Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3

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Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3 Page 6

by Pepper North

  Two more deep strokes into her depth and Carrie felt herself explode around Thomas’ enormous penis. Carrie shuddered as she felt Thomas begin to jet his fluid deep in her vagina. Slowly, Carrie became aware of her surroundings. Thomas had gathered her back against his body and he cradled her nakedness again his muscular chest. She could feel his penis still jerking within her vagina as his erection began to slowly subside inside her.

  “What a lucky man I am to have such a good baby girl!” Thomas whispered to Carrie. “I think your temperature is just right but we’ll need to check it again to make sure you stay well.”

  Carrie shyly met his eyes and responded in a very quiet voice, “I think that’s a very good idea, Daddy. Thanks for taking such good care of me.”

  Thomas hugged her strongly to his body. When he felt her breathing return to normal, he raised her slightly to allow his penis to slide from her moist vagina. Cradling her in his strong arms, he stood and carried her back to the changing table where he wiped her folds clean and diapered her bottom before setting her down on the ground. “You play here for a little bit, Carrie, while Daddy takes a quick shower. We’ll go and get some breakfast before the doctor gets here.” He handed Carrie the stuffed bunny and patted her padded bottom before striding nude back into the master bedroom and into the attached bathroom.

  Carrie looked around the colorfully decorated room. It was furnished with everything a Little girl could wish for or need – just enlarged for an adult body. She opened a drawer in the dresser to see a variety of colorful panties in childish prints of animals and princess motifs. There was a large bin of stuffed animals and other toys next to a bookshelf of bedtime stories and puzzles. She tried to open the door to the attached bathroom only to find the door locked. Thomas had taken care to secure it after Carrie’s enema treatments the previous night so that it would not be available for use. Carrie looked at the connecting door to the master bedroom and tiptoed over to open the drawer in the changing table. She hadn’t been told to stay out of this drawer but somehow knew that Thomas would not wish her to examine the items inside. Carrie’s eyes grew large to see the variety of objects in the drawer. She could identify a kit filled with different sized thermometers ranging from very skinny to incredibly thick. Carrie was scared to see that the thermometer Thomas had used to check her for fever was one of the slimmer tubes. It had felt huge in her rectum. Other cylindrical items also ranged in diameter and Carrie guessed they were plugs that could be used like the one last night to keep substances inside her intestines. There were some items whose use was beyond Carrie’s imagination. For what purpose did Thomas intend to use them?

  Carrie reached curious fingers into the drawer only to hear, “What are you doing Little girl? Those are not toys and you should not be playing with anything in that drawer.” Thomas looked at her very sternly as he took Carrie’s reaching hand and removed it from the drawer before closing it firmly. “You will be spanked if you open that drawer again. Do you understand me, Carrie?”

  Carrie looked up at his serious face and nodded slowly. “I’m sorry. I was just exploring. I’ll never open it again. Daddy, what are all those things in there?” Carrie questioned softly.

  “Those are important items that will allow me to take care of you like any good daddy would. You just leave it up to me to make sure you are healthy, Carrie.” Thomas looked her seriously in the eyes before continuing with a smile, “I bet you’re getting hungry, Carrie. Let’s go to the kitchen and see what Gladys has prepared for us for breakfast. We’ll need to eat quickly. The doctor is coming in about a half hour for your check up.” Thomas turned Carrie around to the door and scooted her out before him. Taking her hand, Thomas led Carrie down the passage to the kitchen.

  Chapter Eleven

  Something smelled wonderful. Carrie’s stomach grumble loudly and Thomas laughed, “You are hungry!” They entered the kitchen to find Gladys setting a platter of scrambled eggs and bacon on the table. “Go give Gladys a hug good morning and climb into your high chair, Carrie.”

  Carrie shuffled her feet toward Gladys. She was embarrassed to greet the older lady so familiarly. Gladys lifted her chin so Carrie had to look at Gladys’ twinkling eyes, “Good morning, sweetheart,” Gladys chirped. She swept Carrie into her arms and crushed her to her plump body. “Did you sleep well?”

