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Barging In

Page 8

by Josephine Myles

  Robin stood and stepped over to the kitchen counter, leaning his head down on the surface and breathing heavily. Was he all right? Dan was torn between an urge to frot wildly against that temptingly thrust-out arse, and the possibly more sensible course of checking that things were okay with him. Wouldn’t do to push his luck.

  Sense won out. “Are you all right? We can slow things down if you’re nervous.” He reached out a tentative hand to stroke Robin’s back.

  The effect was electric. Robin straightened and spun round.

  “Fuck off!”

  Dan reeled, stepping backwards and stumbling as his legs hit the sofa. He ended up lying back along the length of it, propped up on his elbows as Robin loomed over him. Dan’s thoughts spun out of control. What the hell? Wasn’t he interested anymore?

  Robin leant over him, his breath hot against Dan’s face, his voice a low snarl. “I’m not fucking nervous, and I will let you know the minute you’re doing anything I don’t want, all right?”

  Dan nodded, his heart hammering, the adrenaline burst ramping up his lust until he didn’t know if he were more scared or horny. Not wanting to say the wrong thing, he kept his lips firmly sealed until Robin’s tongue thrust between them insistently. Demanding hands tore at his clothing. Eager to avoid another ruined T-shirt, Dan scrabbled to help, only to have his hands swatted away. Once Dan’s fly was yanked open, Robin broke the brutal kiss and stood, pulling all those layers of T-shirts off as one. Dan took the opportunity to kick off his trainers and finish removing the top that had been shoved up to his armpits.

  He looked up. Robin was staring down at him with dark eyes, breathing hard. Dan shivered despite the blazing fire. Looking into Robin’s eyes was like gazing into an abyss, and he didn’t want to know what dark secrets lurked at the bottom.

  He lowered his gaze to Robin’s heaving chest, admiring the way those pecs bulged enticingly. Then there were those two nipple rings, glinting in the low light. Taking a deep breath, Dan rose to his feet and clamped his mouth around a nipple, sucking hard.

  Robin hissed, his hands clawing at Dan’s back even as his hips thrust forward. Dan pushed, shoving Robin back against the wall and making the whole boat rock in the water.

  If Robin wanted it rough, Dan would give as good as he got.

  Dan’s well-practised fingers made quick work of Robin’s fly. As his tongue flicked against the nipple ring, he pulled out Robin’s cock. He took a firm grip of the shaft with one hand, the other squeezing Robin’s balls—gently at first but steadily increasing the pressure.

  “Ahh! Fuck!” Robin gasped, grabbing hold of Dan’s head and forcing it back. Dan eased the pressure on his balls and slid a finger back towards Robin’s hole, watching his face all the while. Robin had his eyes screwed closed and was chewing on his lower lip. When Dan circled his entrance, Robin made a choked-off sound, and his body jerked. Grinning, Dan licked the other nipple—the one that wasn’t yet red and shining with saliva. He closed his teeth around the piercing.

  Dan’s arms bloomed with pain. Robin had him in a viselike grip around his biceps, using it to manhandle him onto the sofa and hold him there. Robin stared down, his expression all lust and anger jumbled up together, then yanked Dan’s jeans and thong off in one swift movement.

  Jesus, this guy was savage. Dan’s heart hammered, the frisson of fear only turning him on even further. Dan hoped Robin would put as much passion into giving head. He hoped he hadn’t made a big mistake coming here, all alone and out in the middle of nowhere with a man who could so easily overpower him. But no, Robin wasn’t like that, was he?

  As if he’d sensed Dan’s unease, Robin paused, panting hard as he stared down at him. Dan smirked, taking advantage of the momentary break to spread his legs wide, stroking himself and giving an obscene moan. Was Robin a man who liked to watch? Dan was always happy to put on a show.

  Dan couldn’t help wincing as he saw Robin’s hand reaching out for him but was surprised by a very gentle stroke down the crease of his groin.

  “You shave your pubes?” Robin asked, his voice hoarse.

  Oh, so that’s what it was. It was such a commonplace occurrence among the guys he usually slept with that he’d forgotten about the novelty value.

  “Not shaved, waxed. And I don’t do it myself.” Dan glanced at Robin’s shock of dark hair, admiring the way it contrasted with his ruddy dick. The sensation of a lover’s hair rasping against his denuded skin was always a turn-on.

