CHASED (A Standalone Billionaire Romance Novel)

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CHASED (A Standalone Billionaire Romance Novel) Page 12

by Kristina Weaver

  “Sorry mom, but that is not possible. Besides me already being married to Chase, well, I wouldn’t leave the man I love for anything in the world. Not your approval. Not the approval of these assholes standing around here, and fuck a duck if you think I will throw away a man as worthy as Chase for that weasel standing behind you.” She drawls, loud enough that I glimpse Brick, who’s standing clear across the room, smirk and cough into his fist.

  “He didn’t just screw anything with a pulse and a vagina, he went and screwed my cousin on top of it and with your knowledge I’ve come to learn. And then you had the audacity to tell me to just look past it.”

  Oh, she’s on a roll.

  “I wouldn’t want to be part of that hotbed of lies if you all were the last lifeline I had while dangling over a bed of ravenous piranhas. I. am. Happy. With. The. Man. I. love. Get over it and really, don’t expect a fucking Christmas card.”

  Mrs Harrow gasps and I choke out a laugh when her father’s lips twitch minutely. Brian I see is looking around as if searching for a hole to crawl into and the rest of the guests are eating the spectacle up with more amusement than horror.

  “Now if you don’t mind I only came here to give you all a what’s up and let you know that you can take your family and shove it up your ass. I have one and believe you me Brian, we’re not too far off on extending with the way he’s having at it. Bye now.”

  I almost choke on my tongue when the vixen shoves her glass at her father and grabs my hand, muttering obscenities under her breath and glaring daggers at anyone who dares approach the whole way to the door.

  “Come on Brick we got better things to do than hang around here smelling the manure pile that comes out of these peoples mouth. Liv! You coming or what? We’re ordering pizza.”

  Can I say that I don’t say not one fucking word because I bloody can’t passed the smile threatening to split my face in half. I also can’t get a word in edgewise with the way Brick, Gabe and Liv are howling and trying to high five Remy.

  My smile stays firmly in place as I hand her into the car and fuck me if I’m not laughing my ass off by the time I pull away and leave them all in the dust.

  “That was quite the show Remington.” I drawl, laughing harder when she thwacks me upside the head and drops her face into her hands, groaning in agony.

  “That was horrible! How can you find this funny? You should have stopped me.”

  “And miss the sight of your mother grinding her teeth to powder? Not bloody likely.”

  “Stop laughing you moron! How am I going to face those women. Some of them are on the board of your charity. Jesus! Would you please stop fucking laughing!”

  Her tone and the way she tries to hide her own mirth only makes it worse and I’m roaring at her muttering by the time we get home. Gabe, Liv and Brick pull in just behind us and I watch them go into the house while I sit and take a minute to breathe before turning to Remy and giving her a real smile for the first time in weeks.

  No, she may not be everything I thought she was but bloody bless me if the woman isn’t a fighter like me. And I freaking love it.

  “That was by far one of the most entertaining evenings I have ever had. Add to that the fact that you just told the nation that I’m a better catch than a senator. Add to that the fact that you just outed our marriage and bloody add to that the fact that you just said you love me and I swear, I don’t think I’ve had a better time in my life. Now stop pouting and lets go, you promised me pizza.”

  I don’t give her a chance to say another word, but buss her lips in a hard kiss and vault out of the car, still chuckling as I shove my hands in my pockets and make my way inside, whistling like a loon.

  I’m going to have to revise my plans for Remy once again and instead of feeling annoyed I look forward to seeing what the woman will do next. Will I lose some business thanks to her side show?


  Do I care?

  Not a bloody wit. After all, she just said she loves me and now I am set on making that a reality.

  Chapter 25


  I wake to the feel of lips surrounding my nipple and a strong hand settling between my legs, the insistent push of fingers and teeth bringing my body to screaming life and wrenching me out of a nightmare that included me, the charity event and a Carrie incident that left my dream self covered in pigs blood while the rest of the guest-all sporting pigs heads-oinked and snorted in glee.