  Carrie blushed deep red remembering the enemas that she had been given. “Oh, my, Little girl. That’s quite a guilty look on your face. Remember that you’re just a Little girl that sometimes makes a mistake. It’s up to the adults to help you make good choices. I know you’re a good girl. Now, give me a smile. That’s my pretty girl. Up in your chair, Carrie. Your breakfast will get cold,” Gladys patted her on the bottom as Carrie turned to scramble into her highchair. Again, Gladys lifted her arms above her head so that Thomas could click the tray into place.

  Thomas again fed Carrie and himself as the trio sat at the table together. When Carrie couldn’t eat another bite, Thomas savored a final sip of his coffee and turned to release Carrie from her chair. She tried to watch how the tray latched into place but was unable to see the secret to be able to free herself from the highchair.

  “Let’s go brush your teeth, Carrie. Dr. Richards will be here soon,” Thomas urged Carrie back down the hall. He squeezed a small amount of toothpaste on a bright pink toothbrush and insisted on brushing Carrie’s teeth for her no matter how much she protested that she could do it herself. “Do you need to have your diaper changed, Carrie?” Thomas questioned gently. Seeing Carrie blush and shake her head, Thomas led her toward the front of the house just as the doorbell rang. Gladys appeared with a muscular, young man behind her.

  “Matt, thanks for coming over to check on my new Little girl,” Thomas smiled and shook the man’s hand warmly. Thomas pulled Carrie from where she was hiding behind him, “Carrie, say hello to Dr. Richards. He’s going to help me make sure you are healthy.”

  Carrie dropped her eyes to stare at her pink sparkly shoes and whispered, “Hi, doctor.” She was very embarrassed and apprehensive about what would happen during the doctor’s visit. What kind of exam would he give her?

  Dr. Richards said quietly but with great authority, “Carrie, look at me.” He waited until she lifted her eyes to meet his warm, brown eyes. “Carrie, your daddy asked me to come today to help him care for you correctly. I am a doctor. I will never cause you harm. Confidentiality is the key to my practice and my pledge to all my patients. I’ve known your daddy for many years. I care for his health and the health of the others in this household.

  “I am a very lucky daddy also. My Little girl, Zoey, is the center of my world. Your Daddy and I will make sure you meet her very soon. I would have brought her today but she had a little cold and isn’t allowed outside until she is feeling better. She did send a picture with me for you.” He pulled a folded piece of white, drawing paper out of his pocket. He handed it to Carrie.

  Unfolding the stiff paper, Carrie found a picture of a man that looked just like Dr. Richards, a waif-like blond girl, and Carrie’s new Daddy all alone. Written in careful printing was the following message: “Hi Carrie, I’m sorry I can’t come meet you today. My Daddy says that he would have to spank my bottom HARD if I stowed away in his car. I’m so glad your Daddy has you now. He’s been very lonely all alone. I’ll see you soon!” It was signed Zoey with Xs and Os.

  Carrie looked up at the doctor. She noticed this time that he looked kind. “Xs and Os?” she questioned.

  “Hugs and Kisses,” Dr. Richards explained. “Zoey loves everyone. I love her very much.” Dr. Richards was silent for a few seconds as he looked at her. “You know a little more about me and my family. What do you think? Will you allow me to treat you as well?” Patiently, Dr. Richards paused until Carrie slowly nodded her head affirmatively. “Alright, Little one, let’s go to the examination room that your daddy has put together for us. Thomas, I hope you’ve been able to add all the necessities we discussed earlier?” Dr. Richards lo
oked at Thomas.

  “Definitely, Matt. I’ve gathered all the equipment and supplies you suggested. Hopefully, you’ll have everything you will need to treat Carrie here privately. If not, I’ll make sure to get whatever else you need. I appreciate you giving up your time on Saturday to come make sure my baby girl stays healthy. Follow me. Gladys has helped me set up an exam room right down this hallway.” Thomas led the way and opened a door into what looked like a professional exam room.

