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USE ME (Club Masque Book 1)

Page 1

by James Riley


  A Club Masque Short

  Riley James


  Also by Riley James







  About the Author

  Coming soon from Riley James

  Also by Riley James

  Erotic Short Stories

  Night Out

  Just One Taste

  Copyright ©️2017 by Riley James

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Design by Charlee Hoffman

  Created with Vellum


  Walking through the doors of Club Masque is a homecoming that’s long overdue. After being overseas for three months, I’ve missed this place more than I’m willing to admit. It feels like I’ve never left.

  The familiar sights and smells overwhelm me. The atmosphere of the club is rich and dark, dance music punctuated with the sounds of sex and the occasional scream. It’s early tonight, but already the dance floor is filled, and most of the scene areas occupied. I may have missed the familiarity of the club, but there’s no question that I missed the reason for this place even more. It’s been way too long since I took a sub, used her the way I want to, with absolute control. These long-term overseas contracts kill me. It’s not the easiest to get plugged into the lifestyle internationally, and if you do, there can be entanglements that are better avoided. So instead I opt for the lonely pleasure of my hand and look forward to coming back here.

  I head to the bar, the man behind it catching my eye and raising his hand in greeting. Connor Jacobs is a giant. He’s taller than I am, which is rare. Ever an intimidating force, he’s the perfect choice to have behind the bar at a kink club. No one wants to fuck with him, and if they do they get thrown out on their—usually naked—ass.

  He holds out a hand, and I shake it. “Connor.”

  He gives me his trademark grin. “Rhett, man. Been a while this time.”

  “Tell me about it. Remind me of that next time I agree to spend three months in Colombia in the dead of Summer.”

  “I’ll do my best, though we both know you’ll be back out there soon enough.” He grabs a fresh glass, “drink?”

  “Maybe later.”

  He gives me a conspiratorial smile. “Going to play tonight then?”

  “You better believe it. I’m starting to feel like my dick’s going to fall off.”

  “Man, I don’t need to know about your dick.” He says, laughing, and handing me a glass of water. “But you came on a good night.”


  He points across the room to a dimly lit corner. It’s filled with comfortable couches, tables with finger food, and people. The sub lounge. I don’t think it started out that way, but that section of the club has evolved into the place where the unattached submissives gather. Sitting in that section not only lets the subs socialize, but also usually lets the Doms know that they’re looking for a scene partner.

  The little area is cluttered with subs waiting to be spotted. “I see what you mean.”

  Connor nods. “There are some regulars over there, but we also had a beginners’ class maybe six weeks ago? There’s a whole crop of newbies for you to play with.”

  I make a face. “I’m not sure a newbie can handle what I have in mind tonight.”

  Connor laughs, drawing the attention of some people down the bar. He steps away to supply them with drinks, and I observe the subs in the corner. I vaguely recognize some of the faces there, but most of them draw a blank. Have I been gone that long?

  I look over all the submissives, every shape and size, men and women both. I see a male sub that I know my friend Bryant might like, though I haven’t seen him yet tonight. But my eyes are drawn to a sub on the edge of the group.

  A beautiful brunette, I can see from here that she has curves that most men would kill to touch. She’s wearing a flimsy lace nightie that’s light blue and leaves little to the imagination. I can imagine pulling up that nightie from behind and pounding into her. The thought makes my dick stiffen and press against my zipper.

  The little sub is listening to the conversation going on around her, but she’s not participating. Her eyes are on the club, looking at every Dom who walks near the lounge with a longing that I can see from here. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a sub that eager to find a top.

  A certainty settles in my gut, and I know that I’m going to take her tonight. I’m going to use her. It’s going to feel good, and it’s certainly going to be a night she’ll never forget.

  “See one you like?” Connor asks from behind me.


  He raises an eyebrow. “You’ve got that look.”

  “I have a look?”

  “Yep,” he says. “Target acquired.”

  I chuckle and take a sip of the water. “You’re not wrong.”

  “Good luck,” Connor says, and I push off the bar, ready to get my sub.


  I’m cold. In a club that’s filled with sex and sweat and heat, I’m freezing. Not in some existential way either, I’m just cold. This babydoll probably wasn’t the best choice in lingerie, but I wanted to scene tonight. I thought—perhaps mistakenly—that showing some extra skin was the way to go, but so far as I can tell no one has even looked in my direction. Given how many people are at Masque tonight, I suppose it’s not surprising. But I’ve only done one scene here, and that was a few weeks ago. I want more. The scene itself was adequate, and the Dom is nice enough. I can see him across the room dancing with another sub. It wasn’t what I’m craving—a scene like the ones I used to have, the ones that send me deep into subspace, so in tune with the Dom that we’re both beyond satisfied.

  I’m new to the club, but not to the scene. When I moved from Chicago to Houston, I was hoping there would be a decent club, and so far, Masque has been great as far as atmosphere and people. Scenes…we’ll see.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts that it takes a second for me to realize that there’s a pair of boots standing in front of me.

