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Forsaking Gray (The Colloway Brothers Book 1)

Page 18

by Kreig, K. L.

  To take my mind off the fact that my beautiful woman is a half a country away, and probably being eye-fucked by every male within a twenty-yard radius, I turn my attention back to the latest report that Livvy put together in her research of the HMT personnel. She’s done a great job these past few weeks at organizing and combing through the inordinate amount of documentation and data that Camille pulled together for me, but so far we’ve come up with nothing that points to a leak inside that organization. But I know it’s there, and I will find it…eventually.

  I’m about half way through the report when my phone rings and I pick it up without looking at the caller ID, fully expecting it to be Livvy. Only the female voice that grates through the speaker is not Livvy.

  “Gray, it’s Lena.”


  I sigh loudly, hoping she’ll hear and take a fucking hint. “What do you want, Lena?”

  “I wanted to talk. You’ve not answered any of my calls or texts.” Then get a clue, you stupid psycho stalker.

  “It’s over, Lena. I’m not sure what there is to talk about.” I stand and walk to the mini bar to pour myself another two fingers of the caramel liquor. I’m going to need it for this conversation because as much as I want to, hanging up on her just isn’t the right thing to do. Maybe this will give her the closure she needs and she will leave me the fuck alone.

  “It’s not over for me,” she says softly. Her sniffles make my eyes roll. For the love of all that’s holy. Yes, it’s challenging to find a mentally stable, somewhat intelligent, attractive woman who wants a no-strings relationship. And clearly Lena falls into the mentally unstable category.

  Fuck me.

  “I’m not sure what you want me to say, Lena. I was up front with you from the very beginning. I told you it was just physical and that I was emotionally unavailable.” Because Livvy has my heart now and always.

  “I love you, Gray.” I sigh heavily, throwing back the entire glass of bourbon in one swallow. The burn feels good.

  “Lena, listen to me and listen good. You don’t love me. We fucked. That’s it. Don’t make this into something it’s not. And please don’t call me again. You need to move on.”

  I hang up without waiting for a response and flop down onto the bed, my head turning to look at the digital clock. 12:06 a.m. Asher and I have a 6:30 breakfast meeting with the CEO of Hammond Consulting, a small financial consulting group we’re interested in buying. I should be sleeping, but I can’t. Not without making sure Livvy is okay. I’m just picking up the phone to call her again when it rings.


  “Angel, it’s late. Everything okay?”

  “Y-yes. Why wouldn’t it be?” She’s lying. I can tell by the wobble in her voice. She is not okay in the least.

  “Livvy, what’s wrong.”

  “Nothing.” I sit in silence, waiting for her to tell me. To trust me. “I just got into a fight with Addy, that’s all.” I don’t know much about Addy, but I don’t think that’s what’s wrong. Disappointment rushes through me hard.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sure you’ll kiss and make up.”

  “I’m tired, Gray. Do you mind if we just talk about this tomorrow?”

  “Are you sure that’s all that’s wrong, angel?” Please tell me the truth.

  She sighs, responding quietly. “I miss you, Gray. I wish you were here.” Her voice sounds teary, like she’s been crying. I ache with the need to hold her. To comfort her. To fuck her into confiding in me.

  “I wish you were in my bed.”

  “So do I,” she whispered.

  We were silent for what seemed like several minutes before she spoke again. “Gray?”

  “Yes, angel,” I reply softly.

  “Will you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep?”

  “I’d do anything for you, Livvy. Anything. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  About thirty minutes later I hear soft, even breathing and I know she’s finally asleep, but I’m loath to hang up, so I don’t. I put my phone on speaker, lay it down on the pillow next to me, and fall asleep to the quiet sounds of the woman who has me firmly by the balls. And I’ve made my peace with that.

  Chapter 35

  I made Grant leave before I called Gray last night. I just couldn’t have another man here while I talked to him. I needed Gray. I needed him with a desperation I hadn’t felt in a very long time. I wanted his arms around me, protecting me from everything and everyone.

