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Kazan was ready for them when they returned to the set, and the crew didn’t treat them any differently while preparing for filming. A prop man had placed a picture over the wall where Aidan’s fist made damage. The solution wasn’t consistent with the living room scenes shot previously, but it was better than a gaping hole.
Aidan’s true vulnerability shone through his performance as he kneeled before Beth in character and exposed his fears during the reprise of the scene. Joe’s confessions hit close to home, and Beth worked through Mary’s lines by allowing her real life love for Aidan to provide the support and comfort her words required.
When Kazan concluded the scene, the crew erupted in applause—even the cameramen, who were always regarded as a hardnosed bunch.
Beth smiled victoriously at Aidan. She refused to believe that no matter how much she loved him and tried to put him back together again he might stay broken forever. One day, he would reach his salvation, and she would be there with him, regardless of how long it took.
Beth’s studio limousine pulled up in front of the RKO Pantages Theater at Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Street in the late afternoon on March 25, 1954 for the Twenty-Sixth Annual Academy Awards ceremony.
The press lined one side of the red carpet behind a velvet rope, interviewing and photographing Hollywood’s elite as they made their way to the entrance, while cheering spectators packed the bleachers behind the reporters, minded by security. Beth peered out at the bustling scene with wide eyes. Schwab’s Pharmacy sat next to the theater. She couldn’t believe how far she had come in her professional life in less than a year.
Beth wished to arrive at the ceremony with Aidan, but given Mr. Mertz’s strict rules regarding their relationship—and his graciousness in allowing them to promote Golden Gloves together on the red carpet—she didn’t bring up the issue. At least, with Nathan’s assistance, she managed to get out of having her Sparkling Meadow costar, William Everett, as her escort. Instead, she obtained permission to arrive with Olivia, Nathan, Connie, and Matthew. Aidan turned down the offer of a studio limousine in favor of riding his motorcycle.
“Are you ready, Beth?” Olivia rubbed her gloved hands together eagerly. Her light blue ball gown fanned out around her petite frame, complemented by black high heels and a diamond bracelet and earrings. Nathan sat beside her, resting his hand on her knee, looking every bit the respected studio executive in his black tuxedo.
Beth sighed. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Despite Beth’s nomination, her focus was on seeing Aidan tonight. He’d been training in the gym with Rocky since early this morning while she, Olivia, and Connie took all day getting ready for the ceremony.
Beth hadn’t seen him since yesterday, but he had sent her a beautiful bouquet of two dozen red roses with a note this morning, declaring how proud he was of her and how he believed she was a winner no matter what happened tonight. He didn’t want any hints about her dress until they met on the red carpet. The anticipation of their reunion left her stomach in knots.
Unlike the Spike Rollins premiere, where Beth emerged from the limousine after Connie and Matthew, Mr. Mertz instructed her to exit first, deeming her the bigger star because of her nomination. Connie said she wasn’t offended, but Beth still felt uneasy about her boss’s demand. Connie had been in the business for a few years already while she was only a novice.
Sunlight streamed into the car as the driver opened the back door. Beth picked up her purse and inched along the leather seat.
“This is it, everyone.” She gave a nervous smile. “It looks very hectic out there. If we get separated, I’ll see you all inside.”
As she emerged from the limousine, the crowd went wild. The deafening noise pounded in her ears and rattled in her rib cage as she looked down the long press line that awaited her. The marquee above the theater displayed 26th Annual Academy Awards Presentation in black lettering. Its fluorescent white backdrop glowed over the red carpet, adding to the radiance created by the spotlights set up along the perimeter.
Beth hoped to catch a glimpse of Aidan amongst the crowd of celebrities who had already arrived, but from her vantage point, she couldn’t see him. The announcer declared her arrival and she waved to the fans in the bleachers, making sure to smile widely. Flashbulbs blinded her as photographers snapped her picture.