  Carrie was amazed to see an examination table, counters lined with containers carefully labeled with supplies, familiar medical equipment hanging from the walls, and even, she observed blushing deeply, a large box of gloves, a tube of lubricant with a gynecological speculum as well as a smaller sized speculum laid out on a metal tray. She had wondered what type of exam she was to have and was distressed to see it would be extremely thorough. She hesitated in the doorway.

  “Carrie, come on in, sweetheart. I know little girls don’t like going to see the doctor but I’ll be with you the whole time. Dr. Richards is going to give you a complete exam to make sure you are healthy and will determine what I need to do so that you’ll be even better.” Thomas ushered Carrie into the room seemingly ignoring her dragging footsteps. “Let’s get these clothes off you so the doctor can begin his exam.” Thomas began to divest Carrie of her clothing.

  Carrie blushed from head to toe. She was so embarrassed to stand in the bright, white room in front of the two men. Thomas even whisked her diaper off her bottom and instructed her to step out of it leaving her nude body totally exposed to their view. Again, she looked down not wanting to meet their eyes.

  Dr. Richards opened his black, medical bag and pulled out his stethoscope. He instructed Carrie to step on to the professional scale. He moved the old fashioned lever to balance the scale and recorded her weight in a file labeled with her name. “Thomas, help this beautiful young lady to take a seat on the exam table.” He waited as Carrie positioned herself on the table. “Let’s take your blood pressure, Carrie. Just relax.” Dr. Richards wrapped the black band around her upper arm. His hand brushed her left breast and Carrie was further embarrassed to see her nipples harden in response to the light touch. Dr. Richards continued without seeming to notice her reaction. “Your pulse is a little fast, Carrie. I’m assuming that you’re a little nervous and that you haven’t been treated for any heart problems?” Carrie nodded in agreement.

  Dr. Richards noted her blood pressure in her chart and turned to Carrie with a smile. “Relax, Carrie. I promise to make this a painless as possible. Now, I have some big girl questions for you. When was your last menstrual period?”

  Carrie stammered out a date two weeks earlier and answered his following question that her periods were regular. She volunteered that she was on a brand name birth control pill. Carrie watched the doctor note all this information in her chart.

  “Carrie, have you taken your pill today?” Dr. Richards questioned. When she started and shook her head negatively, Dr. Richards looked at Thomas. “I would suggest that you create a regular habit of giving Carrie her pill every morning at breakfast. It’s very difficult for Little girls to remember important medicine when there is such a big change in their normal routine.”

  “I agree, Matt. We’ll find Carrie’s medication immediately after we finish here and put them in the kitchen so that we’ll be sure she takes her pills regularly.” Thomas looked very seriously at the doctor. “Perhaps there would be some vitamins that you would suggest she take as well in the morning?”

  “I will have some suggestions for supplemental nutrients for Carrie after the exam and I’ll take a blood sample to run at the office to make sure that we provide her everything she needs. I’m not going to suggest that she take an oral vitamin in the morning, however. My research has proven that delicate systems absorb more from a suppository administered each evening before little girls are put to sleep. I am going to recommend that all medicines Carrie receive be given rectally. It’s is much more effective for Little girls,” Dr. Richards stated firmly.

  “That is very interesting research, Matt. We’ll be glad to follow any instructions you have,” Thomas chuckled at Carrie’s shocked face. “My Little girl may protest a little to receive her medicine rectally but we will be sure to medicate her following your instructions. Does this include over the counter medicine such as headache and upset stomach medicines?”

  “Definitely, you will need to be very consistent in treating any medical conditions through absorption in Carrie’s rectum. I’ll have delivered to you suppositories to address a variety of needs. Carrie will need to take these inserted medicines whether at home or work.” Dr. Richards looked sternly at Carrie. “Do you understand, Carrie? No mixing oral medicines and rectal suppositories.”

  “I think it would be very difficult to put in a suppository while I’m in court, Doctor,” Carrie’s mind was racing at the thought of inserted medication. She was so embarrassed to think that Thomas would be regularly inserting medication in her bottom. Surely, he wouldn’t want to do this.

