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Ruined by the Pirate

Page 2

by Wendi Zwaduk

  “Come here, girl.” One of the men leaped from his seat. “Here’s a nice girl. Come sit with me.”

  He grappled for her as she plastered herself tight to the door. The handle wouldn’t budge.

  “I need to go,” she said and yanked on the handle. Maybe her father was right—she wasn’t meant to roam free. Her inquisitive nature tended to get her into trouble.

  The door finally moved.

  Another voice added to the mix. “I’m looking for a girl.” The pirate stepped into the room. When he spotted her, his sneer softened. “There you are. Thanks, boys, for keeping her safe.”

  “Anything for you, Cap.” The man nodded and returned to his seat. “She got herself lost and we found her.”

  Sarah threw herself into the pirate’s arms. “Thank you,” she murmured. She shouldn’t be grateful for the man who’d kidnapped then rescued her, but she appreciated him finding her. “Help me?”

  The pirate led her from the room to the fresher air on the deck. He draped his arm around her waist. “I’m sorry you had to see that. The boys are a rowdy lot, but they’re loyal.” He escorted her down the corridor back to his cabin. “You deserve a proper introduction. I’m Killian Thomas, captain of this vessel. The Lady Meredith and I have sailed these seas for many years. The chap I stole her from probably wants her back. I don’t care.”

  Sarah picked at the beading on her tea gown. Killian? According to rumor, he was one of the roughest men on the water. He killed whomever trod in his path and stole whatever wasn’t nailed down. What on Earth did he want with her? Was she supposed to entertain the crew?

  “I suppose you’re going to handcuff me to the main support beam, aren’t you? Allow the crew to molest the captive in order to get me to talk?” Dear God, her imagination had run away with her. She hoped she sounded stronger than she felt. “Or have you taken me for your own selfish pleasures.”

  Killian twisted the knob then ushered her inside his cabin. He didn’t bother to engage the lock. Instead, he caged her between his body and the wall.

  His dark eyes blazed. “I would never let the crew molest a lady.”

  She might not have believed him before, but now she did. If he truly wanted to harm her, he would’ve let her stay with the crew or at least have locked her up. He didn’t appear to be the same man as described in the rumors. She rejoiced at her good fortune.

  “Why have you taken me?” she asked.

  She fought the bone-deep urge to slide her hands over his muscular chest. The shirt, unbuttoned a third of the way down, offered her a tantalizing glimpse of his tanned skin. Up close, she noticed the sapphire flecks in his blue eyes. She’d never seen eyes quite so dark and moody.

  “I said you were beautiful.” Killian let go of her and kicked the cabin door shut with his booted foot. “What’s not to understand?”

  Oh, he wanted to insult her, did he? She refused to play games with him—even if her life hung in the balance.

  “Don’t flatter me,” she spat. “You want my father’s money. Everyone wants Father’s money.” Except her. She hadn’t wanted his millions and begged him to give it away to charity or a philanthropic endeavor. She laced her fingers. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to such kindness.” Goodness, she sounded fake. “Just—forgive me. I’m scared.” She needed to stop talking.

  “Your father has money?” Killian leaned against the drawers built into the wall. “Interesting.”

  “You act shocked.” Then again, so was she. Didn’t everyone know about her father and his money? She wriggled in her gown, wishing Killian wasn’t staring at her with such intensity. “But you said you knew my father would pay dearly for me?”

  When he shifted his weight from his right foot to his left, the cotton of his breeches pulled taut over the growing bulge between his long legs. Did he find her arousing or amusing? Or was he aroused by the act of kidnapping her? Why was she thinking about his arousal? The temperature around her spiked and her skin prickled. Despite the chill of the early evening, she could’ve sworn the midday sun shined on her.

  “I did, but quite honestly, I’m surprised you think so little of me.” He crossed his ankles, then his arms. “You take me for a fool who only wants money.”

  “You did strong-arm me off my family’s boat.” There. She’d put him in his place. “Only a fool kidnaps someone.”

  The corner of his mouth kinked in the beginning of a smile. “Not one of my finer moments, no.” The dimple in his right cheek deepened. When he wasn’t scowling, he was rather dashing. “I’m glad you’ve made a mockery of me. I deserve the rough edge of your tongue.”