  I look up, and I keep looking up. A man is standing in front of me, and he seems impossibly tall and broad from where I’m sitting. I don’t recognize him from the few weeks I’ve been here, and with his face and body I know I would remember him.

  He’s one of those men that you just want to look at—undeniably hot, but you know there’s something more there. He’s seen some things. He may be dangerous. His body says the same thing—dangerous, precise, strong. His hands alone look like they could crush rocks. I think for a moment about those hands on me, and I shudder, looking down instinctively.

  “What’s your name?” His voice is deep and jagged like the rest of him. It travels roughly through me, unsettling me, waking me up.

  I look up into his face, noticing that his eyes are dark, though it’s so dim in here that I can’t tell what color. “Kara.”

  “Kara.” I like the way my name sounds in his voice—like it’s something new. “You’re looking for a scene tonight.” He doesn’t phrase it like a question.



  I swallow, looking down again. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Come talk to me for a bit.” He reaches a hand down, holding it out for mine. I give it to him, and let him pull me up, let him lead me across the club to a more secluded area. He sits on one end of a love seat and gestures for me to take the other.
We’re close enough to touch, even though we’re not. Yet.

  “So, Kara,” he says, his voice a pleasant rumble, “My name is Rhett. I’m going to check your limits, and then I’m going to tell you what I want. If you agree to my terms, I’ll scene with you. Sound fair?”

  “Yes, Sir.” My breath feels lodged in my chest, and I find myself hoping that my limits won’t be a problem for him. I want him to touch me. I want to feel what it’s like to be under the command of that voice.

  He finds the iPad stationed in this seating area and holds out his hand again. I put my hand in his, letting him scan my club wristband. I see my limit list pop up on the screen, and watch as he scrolls through.

  I feel like I have pretty reasonable limits—I’m willing to try most things that don’t involve anything that would…permanently affect my body. I’m just not into that kind of stuff.

  Rhett nods. “These are fine.” He smiles at me, just a small one, but I feel the warmth of his approval, and it fills me up. “I just have a few questions. Are you new to BDSM?”

  “No, Sir. I’m just new in Houston.”

  He exits out of my file on the iPad and puts it away. “Your personal safe word is?”


  “And the club?”


  “Excellent,” he smiles again, holding out his hand. I take it, and he pulls me to him, turning me so that I’m sitting in his lap, moving me as if I weigh nothing. Heat streaks through my body straight to my core with the way he handles me. I’m not cold anymore.

  One of his hands holds me in place, and the other teases the hemline of my nightie. Beneath me, I can feel that he’s hard, his cock pressing into my ass with sinful promise. I’m tempted to move, to rub against it, but I don’t know Rhett’s rule yet. I don’t want to earn myself a punishment before we even start a scene.

  “Kara,” he says, “look at me.”

  I look into his eyes, startled to realize that I’ve been looking down, waiting for his instruction.

  “I’ve been out of town for work for several months, and I haven’t had a sub in that time.” His fingers trace up my thigh, drawing up the lace fabric. “I need someone who will be mine for the night, to do what I ask without question. There will be bondage, there will be some pain, and there will be fucking of every kind.”

  My pussy goes liquid at his words, my mouth suddenly dry as I imagine him fucking me senseless. I suck in a breath as his hand reaches my thong, pushing aside the fabric to feel the wetness there.

  “Make no mistake. I will take care of you. But I need someone who’s willing to be used by me, regardless of her own pleasure. Can you do that, Kara?”

  I shudder, and my pussy clenches in response. Yes. Yes, I can do that. An image forms in my mind of being bound before him, waiting as he watches, knowing that every choice is his. A wave of heat rolls down my body, and I jerk as he slips a finger inside me. “Kara?”

  “Yes, Sir. I can do that.”

  His finger strokes inside me, and it makes my whole body shiver. “I want to be sure we’re on exactly the same page,” he says. “If you say yes, you’re mine until I finish with you. Your pleasure is mine to give. You may not come without permission. You may answer direct questions and use your safe words. Otherwise, the only words I want to hear from your mouth are ‘yes, Sir.’ Your limits shouldn’t be a problem, but if you’re worried about something, you may say ‘yellow.’ Do you understand?”

  His fingers—two now—haven’t stopped moving inside me, and I’m arching into his hands. He leans forward and captures my mouth in a powerful kiss, stroking me with his tongue in the same way his fingers tease. There’s no hesitation in his touch, totally in control. This is what I wanted, someone to give me a scene that I wouldn’t forget. Rhett breaks our kiss, looking at me expectantly.

  I open my mouth to speak, and he chooses that moment to brush his thumb over my clit. My back arches and I let out a moan. “Yes, Sir,” I manage to say. “Use me.”

  His fingers disappear, and I’m startled by the loss. Lifting me off his lap, he sets me back on the other side of the love seat. “Meet me in the dungeon room in ten minutes. I expect you to be kneeling, and I expect you to be naked.”


