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Trouble in Miami [Trouble, Tennessee 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Natalie Acres

  She stared up at him and drew him completely inside her mouth once again, watching him the whole time. She made him want and need, yearn with a longing so intense it nearly brought him to his knees.

  Holding fast to his shaft, she hummed without muttering any specific tune. The only song worth singing then was one from him, one with lyrics about showering a woman with extraordinary praise.

  His hips rocked. His cock jumped. Her lips tightened. Her fingers dipped.

  Without a second to prepare, she slipped her hand underneath his sac, pulling at the taut skin until he was experiencing a delicious mix of pleasure and pain, a need to explode but a profound yearning to hold on, just a bit longer, a little more.

  “Come, Derek,” she whispered, rising to the tip and focusing on his slit again. “Let me taste you.”

  Her request was an aphrodisiac, a wonderful suggestion. He rested his hand on her shoulder as he pushed his cock down her throat, loving how she squeezed around him, those short and quick vibrations shooting through his shaft until… “Ah fuck, I’m ready to blow!”

  Ellie’s eyes closed and she sucked and pulled, drawing him to her tonsils and swallowing over and over again. At the same time, her fingers danced at his hole, circling around and around before thrusting inside him with deep intrusive penetrations.

  When he came, he shot his cum straight down her throat, rocking against her face and hollering out her name. She fucked him with those tender sweet lips, that succulent mouth, and truly magical fingers. His woman remained right with him until she’d consumed every last drop of his juicy release.

  * * * *

  They were on the ground in Miami a couple of hours later. After meeting Derek for a quick fling, the flight had been uneventful. Ellie had faked sleeping to avoid conversation but then accidentally dozed off.

  When she awoke, she was startled to discover she’d napped on Mr. Jones’s shoulder. Thank goodness her elderly neighbor had slept through the whole scene. She might have put her bag to good use.

  “Sorry for the um…” Ellie stopped midsentence. She wasn’t about to apologize. He should’ve woken her.

  “I enjoyed it,” he said, stroking his shoulder in an eerie fashion. “Maybe we’ll meet again, Miss.”

  “If that day ever comes, it will likely be Mrs.” She turned to the “firecracker” next to her but felt his burning gaze at her back. She took a moment to collect her own belongings before she offered assistance. “Can I help you with anything?”

  “No thank you.” The stench of whiskey filled the area as the older woman spoke. “Have a great time in Miami.” More slurred than before, the little lady rocked back and forth as if she were having a difficult time keeping her balance.

  Ellie couldn’t help but wonder if she’d tied one on or actually napped. “Thank you. It’s bound to be an interesting trip.” Based on the events so far? That was an understatement.

  Ryan snuck up and greeted her with a ravenous kiss, gripping her hips and nudging her with his obvious hard-on. “You’re lucky I was the one seated behind you.”

  “Did you sleep well?” Bradley asked, reaching over her head to grab her carry-on luggage.

  “Yes.” She brushed his fingers with a kiss. “What do you say we go enjoy our vacation?”

  “My goodness!” The older woman shook her head, waved her hand, and laughed aloud. “And to think I wanted to give you lessons on dealing with men. Looks like you have it covered. You could’ve taught me a thing or two.”

  Ryan and Bradley offered her warm smiles, but as soon as she turned her back they scowled at Mr. Jones. He only smirked in return.

  As they waited to exit the plane, Heather rushed over and gouged Bradley in the ribs. “Did you have a safe flight, big brother?”

  “Almost didn’t,” he replied, glaring at Mr. Jones’s back.

  “Do I want to know?” she asked Ellie.

  “Probably not.” Ellie laughed. “What are you doing back here?”

  “The guys are headed to baggage claim. We’re meeting them at the hotel.”

  “In Key West?” Ellie asked.

  Bradley and Ryan, forever protective, immediately locked in on Jones. He stiffened as if he realized it wasn’t the time or place to acknowledge their final destination.

  Ellie glanced at him and shrugged. Seth Jones wasn’t a threat. He’d probably go home to his wife and seven or eight kids and laugh at them because they’d acted so absurd.

