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The Lawson Boys: Alex

Page 12

by Angela Verdenius

  Looking down at her, his desire for her made his voice almost guttural. “I want you, Harly. Every luscious curve of you, every hot inch of your soft flesh. I want it all. No hiding.” And before she could think to say anything, he kissed her hard.

  Alex gave no quarter, gave her no time to protest or try to hide behind her self-consciousness. With one hand he ripped the nightgown from her hands and flung it aside, swallowing her protests and kissing her with all the heat he felt. It took mere seconds to rip the sides of the cotton panties open and toss them aside, and then she was melting against him, her silken skin pressed to his heated flesh, her curves against him - sweet Jesus have mercy! - and his hands explored her, one sliding down her spine to spread flat against her voluptuous derriere, smoothing and cupping, pulling her hard against him, while his other hand slid free the tie holding her plait and he unwound her hair with dexterous fingers until the thick mass was flowing down her back.

  When he moved back on the bed, she followed until they were both up on their knees. It was so easy to slide his hand down her back, over the delicious swells of her buttocks, tracing the crease down in the lightest of touches, feeling her shiver against him.

  Sliding his lips from hers, he trailed his mouth across her cheek and back to the tender skin beneath her ear, fastening his lips to her skin and sucking gently. As she drew a shuddering breath, he slid his hand around her hip to her stomach between them, flattening his palm against her belly and deliberately pressing in slightly to ensure that she felt his hand against her.

  “Alex…” His name a whisper of desire.

  Slowly he moved his hand downwards, over the swell of her belly and lower, cupping her mound, brushing the curls with his fingertips, moving them backwards and forwards in a firm caress.

  She shifted, her legs parting further, and with a hot, open-mouthed kiss of approval on her throat, he slid his fingers through the curls and between the sheltering lips of her labia.

  Slick heat met his touch, moistness that exposed her desire, and with sure moves he circled the little clitoris now unprotected by the tender flesh. High up, the little bud was hard, pebbling under the stroke of his fingertip.

  Her heat made his blood thicken, desire pumping through him to pool low in his loins, a fire sizzling through his veins. His shaft, already hard, strained upward as it sought the hot, moist depths of her body.

  Without thought he thrust against her, his thick shaft driving up between them while his fingers delved deeper, stroking along the seam of her body, finding the wet opening of her body and dipping in just a tiny amount, enough to make her thrust back against him, her body yearning for more than just his touch.

  He wasn’t ready yet, even though his own body was pumped with heated, carnal lust.

  Taking her mouth again, he ate at her lips, wanting to taste her, seeking to invade the honeyed depths beyond her lips as he demanded entrance. He laughed darkly, silently, when at first she wouldn’t surrender, her own soft lips playing with his in a mindless tease of prurience, but when she sought to move her hips back he prevented it, his other hand coming flat against her bottom to press her almost harshly against him, his grip unrelenting.

  He was rewarded by her arms winding around his neck, her pleased little mew of satisfaction breathed against his lips.

  So his little Harly liked to tease, what an intriguing surprise.

  And possibly liked a little bit of force? Even more intriguing.

  Definitely both he was more than happy to explore further, but not this time. This time he wanted her, no playing. Just him, Harly, and this carnal heat that beat between them.

  “Please, Alex.” Her husky whisper was moist against his throat as she pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss to his heated skin.

  Leaning over her enabled him to easily see his hand, so darkly tanned, against the pale flesh of her derriere, and the possessive feeling that swamped him when he lightly but firmly dug his fingers into the ample flesh almost had him throwing her back onto the bed to drive into her.

  His other arm was between them, he could feel it cushioned between her breasts, and when she shifted the generous globes pressed against the muscles of his arm.

  Her soft mouth was sucking lightly at his throat, small teeth nipping, hot little tongue laving, and he felt every suck, nip and lick like little whip-lashes that flickered through him in hot, fiery strips of lightening.

  Jesus, Harly seemed to instinctively know what turned him on.

