Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3

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Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3 Page 5

by Pepper North

  Thomas took his time preparing for bed. He showered and put on cotton lounging pants as his pajamas. Getting into bed, he began to read. After a half hour, Thomas decided that he was ready to go to sleep as well and turned off his light. Dropping into a light sleep, Thomas dreamed of his beautiful Little girl.

  Crying woke Thomas up around 2 am. He could hear that Carrie was very upset and she was rattling the side of the crib and groaning. “Sounds like the broccoli is ready to come out,” thought Thomas. He took his time putting on his slippers and opened the adjoining door to the nursery. “Are you okay, sweetheart? Did you have a bad dream?”

  “Thomas, I really need to go to the bathroom. Can you help me with the crib?” Carrie begged urgently.

  “Carrie, you need to call me Daddy.” Thomas began to lecture sternly as he walked to the crib. Before he reached Carrie, a loud, wet fart sounded in the room and Carrie gasped before bursting into tears.

  “I don’t like this,” Carrie sobbed as more sounds of evacuating liquid emerged from her bottom. “Can you let me go to the bathroom?”

  “Just let it all out, Carrie. What goes in must come out. We’ll have to do some rinsing of your bowels in a little while to get all the remnants out of your system. I’ll put together a rinse for you while you finish letting it all out,” Thomas spoke slowly and calmly.

  Carrie put her head on the crib railing and sobbed as the remaining bits of the broccoli mixture squirted out of her. After several minutes, the sounds stopped coming from her bottom. Carrie felt awful with all that stuff in her diaper.

  Thomas was right there to lower the crib and scoop her out. “Let’s get that dirty diaper off you.” He took her over to the tub and place her again stretched out on the flat surface extending from the tub so that her chest and tummy were supported while her legs and bottom were in the tub. Thomas unfastened the filled diaper and disposed of the mess quickly. Using the spray hose attached to the faucet, he rinsed off Carrie’s bottom cheeks and spread her open from front to back to flush any residue away from her skin. Replacing the sprayer, Thomas spread Carrie’s bottom to expose her anus and he pressed a large glob of Vaseline on her sore entrance before spreading it around and pressing inside with a thrusting index finger to coat the inside of her rectum.

  “Daddy, what are you doing?” Carrie questioned pitifully. She didn’t even struggle. She was so tired. She looked back at Thomas and noticed a large oval object handing from a hook by the tub with a long tube dangling down.

  “We need to rinse in your bottom, sweetheart. You just lie down and try to go back to sleep. I’ll get everything cleaned up here and then we’ll go back to sleep.” Thomas waited until he saw Carrie turn back around and put her head down before he picked up the enema nozzle and slowly pressed it into Carrie’s clenched rectum. “You’ll feel the rinse, Carrie. Just relax. I’ll be done soon,” Thomas whispered to Carrie.

  Carrie felt warm water gush into her bottom. She tried to stand up but Thomas had a large, warm hand on her back holding her breasts to the cold tile. “Daddy, that’s enough. I’ll be all rinsed out now.” Carrie promised. She heard only “Shhh!” from Thomas as the water continued to pour into her bottom. She felt Thomas running one hand up and down her back while the other held the nozzle in place between her cheeks.

  “Just relax, Carrie. We need to let the water rinse away the broccoli now that your body has absorbed the vitamins,” Thomas instructed calmly. “You’ve got a little more water to take in and then we’ll let you push that out while I fill up the bag again. It will take at least two rinses – maybe more if the second rinse doesn’t come out clean. You’re being so good, Little girl. Let’s say the alphabet together to distract ourselves.”

  Carrie started repeating the letters of the alphabet with Tomas. He deliberately went slowly through the letters while Carrie struggled to take in all the water. Finally, when they had reached the letter, m, Carrie felt the water slow and stop. “Can I push it out now, Daddy,” she cried urgently. “I really need to go to the bathroom.”

