Kasadya Hellhound Twisted

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Kasadya Hellhound Twisted Page 12

by Swart, Karen

  “Serves him right, after everything that he did to me and Kali. I would gladly not only curse him but take his head for it,” I replied to Max. My hatred for Draco must have shown because he chose that moment to open his legs, lift me up, and place me in his lap. Smoothing my hair from my face, he looked at me a small smile on his lips.

  “You lost control, Kas, and I was forced to take you down before he did. I don’t want to do that again,” Max said and I laid my head on his chest.

  “I’m so sorry; I don’t know what came over me. I wish I could say that it won’t happen again, but I can’t Max. I could see my vision going from normal to red, and I couldn’t stop it,” I replied, not wanting to look into his eyes.

  “I understand, but know that I would never give up on you. Even if you go hellhound born, I will be there right next to you every step of the way,” Max said. He lifted my chin and looked at me. I could feel the tears behind my eyes, my throat burning as I tried to keep them at bay.

  He kissed me softly, knowing full well that when that time comes, he would need to take me down before someone else has to. He was charged with it, and I know how faithful he can be. I know he will complete the task he was given and end me before I hurt someone. Our kiss deepened as I came to that final thought. Here I was in someone’s arms, trying to be loved, and I knew that it was only on borrowed time. I felt the tears finally run down my cheeks and my lips trembled, he pulled away and wiped them from me. “Hush, your destiny has only begun, Kas. You still have a lot of great things to do,” he said, kissing me again. “Come on, go take a shower and then meet us in the Intel room. I think you would enjoy seeing the demon in agony.” He helped me up. With one last smile he left the room and disappeared.

  I took his advice and went for a shower, at least this time the blood pooling on the floor wasn’t as much as usual. I thought about everything, me apparently turning Draco into a human, that turned out to be very funny, and I couldn’t wait to see his face. Then what Chax said and him smiling at me. Max and the fact that he has so much hope for me, and finally me reminding myself that it could never be. Even if I find my charm, it would be someone else and not Max.

  I walked into the Intel room to find Draco sitting in a chair, his face in utter agony. My mood went flying high and I felt damn good again. I walked over to him, coming to stand between Chax and Raphael to look down at him. “So, what’s up?” I asked, trying to contain my laughter. At my voice Draco lifted his head and looked at me, utter rage took place of the agony and he jumped for me. Chax had him at his throat the moment he lifted off the chair, and I was pouting at Chax for interfering.

  “You! You did this to me!” Draco yelled furious at me, and I started to laugh.

  “The last I remember, Draco, is that you attacked me and started sucking like a leech. You did this to yourself,” I replied, crossing my arms and watching as Chax placed him down in his seat again. Max was at my side in seconds and giving him a death glare.

  “If I had known, I would never have touched you!” Draco yelled again, but with the males forming a circle around him, Michael and Raphael completing it, he stayed put this time.

  “Come, demon, it’s time to take some blood so we can analyse your status,” Raphael said, smiling at him. Amon strapped his arm and took some blood. The whole time Draco was giving me the look of death. Oh please, like that’s going to happen. Completing the blood sample, Amon released his arm and walked over to the small lab station we had.

  “Kas, we need a sample of your blood, too,” Amon said, turning around and walking over to me. Standing, I kept my arm straight as Amon took my blood sample. He returned to the lab station and placed our samples under the microscope, checking them out.

  “So, Draco, what makes you think I did something to you?” I asked, waiting for Amon to give us some feedback.

  “I am slowly losing some of my abilities, hellhound. I am unable to walk in dreams anymore, and I am struggling to change to my demon form. You have cursed me,” Draco replied, not happy with me.

  “And what made you think it was me?” Yeah, like I am a wizard or something.

  “Because it started happening just after that first night!” he bellowed again, and Max gave him a hit that had him off the chair. Laughing at the whole incident, Raphael picked him up and placed him in the chair. And I just had to continue.

  “So why come to us for help? It’s not like we would offer any assistance,” I asked, as I took the soda Kali offered me.

  “I had nowhere else to go, it seemed to be the most logical choice. And I was lucky to know the location of this facility,” Draco replied, smiling at me. I moved so fast he never had a chance. Picking him up by his throat, I held him in the air. It would seem that I also shifted in the process.

  “How did you know the location?” I growled out, furious that our base was exposed to the demons now.

  “Kasadya, release him,” Chax said, placing his hand on my arm. I just moved my eyes to Chax and looked at him. “He followed a human back to the compound, you can hardly say it was smart of the human.” I dropped Draco, turned around, and transformed back to normal.

  “Did you tell anyone else of this place?” Kali asked, her face the look of death. Yeah, I was just wondering about that, how many others did he tell?

  “I didn’t tell any other demon. I came here for assistance not to seek my own death. I give you my word, not that you would take it,” Draco answered, rubbing his throat.