  Inhaling deeply of her scent, he ran his finger around the moist opening to her body, teasing her, feeling her try to pull away but keeping his other hand flat against her bottom to hold her in place. She squirmed against him and he flexed his fingers against her derriere warningly, while at the same time slipping his finger slowly inside her.

  She stiffened, arching against him as he slid ever further in, feeling the tight sheath clamp down on his finger, nearly making him come then and there to imagine how carnally magical it was going to be when that tight sheath clamped down on his shaft.

  Her breaths came in hot, rapid pants against his throat, erotic little gusts of air that tingled against his skin, but he managed to hold on. He wanted this time to last, to stretch it out, but then Harly did the unexpected.

  One arm slid away from his neck, her hand trailing down his side to scratch lightly around his hip, creating delicious shivers to stutter along his skin, and then she slid her hand between them and without thought he pulled his hips a little way from her, creating just enough space for her hand to go between their bodies.

  As soon as he realised his mistake, his lust-induced haze filtered back enough for him to regain a bit of control, but before he could remove her hand, her fingers brushed against the head of his shaft, causing him to groan raggedly, the muscles in his thighs clenching tight as her seeking fingers played with the tip, moving around and smearing the droplet that had seeped out of the slit around the head of his shaft.

  “Jesus!” He couldn’t stop from pumping once into her hand, the sensation of her small palm encircling his shaft almost his undoing.

  Blood pumped hot and hard in his ears before thundering through his body with a voracity that wiped his mind of all thought but Harly and her soft body and devious little hands.

  He had to take her. Now.

  He didn’t know how the hell he managed to have even one clear thought in his head, but he reached out, fumbling for his wallet where it lay on the bedside table. One handed he opened it, fingers feeling for the little foil packet and bringing it to his mouth, he ripped it open with his teeth, leaning back only enough to roll the condom on.

  Then in one hard, fast move he swung her around and pushed her back onto the bed, coming up and over her swiftly, grabbing her hands and holding them on the mattress on each side of her head at the same time he thrust one hard thigh between her soft ones, shoving them apart and lowering his hips to hers, his shaft pressed between them.

  It was delicious, sweet, pure, bloody torture.

  Her gaze snagged his and he felt as though he could fall into the startling pale grey pools of hot desire. Satisfaction poured through him at the sight of her lush lips moist and swollen from his marauding mouth, her rounded cheeks flushed with desire, her breaths fast and hard.

  He might have held her hands down, but it didn’t stop her from lunging upward suddenly, her mouth seeking his, and he dropped down to meet her, taking her hot mouth in a deep, drugging kiss that sizzled through his veins.

  Her breasts, bare and bountiful, pressed against his chest, the pink nipples hard little buds of desire that seemed to brand his very flesh.

  No way in hell could Alex wait any longer. Without retreating from the hot, sweet mouth he was plundering mercilessly, he lifted slightly from her, his hips shifting, his hard shaft sliding down her soft belly and through the curls that unbearably tickled the highly sensitised head as he slid lower, the moist heat of her coating the tip, his manhood sliding between soft woman’s flesh, and then h
e was there, the tip of his shaft lodged against the opening to her body, the entrance to her secrets.

  He didn’t hesitate, driving inward with force, driving unerringly up to the hilt, feeling her shift and arch beneath him as he stretched her tight sheath and came to a hard, fast halt high up inside her.

  She gasped into his mouth, a little cry of surprise, and he broke their kiss to lift his head, sudden concern spiking through his carnal desire at the thought that he’d been too rough, too hard.

  “Harly?” His voice was harsh with lust.

  Her eyes were wide, but the heat in them was undeniable. “Alex.”

  “Are you all right?” But even as he asked, he couldn’t stop the sudden jerk of his hips as his ardour refused to be submerged for long. He barely repressed the deliciously agonised groan that threatened to break free at the mind-blowing sensation of her sheath clasping his shaft, and he gripped the reins of control in a mental hold that was very shaky.