  “Let me set up your potty chair, Carrie,” Thomas said patiently. He opened a locked door with a code and a toilet was revealed. “You only will use this when you have an enema so don’t ask or the enema bag will immediately come out to give you a cleansing treatment. Do you understand, Carrie?”

  “I’ll use my diaper. I promise. Now can I get rid of this water?” Carrie pleaded.

  “Squeeze your bottom tightly so no water leaks out, Little girl. Okay, let’s pull this nozzle out. Walk quickly to the potty, Carrie. What a good girl you are! You made it.” Thomas celebrated cheering Carrie on as she dropped to the seat and water gushed from her bottom. “You let that all out and I’ll get everything ready for the second rinse, Carrie. I’m going to fit this strap around your chest so my Little girl doesn’t fall off the potty.” Thomas reached around the side of the toilet and pulled a retractable strap. Gently pushing Carrie so her back was straight against the raised toilet seat lid, Thomas wrapped the strap under Carrie’s breasts and connected the strap with a loud click to the other side. Thomas stopped and caressed Carrie’s breasts repeatedly. “Does that feel good, sweetheart?

  Carrie was so embarrassed. Water, poop, and the remnants of the broccoli treatment were blasting noisily out of her bowels. Thomas had to be able to hear and smell all the stuff that was emerging under pressure from her. “How could he be interested in playing with my breasts now?” Carrie thought.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, baby. I’m your daddy. Daddies always love their Little girls even if they are a little messy. Let me show you how much I love your body.” Thomas knelt in front of her and took a tight nipple into his mouth and rolled it gently between his strong, white teeth before sucking it strongly into his mouth. Pulling on it, Thomas kept up his stimulation of her breasts until Carrie started to moan in pleasure as she rocked on the potty. Regretfully, letting go of her breasts, Thomas stood up and said, “You make me forget what I should be doing, Carrie. Stay here sweetheart. It will be time for your second rinse soon.” Thomas walked away to fill the enema bag until water was threatening to spill over the top of the rubber bag.

  When Carrie had finished on the potty, Thomas unfastened the strap and lifted her up to lay her on her stomach again on the flat surface with her legs extending into the tub. He used the spray nozzle of the tub’s faucet to rinse off her bottom and dried her off with a soft towel.

  “Don’t put any more water in me, Daddy,” Carrie pleaded.

  “I’m in charge, Carrie. I know you have more in your tummy that needs to come out. You will have a second rinse and even a third or fourth if you need it. Now, this time, we’re going to do this a little different. Lay down over my lap, Carrie, like you did when I was taking your temperature,” Thomas instructed seating himself in the large rocker that he had pulled over next to the tub.

  Carrie dragged her feet over to him walking as slowly as possible.

  When she finally reached him, Thomas hugged her and helped her lie down over his lap so her bottom was presented for the next treatment. Thomas moved her outer leg over his knee so her cheeks were spread. Taking a glob of Vaseline on his finger, Thomas slowly moved it around Carrie’s anus watching it tighten in response to the caresses. He slowly began pressing his finger into her rectum as Carrie tried in vain to tighten her muscles to keep him out. “Carrie, you’re being naughty. Do you want a spanking?” Chuckling softly at her desperately shaking head, Thomas added, “Relax, Carrie. Doesn’t this start to feel good when you relax? I think you like having my finger in your bottom, don’t you, Carrie?” He continued to rub around and press inside to thoroughly lubricate her entrance. The nerve rich area began to clench, not to keep him out, but in pleasure. Hearing Carrie begin to moan, Thomas dipped the nozzle in the lubricant and pressed it into place.