  “We’re staying at some swanky place in Miami tonight,” Heather informed her. “Private suites, rooftop pool, oceanfront, bar on site, you name it.”

  “Sounds exciting.”

  “After the trip you’ve had, you’ll be a staple at that bar.” Heather patted her brother’s cheek. “She’s in good hands.”

  Then, Heather yanked Ellie out of line and pulled her through the middle section. They hurried to the front of the plane and met up with Sable and Serena.

  “What are you up to, ladies?” Ellie was excited by the obvious conspiracy.

  “What do you say we leave these obsessive hunks and go have some girl time?” Sable waved at Harley and Mac. She was a bit too enthusiastic. Given the expressions on Mac’s and Harley’s faces, they weren’t supporting the girl time.

  “Don’t act overly excited,” Serena said, elbowing her. “Draegan was for this. If he thinks we’re doomed for fun without him, he’ll tag along.”

  “Wait for me, girls!” Markie waved his arms over his head and pushed his way through the line. “Just sit tight in the terminal!” His singsong voice resonated around them.

  “We can’t take Markie,” Sable whispered.

  “He’s harmless.” Ellie didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

  “He’s a plant for the guys,” Heather said.

  “That’s two against, one for.” Sable studied Serena. “You can make it a tie or avoid the hassles and side with us.”

  “We’re really voting this?” Ellie asked.

  “Absolutely,” Heather responded enthusiastically, waving farewell to Curt and Gabe.

  “Love you,” Gabe said, squeezing by her with his arms loaded down with luggage.

  “Love you more,” she assured him, watching his back until Curt approached. She then repeated the process.

  “The nerve of these young women today,” a woman said, elbowing her husband. “It’s preposterous.”

  “Don’t knock it,” Heather said flippantly, ogling the woman’s husband for obvious spite.

  “Psht! Heather!” Ellie muted a laugh. Maybe she would change her vote. Without Markie to tag along, the ladies would have a barrel of laughs. Serena looked indecisive anyway. “You know what? I think holding up a Miami bar sounds fabulous.”

  “Good,” Serena said, sighing in relief. “Let’s hurry before Draegan realizes we’re leaving Markie behind.”

  “Now you’re coming to your senses,” Sable said. “Besides, once the fellas arrive, all of us are bed-bound anyway. If we’re going to take Miami, we need to do it now!”

  They took off in a rush as Markie called out behind them. Ellie didn’t feel guilty at all. In fact, she felt young, wild, and free.

  * * * *

  After they took a moment in the ladies room, the women hurried outside to hail a cab. Country girls, they hadn’t really discussed transportation but as soon as they stepped to the curb, they realized the guys had thought of everything. A chauffeur flashed a white cardboard sign with McCall Ladies in bold print. Right under it, the card read: Trouble Awaits.

  “Oh my god,” Serena said, gripping Ellie’s forearm. “Would you believe I’ve never ridden in a limousine?”

  “Allister,” Ellie muttered, thinking he was the only one romantic enough to arrange upscale transportation on a whim.

  “Allister?” Sable shook her head. “This has Harley written all over it.”

  “Harley is too carefree,” Heather said, standing back and studying the white stretch Mercedes limo. “This is Gabe’s style.”

sp; “Definitely Draegan,” Serena added.

  “Ladies?” The chauffeur opened the back door for them.

  Serena was the first one inside. Sable and Ellie followed right behind her. Heather brought up the rear. Ellie realized what a crucial error they’d made as soon as the car pulled away from the curb and the glass divider between driver and passengers slowly lowered.

  “I told you we’d meet again.” Seth Jones stared back at them with a glare as evil as any Ellie had ever seen.

  “What the hell?” Sable jerked the door handle immediately.

  “This is not good,” Serena said quietly.

  “No, love. It really isn’t,” Seth said, moistening his lips and looking at Ellie as if he planned to have his way with her.

  “Get out!” Ellie dove for the door, but it was no use. They were locked in and the car was racing away from the airport anyway.

  “What do you want?” Sable asked, speaking in a loud ballsy voice.

