Anything For Love

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Anything For Love Page 3

by Corke, Ashley

  Just then, the front door crashed open. Keegan flew off of me, but Korbyn continued until he was done. As soon as he moved, I spit his stuff right in his face. I couldn’t see who came in, because Korbyn was back over me, strangling me. I was fighting with my feet to get him off of me. I didn’t have to fight long. Someone dragged Korbyn off of me and threw him onto the sofa. As that person fought Korb, I felt someone else grab me and help me to my feet. Everything was moving so fast. I kept my eyes closed and tried to fight off whoever had me. I was afraid it was Keegan.

  “Myka, stop it!” A male voice hissed in my ear. I knew it wasn’t Keegan's. I looked up and found Jais looking down at me. His eyes were wild. I grew scared. “We’re leaving.”

  “She’s having my baby! You’re not taking her anywhere!” Keegan cried, charging Jais. I was shoved out of the way by Jais, falling to the floor. My broken wrist broke my fall, once again. I cried out in pain and I saw Jett swirl around from his place over Korbyn to look at me. Korbyn sideswiped him, catching him off guard. Jett fell off of Korb and Korbyn pounced immediately. I watched as both fights unfolded, turning more brutal by the minute.

  Suddenly I was grabbed again, this time by Keegan. He pulled me out the door, but Jais tackled him back down, freeing me. Jais kicked him back inside and rushed me to his car. Jett came out a moment later.

  “Let’s get out of here, Jett said, climbing into the car. I saw Korbyn standing at the door, glaring at us as we drove away.

  I cried silently on the way to Jett’s house. Telling Jett what happened was the hardest I would ever have to do. Or so I thought.

  Chapter Nine

  I awoke with pain throughout my whole body. For a moment, I had no idea where I was. I looked around the room, growing scared, but then I realized I was in Jett's living room. I tried to sit up, but my body failed me. I looked down at myself and found myself in a pair of Jett's sweat pants and one of his tee shirts. I shook my head, trying to clear the fog there. I couldn’t remember what happened last night. All of a sudden it hit me.

  “Oh my god...” I started sobbing uncontrollably, grabbing my stomach. Despite the weakness in my whole body, I ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet to vomit. I sat in front of the toilet, sobs shaking my whole body.

  I was raped last night. Keegan raped me and Korbyn let him, while he raped my mouth. I threw up again. Then, there was a soft knock on the door.

  “Myka?” I heard Jett's voice call me softly. I sobbed, puking again. He opened the door and knelt down behind me. I allowed Jett to take me into his arms and hold me while I cried. When I puked, he held my hair back for me.

  I was finally able to pull myself together and allowed Jett to lead me back into the living room. He sat me on the couch, and then went to get me some hot tea. I sat on the couch silently, looking at my hands as I tried to piece last night together. Too much had happened way too fast.

  “Here,” Jett said softly, handing me a cup of tea. I blew on it before taking a sip. I burned my tongue and shook my head. He smiled out of the right side of his mouth. “It’s hot, sweetie.” I tried to smile back, but I just couldn’t. Jett stroked my hair gently, pulling me to him. He pressed his lips to my temple firmly. “You’re safe now, Myka. I promise.” I looked up at him.

  “Not if I end up pregnant,” I spat. “I don't want to have Keegan's baby, Jett! I’m only 20!” I started to sob again and Jett just held me.

  “I saved the clothes from last night, My. I can take you to the hospital if you want. We can get a rape kit done. We can take care of all that. Plus, we could see what else they could do,” Jett told me. I shook my head.

  “No, Jett. I don't want that.”

  “I will stand by you no matter what, Myka. I hope you know that,” Jett said. “Neither of them will ever hurt you again. Whether or not we go to the police. Got it?”

  I shivered. I stared at my cup of tea for a moment.

  “Myka?” I looked up at Jett. “What do you want to do?” I looked back down.

  “I don't know, Jett. I just don t know,” I told him.

  “I’ll let you think about it,” Jett said. “Do you want to talk about what happened?” I shook my head.

  “You pretty much know what happened. Only it happened twice last night. Plus a lot of other abuse,” I explained. I couldn’t look at him after that and I moved away from him. Jett sighed and got up, leaving me alone in the living room, while he went upstairs.