  Carrie heard the snick of the water hose being opened a few seconds before the second dose of warm water began to flow quickly into her bottom. It was more embarrassing
to be held over Daddy’s lap than being laid by the tub. Carrie could feel Thomas’ strongly muscled thighs below her tummy and his erect penis was pressed against her side as he held her in place. Daddy obviously was excited to take care of her in this way. Carrie decided to relax. If Thomas wasn’t disgusted by the bowel treatments but found them arousing, she didn’t need to fight it. It was stimulating to feel the warm water invading her private spaces. She felt Daddy clean and wipe his fingers on a nearby towel. Carrie jumped when her daddy’s fingers moved back to her, beginning to stroke the slick folds between her legs.

  “Enemas aren’t all bad, Carrie. I think you might be a very brave Little girl that finds pleasure as the water flows in to clean you. I love touching you, Carrie. You are so beautiful,” Thomas spoke softly to Carrie as he stimulated her inner labia. “Let’s check to see how full you are.” Thomas gently entered two fingers into her vagina and pulled them out to circle her clitoris as Carrie began to squirm on his lap. “There’s lots of room for more water in you, Carrie. That’s it, relax and enjoy your enema. Who knows maybe someday you might even ask me to give you one?” Thomas continued to stroke her gently as the enema streamed into Carrie. Waiting until all the liquid was in his Little girl, Thomas began to caress, Carrie more deliberately until he could feel her muscles gathering to orgasm. “Here you are Little girl. Here’s your reward for being daddy’s special angel.” Thomas reentered two fingers into her vagina while his thumb pressed against her clitoris. Holding his fingers deep in Carrie’s body, he enjoyed her climax. She was so responsive. He was a very lucky man.

  Carrie collapsed after the massive orgasm tore through her body. Her body draped fluidly over Thomas’ lap. Carrie had no strength left to think much less move as she felt Thomas place her on the potty and restrain her again while water gushed from her still quivering body. She felt herself be lifted off the potty many minutes later and after being cleaned up and rediapered. Carrie barely was conscious of being carried into the master bedroom, covered up with soft sheets and blankets, and drawn over to lay her bare chest on her warm daddy before falling soundly to sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Carrie woke up on Saturday morning to find herself draped over Thomas’ large muscular chest. His arm was wrapped around her and rested on her diapered bottom. Carrie moved very slowly not wishing to wake Thomas up as she raised her head from his chest to look at his handsome face. Carrie saw the generous mouth twitch at the corners and begin to smile. Looking quickly upward, Carrie saw Thomas’ eyes twinkling at her and his arm tightened about her.

  “Good morning, sweetheart! How are you feeling this morning?” Thomas’ hands roved over her bare back caressing her soft skin with gentle strokes and pressing her against his chest. “I love waking up with my new Little girl.”

  Carrie blushed furiously and stammered, “I like waking up with you too, Daddy.” She began to squirm as an urgent need to urinate struck her.

  “Where are you going, Little one? If you need to potty, your diaper is still on. You need to learn to use your diaper, Carrie. Just relax your muscles and go.” Thomas stroked her back encouragingly as he held her firmly to him.

  Carrie couldn’t believe that he wanted her to pee while he held her in his arms. She didn’t think she could do it until his arms tightened fiercely around her lower back and her abdomen was squeezed against his rock-solid muscles. “Ohh . . . “Carrie groaned as the warm fluid gushed into her diaper.

  “That’s my good girl, Carrie. Let it all out.” Thomas crooned softly in her ear.

  Crying softly with embarrassment, Carrie felt the last of the liquid leave her body.

  “Little girls in wet diapers need to be changed quickly so they don’t get diaper rash.” Thomas instructed solemnly. “Let’s take care of getting you dry so we can stop those tears, Carrie.” He swung her over the side of the bed and led her by hand into the nursery.

  Carrie sniffled and looked at the floor. She was so embarrassed. She noticed that Thomas wasn’t wearing pant legs around the bottom of his legs. Carrie’s eyes quickly rose and she discovered that Thomas was nude. She watched his gorgeous bottom contract as his muscles advanced each step. They reached the changing table too quickly and Carrie dropped her eyes back to the ground as Thomas turned so she wouldn’t be caught ogling his tight butt. She was lifted up to the changing table and the wet diaper was stripped from her legs. Carrie was embarrassed to feel the cold wet clothes against her skin cleaning her carefully of all urine.