  “Chax, you must come and see this,” Amon said. Chax slowly turned and joined him at the microscope. I watched as Chax bent forward and looked into the scope, his head shot up and he looked at Amon, a strange expression on his face. Oh, for the love of … what the hell is it now? I looked as Chax motioned for Don to come and take a look and he almost broke the microscope grabbing it. I walked over to them, unable to handle it any longer.

  “Okay, what is it guys?” I asked as I reached them. Chax looked at me then at Amon, both uncertain to answer the question. “Come on, spit it out,” I pressed on, suddenly worried about what they saw.

  Don straightened and spilled it. “There is something significant about your blood, Kas. What it is, I do not know, but it’s unlike any fallen sample I have ever seen,” he finished, ducking down to look at it again. I looked at Chax, hoping for a better explanation.

  Taking in a breath, he held the bridge between his eyes. “You’re blood is mutated in some way, abnormal for a fallen bloodline,” he answered and had me gaping at him.

  “What, like my mom isn’t my mom thing? Or like you are an alien thing?” I asked, again not sure what to make of this. He looked at Amon.

  “Kas, like an Xmen thing,” Amon replied, looking back at Don who nodded his approval to the answer.

  “Oh, that’s just freaking great from hellhound to hellhound insane, then moving over to Xmen generation,” I moaned, walked back to Kali and Max, and planted myself next to Lada who was still gaping at the answer.

  Ben and Max stormed the microscope at the same time, pushing each other out of the way.

  “Impossible, it’s just a myth,” Max concluded, ducking to check my blood.

  “Xmen?” Draco asked, looking at everyone his eyes resting on me. “You have got to be kidding me! Xmen?”

  “Do you guys mean like her blood evolved into something else?” Nanini asked, jumping around, uncertain of where to go. The Intel room was blocking her momentum and you could see she didn’t like it.

  “Our Sire always plans into the future, this is nothing new. He chooses certain evolutions at certain points to ensure that the species can continue on in the future,” Michael pitched in and I just had to shake my head. Yeah, and Kas was number one on that list of species evolution, go figure.

  Leaning back in the chair with my head hanging back, I listen to their theories and beliefs. In return I just wish someone else could take over this job. The word sucks doesn’t cover it anymore. The room fell quiet in a second and I looked back to find a
nother Archangel standing in front of me. With a smile, he took a step forward and held out a yellow daffodil to me. I looked at the flower and slowly took it from him. Confused, I looked at the daffodil and then to him. I have seen the other Archangels but have never seen him.

  He concluded his surprise visit by bowing and shifting out, leaving me and the rest of the room in silence. “Okay, now that was freaking weird,” I commented when no one else said anything. Michael stepped forward and crouched in front of me, his huge wings stretching out behind him to accommodate him on the floor.

  Smiling, he placed his hand under my hand holding the flower. “Gabriel almost never leaves our home, but when he does he brings a message with him. Do you know what a daffodil means, Kas?” he asked me.

  I looked at the flower, and shook my head, I should have paid more attention to my mom in the garden, but instead I just tried to get away from her stuck up nature. “It means hope. It would seem, Kas, that your message today is that what we just discovered is the hope for the future,” Michael finished, taking my hand with the flower and placing it near my heart. I looked at him and the shock must have been written all over my face, because he laughed and stood up again. I followed his every move, until he stopped next to Raphael who was standing there with a huge smile on his face.

  “A first for many things, Kas,” Raphael finished with his smile going Atlantic.

  Oh, no. I could take the hellhound born thing, even the “you’re a disaster” thing, hell I could have taken a lot of things, but me the future’s hope? Oh hell no! I flew up and stormed out of the room, down the hall and out to the landing pad. Outside in the open I stood, closing my eyes and breathing in and out to try and calm myself. Hell this world has a hectic way of spoiling someone’s life. Now not only did I have to kill demons, find my charm to prevent my own death, try and save Kali’s life, and oh yeah try and survive each freaking day, I now hold the key to a future of hope.

  “Kas, you okay?” Kali asked. I turned to look at her and found all the girls standing there, but I didn’t reply.

  “Kas, I know this seems beyond reason, but your blood is changing that demon, your blood could be the weapon to beat them once and for all,” Lada continued on. I was walking around in a circle fuming. Yeah, let’s just slit my wrists and start force feeding demons.

  “Come on, Kas, you could have been evolving into a fish or something, just look on the bright side,” Nanini pitched in and I stopped to look at her. Crazy I tell you.

  “Kas, we can do some more testing on your blood first, and the demon’s to ensure that our finding is correct. We also need to know in more detail what exactly your blood is doing to him,” Melissa explained.

  “Guys, no matter how great you’re trying to make this, it’s not. For Heaven’s sake, you guys, know that I am a walking disaster sometimes, what if this blows up in our faces? The other thing is I don’t want to be a lab rat; I want to be outside doing my part. And you saw the male’s faces, I just became their new experiment, I am not a freaking lab rat!” I threw back at them. Man I need to get away for a while.

  “Will you excuse us? I need to speak to Kasadya,” Chax said and the girls nodded and disappeared into the compound. I just kept moving, the adrenalin rush from my pissed off mode was hiking up real bad. “Kasadya, you need to calm down—” Chax started to say, but I held up my hand stopping him.

