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Taken by Her Mate

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  It’s for Addie.

  He’d talked with Jackson on the phone. There were no more incidents, but Brendan was becoming a nasty drunk. Several of Brendan’s pack had complained about his unfair behavior. The other man lashed out without any real reason, and he’d beaten a young pack member until he was bloody and bruised.

  After washing his teeth and doing his business, Shaun moved down stairs. The conversation between his parents paused as he entered the room. His mother grabbed a plate from the stove and placed it in front of him. She stroked his hair before going back to her place.

  “Son, I know this will be hard for you. The pack will stand behind you. We’ve also taken it upon ourselves to talk with Karen’s parents, and they think you both will make a good firm couple to lead our pack one day,” Edward said.

  Karen was a young wolf and a virgin like all unmated females had to be. Any female who lost her virginity outside of mating was banished from a pack. He’d witnessed three females being banished. The men were allowed to remain in the pack. Shaun hated the rules and intended to change them when he ruled this pack. He’d never wanted to rule any pack, but his father left him with little choice since there was no other son.

  “You can’t talk with Karen’s parents,” Shaun said. “I will never claim her, and I don’t accept any mating.”

  He ate his food between each word he spoke.

  Shaun saw the uncertainty on both of his parents’ faces.

  “Shaun, you’ve got to mate, honey. I know Addie’s mating has upset you, but these are our rules. Another woman will make you forget about her. Your time with Addie is over.”

  Grabbing his plate he threw it across the room. His father stood facing him. Their beasts rose to the surface. Edward’s eyes turned amber as the fur began to coat Shaun’s arms.

  “Back down, Shaun. I don’t want to harm my own flesh and blood.”

  He stormed out of the house. His decision had nothing to do with his parents. At the sound of the door crashing open, the rest of the pack turned in his direction.

  “What’s going on, Shaun?” Edward asked.

  His father followed him out the door. Stopping, Shaun turned to him. His mother stood at the door holding a towel as she looked at him.

  “I’m going to challenge Brendan for the right to claim Addie,” Shaun said. There was a gasp around the pack. He kept his gaze firmly on his father.

  Karen’s parents walked over. He saw Karen staring up at him with big terrified eyes. Shaun walked over to her. She flinched away, but he cupped her small cheeks.

  “What’s the meaning of this, Edward?” her father asked.

  “I’m sorry, Karen. I will never mate with you. I’m in love with someone else. She’s had my heart for years. Mating with you would be a mistake, but it has nothing to do with you.”

  She nodded and smiled at him.

  He turned to her parents. “I won’t be mating your daughter.”

  The pack was watching him. “When we go to the Northern Mountains, I intend to challenge Brendan for the right to claim Addie. He’s not to be trusted. He’ll hurt the woman I love, and I can’t accept that.”

  “You’ll put our whole pack at risk,” a male said, shouting toward him.

  “No. I’ve never put this pack at risk. I love this pack, and because of my love, when I win I’ll take Addie and leave.”

  Murmurs surrounded him as they all stared. Edward folded his arms as he looked at him.

  “I’m sorry, Dad. I can’t leave her with him. He’s violent, and she’s terrified of him,” Shaun said.

  “It’s not your place to interfere. Their mating was agreed upon years ago.”

  He shrugged. “I promised her that I’d always protect her. I gave her a promise, and I intend to keep it. What kind of man and leader would I be if I broke that promise?”

  “Your promises were made when you were children. No one expects children to keep those promises.” Edward’s voice rose over the crowd.

  Staring past Edward’s shoulder he saw his mom looking back at him with tears in her eyes. He saw the tears, and he also saw pride. She was proud of him for standing up for his woman.

  “I know you don’t agree with me, but what would you have done if Mom was the one in danger?”

  Edward growled. His parents were very much in love. They were one of the few mated couples who’d been in love with each other prior to their mating. No one touched his mother unless Edward said so. His father even refused to take another mate even though his mother couldn’t bear any more children.

  His mother placed a hand on Edward’s shoulder. “I’m right here, husband.”