  As Dan continued to slowly pump his own cock, he moved a hand down to lift his balls, watching the way Robin’s eyes darkened even further. “Why not have a feel? You know you want to.”

  Robin knelt between Dan’s legs, and when his hand came back, he was cautious, exploratory, running his fingertips down Dan’s prick to circle the base, then ghosting over the sac, one hand moving down to tease Dan’s hole while the other slid back up to take a tentative hold of the shaft. Dan kept watching Robin’s face, puzzled to see raw pain warp his features. The man obviously had some issues, and Dan felt a surge of anger at whatever guy had fucked him over so badly in the past that he couldn’t even enjoy giving a simple hand-job. Shit, Robin’s hand was trembling, and he looked like he was about to cry.

  He reached out his spare hand, stroking Robin’s cheek. “Hey, it’s okay. This is meant to be fun, you know.”

  “Fun?” Robin stared at him, the anger Dan had seen earlier rising to blot out the sorrow in his eyes. “You think this is fun?” The hand that had been stroking Dan’s cock didn’t feel so gentle anymore. “You think it would be fun to have me fuck you?”

  “Uh, yes?” Although maybe fun wasn’t quite the right word, judging by the violence with which Robin grabbed hold of Dan’s hips, dragging him to the edge of the sofa and humping against the crease of his arse. Looked like this was going to be hard and fast. Dan whimpered as Robin’s cockhead bumped against his arsehole.

  Robin paused a moment. “You want this?” he asked, his voice rasping. “You’d better tell me now, ’cause I don’t think I’ll be able to stop otherwise.”

  “Condoms and lube are in my jeans pocket.” Dan pointed to where they lay on the floor. Robin better not push on ahead without them. Dan wasn’t into taking risks like that, no matter how desperately he wanted that thick cock inside him.

  Robin dug his fingers into Dan’s flesh and gave another sharp thrust before letting go and searching through the clothes on the floor. Dan took a moment to compose himself, breathing deeply and consciously relaxing his muscles. He loved a good hard shag but he didn’t want it to hurt too badly, and right now Robin didn’t look like a man who would pause to prep him. He looked like a man hungry to fuck the living daylights out of him.

  “Turn over,” Robin said, the commanding tone making Dan shiver.

  “I’m fine like this,” he said, spreading his legs wide and watching Robin step out of his trousers and roll on the condom. Robin grabbed hold of Dan’s legs and pulled him off the sofa so that he thunked down onto his arse.

  “Ow! All right, all right. Jesus, you only had to ask.”

  “I did,” Robin said, lifting Dan up and turning him round before pushing him back down onto his knees.

  Dan leant forward onto the sofa, spreading his legs wide as Robin settled down behind him. Bugger, he’d wanted to be able to watch Robin’s face while they fucked. There were so many conflicting emotions passing over it, it was fascinating viewing. That, and the guy was so hot he’d get off on just being able to see him.

  But Dan’s mind stopped bothering about that when he heard Robin spit, then felt that meaty cock breaching him, sure and steady, and all that mattered was relaxing his muscles enough not to tear. It smarted, being taken like this, but it was good too. Good to feel the solid presence inside him, the inexorable pressure surging deep into his guts. When he felt Robin’s hips pressing against his arse, he pushed back, and there was a brief moment when all he could hear was the gasping of their breath. It was getting hot in the boat
—hard to breathe. His body dripped with sweat. Then hands squeezed his hips hard, and Robin pulled back before slamming into him again and again.

  Dan grunted with each punishing thrust, pushing back to meet Robin and feeling the delicious sting as their balls slapped together. He had to brace himself with his hands, so he couldn’t pump his cock like he wanted to, but there was enough friction against the side of the sofa to get him to the brink. All he needed was a little more, a little more…

  Robin changed the angle of his entry, hitting Dan’s prostate over and over, making him whimper and writhe and forget all about keeping up with the rhythm. Then strong hands closed around his cock, and with two short jerks, he was spilling his load, bucking wildly and cursing with the force of the orgasm crashing through him. Robin’s rhythm faltered, and with a final, painful slam into Dan’s arse, he came too, falling forward onto Dan’s back and biting down on his shoulder with a muffled shout.