  Sarah inwardly shook her head. Stop looking at him as handsome and somewhat sweet. But she wondered what exactly she could do with her rough tongue on his body… And why was she thinking so? He had to want something beyond a nice chat with her. All men had ulterior motives. He probably wanted to take her virginity and ruin her for her future husband. Suddenly, the thought of being ruined didn’t upset her. Being ruined meant Isaiah wouldn’t want her.

  “Are you going to kill me?” She shivered.

  His eyebrows knotted. “Any other pirate might.” Killian stalked toward her and braced his hand on the beam above her head. The spicy scent of his cologne enveloped her. “I’m not like any other pirate.”

  Killian read her fear and the undercurrent of interest. Most women would’ve demanded to be set free or at least pitched a fit. Not Sarah. She’d tried to run once, but the encounter with the crew must’ve scared her. She stood quietly and picked at the lace of her dress. The garment bunched beneath her breasts, giving him a stunning view of her cleavage. For an afternoon stroll, the dress would’ve been fine. For a night on the water, the flimsy lace and satin wasn’t going to be enough. Where was her coat? He glanced around the cabin long enough to spot one of his overcoats. He picked up the coat then draped it around her shoulders.

  “Thank you.” She didn’t look him in the eye. “Maybe it’s better this way. I assumed you knew who I was.”

  “Are you trying to bargain with me?” He couldn’t help but bait her. He curled his fingers under her chin and tipped her gaze. “Love, I don’t persuade easily, even if I do know who you are.”

  Sarah finally smiled. A wicked glint sparkled in her green eyes. “I got the feeling you almost knew what you were doing.”

  “Excuse me?” Killian kept his feelings in check. She wanted to spar? They’d spar. Part of him wanted to be cross with her. The rest of him enjoyed the exchange.

  “If you truly knew who I was, then I could suspect you of colluding with my father to bring me home. Or, you saw the lame brain man I’m being forced to marry and you’ve decided to put a halt to the nuptials.”

  Did she think she had him because she’d used large words? He might have been a man of the sea, but he wasn’t uneducated. She did have his full attention. Marry a lame brain? Not if he had any say in the matter. Christ. He almost sounded like he cared. Did he? She was just his captive.

  Killian tugged the coat tighter around her small frame. “Miss Moyer, I do know who you are, but I don’t know of your father’s motives. Allowing your daughter to wed a man beneath her is truly ridiculous.” Unless the man in question was Killian. Then he’d change the rules. “My reasons for taking you are purely selfish. I saw something I wanted and I took it…er…you.”

  “And my jewelry?”

  “Is still on the other boat and of little consequence. Why have fool’s gold when you can possess the real thing?”

  Her mouth opened and closed, but she said nothing. A deep blush crept down her cheeks and her throat to the neckline of her gown.

  “I stopped at Southampton for supplies and a rest. The moment I saw you, I wanted you.” He met her bewildered gaze. “A pirate’s life can be boring. You opened my eyes to a new world.” He sounded love-crazed and didn’t care.

  “You want to ruin me,” she whispered. Her eyes widened and her lips parted.

  “And what if I do?”
He crowded her again. This time he pressed his hips to hers, showing her exactly how much he longed for her. “Would it be so bad to be ruined by a pirate?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer. Instead, he crushed his mouth onto hers and tasted her sweetness.

  Sarah didn’t fight him. She tensed for a moment then wound her arms around his waist. She held onto him tightly. When she whimpered, he swallowed the noise. A man could become addicted to her kisses. He nibbled his way from her lips across her cheek to her ear. He longed to rip the dress from her body and taste every bit of her. Was she wet for him? Hungering for him the way he needed her? His cock throbbed, and he wished the clothing between them would disappear.

  “Killian,” she gasped.

  He nipped her throat. “Right here.” And on the edge of taking her against the wall.

  “We can’t do this.” She nudged him away and yanked the coat closed. “I shouldn’t.”

  “Kiss me?” He licked his bottom lip and the memory of her kiss seared onto his brain. “You can kiss me all night, love. I haven’t gotten enough of you.”