  “You’re awake babe.”

  I hear that gravelly voice and feel his lips smile around my nipple and I can’t help smiling myself as I stretch languidly and push my breast deeper into his gently suckling mouth.

  “Well you woke me up.” I point out, bumping my hips up to increase the pressure of his fingers on my swelling clit.

  Chase chuckles and keeps up the slow tease, his fingers slowly circling my nub in the same maddening rhythm he’s using to flick his tongue over the very tip of my hardened nipple.

  The sensations are gentle yet so intense that I’m hot and wet and begging in a matter of minutes, my sheath feeling achingly empty and hot.


  “Yes babe?”

  I hear the smile in his voice and growl in frustration, lifting my head to glare down at him when he ignores my writhing hips and just keeps circling. Slowly.

  I’m wet, wanting and on the verge of begging him to just hurry up and fuck me already when he surprises me by rearing up and hanging over me, his dual coloured eyes so adoring I feel an ache set up in my chest.

  I know he doesn’t believe me, that he thinks my declaration of love was just for show, and more importantly I know he doesn’t want to hear it, so I’ll show him.

  It really helps that last night’s shenanigans has softened him to the point that he’s looking at me now without a shred of calculation and with affection instead.

  Affection I can build on.

  “Can we talk about some of that stuff now?” I ask, looking away when I see his eyes lose some of the warmth I’d been basking in.

  He doesn’t answer and I’m not surprised, hurt a little at his refusal to so much as even give me a chance, after last night even, but not shocked a bit.

  Stubborn man.

  I do however forget every hurt his rejection brings when he flips me over onto my stomach and brings his body over mine, his skin covering every inch of me as he shifts his legs to the outside of mine, cants his hips and drives into me from an angle that hits me so deep I feel a shudder implode in my womb.

  The position is way beyond pleasurable, though God help me I’m struggling not to focus solely on how good it feels when he hits me so deep I think my cervix just flowers open for him. It’s intimate and sexy and wild even in its gentleness.

  Once he’s in all the way and still pushing to go deeper, I feel him still and place his lips at the nape of my neck. His breath is hot on me, feathering over the side of my face and hitting my lips.

  His chest is flush with my back, though I note he makes an effort to keep weight off me and he’s surrounding me everywhere, covering me from tip to toe.

  “I don’t want to talk anymore Rem.” He breathes, leaning down to trail his tongue from my ear to my slightly parted lips.

  His head turns and he seals his mouth over mine, thrusting his tongue deep. I can’t reciprocate because of the way I’m pinned and the angle makes a full kiss impossible, but I close my eyes and enjoy the onslaught even as I feel something coil in my sex, demanding he move.

  He doesn’t though, only kisses me in a rhythm that mimics what I want him to do below.

  When he finally slides back I choke out a moan at the maddening way he slowly, ever so slowly glides back in, making sure to burrow as deeply as possible and pausing before beginning the process again.

  He keeps at that pace forever, torturing me with the need for hard, rough pounding and the slightest friction.

  “Chase please.” I beg when the pleasure pain becomes too much and we’re so
sweaty I feel his skin slip over mine.

  “No more talking. Say it and I’ll give you what you want.”

  He growls the words against my lips, our mouths still joined in that erotic glide of tongues that he hasn’t stopped since sliding home. I can’t breathe and don’t really care.

  All I can do is feel and God, it feels so good the way he’s slowly building me up that I can’t think for the need to have him do something, anything to relieve me.


  “Say it Rem.” He grits out, his breath a stutter against my mouth. “No more. We build on what we have. Say it.”

  I surrender to him and say the words, closing my eyes against the momentary defeat I feel.

  “No more.” I gasp.

  He roars his triumph and picks up the pace, his hips slamming into my ass once, twice and then one last time before I rip my mouth away and bury my face in the bed, my scream muffled even as I hide my tears.

