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Page 24

by R. L. Kenderson

  Luke caught her arm and pulled her over him. “Yes, I’m serious. I was going to ask you anyway—although a little more romantically—but I think we should do it.”

  Elise kissed Luke, and they rolled around on the bed as the kiss turned hot.

  Just when she was about to take off their clothes, Luke drew away. “Does that mean yes?”

  Oh, yeah. She’d forgotten to answer because she was so in love with this man that she’d skipped to the celebrating.

  “That’s a hell yes.”

  Luke laughed. “Good. Now, I have something for you.”

  There was no way he’d bought a ring yet. He’d had no idea her father had gotten sicker.

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Prop the pillows up and lie back.”

  Elise did as he’d asked while Luke grabbed the TV and DVD remotes. She had no idea what he was up to.

  “You didn’t tape us having sex, and now, you’re showing me the video, did you?”

  Luke cough-laughed. “No, but now, you’ve given me an idea.”

  “I don’t know if I’d like watching myself, but I would definitely love watching you.”

  Luke just looked at her with amazement.


  “How’d I get so lucky?”

  “It’s because you think like that. That’s why we’re blessed. Don’t ever change.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Luke settled back, and Elise curled up next to him.

  “Are you ready, Lise?” He made it sound so serious.

  Elise giggled. “Yep.”

  Luke hit play on the DVD remote, so the movie already started playing before he turned on the TV.

  And the tears came back as Elise saw the opening credits of Love Actually. Luke really had been thinking about marriage before she told him about her father because he’d once told her that he’d only watch this movie with his future wife.

  Elise sniffled.

  Luke asked, “You okay, babe?”

  She kissed his neck. “Yes. I just love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. Now, let’s watch this movie, and as we go, you can explain to me why it’s your favorite.”

  And they did.

  The best part? Luke loved it, too.

  S everal Years Later

  Luke grabbed Ariel’s two-and-a-half-year-old hand and helped her step through the sliding glass door and into the house.

  “Daddy, why do we have to go inside?”

  “Because it’s almost bedtime.”

  “But I see the sun.”

  “It’s still the same time, sweet pea. The days are getting longer now.”

  “No, Daddy.”

  “Yes, Ariel.”

  She let go of his hand and ran over to Elise. “Mama, Daddy says it’s bedtime.”

  Elise looked up to the clock on the microwave from where she was helping their five-year-old daughter Lili do her reading homework. “Daddy’s right, sweet pea. It’s almost eight o’clock.” She looked up at Luke. “Thank God because this kindergarten homework is brutal. Is it summer vacation yet?”

  Luke chuckled. “Soon, but then we’re going to have even more work, so you might want to hold off on that thought.”

  “True,” she said with a sigh. She ran her hands down both girls’ heads.

  Both their daughters had ended up with blue eyes, thanks to both of the grandmothers’ recessive genes, but Lili got his dark brown hair while Ariel’s was a dark blonde.

  “Will you read me a story, Mama?” Ariel.

  Elise turned her attention to Ariel and rubbed their noses together. “Yes, sweet pea.”

  “Me, too, please,” Lili said.

  Elise did the same to their older daughter. “Of course, honey,” she said.

  But Luke could see the exhaustion weighing her down in her face.

  “You know what, girls? Daddy’s going to read you a story tonight, and we’re going to let Mama rest,” Luke announced.

  “Because Mama is busy cookin’ Baby Edward?”

  “You’re a dummy, Ariel. Mama’s not cooking the baby. She’s growing him in her belly.”

  Technically, neither of their daughters was right, but they had plenty of time for anatomy lessons later.

  Ariel stuck her tongue out at her older sister. “That’s what Grandma said.”

  Elise snickered. “Yeah, well, sweet pea, I wouldn’t listen to everything Grandma tells you,” Elise said as she stacked Lili’s homework in a pile and put it in her backpack.

  Ariel cocked her head to the side. “Because Grandma’s a bitch?”

  Startled, Elise dropped Lili’s backpack. “Ariel Long, we do not use that word in this house.”

  At least, not as long as you were under the age of sixteen because his wife used it all the time.

  “Where did you even hear that word?” Elise asked.

  Case in point…

  “From you, Mama,” Ariel said, as if the answer was obvious.

  Luke tried not to laugh at Elise’s horrified expression.

  Suzanne had come a long way in changing her ways and accepting Kristen’s lifestyle, especially after Ward had passed away, but sometimes, she would resort to her old habits. Elise was known to use some colorful language to complain about her mom when it was just her and Luke, and Luke was grateful that his own mother was close with Elise.

  “I don’t think so,” Elise disputed.

  “Ariel is right, Mama. You told Daddy that Grandma was a bitch.”

  “Stop saying that word. You’re not allowed to use it either.” Elise looked up at Luke with help-me eyes. “They’re five and two,” she said through clenched teeth.

  Luke clapped his hands together. “All right, young ladies, let’s go get ready for bed. We can talk tomorrow about what kind of language we use in the house.”

  The girls willingly went with him, discussing what story they wanted him to read to them tonight.