  She shook her head. “I may not like Isaiah, but I can’t…” Sarah’s curt tone that he’d grown accustomed to faded. She averted her gaze again. “It wouldn’t be right.”

  Ah, now he understood. Moments ago, she’d been on the cusp of giving in to his charms. Duty must’ve crept back into her mind. She might not have liked Isaiah Landry, but she couldn’t treat him cruelly, either. Killian gritted his teeth. A man like Landry deserved to be bullwhipped. He didn’t understand how to treat a horse, much less a lady. He’d put her on a pedestal and ignore her instead of basking in all the ways he could please her.

  “I understand.” He didn’t—not really. He refused to force her. If she wanted him, then he’d be there. If not, he’d leave her alone. He stood tall and cleared his throat. “I’ll leave you alone for a while and will attend to my duties with the crew.” He bowed—something he rarely did for anyone—and sidestepped her. “When I’m done, I’ll set a course for your home.” His pride splintered. He’d planned to romance her and convince her that a life on the water could be worthwhile. With her at his side, he’d have everything he needed. His enthusiasm won out and he’d pushed her too far. A proper woman wouldn’t have anything to do with a pirate.

  Damn him for thinking otherwise.


  When she said his name, his heart flip-flopped and a rock formed in the pit of his stomach. He might have wanted her to fall for him, but with another man in the picture, she’d never give in. Still, hearing his name on her lips did buoy his waning spirits. He didn’t look at her, but rather spoke over his shoulder. “Yes, love?”

  “Don’t take me home.”

  Chapter Three

  Sarah balled her hands to keep from reaching for him. He kept calling her love and being nice to her despite having kidnapped her. He might have been a pirate and a roughneck, but he did have a softer side.

  “Please?” she asked.

  “Yes, love.” Killian nodded once then left her alone in his room.

  She shouldn’t have encouraged him. She belonged to another man. Isaiah hadn’t given her a ring. He had barely given her a nod when he’d asked for her hand. She snorted at the memory. Isaiah had stood with her father. He’d spoken about her like she hadn’t been in the room and decided they’d wed in May. She wondered if he had even waited for her. Maybe—if he wanted the money she’d get in her inheritance. How could a man who claimed to love a woman send her away for over a year?

  She hugged herself and breathed in the musky scent trapped in Killian’s coat. Funny, she felt safe in his garment and protected on his boat. The idea of running wasn’t important. She crept over to the window and stared out at the blackness of the ocean. His kiss still burned on her lips.

  Sarah perched on the edge of his desk and listened to the lull of the waves slapping the boat. What would she gain by staying with Killian? A nice boat with a crew of interesting characters…all the pilfered goods she probably could ever want…and kisses hot enough to melt her from the inside out. She shivered and drew the coat tighter around her body.

  Isaiah’s kisses had never elicited such a response. Then again, he’d never used his mouth anywhere but on the back of her knuckles. She tucked her arms up in the sleeves of the coat. With Isaiah, she’d have some access to her father’s wealth—if Isaiah saw fit to give her an allowance. He’d drape her in furs and silks and expect her to entertain his wealthy friends. He’d leave her alone most of the time and only sleep with her in order to produce an heir. She huffed. The idea of laying with him disgusted her. She knew what he did when he went to the club.

  She turned away from the window and stood, then flopped onto the bed. Isaiah dallied with the serving women at the club and insisted they were nothing. She knew better. She wasn’t what he wanted, but he’d give in if he’d score her father’s money.

  Killian claimed not to want the millions. He could be lying, too. Once a pirate—always a pirate, right? She closed her eyes and willed the tears to remain at bay. No need to cry over a man she didn’t love.

  Something creaked, dragging her from her thoughts. She opened her eyes and sat up. Killian stood in the doorway, his arms folded and a smile on his lips.

  “Trying out my bed already?” He struck a match then lit the two candles in the room. The soft yellow glow flickered in his eyes. “Had that imported.” He shrugged. “Or the steamer it was on had a few too many.”

  She draped herself across the bed. She shouldn’t be attracted to him. He wasn’t the kind of man to create a life with, and yet, she desired him more than she understood.