  “Should I go to the cops?” I asked myself out loud. I rolled everything that happened the night before over in my mind. Keegan and Korbyn both beat the shit out of me. Hell, they raped me. I wasn’t sure what I would do.

  Chapter Ten

  I awoke once again, this time to knocking on Jett s front door. Jett answered the door to find a couple of cops standing on his front porch. I sat up quickly.

  “Are you Jett Adkins?” One officer asked Jett. Jett nodded. “You’re going to have to come with us for questioning in the assault of Korbyn Combs.” I rushed over to the door.

  “He was just protecting me, Officer,” I jumped in. Both of the officers looked at me.

  “Why's that?” The second officer asked me. I sighed and looked at Jett.

  “Go get my bag of clothes, Darling. I guess I’m going to the cops after all,” I told him softly. The police officers looked at each other. “I need a rape kit done, I guess.”

  The cops escorted us to their car and took us to the local hospital. I sat in the back seat with Jett, nervous as could be. The twins would kill me for sure for this.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Tell us what exactly happened last night,” a detective at the police station told me. His name was Detective Royce and his partner was Detective Bensley.

  Detective Royce was older, maybe mid- to late-thirties, but he was a good-looking man. He had brown hair with a high hairline and stark blue eyes; tall, about 6’ 2” and a nice build.

  His partner Detective Bensley was a very attractive woman and she had a softness in her brown eyes that was really comforting. Her reddish-blond hair was short and spiky. She was taller than me, maybe 5’ 8” and had a medium build. I had already been to the hospital and had a rape kit done.

  “My ex-fiancé came to a bar looking for me. My boyfriend wouldn’t let him take me home. They got into a big fistfight over me. My boyfriend's brother hid me and both he and my boyfriend helped me escape from Korbyn,” I started.

  “Now, Korbyn Combs is your ex-fiancé?” Detective Royce asked me. I nodded. “And Jett Adkins is your boyfriend?”

  “Yes and Jais is Jett's brother. Keegan is Korbyn's brother,” I said. Detective Bensley was writing down some notes. I sighed.

  “What bar was this?” Detective Royce continued with the questions. I chewed on my bottom lip. “Myka?” I rolled my eyes, sighing.

  “It’s an underground club. Bloody Mary's is the main name. It’s also known as The Biter,” I finally answered. The detectives looked at each other again. “It’s a blood bar, a concert venue, an old brothel. Drug busts went down there over the last few years.” Both of their eyes came back to me. “I don't do drugs. I’ve never been there during the drug raids.”

  “Were you drinking last night?” Detective Royce questioned. I looked at him hard.


  “Were you?” He drilled me.

  “I had a Jack and Coke before Korbyn came and I started one before Jais came back for me,” I finally answered him truthfully.

  “And you're twenty?” Detective Bensley asked me.


  “They serve to underage kids now, too?” Royce questioned.

  “As far as I know, it’s just me. I'm a good friend with the owner and everyone knows me. Jais's band plays there a lot. I’m there all the time. What's that got to do with my rape?” I was getting angry.

  “We just want to know if you were incapacitated at all last night,” Bensley answered me.

  “What's that matter? I was raped! I
know what rape is! It’s not the first time it’s happened to me!” I sobbed hard.

  “What do you mean?” Royce wanted more information.

  “I grew up with an abusive family and I don't associate with them anymore,” I whispered. Royce's eyes met mine and I knew he wanted to hear even more. “My stepbrother raped me when I was five. He molested me and raped me several more times from then until I moved out after high school. He got me pregnant, but I had a miscarriage because my stepfather beat the living shit out of me.”

  “Where was your mother?” Bensley asked me.

  “She died when I was 10. I never told her about it. After I moved out, I was raped by a couple of guys I dated and by a guy who needed someone other than his wife.”

  “Had you ever had a rape kit done for those cases?” Detective Bensley asked. I shook my head.

  “I never turned those in,” I told her.

  “But you had one done tonight?” She wanted to make sure. I nodded, not taking my eyes away from Detective Royce's. “Can you tell us about the rape?”