  Her answer was erotically earthy. Harly pressed her head back into the pillow, her throat arching provocatively and her knees bent, her body taking him even deeper inside, her hips straining upward.

  Instinctively he moved, rewarded by her gasp of unbridled prurience, and it was all he needed. Pulling back, he thrust in hard again, pumping, his shaft swollen and dragging through the tight clasp of her heated sheath.

  Fire pounded through his veins, his concern swept away on a tide of pure rapacity, his carnal appetite for her overwhelming him.

  Jesus, he wanted her, needed her so badly, her soft body beneath him, the surrender of her inhibitions as she arched into him, her little cries of ecstasy music to his ears.

  As his hips pumped, he entwined their fingers, squeezing them together, her palms against his calloused ones, and pushing himself up, he looked down at her, her full breasts that rocked with every powerful thrust of his hips, her soft lips parted with every heavy, uneven breath she drew, and when she opened her eyes and looked straight up at him, his breath was almost taken away with the fiery passion burning within the pale grey depths.

  That fiery passion just made his burn hotter, brighter, and as he looked down at her something stole over him, something that was like an invisible cord that twined out from her and into him, something that joined them not just physically but something more, so much more.


  It was a ragged whisper, but it said so much, there was a depth to it that seemed to touch her, because her eyes darkened, becoming almost stormy, her pupils dilating, and she squeezed his hands.


  That was all that needed to be said, for in that split second in time, with their bodies joined, it seemed to him that it said everything, he could feel it in the air between them right before a tide of pure prurience rose over him.

  Alex felt it in his soul, an upward surge that poured through him, heating him until he felt as though his blood was like molten lava moving in a thick, hot tide through his veins, filling his body, swelling his emotions until it broke over him in a scalding, erotic wave.

  The need to be so close to her rode him hard and his hips pumped relentlessly, every thrust deeper, pushing inside her, her moans spurring him onwards, craving the moist heat of her woman’s secrets while glorying in the sensation of her silken skin against him, her body beneath him, her eyes so heavy with passion.

  He felt as though he was drowning in everything that was Harly. Her eyes entrapped his gaze, her body drew his body, and her shaft clasped him so tight, her thighs pressed hard against his hips as though trying to hold him to her.

  He rode her hard, relentlessly, his desire for her bordering on insatiable. The tight clasp of her sheath on his shaft was a delicious torture, the silken, moist cavern rubbing along his shaft gripping him, her inner muscles squeezing, shivering, seeking to hold him and take everything he could give her.

  Heart thundering, pulses hammering, Alex felt the tightening in his scrotum, the heaviness sharpening, his shaft swelling more, so stiff, an agonised eroticism that was seeking to spill his life seed, the orgasm roiling up inside him, deep in his loins, surging upward.

  Faster he thrust, harder, arching up helplessly as the tide overcame him, and he heard Harly cry out, felt her sheath spasm around him, squeezing him mercilessly, sending him over the edge.

  The ardour took him hard, the wave of prurience crashing upon him, shattering him, sending him spinning out in a vortex he couldn’t control, splintering him apart as his life seed poured forth, and he was rolled under the glorious, hot wave of not only the most mind-blowing orgasm he’d ever experienced in his life, but the most heart-shattering as well.

  When he finally drifted down to earth from the delicious aftermath, he found himself lying on top of Harly, cradling her in his arms with her face tucked into his neck. It was comfortable, but he had something to take care of first before he could settle.

  When he eased off her, she murmured a protest, her arms tightening momentarily around his shoulders.

  “I’ll be back,” he said softly, stroking his hand along her hair.

  Reluctantly, she released her hold and he looked down into her face. His heart clutched at the satiated, contented expression on her face, her eyes still hazy with pleasure. There was no way he could resist dropping a kiss onto her lips, meaning it to be swift, but she immediately opened to him, welcoming him once more and it was several heady seconds before he regained his senses enough to break their kiss to say huskily, “We need to stop.”

  “Why?” She stretched leisurely, causing her breasts to brush against his chest and reawaken little sparks of desire.