  Heather and Ellie fought with the door, kicking their heels against the frame and pounding their fists against the glass. “Help!” No matter how many times they yelled, no one would hear them now. They were on the freeway, speeding away from everyone they loved.

  “I asked you a question,” Sable said evenly. “What do you want?”

  “You’re the one who fucks five fellas,” Seth said, shaking his finger and narrowing his eyes. “I can definitely see that. You have the cheap tramp look. It works for you.”

  “I’m surprised, Mr. Jones,” Heather said, throwing her arm against Sable’s stomach and stopping her from lounging forward. “Berating women didn’t seem like your style when you were getting your nose bashed in by Allister!”

  “Heather,” Serena said, now holding Heather at bay. “Why don’t we try to keep things civil?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Seth muttered, flashing a toothy smile.

  “You don’t want my friends,” Ellie said, hoping she could save them even if she couldn’t save herself.

  “I need your friends.” Seth took a ragged breath. “I want you, Miss Hunter.”

  Ellie gulped. He’d called her Miss on the plane. He’d asked her if she and Allister were married. Not once had she mentioned her last name.

  “Oh now look at that. You’re pouting already?” Numerous dimples framed his lips when he smiled then. The grin reminded Ellie of a clown, one which sported a wet latex mask.

  “I knew there was something wrong here,” Heather muttered, slumping against the leather seat.

  “You want to kill us,” Serena said, tears slowly rolling over her sunken cheeks.

  “And to think I was told you were the tough one.” Seth clucked and then leveled a glare on Serena. “Drop the act, bitch.”

  “It’s okay,” Sable said, patting Serena’s arm and putting on a brave front. Then again, Sable was gutsy as hell.

  “You’re Heather,” Seth said, clucking and shaking his finger once more. “Which means you’re Draegan’s girlfriend?” He swung his gaze to Serena again. “Get comfortable, ladies. We’re only staying one night in Miami, but we have a bit of a drive ahead of us. Bar is stocked. Enjoy your refreshments.”

  As soon as the privacy glass rose again, Sable whispered, “Hurry. Fire off a text to the group number or one of your guys.”

  “She’s right,” Heather said, stuffing her hand in the top of her purse.

  While the others clumsily fumbled their phones, attempting to send out text messages, Heather sat there calmly with her hand in her purse, looking straight ahead.

  “Heather!” Sable snapped, punching in a text message while the others did the same. “Do something!”

  “I am,” she whispered, lifting her phone slightly above the leather.

  “You got Trouble? Who’s calling?” A somewhat muted voice filled the car.

  She ducked her head, speaking into the top of her purse. “This is Heather Powers—Bradley’s sister—Gabe’s, Justin’s, and Curt’s girlfriend. We’re in Miami.” Her voice trembled. “We need help. I don’t know who’s on the other end but please listen. I can’t put the phone to my ear. We’ve been abducted. We were separated at the airport and—”

  The divider window slid down again and the women wrestled with their belongings, trying to hide their phones. Seth aimed an automatic in the back of the car. “I can go ahead and do this now or you can hand over the cell phones.”

  “He’s got a gun!” Ellie screeched, hoping whoever was on the other end of the line would now know they were in a dangerous situation.

  “What do you want with us?” Sable asked.

  “Hand over the phones, ladies.” Seth kept a steady hand on his weapon, a firm finger near the trigger.

  “If you’re gonna kill us, get it over with,” Serena said, sliding to the edge of the curved limousine seat. “I spent half my life running from abuse and will not be tormented by a man I don’t know, facing a monster who doesn’t even know anything about me or my past. If you want my phone, you come take it. I’m not giving it to you.”

  She lifted her cell then and just as brazen as hell, took a snapshot of Seth. She then calmly sent out her text message, undoubtedly with the man’s photo as an attachment.

  “Pull over!” he screamed at the driver.

  The car crossed four lanes of traffic then, swerving in between two semis and finally coming to a stop on the busy expressway. Heather crawled forward, cradled her phone in her hand and yelled, “Is anyone there?”

  “Heather, it’s me baby. It’s Justin. Where are you?”

