over time, he knew, for want was such a weak word to describe the depth of his feelings for Sam.

  “I feel like I’ve been saying weird shit a lot lately but… it’s true. I love you.” Marcus was proud of himself for getting the confession out without stammering or his voice cracking. He meant it with all his heart after all.

  Sam lay on the bed so still it was as if he’d magically transformed into a resting statue. Finally he murmured, “R-really…?” Marcus could only nod, his mouth dry as a desert from waiting with bated breath. When Sam smiled, his cheeks turning rosy, Marcus let out a long breath of relief. “I… I love you too, Marcus.”

  As though in a hypnotic daze, Marcus finished undressing, climbed naked onto the bed between Sam’s spread legs, and knelt there. He placed a hand over Sam’s bent knee, unable to tell which one of them trembled more.

  “I’ve wanted to touch you like this for so long,” Marcus confessed, an unusual shyness causing his whispering tone and clunky actions. “Dreamed of touching you, being with you, holding you in my arms, kissing you.”

  Sam gulped, his skin glowing from fresh sweat and coloring crimson with arousal. Or at least that was what Marcus hoped for. With one outstretched arm, Sam beckoned Marcus closer. Nervousness bunching under his rib cage, Marcus lowered himself down over his lover-to-be. He’d never felt this anxious about the prospect of sex. Then again, he’d slept with girls and guys for no other reasons than being hard and horny, and them being ready, willing, and available.

  Not the stuff of burgeoning love affairs or epic romances. Not like this right now.

  Holding his weight up, Marcus leaned down onto his elbows, his hands hooked under Sam’s shoulders. When their nude bodies came together, they both let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

  Marcus smiled softly. “Been chasing you a long time, Sam.”

  Sam smiled back. “I won’t run away from you again. I promise.”

  Marcus chuckled. “That’s good to know. Although… it’s been kind of fun. Besides, I’ll just remember to wear my running shoes next time I come after you.”

  Sam giggled at that. “I’ll promise to be easy prey.”

  The heat from Sam’s body created a primal reaction in Marcus, one of possession and greed. The impulse scared him a bit, but he’d longed for Sam so long that he couldn’t tamp down the effect. Even though Sam was beneath him, Marcus felt Sam somehow engulf and envelop him, like a magnetic current pulling them together, cocooning them inside a safe haven of love and drowning out the alien world around them. Sam equaled passion and beauty and love, and Marcus couldn’t get enough.

  Marcus shifted his hips, and their hard cocks nuzzled, pressed together shaft to shaft. Sam gasped, his eyes hooded with lust. Marcus petted Sam’s hair while he touched Sam’s body with his own, their skin kissing. Despite Sam’s nerd persona, Marcus felt Sam’s muscles, the strength hidden there, belying his geekiness.

  “Are you…?” Marcus breathed out, starting to lose it. “Are you mine?”

  Sam kissed him and wound his arms around Marcus’s neck. “Who else would I ever belong to but you?”

  Marcus threaded his fingers through Sam’s silky hair. With surprised delight, he felt Sam slide his arms down to squeeze Marcus’s asscheeks. Marcus dipped to suck up a hickey on Sam’s neck, loving the catch in Sam’s voice.

  His own was thick with emotion when he said, “I can’t believe how much I want you. It’s like a drug running through my veins. Every damn day I need my intoxicating Sam fix, or I’ll act like a fucking grouch or a bear shot in the ass.”

  Sam laughed, undoubtedly at the mental image, and hugged him tighter. “You know, I can actually picture you in an adorable teddy bear costume on Halloween, sitting on your porch like a grumpy—mm-hmm.”

  Marcus stole Sam’s breath away and effectively silenced him with a tongue down his throat. Every touch of Sam’s slick tongue was like liquid silk, hot and delicious. Marcus was so ferocious he feared he might hurt Sam, and he would never forgive himself.

  “T-tell me if I’m too rough, baby.”

  “Mmm, you’re perfect,” Sam whispered in his ear, then sucked on Marcus’s earlobe. Chills ran down Marcus’s spine, and his hips bucked. Sam grunted, and an answering upward thrust of his hips followed.

  Marcus wanted to be perfect for Sam—the hero who saved the day and the rescuer who brought them both back home safe and sound. He prayed to be able to deliver on his secret vow.

  “God, you feel so good, so good,” Marcus mumbled over and over.

  “Marcus, I’m so close. Please….” Sam’s voice cracked, and Marcus’s heart skipped a beat. No way would he cause Sam agony.

  He snapped his hips hard, meeting Sam’s with a perfectly matched rhythm as they ground against each other, clinging together tightly. Sam’s limbs wrapped around Marcus, who’d never felt such all-encompassing love and desire. They burned his senses and shook him to the core.

  Sam pulled Marcus harder over him, and Marcus responded by surging against Sam. They were both panting roughly, words forgotten, reason obliterated. Only their lovemaking existed in this small room in a ruined temple on an alien world.

  Their cocks lined up and rubbed along each other’s lengths. The touch—not enough, but it had to be enough—was sweet torment. Marcus pictured his cock plunging in and out of Sam’s ass, that beautiful soft nubile body bent, that channel stroking his dick, that quivering voice begging to come….