  “Keegan tried to rape me after I had first gone home. He slapped me around a bit, and then Korbyn came home. Korb and Kee got into a fistfight over me. I ran back to the bar. Jais found me and took me over to Jett's. Korbyn came and got me from there and forced me to go back home. When I got there, he told me that Keegan was going to, well, impregnate me. Keegan raped me while Korbyn watched. Korbyn seemed to enjoy it so much that he fucked my mouth. Jett and Jais came and saved me, beating the shit out of them and then took me back to Jett's. Okay?” I was overwhelmed with telling my story and got nasty about it. I started to cry again then. The detectives looked at each other before Detective Royce s piercing blue eyes met mine. His eyes burned right into my soul and that scared me.

  “You were raped by your ex-fiancé s brother?” He asked me, to make sure he had the story straight. “And your ex-fiancé let him do this?” I sighed hard and rolled my eyes.

  “You guys don't believe me,” I groaned, placing my head in my hands.

  “We believe you, Myka. But can you tell us why Korbyn would let this happen?” Detective Bensley jumped in.

  “I told Keegan that his girlfriend was carrying Korbyn's baby, I said softly.

  “Korbyn said in his report that you are still his fiancé,” Detective Royce told me.

  “That's what he thinks,” I started. “But I broke the engagement off almost four months ago. Korbyn won’t let me leave.” I was sobbing at this point. “Every time I try, this happens. I get beat up. Jett gets beat up. Hell, Korbyn is the one who broke my wrist. All because I told Jett about Korbyn getting Keegan's girlfriend pregnant.” Detective Royce looked at me, his hard glare softening. “What did I do to deserve this?”

  “You didn’t do anything, Myka,” Detective Bensley told me, grabbing my good hand. “We got DNA samples from both Korbyn and Keegan. When the rape kit comes back and tells us that the samples match, we will lock them up.” I looked at both detectives, not sure what to think. “We already know that you were raped. You’re not lying about that.” I laughed harshly.

  “Would anyone lie about that? Do you realize how hard this is? I wasn’t even going to come forward about it, but two cops came to Jett's door, ready to arrest him for assault. So I decided that I should come forward, “I said, obviously frustrated. The detectives looked at each other again. “Can I go? Can Jett take me home?” Detective Royce nodded.

  “We’ll be in touch, Myka. If anything happens before then, give me a call and I’ll be right there,” Detective Royce told me, handing me a card. I looked at it briefly to find his name and number, before putting it in my pocket. He opened the door for me and I walked out. Jett came over, taking me into his arms, kissing my forehead.

  “Take me to your place,” I said. He nodded and we left.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Don't worry, Myka, Korbyn and Keegan will pay,” Jett told me, once we were back in the safety of his living room.

  “The cops will get them,” I said. Jett shrugged.

  “Not if I get to them first.” I looked at Jett.

  “Don't do anything stupid,” I told him.

  “Don t you worry, sweetheart. They’ll pay.”

  “I’m serious, Jett.” Just then, his phone rang and he went to answer it. I could tell it was Jais. I overheard the words tomorrow night and Korbyn but that was about it. I sighed, as there was a knock on the front door.

  “Can you get that, Hun?” Jett called to me. I got up and went to the door. To my shock, Korbyn stood out there.

  “Jett!” I cried, but the door flew open and I was grabbed, something covering my mouth. After a few moments, it all went black.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I think she’s coming to, bro,” I heard a male's voice off in the distance. My vision blurred as I tried opening my eyes. The voice was familiar, but I was too drowsy to place it.

  “Hey baby. It’s nice of you to join the party,” another familiar voice said to me. I tried to rub my eyes, but I found my wrists were restrained.

  “What the fuck?” I mumbled. Then I felt a pair of lips press against mine hard as a hand massaged my breasts. I started freaking out, trying to scream, and trying to fight against my restraints. I was finally fully conscious and found Korbyn kissing me. My eyes grew wide and I’m sure they looked wild. When Korbyn pulled away from me, I realized I was in Korbyn s bedroom. I was tied to his bed, with Korb straddling me and Keegan was over in the corner. I then noticed two other guys in the room and I gasped. The other guys were Brady and Kye, the other two members in their band. I was shocked.