  Thomas pressed her knees to the surface of the table completely opening her to his sight. Sliding open the drawer below her, Thomas took out a tube and squeezed out a generous portion of a clear gooey substance. “Let’s make sure you’re protected from diaper rash, Carrie,” he explained as he began to spread the goo concentrating on the area between her legs. Thomas stoked her vaginal opening before thrusting two fingers inside to rub the walls of her wet passage. Thomas continued to move the goo around now concentrating on her clitoral area.

  Carrie’s head slumped over to the right as she began to move her hips in response to the erotic strokes. Her eyes shot open totally to see Thomas’ erection right next to the changing table. He was huge. His penis reached his belly button and was so wide that Carrie didn’t think her fingers would touch if she tried to grasp him in her hand.

  “Oh, what big eyes you have, Little girl. Do you like the look of Daddy’s penis? It’s very excited to meet you,” Thomas questioned with a twinkle in his eyes. He continued to stroke her sensitive folds. “I’m afraid that you feel warm to me this morning, Carrie. Do you feel like you are running a fever?” When she quickly shook her head to dissuade him of this idea, Thomas stopped caressing her and lifted her from the changing table to carry her over to the rocking chair. “I think we should check your temperature, young lady. I don’t want you becoming ill your first weekend in your new home.” He shifted Carrie’s nude body to straddle his lap. “That’s it sweetheart. We’re going to let Daddy’s thermometer check to see if you are running a fever.” He positioned her wet opening to align with his erect penis and slowly lowered her body down.

  Carrie felt his penis penetrate her vagina. Oh, so slowly, Carrie slid on to his penis until she felt the tip of his penis brushing her cervix. She groaned from the depth of the invasion. He was so thick and long, Carrie knew he was deeper inside her than any of her previous lovers. “Oh, Daddy. You’re too big.” Carrie was afraid to move. He filled her so entirely, Carrie was afraid that she would tear.

  Thomas shushed her. “You feel so good, Carrie. I know my penis feels very large. You are so petite, sweetheart. Just relax your muscles. You don’t have to move for a while. Just relax and let Daddy take your temperature. Daddy loves taking care of his special Little girl.”

  Forcing her muscle to loosen from being tense around his invading member, Carrie realized that Thomas was gently rocking her on his penis. Carrie’s clitoris was softly brushing against Thomas’ rigid pelvis. Pleasurable sensations began to gather between her thighs. Moaning, she dropped her head down to rest on Thomas’ shoulder.

  As if waiting for a signal, Thomas began raising her hips further up and down stroking all the inner surfaces of her vagina. “That’s it Little girl. Just let me take care of you. Daddies love their Little girls.” Thomas began to kiss and nip at the exposed sensitive skin on her neck.

  Carrie shivered in reaction to the kisses and raised her head to brush her lips against Thomas’ softly. He reacted aggressively and Carrie felt him cradle the back of her head with one large hand as he brought her lips back to his. She felt his tongue plunder her mouth and Carrie gasped and moaned as she responded to the erotic, deep kisses. Her daddy’s talented mouth again caressed her neck before Carrie felt herself being leaned back. As she was angled back so that Thomas’ mouth could begin to feather kisses around her sensitive nipples, Carrie moaned as her new position seemed to drive Thomas’ penis deeper into her vagina.

  Thomas licked and nipped at her bead
ed nipples before slowly sucking one and then the other peak strongly into his mouth. His hand caressed her rounded stomach before reaching lower to brush the moist folds between her legs. He felt her inner thighs tremble as her body reacted strongly to his caresses as he moved his penis in and out of her vagina. “Come, Carrie. Just let go and come. Daddy will be here to catch you,” he urged Carrie in a deep, husky voice.


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