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Carrie: Dr. Richards' Littles 3

Page 7

by Pepper North

  “No fever today. Thomas, I’m going to do a rectal exam next on Carrie. Little girls get apprehensive about having their bottoms looked at so carefully. Why don’t you stand next to Carrie and hold her hands?” The doctor waited until Thomas was in place before seating on a stool between Carrie’s legs. He picked up the smaller speculum and again squeezed the lubricant tube generously to coat the ends before pressing the cold metal against Carrie’s tightly clenched anus. “Relax, Carrie. This is uncomfortable but not painful. Take a deep breath and relax.” The doctor slid the anal speculum into Carrie’s rectum and spread the sides widely to allow him to look into her tight passageway. He slid a specimen tool into her expanded bottom and swabbed around the inside of her rectum before capping his tightly in a tube. “Okay, Carrie. You’ve done a great job. I’m going to slide the speculum out and do a digital exam now.” Carrie felt the metal instrument slip from her bottom only to be replaced by two of the doctor’s large fingers. Dr. Richards stood to press deeply into her rectum with his fingers palpating the sides of the passageway before pressing on her stomach at the same time. “Thomas, her bowels are definitely impacted. Carrie is going to feel much better when we have her on a regular, enema regimen!” he enthused.

  Carrie whimpered at the thought of having one enema much less an enema on a routine basis. How was she going to get out of this treatment? “Doctor, I’m sure I could go to the bathroom. I don’t need to have an enema,” she tried to convince him.

  “Little girls often don’t like the treatment that helps them feel better. You’ll get used to your daddy giving you an enema. I have a feeling that he can figure out some ways to stimulate you so that you forget you’re even getting a medical treatment and you’ll start looking forward to each enema,” Dr. Richards chuckled reassuringly. “Thomas, you will find that Carrie is very sensitive to stimulation while her bowels are being filled. Manual manipulation of her sensitive clitoral area will distract her from any discomfort or embarrassment from an enema. Using a vibrator deep in her vagina will create helpful sonic waves to help dislodge any stubborn matter from adhering to the intestinal wall while also creating very pleasurable sensations. Additionally, having rigorous vaginal sex while Carrie receives or holds an enema will help agitate the liquid inside Carrie to make the enema much more effective. Anal sex works well to agitate the liquid inside a Little one’s bowels after the enema is administered. You will have to experiment to find what works best and what helps Carrie enjoy the process as well.” The doctor finally removed his fingers from Carrie’s bottom and stripped off his gloves.

  “We’re almost done with the exam, Carrie. I’m going to look at your vaginal area next.” The doctor looked from his restrained patient to her new daddy. “Thomas, she may get a little excited here. Feel free to caress Carrie. I would like to observe an orgasm so that we can make sure she is responding appropriately.”

  “What?!!!” Carrie thought desperately to herself. Then she watched the doctor don clean gloves and after lubricating his fingers, Carrie felt the cold lubricant spread around inner labia and vaginal opening. The rhythmical stroking of her sensitive tissues was causing Carrie to respond by moving her pelvis. She felt Thomas’ hands begin first to caress her breasts lightly and then pull at her erect nipples. When his warm mouth closed over her left nipple, Carrie thought she might lose her mind. It all felt so good. She forgot about where she was and that she was being stimulated by two men – one of which was her new doctor. The sensations reached a peak and Carrie felt herself launch into a very strong orgasm that seemed to last forever. Gradually, she became aware that Thomas was softly whispering to her that she was a very good, Little girl as the doctor ceased stroking her and had sat back on his stool allowing her to catch her breath and calm down.

  “You are responding very well, Carrie. Thomas, your Little girl will delight you for many years to come. She is very sensitive,” the doctor commented warmly. “Carrie, this is going to feel cold.” He slid the gynecological speculum deep into Carrie’s vagina and held it in place as her body reacted with a final spasm of pleasure. The doctor closely examined the interior of Carrie’s vagina and prepared a pap smear before sliding the instrument from Carrie’s wet entrance. “No, don’t try to sit up yet, Carrie. I’m done with my examination but we still have your impacted bowels to address.” The doctor stood and moved to the head of the examination table. “I think we need to make sure you stay safe, Carrie and don’t move around too much to hurt yourself. Raise your hands above your head for me.”