  “What are you thinking, love?” He stalked across the room but didn’t pounce on her. He perched beside her and slipped her hand into his.

  “This is a very unsteady boat and I’m terribly frightened,” she said, knowing he would see through her ploy. She turned her back on him. “I don’t want to be alone.”

  “No?” He tugged her onto his lap.

  His erection jabbed into her backside. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “What made you want to become a pirate?”

  “Later, love. Right now I want to taste you.” He cupped her ass and held her tight to his strong body. He nipped her bottom lip.

  She gasped. She’d never been kissed so roughly before. Every part of her came alive. Her nerve endings sizzled. She needed to get closer to him. Sarah shrugged out of the coat.

  “Darling, if you remove any more clothing, you’ll give me the wrong ideas.” Killian’s eyes blazed. “I’m on the edge.”

  This was her moment. She could encourage him or shove him away forever. Sarah reached up and pulled the pins from her hair. She’d never worn her hair down in front of a man. Allowing herself the freedom unlocked something deep within her.

  “Sarah.” Killian eased his fingers through her tresses, smoothing out the curls. “Like silk.”

  “Teach me.” She stared into his eyes. He nipped at her neck, sending a fresh wave of tingles through her body. “Show me what I need to do.”


  She kissed him, taking the reins. They bumped noses a couple of times, but once she got the hang of where to snuggle her body against his, being in his arms came more naturally. She stroked the hairs at the back of his neck and basked in the scratch of his scruff on her cheeks. So many sensations—from the yearning within her to the softness of his hands on her body—she welcomed them all.

  Sarah trembled in his arms. He affected her like a drug or fine liquor. Did lust and love do that to a person…make them weak in the knees?

  Killian groaned and palmed her butt. His touch, even through the silk and lace of her dress, seared her to the core. She hiked up her skirt, exposing her calf to him.

  “That’s a beautiful leg.” Killian touched her bare skin and groaned. “No stockings?”

  “It was hot in Southampton,” she confessed.

  Felicia had dared her to ride the y
acht back without her stockings. Never one to balk at a dare, she’d left her stockings in Felicia’s bedroom.

  “I want to make love to you.” Killian stretched her out on the mattress.

  “Yes, show me.” Her eagerness won out over her concern. If she were going to be ruined, then a pirate would be the best story to tell her friends. She’d be scandalized…why not go out in a big way?

  “Not yet.” He stood and rummaged in one of the drawers.

  “Not yet?” Confusion filtered into her brain. Why not yet? “Have I done something wrong? Am I lacking?” She tried to keep the bit of anger from her voice and lost the battle. What was he looking for in the drawer?

  “No, love.” Killian lit a third candle then locked the door to the cabin. “Frantic sex is very hot, but it will hurt. I don’t want to cause you pain.” He knelt beside the bed and eased her skirt up to her thighs. “You have to ease into your first time.”

  He removed her slippers and kissed her ankle. The shoes plopped onto the floor. His touch, once gruff and demanding, became softer. His hair tickled her inner thigh.

  “I’m lucky to have captured you.” He massaged her insole and continued to taste her.

  She gasped and fought the urge to close her legs. Part of her wanted to protest. Proper ladies didn’t behave in such a manner. She caught herself. Proper ladies… She didn’t want to follow the rules any longer.

  Killian arranged her skirt up over her thighs. Passion burned in his eyes as he settled on the floor and kissed his way along her inner knee to the hem of her skirt.

  “Oh my.” She balled the bedding in her hands. Reach for him? Talk to him? She wasn’t sure what to think or do.

  Killian sat back on his heels long enough to unbutton the rest of his shirt. She roved her gaze over his tanned skin. The man had certainly done his share of working outside. His dark nipples beaded and sweat glistened on his chest. He shrugged out of the shirt, leaving him bare from the waist up.

  She’d seen plenty of male nudes when she’d toured the sculpture gallery in London, but they were nothing compared to a sexy man in the flesh. Hours spent in the drawing room, sketching the Greek statues could’ve been spent sketching Killian. A couple of silvery scars bisected his right pectoral muscle and another scar slashed along his ribcage.


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