  I watch Kara from the doorway of the locker room. I’m headed to get my bag so I can meet her, but I want to see what she’ll do. For a moment, she doesn’t move. I watch her hand move to her mouth, fingers running over her lips, and I know she’s remembering the kiss.

  She damn well better. Fuck. The way she responded to my touch has me craving more of her. That kiss told me a lot about her as a sub—the way her body yielded has me itching to tie her down and fuck her. But I’m not going to do that. No, I want to take this slower. After this long, I need more than that. She’s going to give me everything.

  Kara shakes her head like she’s just remembered where she is. Standing, she rubs her hands together like she’s nervous. But she’s smiling too. Perfect. I want her to be just a little anxious, but not afraid. A good Dom knows how to ride that line.

  She walks off in the direction of the theme rooms, and I let my eyes follow her until she disappears. The dungeon room is dark, rock walls and chains everywhere. I expect it will ratchet up her anxiety a little more while she waits for me, not knowing exactly what is coming next.

  Pulling in a breath, I push open the door to the locker room. Everything is as I left it, and I do a quick mental checklist of what’s in my bag and what I’d like to use for the scene.

  Kara’s limits are just fine for me. No knives or blood, nothing permanent—fine with me. That shit can get messy fast, and I’ve seen too much blood for it to turn me on. I was happy to see that she won’t mind a little pain. I’m not a sadist, but thinking about the perfect, curvy ass that just walked away from me, I have the urge to see just how pink her skin will turn under my flogger.

  Now that I have everything I need, I take the same path Kara did towards the back of the club. There’s adrenaline rising in my bloodstream, the anticipation of what lies ahead. I pause at the door to the dungeon, entering my Club ID into the screen beside the door. I request privacy in the room. Most times I don’t mind playing alongside other people, but tonight I need to be alone with my sub. People can still watch, and even enter, but they won’t play.

  I look for Kara and smile. She’s kneeling in the center of the room, stark naked, palms facing up on her thighs. Her eyes are lowered in respect, the image of patient submission. Even though I’ve been hard since I saw her, I feel my cock stiffen further with the knowledge that she’s waiting for me. For my command. Her hair flows around her shoulders, nearly covering a pair of the most tempting breasts I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to touch them—to touch her.

  I walk into the room, making sure that she hears my footsteps. I retrieve my cuffs from my bag before I drop it to the floor. Kara doesn’t move, doesn’t look up, but I see her shoulders rise and fall a little faster. She’s waiting. I like that she’s kept her eyes down, waiting for instruction. It shows me she understands why we’re both here. But now that she’s had some time alone, time where my fingers weren’t inside her, I want to make sure.

  “Kara, look at me,” I say, standing in front of her. She does, and I love the sight of her on her knees in front of me. “I want to ask you again, now that you’ve had time to think. You’re willing to submit to me completely?”

  “Yes, Sir.” No hesitation.

  I hold out my hand, and she puts hers into it. I buckle on the leather cuffs one at a time, and I watch her. I see the way her breathing speeds up as I finish with the buckles, and I see the way her gaze darts up to me and quickly away again. Excited, anxious.

  “Unless I tell you otherwise, you have permission to look at me,” I say. Some Doms like their subs’ eyes to always be on the floor out of respect. I like them to be on me so I can see what’s going on inside—exactly what I’m doing to them. Her eyes flick to mine, and I hold her gaze as I cl
ip her cuffs together, pulling her hands towards me so she’s just a touch off balance. “Do you remember your safe words?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice is breathy, and I like the longing I see in them.

  “Good girl,” I say, releasing her hands. I reach out and run my hand through her hair. It’s silky to the touch, and I wouldn’t mind feeling that draped over my body. Over my cock. Maybe I will later. She leans in to my touch, and I can’t stop the small smile that comes to my lips. “I plan on taking my time with you,” I tell her softly, “but my body is feeling a little eager.”

  Peeling my shirt over my head, I watch as she takes in the sight of my body. A smirk makes its way to my mouth. I’ve seen that look on sub’s faces before—lust and desire and the knowledge of what’s to come. Even if it has been forever, I can tell that this is going to be worth the wait. I unbutton my jeans, opening them just enough to release my cock. Kara’s gaze is instantly drawn to it, and I note the widening of her eyes. A smug satisfaction rolls through me that I’m bigger than she expected. There’s a lot of me that is going to be more than she expected.

  “You have five minutes,” I say, drawing her eyes back to my face, “to get me off, and after that, I’m going to have my way with you.”

  She rubs her hands together, and her tongue darts out to wet her lips. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl,” I say again, rewarding her with a smile. “Now open your mouth."


  “Good girl,” Rhett says, his hand stroking through my hair. I lean in to his touch, loving the heat I feel from his skin, and the strength I feel in his hands. There’s nothing I want more at this moment than to have those hands on me. Rhett’s dark eyes study me, and I’m grateful that he’s letting me look at him. I want to drink him in, see every change of expression and see every command fall from his lips.


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