  Carrie obediently followed his instructions and quickly found her wrists wrapped in restraints that anchored her to the exam table. She struggled briefly until Thomas leaned down to whisper reassurances to her that she was safe and the doctor was just taking care of her. He pressed his mouth over hers and kissed her so thoroughly that she missed the doctor withdrawing a large enema bag from the cabinets and measuring a large portion of milky cleanser into the bag. Carrie heard the water running as Thomas moved to kiss her sensitive neck before he straightened and looked lovingly at Carrie.

  “You’re such a good baby girl,” Thomas murmured. “How did I ever get so lucky to find you?” Thomas caressed her hair softly as the doctor attached the bulging bag to a stand and pulled it into position next to the exam table.

  “Carrie, I want you to relax. Your bowels need a very thorough cleaning. The mixture may sting slightly as it enters your body. We’ll be sure to rinse out all the cleanser later. This will need to sit inside your bottom for a while to loosen up all the material that has been in your system too long. I’m going to insert the nozzle now. Let’s put some additional lubricant on your bottom so it slides in as easily as possible.”

  Carrie felt a cold glob of lubricant applied to her rectum and Dr. Richards large finger pressed into her clenched opening to spread it all around. “Daddy, I really don’t want an enema,” Carrie protested tearfully. “Can’t I just have some medicine to make me go?” she pleaded as big tears gathered in her eyes. She tried to tighten her muscle to keep out the nozzle but she felt it begin to slide into place. The nozzle seemed to become wider in the middle and then narrow so her body clamped around it holding it firmly inserted into her rectum.

  “Shush, Little girl,” Thomas replied soothingly. “The doctor knows what is best for Little girls with tummy troubles. I know this isn’t fun now but you are going to feel so much better soon. Just close your eyes if you want and think about fun activities you want to do today. Do you like to swing, sweetheart?” Thomas questioned softly as he stroked her hair gently.

  Click. Carrie felt the liquid begin to gush into her intestines. It was warm and stung as it flowed into her bottom. She tried to push against the flow but it didn’t stop or even slow down the cleansing liquid as it entered. “I don’t like this, Daddy,” Carrie began to cry in earnest as the liquid started continued to jet into her and she felt her stomach begin to cramp.

  “Carrie, you’re doing a great job. Pant if you need to – that will help a lot with the cramps.” Dr. Richards instructed calmly. He moved adjusted the nozzle in Carrie’s bottom causing her to wiggle. “Just relax, Carrie, the cleanser is going to do all the work. I’m going to rub your tummy now, Carrie to help the liquid spread evenly throughout your system. Thomas, watch how I do this so you can repeat the process during the enemas you give Carrie in the future. You want to press firmly on Carrie’s stomach with your hands in small circular motions, covering her entire abdominal area from right under her rib cage to her groin. You can feel the progression of the enema throughout her system and track how deeply it is going. Carrie is so impacted now, I can tell we are going to need to add some additional liquid to the bag as it will not be able to reach the deeper levels of her intestines. Take over for me here Thomas and I’ll mix up some additional cleanser,” Dr. Thomas instructed.

  “Please, no more. I can’t take any more. Please. Can’t you stop it now? I’ll take more tomorrow,” Carrie pleaded. “I’ll be really good tom
orrow,” she promised.

  Dr. Richards removed his hands from Carrie’s tummy letting Thomas take over massaging the liquid through her system. “Carrie, you are doing so well sweetheart. This isn’t your fault that your tummy is so stuffed with poop. It’s got to come out. I’m going to give you a little medicine to make this easier for you, okay?” He looked at Carrie with a very kind smile. “You just leave this up to your daddy and me. We’re going to make you feel better.” He patted Carrie on the shoulder and moved over to the cabinet where he opened a door and removed a vial and a syringe. Filling the syringe, Dr. Richards ejected a little liquid and moved to Carrie’s bottom where he wiped her stretched out hip with a cold, sterile swab before quickly injecting the medicine deep into her muscle. “You should feel the medicine taking effect very quickly, Carrie.”