  After two rounds of toothbrushing, three glasses of water, one bathroom break, two pairs of pajamas, and four bedtime stories, the girls were finally asleep.

  Luke closed Lili’s bedroom door and quietly stepped away, hoping to not wake either of them.

  Luke walked the short distance to his and Elise’s bedroom.

  When she had called Luke all those years ago to come and look at this house, he’d never imagined that he’d live there one day.

  He pushed open the door to find his seven-month-pregnant wife naked, wearing only the stud nose piercing he’d gotten her for her thirtieth birthday, and snoring. It was a cute female snore, but it was still snoring, and he was going to give her shit about it tomorrow.

  They’d always slept naked until the girls were born. But, now that Elise was hot all the time with pregnancy, she’d gone back to sleeping nude almost every night—although she did try to cover up when the girls were around.

  He loved that she didn’t care if he saw her like this. He had friends whose wives who wouldn’t let their husbands see them naked once they started showing, which Luke found ridiculous. His wife’s body was amazing, and she was sexy, no matter how big she got with pregnancy.

  Even though Luke had gone to med school and learned all about how babies were made, he still found it fascinating that Elise grew their children inside her. How anyone could not find the maternal form beautiful was beyond him. And the fact that she trusted him to see her like this made her all the more attractive to him.

  Luke went into the master bathroom and got ready for bed, being careful to stay as noiseless as possible in order to let Elise sleep. After he brushed his own teeth and stripped down to his boxers, he got into bed beside her, pulling the covers up and over them.

  “Are the girls sleeping?”

  “Yeah,” he said, rolling over to put his arm around her. “Sorry I woke you. I tried to be quiet.”

  Elise slipped her hands into his underwear and wrapped her fingers around him. He immediately grew hard in her hand. Some things never changed.
  “I tried to stay up for you, so I’m glad you woke me up. And speaking of waking up…” She squeezed his hard-on. “Why do you have your boxers on?”

  “I thought you needed the rest.”

  She moved closer and said softly in his ear, “I need you to fuck me more.”

  Luke loved when his wife talked dirty. He absolutely loved it when she asked or told him to fuck her. It had taken her a while to realize that she could be dirty in bed and still be a good wife and mother. Once she had understood that, she didn’t hold back.

  “I want to taste you,” she whispered before biting his earlobe.

  Luke groaned at her words and kicked off his boxers. He slid his hand between her legs and pushed a finger inside her. She was already wet, and he loved how turned on she was.

  “I want to taste you first.”

  Not waiting for her to respond, he threw back the covers and pulled his wife onto her back. He spread her legs wide as he stretched out on the bed, putting his mouth at her secret place. She tasted spicy and hot, and her musky scent surrounded him, making his dick impossibly harder.

  She tasted different, and her scent changed when she was pregnant. She was always wetter, too. It fucking turned him on in a way he couldn’t even explain. The fact that her body was altered because of him, because of something he had left inside her, was the ultimate marking of his territory. He just couldn’t control the caveman satisfaction inside him when he thought about it.

  He sucked on her clit, which was super sensitive when she was pregnant, and released it before she came. He sucked her pussy lips in his mouth and licked her from bottom to top. He fucked her with his mouth, letting her know much he loved going down on her, and after he’d tortured her enough, he let her come.

  She cried out, “Luke, Luke, Luke.”

  He let her ride his mouth, encouraging her on, until she was finished.

  She gently pushed his head away when she couldn’t take any more pressure down below, and Luke sprawled next to her. He turned her on her side and pulled her leg up and over his, so he could bring her close. He waited for her to catch her breath before he entered her in a single thrust. He groaned at how tight she was, even after two kids. Not that he would have judged her if she wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to deny that it was one more thing to put in the Plus column of his amazing life.

  Elise put her arms around his neck and let him fuck her while she arched her back and enjoyed the ride.

  “You doing okay?” he asked.

  She kissed him. “God, yes. You always know just what I need.”

  And didn’t that make him feel like he was seven feet tall.

  He kissed her again, and as he grew closer, he pushed her leg up higher, so he could get inside her even more deeply. Although he didn’t think he could ever really be deep enough for his complete satisfaction. Sometimes, he wished he could live in her pussy.

  “Harder, baby,” Elise told him. “Please.”

  She didn’t have to ask him twice.

  Elise began to contract around him, and he knew she was close to another orgasm, so he kept thrusting inside her, just the way she liked. His climax could wait because, as much as he loved coming, he loved making his wife come even more.

  When she did reach her peak, she came so hard that Luke had to slap a hand across her mouth, so she didn’t wake the girls. Her pussy squeezed him so tight, she pushed him right out of her. He wanted to wait a few seconds before he slipped back inside her wet heat, but she pushed him onto his back and got on her knees.

  She scooted down and took his cock in her mouth, not caring that she could taste herself all over him. Before Elise, Luke had only ever seen that in porn. Elise had admitted that she’d always wanted to do it, but she’d always been afraid of being judged. He’d asked her once if she really liked doing it or if she did it because it obviously rocked his world, but she’d confessed that she loved tasting the two of them together. He supposed it was her way of marking her territory. Because there was no doubt that he belonged to Elise.

