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Freaky Tuesday #17

Page 12

by Melissa J Morgan



  Posted by: Candace

  Subject: Boys and Bs

  Hi, everyone!

  I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I need some advice on my love life! I asked a boy out. Yes, me! His name is Drew and he’s supercute. You can ask Brynn—she’s the one who introduced us. He’s funny and nice and he is the star of the school play. I think I might really like him! So anyway, what am I supposed to talk about on a date? What am I supposed to wear? Does anyone have tips on how to impress a boy?

  Drew isn’t the only good thing going on for me, though. I also got a B on a math quiz today!! And I’m happy about it. Me—happy about a B! I didn’t tell any of you this—but I had a really hard time in that subject last year, so I’ve been majorly stressed out about my grade this year. Lucky for me, the drama queen Brynn helped me straighten out my priorities and now I’m doing okay in the class. I might really be starting to understand algebra, I think. (It’s easier to understand than boys!)

  My parents weren’t too thrilled with my B. But then I admitted to them that I was so afraid of failing that I offered to pay my friend to let me copy her homework. They backed right down—the B may not be the best grade ever, but at least it’s truly my own grade. I don’t think they realized how much pressure I was feeling about school.

  Anyway, now that school is under control, I’m stressed about my date! In a good way. So send me all your dating stories and help me figure out what to do!

  Posted by: Val

  Subject: So. Much. Fun.

  Shouting out to all my Camp Lakepuke buds!

  You guys will never believe how amazing our Home Away From Home activity night was last week! The team of Chelsea, Gaby, and Val rules! Seriously? The singdown that we held for the siblings of the sick kids was—no joke—even better than the singdowns at camp. I think it’s because everyone had gotten so into the first two events (scavenger hunt and charades) that they were all totally bonded by the time we reached the singdown portion of the evening. Gaby did an amazing duet with this cute boy named Leland, too. Is love in the air?

  Anyway, we’re all onboard for another activity night. We’ve already started planning it. But first we’re going to help cook a meal. And then we’re going to help expand the playground at the Home. I’ll post pics of us three in our tool belts!

  Posted by: Gaby

  Subject: Re: So. Much. Fun.

  Val said it all! We organized the best activity night in the history of the world, I think. Okay, maybe not. But it was definitely in the top ten!

  As for Leland, maybe love is in the air. Who knows? Right now I’m just trying to be a good friend to him. His little brother is really sick, and Leland needs someone to talk to. And you know what? Even though I’m there to be nice to Leland, it makes me feel better, too.

  Who knew that being nice was a way to make yourself feel good?

  (I know, you all knew that, didn’t you?)

  Posted by: Chelsea

  Subject: Re: So. Much. Fun.

  I’m so glad I can be here for Gaby, to show her how to be nice. LOL.

  Seriously, though, our activity night was a huge big deal for me. I can’t believe I almost blew it by being so competitive. Just the looks on the faces of all those kids almost made me cry. They were having such a good time! I just know that they weren’t thinking of their sick siblings, at least for a little while. For a couple of hours they got to be normal kids having a good time instead of family members worrying about someone they love.

  You guys all know how sick my dad was last year. I remember how important it was to me to get my mind off of his illness sometimes. That’s part of why I loved camp so much. It was a place that was all about friends and fun, and it kept me from worrying every single second of every day.

  I feel like Gaby and Val and I were able to do that for the kids at Home Away From Home. It was truly amazing. I can’t wait to do it again!

  Posted by: Brynn

  Subject: Popularity = overrated

  What’s up, everybody!

  I have an announcement to make. I am a drama geek. There. I said it. I’m a geek and I love it! The kids at my new school think acting is for weirdos, and they think being totally competitive about grades makes you cool. Well, I tried to be that way, too. I wanted to be popular.

  Actually, I wanted to be super-popular.

  So I quit Drama League. And I had the lead role in the school play! But I quit anyway, just so I wouldn’t get called a geek. I joined Debate Club, and I rocked it. (You all know I’m good at arguing. LOL.) But you know what? It was no fun. At all.

  What’s fun? Acting! Even if I’m not the star of the play anymore. At least I’m back in the play and back to doing what I love. Because who wants to be popular if it means turning into somebody else—somebody who’s no fun?

  So thank you for all your advice about starting my new school. I have a new school, and new friends, and a new outlook. But I’m still the same old Brynn!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen




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