  “Because I don’t have any more condoms.” He groaned, rolling off her and up onto his feet.

  Moving across the floor, he went out into the hallway and through to the bathroom, divesting himself of the used condom and doing a quick clean before returning to the bedroom. Entering the room, he was surprised to see Harly out of bed. Pulling on the nightgown, she glanced at him before blushing and tugging it down to hide her full figure from his sight. He had an inkling of what she intended before she’d even walked around the bottom of the bed and made for the door behind him.

  “Um…ah…” she stammered, not looking at him, “I…uh…I’d better go and-”

  Not bloody likely. Striding forward, Alex caught her around the waist as he drew level and swung her easily around, leading her right back to the bed. Stopping beside it, he lifted both hands to cradle her face. “Stay with me, Harly.”

  Her eyes widened. “Stay with you?”

  “Yeah. Spend the night in my bed.”

  He could feel the heat of her blushing cheeks on his palms, but she met his gaze bravely, if a little shyly. “But…”

  “But?” He wanted her in his arms, cuddled up to him.

  “But you said…” Taking a deep breath, she finished in a rush, “You don’t have anymore condoms, if you wanted to…you know…”

  He smiled. “Oh, I want to - you know - so very much. Over and over.” Her cheeks went so red that it was a wonder his hands didn’t burn. “But I think I can control myself enough to simply cuddle.”

  “Cuddle?” Harly echoed.

  “Yeah, cuddle.” Pulling her closer, he kissed her gently on the lips. “I want you to spend the rest of the night with me. Please.”

  Her cheeks might have been flushed and her demeanour shy, but there was no denying the little spark in her eyes. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.” And boy, did he mean it. Stepping around her, he lifted the bed clothes. “Let’s snuggle.”

  She looked from his face to the bed and back again, sudden amusement lighting her eyes. “I thought we were cuddling?”

  “Snuggling. Cuddling. I do both.” He grinned. “I’m an expert cuddler. Just ask Al.”


  “My furry nephew, remember?”

  Laughing, she slid into the bed and Alex slid in after her, pulling the co
vers up and settling back on the pillows. “Come here.” Sliding one arm under her shoulders, Alex gave a little tug and she turned into him, snuggling close until she was hard against him. He rearranged them both to his satisfaction before reaching out to switch the lamp off.

  Darkness filled the room. The patter of rain sounded on the roof, and inside, snug in the big, old bed with Harly’s head pillowed on his shoulder and her luscious, warm body against his, her hand resting on his chest under the covers, Alex felt more contented than he had in a long, long time.

  Lightly he stroked his fingertips against her arm, turning his head to press a light kiss against the fragrant hair tickling his chin. Harly relaxed against him and it wasn’t long before her breathing drew deep and even as she drifted off to sleep.

  Closing his eyes, Alex let out a contented sigh and followed her.

  When he awoke in the morning, the sun was streaming through the window and the sounds of birds could be clearly heard. Groggily he peered at the clock, shocked to find that it was past eight in the morning. He never slept later than six o’clock.

  Thrusting his hand through his hair, he was about to sit up when something brushed against his chin. Lifting his hand higher, he saw a long strand of hair caught around his watch strap.

  Black hair.

  Harly’s hair.

  Everything came rushing back in a heartbeat, and he stretched and grinned. Oh yeah, last night had been something, all right.

  Rolling onto his side, he reached for her only to find the bed beside him empty. Sitting up, he looked around. There was no sight of her in the bedroom. “Harly?” When silence greeted him, he swung out of bed, calling louder, “Harly?” There was no answer.

  Dressing quickly, he wondered if she was in the kitchen and couldn’t hear him, but when he went there, it too was empty.

  “Harly? Where are you?” he called out.

  A search of the house revealed one thing only - Harly was gone.


  The chill in the air was slowly giving away to more bearable warmth as the sun chased it away, but Harly’s breath still came out in whispers of vapour as she walked along the side of the road.


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