  Chase shudders and comes not long after, filling me with his release, giving me that one part of himself but nothing else.

  When he slips out and rises, planting a kiss on the small of my back with a happy rumble and all I can do is breathe and pray that this is not all that I have to look forward to for the next fifty or so years of my life.

  Because being trapped in an unhappy marriage is one thing, I know from experience, but being trapped in a half marriage, in love with a man who won’t give you more than hot sex and the odd night of easy companionship…I have no point of reference for that and it scares me that eventually I’ll let that be enough.

  Chapter 26

  “You need to be patient Remy.” Dr Yamota says kindly, her slightly accented voice holding a wealth of understanding but telling it to me straight, the way she always has.

  “I have been. I’ve gone to those stupid events with him and let him dress me like a freaking doll. I never deny him my body or intimacy and God help me, I go out of my way to show him with every touch how much I love him.” I argue, picking at the hanging thread in my shirt.

  I worry it till it starts to unravel with every pull and soon I see the hem give way and flop down, looking like a sad, broken strip of cloth that will only look worse the more I worry it.

  Kinda like me.

  “Chase has no problem with intimacy Remy, as you have seen thus far. He shares every part of that aspect of himself with you and from what you’ve said, I think he relies on that intimacy to keep him grounded in a way. Almost like he needs to establish that connection.” She says softly, not telling me anything I don’t already know.

  He’s a madman when it comes to my body and while I’m not complaining, cause duh, the guy is a master of seduction and sexual fulfilment, that is all the intimacy he’ll give.

  “I tried talking to him about the way I’m feeling isolated here in the house, you know I wanted to ask if maybe I could go out with Liv, shopping or something, and he shut me down and reminded me that we don’t talk outside of the bedroom.”

  “Not at all?” she asks sharply and I cringe at her tone.

  Yeah, I know how totally dysfunctional it is to talk about the freaking weather over dinner and to hear him tell me about a deal that I have absolutely no interest in, but that’s not my choice apparently.

  Chase literally won’t let me delve any deeper than the freaking surface and I’m so frustrated I feel panicky most of the time. Really, I started having these weird episodes a few days ago and the more I think the worse they get.

  Most of the time it feels like I can’t breathe and my heart races so furiously I actually thought I would pass out this morning.

  “Nope. And the attacks are getting worse.” I admit, resuming my picking till the whole front hem of my shirt is one long train wreck of frayed hem.

  “This is not good Remy. As we discussed before, you’ve come a long way in overcoming the obstacles you put up for yourself. You worked hard to get past that horrifying episode and you’ve made great strides, but it will never truly go away and this stress, the emotional fear you’re now feeling will only make your memories worse. You need to find a way to talk to Chase about that event and let him know how this situation is affecting you.”

  “I’ve tried! It’s not easy for me to work up the courage to tell him that I tried to freaking off myself because I was so screwed up. It’s definitely not easy to have to relive it just so I can work myself up to the telling. Every time I do I feel….it makes the memories come back from that place of healing I got to. You know, when I had to take the pain killers…”

  I hear Dr Yamota sigh and settle in and I feel myself falling deeper into that pit of despair I’ve been running from for weeks.

  “I kept telling myself that it came from being drugged in the abduction, but, but I know that it’s from the other and I…I can’t handle the thought of my shit getting so out of control that I’m actually lying to myself. Tell me what to do Doc. I need to know what to do before I push myself right back to that place.”

  I’m begging even as I feel a tear slip down my cheek and I can’t even work up the energy to swipe it away. My focus is trained on that thread, a thread that I keep unravelling with every minute that passes, a thread that has taken on a different meaning right now and is threatening to send me over the edge.