She made her way to the middle of the red carpet and posed for photographs while Connie and Matthew’s arrival was announced overhead. The announcer didn’t broadcast Nathan and Olivia’s arrival, given their behind-the-scenes positions at the studio, but they still earned thunderous applause when they stepped out of the limousine.
After appeasing the first batch of photographers, Beth approached the beginning of the press line and answered questions regarding her nomination and Sparkling Meadow. Reporters also asked questions about Venus Rising, but nothing personal about its stars—as per Mr. Mertz’s orders—because of the recent scandal involving Lydia.
Although newspapers didn’t print the story, thanks to Nathan’s efforts, rumors of Lydia’s affair with the married director still swirled around town. Surprisingly, local ticket sales for her new film were much higher than for her previous releases. Even so, Mr. Mertz wanted to keep anything related to her out of the press until things cooled down.
Mr. Mertz even forbade Lydia to attend the ceremony tonight. Beth worried that all of her hard work on Venus Rising might have been a waste of time if her costar’s behavior ruined its chance at success before its release. However, Nathan said that judging from the response to Lydia’s current picture, the film might actually profit from the scandal.
Since Beth had an obligation to speak with as many reporters as possible, her friends ended up ahead of her on the red carpet. The press was grouped together in marked sections so attendees could talk to a slew of journalists and pose for more than one photographer at a time. The strategy ensured that everyone got their questions and picture requests fulfilled before the celebrity moved on to the next group.
Beth stepped back to the middle of the red carpet and smiled for another set of photographers. She alternated her poses every so often, but her attempts were nothing as spectacular as what Connie and Matthew did a few feet down the line.
Connie made an extra effort to show off her glamorous sequined ball gown and engagement ring as her tuxedo-clad fiancé kissed her cheek and dipped her as though they were dancing. Beth was awed by the natural way they posed together and interacted for the cameras.
Matthew’s current single, “My Dancin’ Doll,” which he wrote himself for the first time, exploded on the music charts just days before, so his presence on the red carpet was well received, even though he was not an actor. The song was a departure from his usual style—a bit more rock and roll, as he called it—but still tame enough that the censors approved. Down Beat magazine even described it as groundbreaking.
As Beth made her way to the next group of reporters, a familiar sensation brewed under her skin and the air around her took on a distinct charge. Excited screams erupted from the bleachers. She looked away from the reporters and blinding flashbulbs. Aidan pushed his way through the crowd on the red carpet in her direction, fashionably late and skipping the majority of the press line amidst protests from the reporters.
His attractiveness and charisma, as well as his proven talent as an actor, made many people stop and stare, except the photographers, who were unrelenting with their cameras. By far, he was the most anticipated arrival of the evening. Everyone wanted a good look at the famous Method actor in the flesh, whose film and spectacular performance were poised to sweep the Oscars tonight.
Aidan stopped before Beth, sporting a clean-shaven face. He wore a black suit, white dress shirt, and polished black dress shoes. His hair was tousled in its typical way and his tie was slightly crooked, lending a rebellious edge to his sophisticated outfit. He swept his gaze down her body while spectators and members of the press begged for his attention.
With a
blush coloring her cheeks, Beth twirled slowly. Her sequined pink ball gown flared out around her and her diamond necklace sparkled in the sunlight. She was grateful to Harry Winston for loaning her jewelry tonight, as ordered by Mr. Mertz, but she wished she could have worn the angel pendent Aidan gave her at Christmas instead. She did the next best thing and stowed it in her purse for good luck.
“I’ve never been this dressed up before,” she said as she completed her turn. “I feel like a princess.”
Aidan took her hand and drew her close, sending a blast of heat through her body. “Well, you look like a queen.”
He grazed his nose along her cheek as he pulled back.
“Then that makes you my king.” Beth’s reply sounded sultry as she reveled in the aftereffects of their forbidden intimacy.
The spectators chanted Aidan’s name louder, desperate for acknowledgment. Without taking his eyes off Beth, he gave a wave in the general direction of the bleachers, sending the fans into a frenzy.