  “You’ll be killed by Brendan,” Edward said.

  “He’s not forced to train like us. I’ve been made aware that Brendan takes being the alpha’s son as some kind of get out of work free card. He’s volatile, but he’s not a fighter. I can beat him.”

  His father was fighting with indecision. “I can’t lose my son.”

  “You won’t. I can win this fight. I promise.”

  “Do you really think the alpha will accept you taking his son out? Do you really think he’ll let you walk away?” Edward asked.

  “He doesn’t have a choice. I’m not challenging Brendan for the alpha claim of a pack. I’m challenging Brendan for his mate. Addie is mine, Dad. She was always supposed to be mine. He’ll kill her if I don’t do this. I know what he’s like, and he’ll hurt her to hurt me.”

  “Brendan can’t hurt you,” Edward said.

  “He can hurt me through Addie. Brendan knows I can’t start a war through Addie. He can hurt her and taunt me with her pain, but I can’t do anything about it. I refuse to allow Addie to suffer because that fucker hates me. No matter what you say or do, I’m challenging Brendan, and I’ll win.”

  Shaun waited for his father’s decision. He could walk with the pack toward the Northern Mountains, or he could go alone.

  “I agree with Shaun,” his mother said, moving toward his side.


  “No, Edward. I’ve seen Brendan. That boy is trouble. No woman should be forced to mate with a man who will hurt them. Addie was never brought up to be a fighter. She’d be at risk if we don’t help our son.”

  Wolf by wolf agreed to stand behind Shaun. Edward had trained his pack to respect women, and if they ever saw a woman being mistreated then they were to intervene. Women were never to be used as pawns to beat a man down. They had honor, and Shaun intended to keep the honor he’d been told to respect.

  “You better know what you’re doing, Shaun, because if I have to bring you home in a casket because of that little fucker, I’ll be the one starting the fucking war,” Edward said.

  Chapter Seven

  “You’re thinking too hard, Addie girl.” Addie glanced at her reflection. Jackson stood in the doorway behind her, his outfit sharp for the day her life ended. A shifter’s mating was different from pack to pack. For the Northern Mountain pack, mating wasn’t so different from a human wedding. Although there was no official having you repeat vows, the female dressed in white and her soon-to-be mate was in black. Her father and her mate’s father would be waiting for them at an altar made of the surrounding bark and overlooking the scenic view. It was supposed to be a happy and joyous time, one where her family would be one with her mate’s. But happiness was not the emotion she felt today.

  Addie hadn’t seen Shaun in weeks. It seemed like forever, and there was a part of her that feared he wouldn’t come back this time. How many times had she counted on Shaun to rescue her from disaster? Too many too count.

  The gown she wore had been her mother’s. It was a simple white chiffon number that on any other occasion would have brought a smile to Addie’s face. It now reminded her of the disaster just waiting to happen. She looked at her brother’s reflection again and saw a strange emotion pass across his face.


  Jackson was good at dodging things when he didn’t want to talk about them
, so when he walked into the room and shut the door behind him she knew something was wrong. Turning around, Addie crossed her arms over her chest and felt dread settle inside of her.

  “What’s wrong, Jackson? Is it Shaun?” Was her brother about to tell her that he had spoken with Shaun and he didn’t want her any longer? Addie didn’t think her heart could take it. The seconds ticking by seemed like hours, and all she wanted to do was scream at him to say it already.

  “I talk to Shaun this morning.” Heart pounding a mile a minute, Addie kept her mouth shut as her brother continued. “He wants to talk to you, before the ceremony.” That was good, right? If Shaun didn’t want anything to do with her then he wouldn’t bother sending a message to her brother that he wanted to see her, right? All these questions bombarded her mind, and she wanted to feel happy over it, but couldn’t find the emotion inside of her.

  “Why couldn’t he just call me, or come tell me himself.”

  One of Jackson’s eyebrows rose in question. “Really? Especially on the day of your mating? I doubt that’d go over to well.” He had a point, but still, sneaking around seemed just as bad.