  Marcus’s climax took him by surprise. His hips jerked violently, and his cock erupted. He crashed over the edge, hurtling headlong into the blinding void where no thought existed. He slammed against Sam, who suddenly cried out sharply, grasped Marcus’s back and buttocks so hard his nails dug in.

  Hot juices from both of them rained down between their writhing bodies. Their mouths fused into a passionate, breathless kiss, and they clutched each other tight, neither willing to let the other go. Their hips kept thrusting lazily as they came down from orgasmic heights.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh.” Sam’s sighs slowed eventually as his breathing calmed. “Th-that was… the best… ever.”

  “Right on.” Yes, Marcus could indeed be eloquent when the occasion called for it.

  For a while they just held each other. Marcus slid off Sam, and they cuddled side by side, their legs entwined, sluggishly caressing one another, tracing indistinct patterns on each other’s skin, sharing smooches, smiling goof
ily, and staring into each other’s eyes.

  Then Sam grimaced, his nose scrunched. “I feel sticky, and we’re starting to reek. You said there was a waterfall? We should probably wash up.”

  Marcus harrumphed. “Heck, we could just step outside for a minute and be pelted like animals.”

  Sam quirked an eyebrow. “Wanna take the risk that the giant plant’s still chasing you, or the razzies prefer to hunt during stormy weather, or the rain is acid?”

  “Ah. Good point. That’s why you’re the brains to my brawn.”

  Sam pursed his lips, clearly vexed. “Stop calling yourself dumb. Even in jest. I don’t like it. After all, it’s my guy you’re badmouthing there.”

  The words made Marcus ridiculously happy. “Okay. Sorry.”

  Sam narrowed his eyes, appearing suspicious, probably due to Marcus’s wide grin and soft voice. “Okay. Cool.”

  They decided to leave their clothes behind since the island was uninhabited and none of the animals probably cared if they walked around in the buff. Marcus did take his iPhone in case they’d need a loud noise to frighten away frisky or fearsome beasts. They made sure the stone slab was in place in front of the doorway so their stuff would be secure.

  Treading carefully, they made their way down to the mountainside terrace onto which the waterfall partially flowed. Marcus soaked himself first. The tepid water was cool on his heated skin, but not for long. The moderate temperature of the water soon gave him a decent washing experience. Once he was done, he indicated with a chin lift that Sam should go next.

  With a shy smile and pink cheeks, Sam did as he was silently instructed. He stepped under the cascade, his hair instantly glued to his skin, his body glowing with each lightning strike in the sky high above, the tantalizing curves and luscious plumpness of his buttocks in plain sight, the mesmerizing lines of his back, legs, and arms beckoning Marcus to get more familiar with them all in intimate detail.

  In short, Sam looked divine.

  Marcus cocked his head, thinking about his feelings for Sam. He knew he was in love. But what was love? Was it butterflies in his belly, weakness in the knees, surges in his groin, parties in his head, or the flying feeling in his heart? Or perhaps love was plainer and more mundane, like laundry or dishes: never-ending.

  Marcus smiled when he figured out at least part of the mystifying equation. Love was Sam’s bare feet next to his under the blanket, his head resting over Marcus’s heart, their fingers interlaced. Love was memories of the past and dreams of tomorrow, and his beloved was a part of both.

  Love was all that, and more. He wondered if even a lifetime was long enough to solve that mystery of the ages.

  Marcus bit his lower lip to stop the moan threatening to burst out of him. Then an idea occurred to him. With a naughty grin, he set out to fulfill another unspoken fantasy with his iPhone, a testament to his desire for Sam.

  Despite the gush of the waterfall, Marcus heard the rain cease abruptly. The looming dark clouds parted to reveal the rich, colorful stars of the night sky, a strange galaxy spreading out across the heavenly arc.

  Then he understood. “We’re in the eye of the storm.”

  The sudden serenity, silent and stunning, stilled Marcus in awe. Though he hoped they would get home sooner rather than later, that night sky was definitely worth capturing. Apparently the storm had already taken longer than they’d thought, swallowing up the whole day.

  Or perhaps they’d simply lost track of time due to the awesome sex. Marcus’s cheeks flamed just thinking about it.

  A monstrous splash startled them both.

  The noise was so tremendous, it was as if the seas had parted by magic.

  Then Marcus saw… it. The pictures hadn’t done the massive sea creature justice.

  Gargantuan in size, the aquatic animal resembled a whale, a crocodile, and an extinct ocean dinosaur. Its skin had a blue-green tint, and it was heavily armored with rows of dorsal spikes and an elongated snout tapering toward the tip. It had numerous fins on the side and along its spine between the spikes and four large flippers low on its sides, like a plesiosaur. Obviously, despite its gigantic size, it could move swiftly underwater. The animal glowed as if tiny lights flickered all over its length, so it was obviously bioluminescent.

  But… the incredible creature’s existence alone wasn’t the weirdest part.

  Because the mazzie was no longer underwater. It was… flying.