  Gasping at the pain of the needle prick, Carrie almost immediately felt her body begin to relax. Her head began to feel fuzzy and she sagged against the restraints holding her arms and legs in place. She could still feel the liquid flowing swiftly into her bottom but somehow it wasn’t as upsetting as it had been. Carrie heard liquid pouring and opened her heavy eyelids to see Dr. Richards adding additional milky fluid into the open top of the enema bag.

  “That should be enough liquid to treat Carrie’s entire intestinal tract, Thomas. How’s the massage working, Thomas. Can you feel the liquid going through to all the stubborn spots?” Dr. Richards questioned.

  “I think it’s really helping, Matt. Would you check to make sure I’m doing this correctly?” Thomas questioned as he moved back a step.

  Dr. Richards ran his practiced hands over Carrie’s bulging tummy. “Thomas, this is a great job. I would suggest each time you do a deep enema like this that you make sure to massage Carrie’s stomach. Once, you’ve gotten the liquid to flow to all areas as you have now, it’s best to stop as the liquid continues to build in Carrie’s system. The pressure of your hands can become painful as the liquid accumulates. So do this in the beginning until the liquid is at least half way inserted. I’ve given Carrie a dose of medicine so she’s tolerating the deep enema well. When I’m not here, this is a good time to use some distractionary techniques to help Carrie enjoy her enema. Orgasms pull the liquid deeply into the intestinal tract so encourage Carrie to orgasm as much as possible through manual stimulation and intercourse. More is better in this case,” Dr. Richards instructed with a twinkle in his eyes and Thomas responded with a large grin.

  “I have a feeling that I can be very distracting, Doctor,” Thomas replied while stroking Carrie’s left breast. Feeling her nipple contract under his hand, Thomas leaned over to softly kiss Carrie’s lips. He was elated to feel her lips respond to his kiss. “I’m a very lucky man.”

  “Yes, you are, Thomas. All right, all the cleansing liquid has flowed into Carrie. I’m going to shut off the hose so it is trapped inside her intestines. We need to allow the cleanser to work its magic and Carrie is beginning to fall asleep. Let’s turn down the lights so she can rest. Did you install the video monitor as I suggested, Thomas?” Dr. Richards questioned.

  “Definitely, Matt. That was a great idea. Let me turn it on and we’ll go get a cup of coffee in the kitchen while Carrie rests. I have lots of questions for you, Matt. Could I bribe you to answer them with some of Gladys’ famous apple pie?” Thomas chuckled as he turned on the monitor and made sure that Carrie was centered in the display screen. He lovingly tucked a warm blanket over Carrie’s nude body draping it softly over her bulging tummy, and turned down the lights as they walked out the door of the exam room leaving Carrie drowsing.

  Carrie was aware of them leaving but the medicine was making her so sleepy and relaxed. Even the stinging cleanser that had been forced deep into her tummy couldn’t keep her awake. Carrie’s head lolled to the side and she drifted to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Okay, sleepy girl. We’re going to help you get rid of all that yucky poop in your tummy. Can you wake up enough to sit up, Carrie?” Thomas’ loving voice penetrated through the fog in Carrie’s brain.

  Carrie’s hands and legs had been released from their restraints and the blanket removed. Carrie felt Thomas slide his arms around her shoulders to help ease her up to sit on the exam table. A curtain had been pulled aside to reveal a toilet at the side of the exam room and Thomas helped Carrie walk over to the toilet and lean over at the waist so that Dr. Richards could remove the nozzle from her rectum before she was sat down on the toilet as the stinging liquid gushed from her bottom. Carrie was too groggy to process that both men were observing her closely as she performed the intimate act of voiding her bowels. When she appeared to be finished, Carrie felt her naked body lifted from the seat and she was stretched over a downward slanting bench so that her bottom was high and her feet and head extended toward the floor. Her bottom was wiped clean with a soft, damp cloth before Carrie felt the distinctive cold touch of additional lubricant on her anal opening. “No!” Carrie wailed as she felt a nozzle enter her bottom and instantly a strong gush of warm water began.