  She sucked him down as far as she could go, taking him to the back of her throat, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, no matter how much he wanted to keep her phenomenal blow job going.

  “Baby, I’m going to come.”

  Elise hummed around his dick in approval.

  His cock throbbed as his impending orgasm came to a crescendo, and she must have sensed it, too, because she wrapped her lips around his head and let him come down her throat. When he was done, she licked everywhere, including the crease in his head to make sure she got all of him.

  “God, I love you.”

  Elise stuck him back in her mouth and deep-throated him again.

  “Holy shit, Lise.”

  She carefully released him, knowing how sensitive he was after coming, and plopped down beside him.

  “You’re just saying that because I give world-class head.”

  Saying what? Oh, yeah, that he loved her.

  He yanked her close and kissed her nose. “You know that’s not true.”

  Yes, he loved the blow jobs and the great sex, especially when other women wouldn’t let their husbands touch them while they were pregnant. Elise let him touch, and she actually liked it. And she liked it dirty. But he also loved her because she was a wonderful person, a great mother, and the best partner Luke could have ever asked for.

  Elise cuddled into him, her belly pressing against his side. “Yeah, I know,” she said with a smile.

  “I mean, if I was going to marry someone for their blow-job skills, I would have married—”

  Elise whipped her head up and gave him a warning look. He still loved giving her shit after all these years.

  “You, the first night we had sex.” Luke feigned confusion. “What did you think I was going to say?”

  Elise laid her head back down. “You’re lucky I love you, Luke.”

  Luke kissed the top of his wife’s head. “I know, baby.”

  He felt Elise smile against his chest.

  Less than five minutes later, she was out.

  Luke lay there, letting happiness wash over him. He had his wonderful wife sleeping in his arms, their beautiful daughters snuggled in their beds just down the hall, and his unborn son kicking him in the side through his mother’s abdomen.

  Luke couldn’t have asked for anything more.



  Dear Readers,

  Out of any other book, Dirty is probably the book I have put the most of my personal life in. When Lara and I got the idea for the story, we didn’t know what the characters were going to look like yet. I don’t know exactly how the idea of Luke’s appearance came to me, except that I was driving to visit my husband at the Mayo Clinic where he had elbow surgery. I guess I was thinking about him and our kids, and I realized, in all my years of reading, I had never read a romance novel where the hero was Asian. I have read books with heroines who are Asian or half-Asian, but even those are few and far between.

  Unfortunately, Asians, especially males, have a lot of stereotypes about them. There is a Tumblr blog, Writing With Color, that tells it best, but some of the stereotypes include that Asian men are submissive and asexual. Asian men are often the beta males to their non-Asian counterparts. They are frequently thought of as skinny nerds who excel at math. Not only is it racist, but it is also simply not true. My husband was a jock in high school, didn’t get great grades, was kind of a player in his younger years, and even got in fights—something not to be proud of though. He works as a machinist—blue-collar work—and is definitely not skinny but muscular. Although I will admit that he is good at math.

  So, as I was driving, I thought about making Luke Asian, but then I thought of my two sons, and ultimately, I decided to make Luke half-Caucasian and half-Chinese because that’s what my own children are. And, thankfully, I have a wonderful cowriter who didn’t object.

  So, going back to what I said above, while A
sian females seem to be found attractive by many men of all races—although they have their own stereotypes to battle—Asian males are often thought of as being nerds, unattractive, and not well-endowed. I look at my handsome sons, and I don’t want people to automatically think those things about them. I figured Luke was the perfect candidate to show the world something different. He’s sexy, fun, smart, loving, and well-endowed—just sayin’. Although I admit, as a mother, I don’t really want my boys to grow up to be players.

  Many of the things I used for Luke’s family are from my and my husband’s family. Not all of it, but a lot of it. In fact, Lara laughed when she read what I had written about Luke’s family. So, if anyone feels like I was inaccurate, I did go by my own personal experiences of what it’s like to be married to an Asian man and to have a whole family of Asian in-laws.

  I hope you all enjoyed the book, and perhaps you will look at Asian men differently now. I know I do.

  Until next time, happy reading!


  P.S. Need a Luke visual? Google Hideo Muraoka, and sit back and drool. Or check out this article about him.

  Dirty Playlist

  Inside You – Hoobastank

  #1 Crush – Garbage

  Addicted – Saving Abel

  Addicted – Simple Plan

  Animal I Have Become – Three Days Grace

  Animals – Maroon 5

  Animals – Nickelback

  Call Me When You’re Sober – Evanescence

  Casual Sex – My Darkest Days

  Closing Time – Semisonic

  Dirty Little Secret – All American Rejects

  Faded – SoulDecision

  Get Lucky – Halestorm

  I Get off – Halestorm

  I Miss You – Blink 182

  I Miss You – Incubus

  My Immortal – Evanescence

  Porn Star Dancing – My Darkest Days

  Spaceship – Puddle of Mudd

  Thnks fr th Mmrs – Fall Out Boy

  Listen to our Dirty playlist on YouTube!

  If you liked Dirty…

  Check out R.L. Kenderson’s hot and steamy paranormal romance Forbidden Series.


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