  Dan felt the pain through the haze of endorphins but couldn’t care less. His body was bruised and tender, but he had a hot, sexy man draped over him, shuddering with the aftershocks of his orgasm. It didn’t get much better than this.

  And then, when he felt Robin kissing his neck, it did get better.

  Chapter Ten

  As his racing heart slowed, Robin realised what he’d just done.


  There was a livid red mark where Dan’s neck met his shoulder, the imprints of Robin’s teeth clearly visible. The anger was gone now, swept away by his climax, leaving an empty space for the guilt to resurface. He shouldn’t have been so rough. Shouldn’t have taken out his rage at Jamie on Dan. What would Dan be thinking of him right now? That he was an animal? A brute with no finesse? It was impossible to tell with Dan’s face buried in the sofa.

  Before he could think about what he was doing, Robin craned forward and kissed the mark his teeth had left. Dan’s skin tasted good, a sweetness underlying the tang of sweat, and Robin gave in to the urge to taste again. He licked a stripe up Dan’s neck towards his ear. Dan sighed deeply, heaving beneath Robin while he made amends by kissing and nibbling, words way too awkward to consider. It was only when he sucked on an earlobe that Dan dissolved into giggles. What the fuck?

  “Stop! Ticklish.” Dan turned his head at last so Robin could see the side of his face. He seemed happy—if his smile was anything to go by. “Now, if you could just move, maybe we can cuddle up properly.”

  As Robin withdrew, Dan hissed in a sharp breath, his body tensing. Robin winced. Had he hurt him? He was feeling pretty tender himself—Dan had been tight, much tighter than he’d expected. He wanted to apologise, but the words knotted up inside him. Instead, he gave the curve of Dan’s arse a gentle caress and pressed a kiss to his tailbone.

  “Hmmm, thanks for that,” Dan murmured, sounding close to sleep. He rolled over and gave a lazy grin.

  Robin bit his lip and hurried off to his wet-room without a word.

  What was he meant to do now? He had a naked and thoroughly fucked man on his boat. He couldn’t just throw him out, and what’s more, he didn’t want to. But neither was he sure about sharing his bed for the night. About waking up next to another man again. Robin leant his head against the wall and groaned.

  “Hey, Robin, any chance of me getting something to clean up with?”

  Robin spun around, startled. Dan was standing at the open door, less than a foot away, but Robin’s thoughts had been so noisy he hadn’t even heard him approach. He showed Dan how to operate the foot pump for the sink water and handed him a flannel. There wasn’t enough water in the tank to risk taking a shower now—not if they wanted one in the morning.

  Robin realised that he was picturing himself soaping down Dan’s back. His stomach lurched. Suddenly, being in the tiny room together was almost too much to handle. But Dan was blocking his way out, wiping himself clean with a total lack of shame. Of course, Dan probably did this sort of thing all the time, but Robin felt terribly exposed. He closed his eyes and leant back against the shower wall. Everything was fine. Dan obviously didn’t have a problem with it, so why should he?

  “You okay if I stay tonight?” Dan sounded casual, but there was something about the way he looked at Robin that seemed wary.

  “Yeah, sure.” It would be fine. It would be reassuring to feel another body next to his. To hear steady breathing in the depths of the night.

  He realised that Dan was still giving him that wary look. “I’d like that,” he added softly, and Dan gave a slow smile.

  But Robin wasn’t quite ready to go to bed. He pulled on a T-shirt and jogging bottoms and headed back into the saloon. The scattered clothing on the floor was a stark reminder of how ruthless he’d been, and he gathered it up quickly, folding Dan’s clothes neatly and leaving them in a pile on the sofa.

  “Would you like a drink?” he called out. “Tea? Or something stronger?”

  “Tea sounds great.”

  Robin wasn’t going to drink alone, so he put the bottle of rum back in the cupboard and took out his stash tin instead. He needed something to soothe the jitters inside him. When Dan came back through, there were two cups of tea sitting on the bench opposite the sofa, and Robin was busy rolling a joint. It gave him an excuse not to look up and see Dan naked again, and he kept his eyes averted until Dan was dressed. Even then, he caught glimpses of smooth, tanned legs out of the corner of his eye.