  Chapter 10

  “IMPOSSIBLE…,” MARCUS whispered, frozen in astonishment and primal dread, watching the sea creature glide along the sky as if swimming through the air. Its belly radiated a purple glow, and its flippers sparked an electric blue shower with each flap.

  Then they heard it.

  Magical tunes floated through the air. Bursts of high-frequency clicks, long waves of whistles, and tonal musical moans and groans created ethereal vocalizations clearly emanating from the mazzie, like the songs of humpback whales but far more complex. The modulations and amplitude shifted, exactly like in a song. The sweetest sounds rained on them. Marcus had never heard anything like it.



  “Are you seeing this, or have I just gone spectacularly insane?”

  “Not unless I’m right there with you in the asylum.” Marcus couldn’t stop staring at the unbelievable sight, though he gathered himself enough to make use of his iPhone again. “How’s it doing that? Staying up there like that? Gliding… and flying… and air-swimming… and singing.”

  “Electro… magnetic… levitation?” Sam suggested.

  “Like a maglev?” Marcus figured the exomoon’s lower gravity might have something to do with it as well. Plus despite its size, the creature could have hollow bones or some such.

  Sam blew out a breath. “Please tell me you got a picture of that.”

  “Better. Got video footage.”

  “Wow. That was quick. Points for speed.”

  “I’ve got my finger on the button all the time, same as any tech-savvy guy.” He waved his iPhone in the air, grinning. “Although to be fair, I already had my phone out to record your sweet ass under the waterfall.”

  Now Marcus had Sam’s full, horrified attention. “You what?”

  Marcus tried and failed to keep a straight face. “Well, I thought about just snapping a shot of your butt to use as my desktop wallpaper, but then you looked so hot, all wet and glistening, I just had to immortalize it on film.”

  Sam hurried closer, his hand outstretched. “You delete that this instant.”

  Marcus backed off, taunting. “If I do that, we lose the flying mazzie video forever.”

  That made Sam stop, but he still looked furious. “When we get home, you’ll edit that video and delete all footage of my naked butt. Or I’ll strangle you in your sleep. Got it?”

  The threat didn’t have the effect Sam must have wanted because the comment merely made Marcus giddy with joy. “So when we get home you plan on sleeping in my bed, then, eh? I’ve got no objections to that.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  The pissed-off look faded and was replaced by a sweet blush Marcus adored. “Fine. I’ll let that one slide. This once.” Sam wagged a finger at Marcus in warning. “’Cause, yeah, I do intend to stay in your bed a lot, with you in it.”

  “Already looking forward to it, bae.”

  Sam smiled, pushing strands of wet hair behind his ear. Then he straightened, inhaled sharply, and his eyes widened. Afraid all over again, Marcus followed his gaze.

  By then, the mazzie had glided over the island, oblivious to the two humans observing its course through the skies—skies that were darkening once more. Dark clouds gathered, surrounding the gigantic sea creature on all sides, as though it somehow was the eye of the storm. The thought seemed insane. But everything about their current situation was beyond normal.

  A rhythmic sequence of sounds, like an alien aria, flowed out of the mazzie.

  Then it seemed to drop from the heig
hts as if whatever forces had allowed it to levitate in the first place suddenly evaporated. Like a mountainous boulder or a stupendous asteroid, it fell back down to the ocean, the following splash an almost deafening boom, and the waves rose so high Marcus feared the whole island would be swept away by the tidal forces.

  “Back inside!” Marcus shouted. He grabbed Sam’s arm and ran toward the shadowy interior once more, his privates bouncing between his legs. Sam didn’t argue, and they sprinted as fast as they could around the closest corner and waited to find out if they’d drown in the buff on an alien moon.

  Sam shuddered, having gone pale. Marcus pulled him into his arms, and they hugged each other for comfort, neither speaking, both panting and yet trying to hold their breaths. Sam’s heart drummed a rapid staccato beat against Marcus’s chest, and he had an uncanny feeling that his own rhythm matched. The embrace tightened as the roar grew louder.

  Sloshes of water streamed over their feet, reaching as high as their knees. But the gush of the current was already slowing down, and they remained safe. Slowly the water drained away. The stone floor was wet but no worse for wear, and neither were they.

  “Jesus Christ,” Marcus murmured, refusing to let Sam out of his arms.

  Sam didn’t appear in a hurry to leave them either. They waited until the trickle of water and their breathing quieted before they separated and took in their surroundings.

  “We survived,” Sam huffed out, his voice surprised. “I… I really didn’t expect that.”

  Marcus barked out a laugh. “I hear that.”

  “Still got your phone?” Sam asked, and Marcus nodded, waving the thing at him. Was it an instinct of modernity not to let go of one’s camera even during a crisis? Seemed so futile. But they had evidence of alien life-forms on it, so perhaps that was why Marcus had hung on to it.

  As they slowly separated and returned to the terrace, rain and tempestuous winds had started again. Stormy clouds raged in the sky once more, puffy and somber. But the rain was less intense, and it was already clear the furor had begun to wane and would soon come to an end.


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