  I almost spilled the entire sordid story over the phone last night. My walls were crumbling in around me and he was my only reinforcement. He was the only thing that could possibly save me. Even from myself. It was a little alarming at how much I’d come to depend on him because the thought of not having him in my life again did things to my mind and body I can’t even describe. Sheer panic didn’t even come close to defining how I felt if I had to live without him again.

  Grant would tell me very little about the video, but I knew what was on it. I shouldn’t be shocked at anything Peter did, but once again I find myself being surprised. I had no idea he’d ever videotaped the depraved things he did to me. While Grant told me he’s pulled all copies from the world wide web or the cloud or whatever mystical, magical playground the Internet has become, and programmed an alert to pop if it resurfaces, he hasn’t yet validated the source of the leak. But that’s not why I was panicking. It’s one thing to tell someone your deepest, darkest, most shameful secrets. It’s another thing entirely to have them personally witness it. If Gray ever saw that video…

  “A video surfaced about a month ago.”

  My blood froze and I could only shake my head in denial. I didn’t understand this. Any of this.

  “I’ve shut it down, but I’m working to track the source. I’ll fix this. I promise.”

  “Why? I don’t understand,” I whisper. Confusion swirls like a black cloud of smoke in my head. Why would someone do this and why now? Two fucking years later? Why can’t they just let me be? I feel like Peter is reaching beyond the grave, haunting me, taunting me, intent on ruining my life forever.

  “I don’t either, baby.”

  “Am I in danger? Is that why you have someone watching me?”

  “I don’t think so, but one can never be too sure when dealing with psychotic bastards.” He’s now taken the wine and placed it on the table, holding both of my hands. “Look at me.”

  I do.

  “I’ll take care of this.” I believe him.

  “Why are you helping me, Grant? Why have you always helped me?”

  He breaks our gazes, looking down. When he looks back up, my breath catches. “Why do you think, Livia?”

  Now it’s my turn to look away. I knew Grant cared for me, but… His finger hooks under my chin, lifting it.

  “He’s the one, isn’t he?” He doesn’t say Gray’s name. He doesn’t need to.


  His lips thin and he nods. “Does he know?”

  I shake my head.

  Then he surprises me by leaning forward to place a soft kiss on my lips and it feels like goodbye. “I’ll fix this for you, Livia. I’ll make sure he doesn’t see it.”

  “Thank you,” I choke through the lump in my throat. Tears stream unbidden down my face and my nose is starting to run, but he doesn’t care. He moves to the couch and holds me tight, and I shouldn’t, but I let him.

  “Tell me about him,” he says softly when my tears dry up.

  So I do. It feels good to finally tell another person about my history with the love of my life, even if it feels wrong that that person happens to be the only other man that I’ve ever cared about.

  My phone rings, bringing me back from the conversation I had last night with Grant. He told me he’d be in touch, but also gave me his number in case I needed to reach him, and for that, I was grateful. It felt comforting to call him if I needed to.

  Before I answer the phone, now on its third ring, I do what I’ve always
done to deal with my overload of shit. I compartmentalize. So I shove this new problem in a fresh box and I shut the lid. My boxes are stacked high and my compartments are getting cramped. I pray Grant can fix this before it does any damage because I’m worried if he doesn’t, I won’t have any space left when I really need it.

  I finally answer, surprised to see the caller is Gray. “Hi.”

  “Hi, angel. Feel better this morning?” I cringe at his reminder of my lie last night but warm at the endearment. I missed his arms around me, and the comfort of his presence when I tossed and turned in my sleep.

  “Yes. It’s all good. Why are you calling? I thought you were supposed to be in a meeting?”

  “I was, but we ended early. I’m catching an earlier flight, so I’ll be home by late afternoon now.” His voice dropped low at the end of his sentence.

  “That sounds promising,” I tease. I glance around the office to be sure no one is eavesdropping, but I’m all alone.

  “I want you waiting for me at my apartment by four.” Those words send fire between my legs and make my nipples tingle. Boy, oh boy, does he have a surprise in store when he walks through his door today.