  Dr. Richards lightly stroked her bottom. “Carrie, we have to rinse all the cleanser out of your bottom so it doesn’t sting. This is going to feel better. I promise. You tell me when you feel full and we’ll let you push the liquid out. You are being such a good, Little girl. I know your daddy is very proud of you,” Dr. Richards encouraged.

  Carrie felt Thomas’ large warm hands on the inside of her thighs. “Can I make you feel better, Carrie? Oh, sweetheart, you’re so wet. I think maybe you might like these enemas a little.” Thomas laughed as Carrie frantically shook her head no. His fingers caressed her inner labia, stroking her clitoris. “Does my Little girl like when Daddy touches her?” he questioned softly.

  Carrie moaned as his fingers began to stroke inside her vagina. “Daddy,” she sighed happily. “You make me feel so good.” Carrie felt her body gather itself and contract strongly around Thomas’ fingers as she orgasmed. Several moments later, Carrie realized the warm water was still rapidly filling her bottom. “I need to go to the bathroom!” Carrie pleaded urgently. She was amazed to feel herself lifted back on her feet and she was reseated on the toilet after the nozzle was removed from her bottom and she was allowed to expel the enema. This whole process was repeated five times until the water emerged from Carrie’s system clear. Her rectum was very sore but her tummy felt flatter and much more comfortable.

  “Carrie, I know your bottom is very tender. I’m going to show your daddy how to apply some medicine to help you today and tomorrow. Thomas, let’s have you sit down and help Carrie lay over your lap.” The doctor waited until Thomas had Carrie stretched out in position. “Let me help by pulling her cheeks apart. Gladys would help you do this if you need more hands later. Put a good dollop of this ointment on your finger and apply it gently to her opening. It’s very red now but should look better by the end of the day tomorrow, Thomas. Press your finger into her opening to lubricate it for the suppository. Perfectly done, Thomas. Leave your finger in place to soothe Carrie while I unwrap the suppository. Okay. Pull your finger out slowly and replace it by this tip of the suppository. Press it into place deeply and again hold your finger inside to keep it in place until you feel it begin to melt.” The doctor waited several minutes while the medicine dissolved inside Carrie. “You should feel it melted by now. Thomas, rub your finger around the walls of Carrie’s rectum to apply the medicine to all the surfaces. Finally, rub the medicine around that tender opening as you removed your finger. Add another dollop of the ointment around the exterior and wrap Carrie up in her diaper as usual. She needs to have the ointment reapplied after each diaper change and when you place a new suppository every 4 hours today. No need to wake Carrie up repeatedly throughout the night tonight. Just insert 3 suppositories at bed time and that will help overnight. The suppositories will make Carrie sleepy so she should take lots of naps and have quiet activities today.” Dr. Richards waited until Carrie was wrapped in her diaper and sitting
on her proud Daddy’s lap.

  “Carrie’s tummy needs some TLC as well. I would stick to a liquid diet and really push the fluids. She should drink a large bottle of liquids alternating between Gladys’ special formula to juice or water every hour today. You should need to change her diaper frequently. Don’t be surprised to see fecal leakage as well. That is normal after an enema. Tomorrow, she can resume normal activities and food intakes. I want Carrie to have deep cleansing enema with the rinses at least every month. Smaller enemas should be inserted at least twice a week as we discussed. Use your discretion and increase that number if Carrie complains about a tummy ache or becomes grumpy. That’s often the first sign that a Little girl needs some help moving her bowels.”

  “Last thing today is I need to take some blood for the screening tests.” He removed several vials from the cabinet and quickly filled the tubes with Carrie’s blood. He taped on a bandage and patted Carrie on the head before she even could protest. “All done, sweetheart. Is your tummy feeling better?” Observing her sleepy yawn during her affirmative nods, Dr. Richards smiled warmly. “I think this would be a perfect time to read this beautiful, girl a good book and cuddle up for a nap. Thomas, a little extra rest for you would be good as well.” Wrapping the vials carefully, Dr. Richards placed them in his black bag. “I’ll let myself out, Thomas. Call any time if you have additional questions. I’ll be back next month to examine Carrie again.” He turned and left the room.


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