  “Carrie, you have privacy in the restroom. With a little practice, you could insert a suppository when you potty at work if you had a special need to treat a headache. Here at home, I’ll definitely take care of any routine medicines for you. I can see your mind racing, Carrie. Remember I wish to take care of you totally. It will be my pleasure to make sure your medicine is well placed in your tight bottom.” Thomas chuckled as Carrie again blushed bright red and he dropped a kiss on her bowed head.

  Dr. Richards fitted the stethoscope’s earpieces in place and pressed the cold, round disk to Carrie’s chest. “Breathe in and out deeply, Carrie,” he instructed. Dr. Richards proceeded to her back to listen again. “Very good, Carrie. Lie back. I want to listen to your bowel sounds as well.” Dr. Richards stood patiently while Carrie stretched out flat on the exam table. He pressed the stethoscope’s end to various sites on Carrie’s abdomen. “I’m hearing a lot of rumbling in your bowels, Carrie. Have you had a bowel movement lately?” Dr. Richards inquired. Thomas laughed and explained about the special broccoli treatment of the previous evening and the subsequent enemas.

  “Thomas, you handled that perfectly. All Little girls need to eat their vegetables. When they refuse to do so, their daddies should help them absorb the nutrients in alternative ways. I’m more concerned now with the amount of fecal material that seems to have built up in Carrie’s bowels. It appears as if there is a chronic problem and Carrie has not been moving her bowels the way she should for quite a while.” Dr. Richards looked directly at Carrie and questioned again, “Have you had a bowel movement recently, Carrie?”

  “I . . . I don’t have to go very often,” stammered Carrie. “I’m stuck in court for long hours. Sometimes it’s impossible to go when I need to,” Carrie added softly.

  Dr. Richards nodded his head. “I understand, Carrie. You understand that it’s important to rid your body of excrement on a regular basis?” he questioned. Seeing her nod slowly, he added, “Thomas, you’re going to have to help your Little girl get back on a healthier track in moving her bowels. I’ll give her a series of enemas today after her exam to rectify the pressing need to cleanse her intestinal track and I’ll leave you a suggested schedule for helping your Little girl move her bowels on a regular basis.”

  “Okay, Carrie. Just relax as I examine your breasts,” Dr. Richards instructed as he began to press firmly on Carrie’s chest. “Thomas, you will need to help Carrie check her breasts each month.” The doctor then began to pull her nipples.

  Carrie could feel herself starting to get excited. She’d never had a breast exam like this. Her eyes darted nervously from the doctor to Thomas.

  “Carrie, you need to relax. I’m checking your reaction to stimulus. It appears that your breasts are very responsive. This is a very good thing,” the doctor’s calm voice reassured Carrie that he was proceeding professionally. “All right, Little one, let’s get your legs up in the stirrups so
I can examine your bottom,” Dr. Richards instructed. “Scoot your bottom down to the end of the table. That’s perfect.”

  Carrie lifted her legs and placed them in the metal stirrups. She felt Dr. Richards wrap a Velcro fastener around her calf and another around her thigh for each leg so that she was unable to move and her legs were widely spread apart exposing her completely to view.

  “Let’s take your temperature first, Carrie. Thomas, would you hand me the lubricant and the thermometer on the tray behind you?” Dr. Richards fitted gloves on his hands and then squeezed a large dollop of lubricant on his index finger. “Relax your bottom, Carrie.” The doctor firmly pressed his finger against Carrie’s anus until his finger entered her bottom. He rubbed the lubricant around her rectum sliding his finger in and out of her bottom until he felt her relax. “That’s a good girl, Carrie. Just relax and your daddy and I will take good care of you.” With those instructions, he slid the cold glass thermometer deeply into Carrie and held it in place. “Thomas, when taking Carrie’s temperature, be sure to hold the thermometer firmly in place. Little girls often try to push it out. Make sure you leave it in place at least ten minutes to be sure you get an accurate reading.” The doctor continued to give Thomas advice about how to care for Carrie addressing the need for daily temperature readings, diaper changes and diaper rash. Finally, Carrie felt the thermometer being pulled from her rectum.


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