  “Remy. You are not that girl anymore and you know it. It’s just easier to keep looking back at her and feeling that same self-loathing because hating yourself is a lot easier than loving yourself, especially when someone you love is making you feel like you’re not worth loving. Talk to Chase or I’m afraid you’re going to have to re-evaluate your situation and make a drastic change.”

  And right there is what I’ve been waiting for and dreading. I know that if I don’t change shit right now I’m in deep trouble but it’s hard because I feel like spiralling out of control just thinking of leaving Chase.

  “You’re right Doc. I’ll do it. Before…”

  “Good. Now remember what I told you.”

  “I am not that girl. I am strong and worth loving. I am strong enough to love someone else. I am strong enough to give my trust. I never have to fear because I love me enough to be whole without someone else validating my worth.” I repeat, feeling calmed by the familiar mantra.

  “Good. Now stop ruining your shirt, you always did that while we had our sessions and It’s not constructive. Go talk or make a break. Either way, you have to choose between one hard task or another.”

  “Thanks Doc.”

  I end the call with a grimace and steel myself, making up my mind. I love Chase, but I love me more and no way will I go back to what I was, not even for him.

  “Chin up Rem. Rub some dirt in the bitch and keep going.”

  Chapter 27


  I replace the receiver with a soft click, instead of slamming the thing into the cradle in a fit of rage that I haven’t felt since I got Remy back.

  “That sounded like more than Remy having a breakdown about some nude photos being put on the internet.” Brick says darkly and I meet his gaze, agreeing though I can’t manage to get words past my aching throat.

  My whole vendetta against Carson, Knox and their little crew of jocks stems not only from the beating they gave me but from an incident that threatened to send me into a maddened rage.

  Photos, nude photos of Remy had ended up all over the net, showing my girl half passed out and naked, for the world to see. Her beautiful body put on display.

  I’d assumed that they had taken the photos after a night of partying and put them up as a means to embarrass her and maybe to get her to lean more heavily on Carson when the boy showed his support and comforted her.

  I thought it was his way of weaselling himself back into her life.

  Now I see I’m wrong and God help me it kills me to think that those fuckers did something to her that drove her to attempt taking her own life.

  “I want to know what the fuck they did to her Brick.”

  He snarls,
his mouth a thin slash of fury and I acknowledge this by baring my own teeth as her words wash over me again. How desperately tortured was my lass to have to repeat a mantra declaring her own worth over and over till she believed it?

  “She wants to tell you Chase. Just let her tell you for fuck sakes!” he yells, making my heart thump at just the very thought.

  “You’ve seen me when I get…I can’t expose her to that. If she tells me something really…terrible I can’t promise to keep myself in check Brick.”

  “You’ll have to. My only other option is grabbing Carson and torturing the truth out of him. I’ll do it anyway man, but she sounds like she needs to tell you and honestly, it’s about fucking time you told her what those punks did to you.”

  And that is my worst fear.

  “If I tell her she’ll know who I am Brick. She can never know.”

  “Why! Goddamit Chase, you need to stop that hiding shit and be who you are. So what if they beat you so badly your face was pulp? So what if you had to have your face reconstructed? So what if they got the drop on you? You’re not weak anymore, hell you weren’t weak then. Those assholes attacked you, brutally, and they got away with it while you closed yourself off and made yourself into someone you’re not.” he yells, making my ire rise so fiercely I have to battle it back lest I fly over my desk and do something I know I will regret.

  “She didn’t love me before! She loves me now, even though I don’t make it easy, she loves me. I won’t give that up. I can’t.”

  I’ve come a long way from that boy who was so desperately in love that he was willing to risk it all just to be with her. I risked not only my pride but my very life defending her against those animals and in the end she still chose him.

  Now I’m no longer that boy and for some reason she loves the man I’ve made myself become. I hate that man at times because he’s harder than is needed and I know that I use him to protect myself, but he’s all I have.

  And Remy loves him.

  “She loves you, yeah, but what happens when she finds out she loves the wrong man Chase?” Brick asks tiredly.


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