  “Well, okay. Where am I supposed to talk to him at? My mating is in a few hours, Jackson.” Her brother blew out a frustrated breath and ran a hand through his short hair.

  “Dammit, Addie.” He started pacing, the frustration and irritation coming from him like a raging forest fire. “This whole thing is going to get shit rolling in the wrong fucking direction.”

  “You said he just wants to talk, right?” The tension in Jackson was strong, but she knew he would never use his anger against her. She agreed the situation was messed up, but she didn’t know what to do if Shaun didn’t want her. That thought had her stomach cramping in distaste.

  Jackson blew out a breath and stopped in front of her. “Yeah, that’s what he said.” He gripped her arms lightly and looked down at her. “You look beautiful, by the way.” He tucked a stray curl behind her hair and smiled down at her. “I sure hope Shaun knows what the fuck he’s doing.”

  Half an hour later and following some seriously stealth moves by Jackson, Addie found herself standing in a secluded area of the forest. It was away from the location of her mating and upwind, so their scent wouldn’t be tracked. So Addie stood there, in her freaking mating dress, waiting for the male she loved to either take her away from all of this or break her heart.

  It seemed like time stood still, but then she heard the faint sound of twigs snapping behind her. The wind carried Shaun’s scent to her, a deeply spicy and rich aroma that made her think of masculinity and him … all him. Turning around, Addie held her hands in front of her tightly as he stepped from behind a large tree. He had cleaned up since the last time she saw him. He no longer sported a light scruff around his cheeks, and it looked like his dark hair had been trimmed. He also wasn’t wearing his trademark jeans and tee. The slacks and dress shirt he wore was something a guest at her mating would wear, and it was that sight that had her heart plummeting into her belly.

  He had come to tell her he had made a mistake and he didn’t want her.

  Hand going to her heart, Addie didn’t breathe for fear she would crumble to the ground. She forced herself to stand her ground and not break down when he told her he didn’t want anything more to do with her. Had he realized she wasn’t worth the trouble that challenging Brendan would entail?

  Do not cry, Addie. Do not cry.

  “Addie.” Shaun said her name softly, as if he were preparing her for the blow he was no doubt about to deliver. The fact he let his eyes travel up and down her body, taking in every single detail, sucked out what little air she had in her lungs.

  “God, baby.” He said as he ran a hand over his jaw. “You are so damn beautiful.” Shaun took another step toward her. The urge to rush into his arms, to beg him to take her away from all of this was strong. She had thought about leaving on her own so many times, but where would she go? What would she do? The fear that consumed her of the unknown had kept her rooted to the spot. There was no doubt she was a coward, and Addie just wished for once in her life she could be strong and control her own life.

  When he was just inches from her she found herself grow dizzy from the scent of him. Arousal slammed to the forefront, and she grew confused. Wouldn’t he feel disinterested in her if he meant for this to be a goodbye? When his hand lifted and stroked over her cheek she leaned into the touch and closed her eyes. How could she go on without Shaun? She had loved him for as long as she could remember, and not having him in her life one way or another was not something she could handle.

  “Please don’t leave me.” Covering his hand with hers, she trembled beneath his touch. “Please don’t tell me this is goodbye.” His warm breath slipped across her cheek, and she opened her eyes. He stood impossibly close to her, his dark eyes boring into hers, speaking a thousand words he couldn’t say aloud.

  “Why would I say goodbye?” His voice was low, just a whisper of words that played across her senses. “I came here to tell you I love you, that I’ll do anything to have you.” His words startled her. “I’m going to challenge Brendan for you, Addie, and I won’t back down until you’re mine and everyone recognizes it.”

  Words failed her, so instead she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with every single emotion she felt inside. Tongue sweeping together, Shaun kissed her back like a man starving for her. Arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer to his large body. His steel hard erection dug into her belly, promising of wicked delights. She didn’t want to wait, didn’t want to go another moment without feeling every part of Shaun.

  And she didn’t want Brendan to be the man she gave her virginity to.