  “I don’t really smoke much these days,” Dan said when Robin offered him the joint, but he accepted it anyway, his fingers brushing over Robin’s. He took a short drag before handing it back but remained standing, gazing down at Robin.

  “Sit down. You’re making me nervous,” Robin said, then instantly regretted it when he saw how gingerly Dan lowered himself onto the sofa. He flushed, looking down at his hands. “Fuck. Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I’ll be fine, but next time you nail me that hard, you should use some lube. Spit doesn’t really cut it.”

  Next time? Robin looked up in surprise. Dan smiled—there wasn’t a trace of accusation in his eyes.

  “Sorry. I didn’t find any.” He hadn’t been thinking straight, overwhelmed by the driving need to fuck Dan until everything else disappeared for those few glorious moments.

  Robin took a deep drag while Dan dug his hand in his pocket. It was a tricky manoeuvre, what with his jeans being so tightly fitted.

  “Here, look. Sachets of the stuff. I’m always prepared, just like a Boy Scout.”

  The image of Dan as a scout swam before Robin’s eyes, and he started to chuckle. Dan would look pretty cute in the uniform, what with his freckles and boyish physique.

  Dan gave him a quizzical look, so he calmed himself down. “Sorry. I’ve just… I’ve never seen lube in sachets before.”

  Dan raised his eyebrows even farther. “And that’s funny? That must be some strong shit you’re smoking.” Dan shook his head, smiling, but then his expression turned more serious. “Robin, how long has it been since you were with a man?”

  Too long. Robin stared at the flickering flames in his wood burner. Years and years. He shivered despite the heat on his skin, transported back to those black months after things ended with Jamie.

  “Sorry. It’s none of my business. Wish I could learn to shut up sometimes.”

  Robin heard Dan slurping his tea. What would it cost him to confide? He hadn’t wanted to with Mel. Hadn’t wanted to risk seeing the tenderness in her eyes cloud over—her affection replaced with contempt. But Dan? Dan was still a stranger, really.

  They were silent while Robin finished his joint. He reached for his tea but found it was now only lukewarm. He put it down with a sigh.

  “Four years. It’s been four years. His name was Jamie, and I don’t really want to talk about it right now.” He glanced up at Dan, who was gazing at him with something that looked like sympathy. It made him want to curl up and hide away.

  “How old are you, Robin?”

  “Twenty-five. You

  “Twenty-nine. I’ll be thirty next March. Hard to believe, eh? I should probably be settling down and finding the man I want to marry, or something.” Dan gave a short chuckle. “Reckon it’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens, though.” He sighed before reaching out and squeezing Robin’s hand. “Come on, you, let’s go to bed.”

  The bed was chilly, but Dan turned down the loan of a T-shirt and jogging bottoms, so Robin went without them too, reasoning that the extra body under the covers would help to keep him warm. And when Robin curled up, facing away from Dan, he was absurdly grateful to feel Dan spooning behind him. He drifted away into a dreamless sleep, soothed by the warm breath against his neck.

  Robin woke on his back, the sensation of a smooth leg thrown over his, a warm arm over his chest. Mel…no, Dan!

  He studied his bedmate. Dan appeared even younger when sleeping, his face soft and his hair a fluffy mess. There was a faint haze of stubble on his cheeks, the hairs glinting with reddish tints in the soft light that filtered through the blinds in the portholes.

  Light. If it was light already, then Robin had slept in much later than usual. He must have been worn out after last night… The memories flooded back, shot through with a heady mix of guilt and lust. Of Dan, sucking him off under the trees. Of Dan, spreading his legs with a come-hither smile. Of Dan, trembling on his knees as Robin pushed deep inside him.

  Bollocks. He was getting hard just thinking about doing that again. He rolled over to face Dan, who stirred and mumbled something. Robin pressed himself closer, running his hand up a hairless leg and over a temptingly pert buttock. He squeezed on the smooth flesh, not caring if he woke Dan. Not caring about anything except the desire that was building inside. It welled up, threatening to spill over all his carefully constructed barriers. They’d held fast for all those years since Jamie, but against this need, they didn’t stand a chance.

  Dan mumbled again. Robin watched his face as he stroked Dan’s cock. It was already half-hard, lying heavy and thick in his hand.


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