  “Chax, it’s easy for you to say, you don’t have all the crap to deal with that I do have, and this is not helping my situation,” I explained to him, but he was frowning at me.

  “Really, do you want to tell me some of them?” Chax goaded me. I crossed my arms, and looked at him.

  “Sorry, not enough time in the world for that. I’ll write a report sometime in my life and give you feedback,” I replied sarcastically. He walked towards me and I went on full alert, I know that look he had on his face, how could I ever forget it? It was the look that said “Oh Kas” and then I would end up hurt real bad. He circled me, a devil smile on his face.

  “Let’s discuss it now,” he continued. Oh freaking crap!

  Chapter 10

  He moved fast, taking hold of me. I brought up my arm trying to block him without any luck. Crap, I still suck at this. We shifted to the middle of nowhere with my butt hitting instant freeze. Letting go, he stepped back and looked at me. “Chax, this game is getting old real fast, might want to try something else,” I countered his smug look.

  He turned his head a little to the side and smiled. “Oh, I did Kasadya,” he replied and I felt my heart sink into my stomach.

  Oh boy, here we go again. He slowly walked around me, circling me. I countered it by keeping my eyes on him and my body ready for anything he had to throw at me. The wind was icy, and my lungs were burning. As we turned I could see we shifted to what must be the North Pole or something, all I could see as we turned was white snow, and no one in sight. Not even a freaking bird was in the sky.

  “So you have a lot to deal with? Well now that is interesting, the only problem is how you ended up with so much. Might be that you never listen to anyone, or that you make a decision without really thinking it through. But mostly, I think it is because you care too much, Kasadya,” he said, still circling me.

  “Isn’t that the whole point, that we should care enough to defend this world? Is that not what you once told me?” I asked sarcastically. He lifted one eyebrow, considering my question, and then that damn devil smile of his returned.

  “Yes, that I did. But I also tried to teach you something else, Kasadya? Do you know what it is?” he continued. My nose must have been pink at this stage, and my breathing had become difficult. But from what I could see Chax was taking the sudden cold temperatures with ease.

  “To survive?” I asked.

  He nodded. “Yes, but there was a more important message that I tried to send to you. Unfortunately, it would seem that you have trouble recollecting, should I refresh your memories?”

  My hands were itching to draw my swords, but I knew he was too damn fast for me. By the time I would have them out, he would already be upon me. I looked at the area behind him, should I try a counter attack? It’s not like I am going home without injuries, might as well go for it. Hell, at least I would feel better if I got a blow or two in. Yeah use Chax as a punching bag that sounds good. I shifted behind him and tried it, ending up grabbing air; he shifted out before I could even get close. “Still have a lot to learn , Kasadya. Might want to remember that the next time you try that,” he said behind me.

  Damn him, he won’t get the better of me today. “Yes, I remember a great deal of what you taught me, especially the part about me going insane and having to be put down like a dog. That part I liked the most,” I threw back at him taking a relaxed stand. He stopped and considered me. Yeah, you have some explaining to do buster.

  “There are reasons we do not tell young hellhounds about that,” he continued, his predator approach back on.

  “Oh yes, I forgot you have your reasons for everything. Well no stress, Amon explained it to me, at least he thought it better for me to know how much time I have in this wonderful game,” I replied, folding my arms in front of me.

  “And that there is one of the reasons. You have already accepted that you won’t live long enough,” he continued and shifted out. I turned around, scanning for him, and just as I was about to turn back to the same spot a fist connected with my jaw and sent me sideways. I hit the cold snow, my face digging into it. Now there is a way to piss off a girl. Still lying I shifted back to him and surprised him with a blow to his face. He staggered backwards, and then recovered.

  “That is where you make the mistake, Chax. I am ready to die if needed, but I am also ready to fight back,” I strung out.

  I began my attack. Too long have I kept myself in check and balanced out all the crap that has hit me so far in my pathetic life. No more holding back, no more taking and taking. I moved forward and felt the earth fall away from me, my hellhound form takin
g my human one. My eyes still on him, I watched as he shifted to vampire. His teeth sliding over his lips, and completing that feared vampire we see in the movies. A step before him I swung my blow, and he blocked. I countered with a headbutt straight into his face. Oh that felt so good. As he tried to regroup, I turned and brought up a high kick straight for his face. Saving himself in time, he swiped my foot away, only to be punched by my wing.

  Stepping a little to the side he brought back a super punch and hit me in the torso, the wind slamming out of me. Taking a deep breath to recover, I blocked his second blow; a kick to my face. Holding onto his leg and foot I picked him up and threw him away from me. As I let go, he shifted in mid-air, landing behind me and grabbing my wings. “You will never conquer if you don’t learn how to control your emotions. You fight with fury, not skill,” he growled into my ear. I answered him by flinging out my wings and sending him flying backwards. I turned fast and attacked, before his back hit the ground I already kicked him the other way.


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