“Can we get a posed picture of Golden Gloves’ leading stars together?” a photographer asked.
Aidan tossed Beth a sly grin. “What do you say? Wanna give them an official picture?”
Beth’s eyes danced with excitement. “I’d love to.”
Aidan slinked his arm around her waist. She snuggled into his side as flashbulbs popped.
During studio events, Beth always felt like she was stepping into someone else’s life. When she was alone, or with Aidan and her friends, she was a regular young woman. Yet to the public, she was a movie star and anything but ordinary. Balancing both worlds was not an easy feat. She still couldn’t believe this was her reality.
The journalists fired their questions rapidly, making it difficult for Beth to distinguish one from the other. Without Aidan’s confident presence beside her, she would have been overwhelmed. Instead, she was thrilled to pose with him in an official capacity, and judging from the large grin on his face, he felt the same way. Considering his indifference toward the press and fame, she knew he wouldn’t have been as cooperative if she wasn’t with him.
As Beth stood before the reporters with a genuine smile on her face, she wondered if they would still be so accepting if they knew she and Aidan were romantically involved. Their enthusiasm strengthened her hope that Mr. Mertz might change his mind and allow them to go public with their relationship sooner rather than later.
Beth’s hope vanished when she discovered her boss standing with Nathan off to the side, his stern eyes fixed on her and Aidan. Mr. Mertz whispered something to Nathan, who then faced the reporters.
“Distinguished members of the press, as most of you already know, Mr. Evans and Miss Sutton are filming a highly-anticipated Starlight Studios motion picture. The film, directed by Academy Award winner Elia Kazan, is entitled Golden Gloves and slated for a late summer release. They are posing here for you today solely to promote this project. Please have your captions run accordingly.”
Aidan glared at Mr. Mertz. Beth didn’t feel irritated because at least she could pose with him officially, but she understood his resentment toward her boss’s interference.
Mr. Mertz stalked off toward the entrance of the theater, flanked by several intimidating men in dark suits.
Beth peered at Aidan hopefully. “Let’s just enjoy the moment.”
He met her with an agreeable smile.
“Mr. Evans! Miss Sutton!” a reporter called. “Can you answer a few questions about Golden Gloves?”
Aidan removed his arm from around Beth’s waist and gestured ahead.
“After you,” he said with a grin so jovial it was hard to believe he was the same tortured man who broke down on set recently.
Beth pulled Aidan toward the press line, choosing to grip his forearm instead of his hand, in case Mr. Mertz still had eyes on them. The crowd screamed their names, and they provided gracious waves in return.
The reporter situated in front of them removed a notepad from the breast pocket of his suit jacket and a pencil from behind his ear. “Miss Sutton, Mr. Evans, my name is Gerry Eaton. I work for The Hollywood Reporter. Please share with our readers what you think they will enjoy most about Golden Gloves.”
Beth knew exactly what to say. Her smile widened as she leaned closer to the reporter, ensuring he could hear her response over the commotion. Additional members of the press listened in.
“Thank you for your question, Mr. Eaton. I believe the redemption of Aidan’s character, Joe Oliver, will be the aspect of the film that resonates most with the audience, both young and old. Golden Gloves’ storyline is universal—the classic tale of the bad boy reformed by the good girl, and his triumphant return to the top. On the outside, the two main characters may seem very different, but on the inside they share a connection so pure, so deep, so genuine, the public will have no choice but to root for their success every step of the way.”
Mr. Eaton jotted down her reply. “Mr. Evans, is it true you’ve trained with professional boxer Rocky Marcello?”
Aidan flashed a proud grin. “Yeah, it is. I’ve trained with him practically every day since I was cast in the role. I’ve packed on a good amount of muscle and learned how to box properly, both of which have helped me get into the Joe’s mindset.” His eyebrows drew together, reflecting how seriously he took his craft. “Using the Method, I’ve been able to effectively showcase the competitive edge my character needs to have a shot at the middle-weight championship title, which he works so hard for throughout the picture.”