  Heather wailed, “I don’t know. Listen to me, Justin. We’re on the expressway. We just left the airport. You have to get in touch with the guys. This has something to do with the Vance brothers.”

  “Are you sure?” How do you know? Where are you? What do you see?” There was too much commotion on Justin’s end and the front car door had now been slammed. In a second, Seth would appear there.

  “Nicholas has Draegan on the phone. He’s receiving messages from Serena. Is she with you?”

  “We’re all here—me, Serena, Ellie, and Sab—”

  Seth jerked the backdoor open. “Give me the phones! I will not ask again!” He cocked the gun.

  Ellie’s heart raced. She shook her head, already convinced she would relinquish her phone but first buy them some time. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Pays well,” he replied, clearly aware of Heather talking to someone.

  He waved the gun at her next. “Get up here, you little bitch!”

  “Tell the bastard, he’s dead,” Justin said, still on speakerphone.

  “Tell Mr. Dare that he won’t be alive to see it when it happens.”

  Ellie gasped then in understanding. He wasn’t just there to abduct them. He had been hired to kill them all. He wasn’t concerned about who might follow them because he had every intention of disposing of them before help arrived.

  “He’s planning to kill us!” Sable screamed. “Lock down Trouble! They’re coming for all of you!”

  Sable was so predictable. She was always concerned about everyone else.

  Seth aimed the gun at her head and barked, “Maybe I’ll start with you.” He cocked his weapon. “Considering what you’ve done and where you came from, I bet there’s a nice bonus in the works for your head on a platter. Bet that ole Dixie mafia crew would love to have proof of your demise.”

  “Justin, I love all of you. Tell them,” Heather said, ending the call and throwing her phone at their abductor.

  He dodged the cellular bullet and laughed. “So she has a temper and fire.” He then snarled and glared at the others. “I want them all. Now, ladies! I will not ask again.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Give us something, man!” Mac screamed in the phone, darted around a luggage rack, and hopped in the blue four-door that Harley was driving. He rolled the window down and looked over at Allister, clearly awaiting his signal. After only a moment, he apparently grew impatient. “We don’t have ti
me to sit here!” With two fingers in the air, he quickly jabbed them forward, motioning for the cars to take off and go.

  Allister followed Harley’s lead, racing out of the parking lot with Ryan right on his bumper. With the team in Trouble working to assist them, three sedans had been waiting as soon as they left baggage claim. It paid to have friends in high places, and Detective Bane Brice, a former federal agent, must’ve had buddies with plenty of pull. He’d always boasted about owed favors and apparently he’d called all of them in at once.

  “Talk to me!” Draegan yanked his seatbelt over his shoulder.

  Allister checked the rearview mirror. “Keep an eye on Ryan back there, Markie.”

  “He’s still with us,” Markie assured him, texting. “Why anyone put him behind the wheel in a catastrophic situation is the mysterious multi-million dollar question. I wouldn’t ride down the street with him. Why he can’t—”

  “Markie!” Allister couldn’t take Markie’s babbling at the moment. “Please. Just sit back there and do your job. Make sure Ryan doesn’t lose us until we find out where we’re going.”

  “Humph,” Markie grunted.

  Harley, Mac, and Curt were in one car. Everyone else was with Ryan. Allister silently agreed with Markie. Ryan wasn’t Allister’s choice for a driver, but Bradley was with him. With his sister’s and lover’s lives on the line, Bradley wouldn’t tolerate anything less than an aggressive pursuit.

  “Everyone on group text?” Allister asked, glancing behind him.

  “You’re askin’ me?” Markie shook his head. “Fine time to put your trust in me, McCall. Just drive. Our baby girls are out there. Step on it!”

  “Shh, Markie. I can’t hear.” Draegan held out the phone and hit the speaker option. “Say that again, Bane.”

  “Heather was on the line with Justin. While the others were sending texts to you guys, she called the emergency line. Conversation on both sides was pretty clear. We’ll play it back for you here shortly. My guys are going over it now. She seemed to think this has something to do with the Vance brothers. Any idea why?”


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