  “Well, I don’t know. That would mean leaving work early and my boss is kind of a hard ass.”

  “Really? He has a hard ass, do you say?”

  Laughing, I answer, “Yes, the hardest, tightest set of buns I’ve ever had the pleasure of feeling underneath my lips. Or tongue.”

  “Jesus Christ, Livvy,” he groans. “Do you know how uncomfortable a two-hour flight with a raging hard-on is going to be? Not to mention how many flight attendants I’m going to scare.”

  I stifle my laugh. “Hurry home,” I say breathlessly, ending the call.

  The rest of the day drags and finally it’s three o’clock. I’m packing up my stuff to leave when Gray’s line rings. I debate on whether to answer or let it roll to voice mail, but decide to do my job. “Gray Colloway’s office.”

  “Is Gray available?” a sultry feminine voice purrs. Whoever she is, I don’t like her. The familiar way Gray’s name rolls off her tongue makes me burn with jealousy.

  “I’m afraid he’s not in today. May I take a message?” I’ll be damned if I’m going to offer voice mail. I want to see what this the woman with the sex kitten voice wants.

  “Tell him Lena called and that I need to speak with him urgently.”

  “Of course,” I respond so sweetly my teeth ache. “Can I get your number, please?”

  “Oh, he has my number, darling.” Then she hangs up, leaving me to stare blankly at the phone in my hand, the dial tone mocking me from the other side.

  Guess what, darling? That’s one message that won’t get delivered.

  Chapter 36

  My flight was delayed half an hour and traffic was backed up for miles due to a six-car pileup on I90. It’s after five and I should have been home an hour ago. I texted Livvy that I’d be late, but never received a reply. My cock aches with the desire to release deep inside of her. I have this raging, primal need to taste and touch every inch of her milky skin and stake my claim on her. Make sure she knows she belongs to me, and no other. It’s archaic and not at all necessary, but I can’t shake the violent urge I feel to do it anyway.

  I open my apartment door expecting Livvy to greet me, but the only thing that does is the scent of vanilla, sultry music and candlelight. I shut the door, leaving my suitcase by it and take a few steps inside, but freeze at the vision that greets me from the informal dining room.

  Fuck. Me. My cock jumps.

  A completely nude and blindfolded Livvy is spread out on my table. Her hands are crossed at the wrists and placed gracefully above her head; one slender ankle positioned delicately over the other. Her back is slightly arched, her glossy red lips parted like she’s already in the throes of ecstasy, and the shadows from the candles surrounding her dance like entwined lovers over her flushed skin. Two flutes of bubbling champagne sit at the head of the table, waiting to be enjoyed.

  I stand there for what seems like an eternity drinking her in. She’s so goddamned beautiful, I’m struggling to breathe. Every man’s fantasy come to life, but she’s all mine. She’s my everything.

  My life.

  My breath.

  My very fucking sustenance.

  My cock has never been so hard.

  “Christ, Livvy. You’re a goddess,” I finally manage to murmur as I walk the length of the table and slowly, deliberately drag a finger lightly from her toes all the way to her fingertips. Her breath hitches and I watch as goose bumps break out along the path I’ve taken. I walk around the other side, repeating the same process; this time edging closer to the parts of her I want my hands and mouth on most.

  On my way back down, I trace her angel wings, which still makes my gut twist each time I see them. I’d be lying if I denied the fact that having a part of me etched on her skin forever isn’t ego boosting.

  “Gray—” Her voice is thick with desire and she’s on the verge of begging already, but I plan to stretch this out as long as I can before I sink between her thighs. I just don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold out. Her body is like a siren’s song. I feel the sensual spell she’s weaving over me, and I want to succumb.

  “Shhh, angel. Don’t move. Don’t speak,” I command softly. This is my show now. I’ll be directing every movement, every shudder, every moan. Unable to resist, I lean down and suck a beaded nipple between my lips. She exhales on a rush, but other than arching her back further, she doesn’t move and she doesn’t talk. “Very good, baby.”