  “Take me, Shaun. Please be my first.” He groaned against her mouth and then kissed her faster, harder. Propelling her backward, Addie felt the cold, hard rock greet her back.

  “Fuck, Addie. Hearing you say that has me so damn hard.” To emphasize her point he ground himself against her. He gripped her chin and tilted her head to the side, baring her throat for his wandering lips. A sigh escaped her as he ran his tongue up her neck, teasing her with nips from his tongue. The sting mixed with the pleasure and had her careening to the precipice of ecstasy.

  “Tell me again, baby.” Words so low she thought she might have imagined them danced across the shell of her ear. Shaun’s breath was warm and smelled like mint.

  “You, Shaun. I want you to be the first.” She felt his hand slide down her thigh, grip behind her knee, and lift it over his waist. The movements seemed so slow, so deliberate, that she held her breath the entire time. The gown started to slip up her thighs. The gentle sweep of his fingers along her skin had her skin tightening with awareness.

  “You’re so soft, Addie.” The feel of his lips moving along her throat had a moan slipping from her lips. “I want to be inside of you so fucking bad.”

  With the material now bunched around her waist and the cool air brushing along her barely covered pussy, all Addie could think about was what Shaun’s next move would be. Spreading her legs slightly, she heard Shaun moan and felt the deep rumble of it vibrate her chest. Her nipples tightened beneath her dress, rubbing along the soft material and doing nothing to help her arousal. A hand skated across her silk covered mound, and Addie tilted her pelvis toward him, seeking more of his touch.

  “My girl wants more, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes, Shaun. Please, I ache.” She panted against his shoulder, and she curled her nails into his biceps. He jacked her other leg up and over his hip, bringing his erection right to the spot she needed it most. Slow thrusts had her begging, pleading for more. Addie didn’t care if she embarrassed herself. For years she had been waiting for this moment, fantasizing about Shaun doing dirty, filthy things to her.

  “Christ, Addie. I can smell your pussy, that sweet, wet aroma that teases me to the point I can’t think straight.” He took her hand and placed it between their bodies, right over his hard cock. “Do you feel
that, baby?” Shaun’s words sent a shiver up her spine. “I’ve never been as hard as I am when I think of you, smell you, fuck, just be in your presence, Addie.”

  Her blood pumped frantically through her veins, and she felt lightheaded from it. Taking matters in her own hands, she quickly undid the button and zipper of his slacks, pushed the material over his hips, and felt a wave of satisfaction when she heard them fall to the ground. She reached in and gripped his cock. The feel of him in her palm, long, hard, and hot, had her pussy soaked. Panties uncomfortably saturated, she rubbed herself on him, like a wanton female unable to control herself.

  “Take the dress off, Addie.” Shaun breathed harder against her neck. “Take the fucking dress off, Addie.”

  Not wasting another minute, Addie tore the garment off until she stood in only her bra and panties. Shaun’s eyes dropped to her breasts. The elastic constricted the rapidly rising and falling mounds, and all she wanted was to be unbound and free with Shaun. She needed him the same way, needed to feel his bare skin against hers. With quick fingers Addie pulled at the buttons of his shirt until the material fell open, and his smooth, tanned and hard skin greeted her. Hands on his pecs, she loved the way the tendons flexed beneath her touch, as if begging her for more. Tiny, copper colored nipples beaded beneath her palms, and she scraped her nails gently over them. Shaun grunted and ground his cock into her more urgently.

  In the next instant the sound of her panties tearing pierced her pleasure-fogged brain. Her bra was next to go, and soon she found herself naked in his arms, so overheated that sweat beaded along her spine. His shaft jerked in her hand, and she tightened her hold on him. Shaun crashed his mouth to hers, lips and tongues melding together in one wet, sensual dance. Fingers spread through her slit, slipping through her wetness until she couldn’t stand it any longer. His finger found her clit and rubbed the bundle of nerves back and forth, back and forth. Tingles of pleasure slammed into her, and she arched her back, pressing her breasts along his chest.


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