As Aidan further explained his mental preparations for the role of Joe, the journalists scrambled to write down every word. Beth, too, was captivated and learned tips she could apply to her performance as Mary.
“Nelson Hall, Silver Screen magazine,” another reporter called when Aidan finished. “Mr. Evans, what is it like working with Miss Sutton?”
The look Aidan bestowed upon her was both passionate and adoring. “Beth is the most talented actress I’ve ever worked with. Earlier, she said my character is going to win over the public and determine Golden Gloves’ success, but I strongly believe her portrayal of Mary is what makes the film great.”
Beth smiled.
“Joe couldn’t accomplish half as much without Mary by his side. She gives him strength and hope that he can be a better man and one day be worthy of her love. Every minute he spends training is for her. Every punch he throws in the ring is for their future. He wants to make her proud to be his wife and feels he’s nothing without her.”
Beth and Aidan responded to a few more questions before excusing themselves and making their way down the press line to the next group. Before long, they were almost at the entrance of the theater.
When a reporter called out a question to Aidan about Spike Rollins, Beth was forced to separate from him. Obliging the photographers’ requests, she stepped to the middle of the red carpet again and posed while Aidan answered the journalist.
“Well, well, if it isn’t the broad I secured an Oscar nomination for.” William Everett approached her with a cocky grin spread across his face, surprisingly without some busty blond pin-up on his arm. The spectators called his name and he waved to them. Women shrieked, but nothing compared to the reaction Aidan received.
When Beth first met Will, his brash flirting made her extremely uncomfortable. Now that she knew him better, she found him more amusing than threatening.
“Hello, Will. Nice to see you, too.”
Will inspected her attire a little too thoroughly and whistled. “You’re lookin’ good, doll.”
Beth smothered a smile. “You’re looking all right yourself.”
He nudged his hip into her side. “How about we show these photographers how a real movie star works the red carpet? I’ll even let you stand next to me.”
Beth giggled. “Why, how generous of you.”
“What can I say?” He winked. “I’m good for business.”
Will draped his arm around her shoulders and grinned for the cameras. Bet
h smiled, too, more than happy to promote their film. As they switched up their poses, she caught Aidan watching them closely. Luckily, her beau didn’t deem Will a threat, either.
After the bulk of photographers in that particular section of the red carpet were satisfied, Beth and Will walked to the velvet rope and answered questions about Sparkling Meadow, as well as their current individual projects.
“So are you nervous about tonight?” Will asked once they finished their red carpet duties. “You’re up against some pretty tough competition.”
Beth shrugged. “It’s really just a pleasure being nominated.”
Will’s eyes widened. “That’s ridiculous! No one comes to these things to lose. You have to have a winner’s mentality. That’s the only path to victory in this town.”
Beth smiled in amusement. Obviously, Will wasn’t aware there was a fine line between self-confidence and grandiosity.
“Does that mean you’re not nervous?” As she spoke, she looked over Will’s shoulder for Aidan. Unfortunately, she only caught a glimpse of him before he slipped inside the theater with Kazan.
“You don’t have to worry about me, toots.” Will straightened his bowtie. “This one’s in the bag. Hands down, I have the best performance out of every guy in the Best Actor category tonight.”
Beth held back her true thoughts on his remark.
“Anyway, I’m going to head inside and say hello to a few people. I’ll catch you later.” With a wave to the fans in the bleachers, Will entered the theater.
After obliging some residual requests from photographers, Beth hurried inside the venue as well. Security would not allow anyone to loiter in the foyer. Aidan probably waited for her in the adjoining room.
Beth walked through the next set of doors into the reception room, which looked like a church cathedral with its arched ceiling, stained glass windows, and mosaic paintings. Toward the rear was a grand marble staircase leading to the main auditorium.