  I remove the candles from the table because while they create nice ambiance, I don’t need one dropping to the floor and starting the carpet on fire when I’m fucking her raw like an animal. I leave the champagne because I plan to use that very shortly.

  The next sentence comes out gritty and rough, my longing for her unable to be contained. “I want to do very naughty things to you, Livvy.” Even in the low light, I watch her skin flush and her chest expand with shallow breaths at my promise. I know how much she craves for me make good on those wicked things.

  “Open your legs.” She immediately complies, knees falling to the sides and my eyes are glued to her slickness. Her body weeps for me already. My heavy cock pounds, insistent on being freed from its confines so it can be one with her, but I make him wait. The rest of me wants to enjoy her first. Jesus, I want to bury my face in her pussy and spend days enjoying the taste of her on my tongue as I repeatedly make her come. I run two thick fingers between her dripping folds, gathering her juices.

  “Taste your need for me.” I run a wet finger over her parted lips and inside her eager mouth, where she does exactly as I demand and if possible, I swell even more. Our lovemaking to this point has run the gamut…frenzied, rough, sweet, sensual and everywhere in between. But this…this complete submission from Livvy is what I’ve craved the most. I’ve needed it more than I even realized. And now I’m trying to convince myself to take it slow when all I really want to do is ram my cock home and fuck her hard until she agrees to marry me.

  I walk around to the front of the table and grab the glass of sparkling wine. “I’m going to play your body until it sings for me,” I whisper against the shell of her ear before taking a drink, savoring its sweetness on my tongue. Two of my favorite flavors are right here in front of me. Mine for the taking. “Do you want to know how the rest of this night will go?” I continue softly.

  “Yes,” she breathes.

  I quickly divest my clothes and take her mouth in a bruising, claiming kiss. I savor her taste, her texture. Her. I nip her earlobe, laving the hurt when she gasps. As I work my lips slowly down her body, I whisper each wicked act against her pebbled flesh. Minutes later when I reach her toes, I suck one into my mouth, mesmerized by the look of rapture on her face. “I will have you in every way possible tonight, Livvy.”

  She groans and her hips involuntarily shift. And while I want her at my mercy, suddenly I d
on’t want her eyes hidden beneath the black fabric. I need to see them cloud with lust and roll back in utter euphoria with everything I’m about to do to her. “Oh God. Gray, do something. Please,” she pleads. It makes me rock hard when she aches so badly she can do nothing but beg for me and for the pleasures she knows only I can lavish.

  I remove the blindfold, softly kissing each one of her eyelids before she opens them. I’m entranced by her and it takes all of my willpower to continue down the path I have laid out in my mind, because all I want to do is pull her up and slam her against the closest wall while I impale her on my shaft.

  Instead, I rise and take another sip of the champagne, but rather than swallowing, I wind my arms underneath her thighs, pull her to my mouth and latch onto her already hard clit. I let the bubbles fizz around her sensitive flesh before I swallow. She cries out, pushing her pelvis further into my face. I suck her with fervor until she explodes in my arms, my name rolling off her tongue like a prayer. I don’t stop until the shudders subside and she releases the vice grip her legs have on my head.

  Scooping her up in my arms, I ravage her mouth for several minutes like a starved man before I can’t stand not being inside her a second longer. I turn her around and gently push her torso down on the table.

  “Arms above your head, hands flat on the table, Livvy.”

  “Gray, please. I ache.”

  I want to inhale her. Own her. Crawl inside her and never come up for air. My body is a live wire, every nerve ending a tiny spark that fires with each brush of her flesh on mine.

  “Let me enjoy this gorgeous view first,” I reply roughly, caressing her flawless porcelain skin, starting at the top of her spine. Bending down, I run my tongue between the crack of her ass, circling her rosette, and the long moan she lets out breaks the thin thread of restraint I’ve been hanging onto since the second I walked into my apartment. I stand, find her entrance and slam home in one hard thrust. She feels so fucking good I almost come instantly. I have to bite the inside of my lip to redirect my mind from anything else besides coating her with my seed prematurely.


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