  Brady was about 6’ and was very skinny. He had black hair that was short in the back and long in the front. His eyes were an amazing blue color and he had his lip, nose and eyebrow pierced. He also had several tattoos. I had considered Brady a good friend of mine, but not after this. When his eyes met mine, I lost hope.

  Kye was about the same height as Brady, but he was chunky. He had longish black and blond hair and dark brown eyes. Kye had several tattoos, as well. Him and I had been really good friends and I had been able to talk to him about everything. When my eyes met his, he looked away, almost pained. I scowled, but was slapped across the face. My eyes darted back to Korbyn, but I noticed that then Brady looked away.

  “Bastard!” I cried and Korb slapped me again.

  “You're mine, Myka. Mine!” Korbyn screamed at me. “And since you're mine...” He grabbed a knife from the bedside table and I swallowed hard. “I can do this.” Korbyn cut my shirt up the middle. It was actually Jett's shirt, but it still pissed me off.

  “You asshole!” I yelled, squirming. He slapped me again. Keegan approached the bed.

  “C'mon bro. Let me have at her”, Kee begged. “Please?” Korbyn snickered and climbed off of me, then cut off my pants the same way he did my shirt. He was pleasantly surprised to see that I wasn’t wearing panties underneath. Keegan shoved his fingers inside me. I screamed.

  “Shut up, Myka,” Korbyn said plainly. I watched Brady leave the room, and I could tell he had tears in his eyes.

  “Brady!” I called after him, but Keegan's fingers grew rougher inside me and turned my attention back to him.

  In horror, I watched Korbyn lower his face to where Keegan's fingers were. Suddenly his tongue was moving in unison with Keegan s fingers. I screamed, tears streaming down my face as I bucked under them to try to get them off of me. I looked over at Kye, pleading him with my eyes as I sobbed. The look in his eyes was pure fear. Kye shook his head and shrugged. Korbyn grabbed my face in one hand and forced me to look at him, as he straddled me once again. Keegan moved up next to my head, rubbing himself all over my face. I tried getting away from it but it was no use.

  “I love you, Myka,” Korbyn told me, as he pushed inside me.

  “Then why are you doing this?” I asked him, sobbing and squirming.

  “Because you re mine. I can do whatever I want with what's mine,” Korb replied. “If y
ou’re going go off, carousing with other guys, why can’t you do it with my brother, my band mates and I?”

  “I don't 'carouse with other guys'!” I cried. He slapped me, laughing harshly.

  “No? Well.” Korb climbed off of me and Keegan climbed on. This time, he slid inside me. I was sobbing. “You don't want me or my brother, but you seemed to want Brady. So, Brady!” Korbyn called for Brady then and Brady slowly walked back into the room.

  “Yea, Korb?” He asked.

  “Myka wants you. Come here,” Korbyn told him. I looked up at Brady as he walked over to us. His eyes met mine and looked at me reassuringly. I scowled at him. “Let him have her, Keegan.”

  The twins climbed off of me to let Brady climb on top of me. My breathing turned into short gasps as Brady straddled me. It’s not like he was heavy. I mean he was like 100 pounds when wet. It was because I was scared. Korbyn and Kee decided to take care of themselves as they watched, but Kye left the room. It looked like he decided he didn’t like this after all. Brady bent over, brushing his lips over my neck gently. I shivered. His lips reached my ear.

  “I called Jett,” Brady whispered, but it was barely audible. “I’m so sorry, Myka. I didn’t know they were doing this to you.” He moved his lips across my throat to my other ear. “Jett is on his way, honey. I'll do this for as long as I have to so they don't touch you.”

  Fresh tears streamed down my cheeks. Brady wasn’t going to hurt me. He was actually doing all he could to protect me. Hell, Brady called Jett! He didn’t know what Korbyn and Keegan had done. He didn't realize they were going to do this. I felt slightly relieved. Brady moved his hand down between the two of us. I felt and heard him pull down his zipper and my eyes widened. Yet to my surprise, he didn't violate me. He just made it look like he was.

  “Yes,” Korbyn moaned. I couldn't see Korb, but I could hear his hand at work. I closed my eyes, more tears streaming down my face.


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