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Liar's Fire: A Cooper Brothers Novel

Page 7

by Dee Burks

  Tyler raised a brow at his brother. Serena would have them all crying in their beer before the night was over. After a few minutes, she leaned over the table and reached for the beer. Tyler saw Sam’s eyes widen at the view down her dress.

  “I know a really great trick with a beer bottle.” Silence greeted her along with frightened stares. Several beer bottle tricks he’d seen in the past flew through his mind—all of them shocking.

  “I learned it when I worked at Hooters. See, you take the bottle and hold it between your boobs like this.” Serena slid the bottle down her cleavage, adjusting her dress to make room.

  The men stared. Chelsie slammed her knife down and gave Tyler a murderous look. If Chelsie got any madder, she was going to blow a gasket. Perfect.

  He took Serena’s hand. “Why don’t we get some fresh air, babe?”

  “Okay. I can show them this later.” She smiled as if completely oblivious to the discomfort of the rest of the people in the room. “We’ll be right back.” She set the bottle back on the table.

  “Great,” Jim said with zero enthusiasm.

  Tyler barely made it to the front porch before he doubled over in laughter. Serena joined him, laughing so hard tears welled in her eyes. “So, was I disgusting enough?”

  “Oh, yeah. Definitely.”

  “It’s the guacamole. Works every time.”

  Tyler regained control of himself. “We probably won’t stay too much longer. I think Chelsie is about ready to stab me in the back with that knife.”

  Serena feigned offense. “What? You mean I won’t get an invite to Thanksgiving?”

  He chuckled. “I don’t think so. And don’t expect a Christmas card either.” He looped an arm around her and squeezed.

  She glanced at the window behind him. “We have an audience.”

  He didn’t look back. He knew it was Chelsie. “How about a grand finale?”

  “What kind of finale?”

  “I was thinking about a grope fest.”

  She gave him a grin. “You or me?”

  “How about both?”

  “Right here?” Serena glanced around at the houses. A few of Chelsie’s neighbors were out and about.

  “Yes. Right here in front of God and everybody.”

  She laughed. “That would do it, I think.”

  He gathered Serena into his embrace and turned slightly so little sis could get a good view. Tyler lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her long and hard. Serena ran long fingernails up his back and then down. Lower and lower until she grabbed his butt and squeezed.

  It sent an unexpected jolt of need through him, and Tyler pressed their bodies closer. The heat and electricity flowed between them unhindered. His lips traveled down her throat and she rewarded him with a moan. Serena flattened her body up against his until he could feel every curve. She had to be the best actress on the planet.

  It excited and almost scared him to think how hot she might be when she meant it. He slid his fingers up her thigh and just as his hand grazed her bare butt, the screen door slammed into the side of the house. They jumped apart.

  Chelsie glared. “Dinner is served,” she gritted out.

  Serena rubbed a hand down Tyler’s chest as she held Chelsie’s gaze. “Great, I’m starved.” She bounced across the porch and into the kitchen. Chelsie banged the door shut in Tyler’s face.

  He placed a hand on the door jamb and leaned on it for a moment, trying to cool off. He still felt the heat of Serena’s body on his. Her sexy voice rang out from inside the house.

  “Tyler, hun? Aren’t you hungry?”

  Hungry? Man was he! Starving in fact, but not for food. He clinched his fist trying to erase the feel of her naked flesh. He’d set out to teach Chelsie a lesson, not torture himself with a woman he couldn’t have.

  Serena popped her head out, winked at him, and smiled. She motioned for him to join her.

  Good thing this wasn’t for real, or he’d be a goner.

  Chapter 10

  Serena put her hand on Tyler’s arm as they stepped inside the door. She leaned into him and whispered, “I’m going to disappear to the ladies room and give them a chance to chat with you.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  Slipping into the bathroom, she gazed at her face in the mirror. Her skin still burned a bright pink and her lips looked a little swollen. Tyler’s kiss shook her to her knees. It’s a wonder she’d been able to walk on the high heels after that one. She glanced down at her feet. They ached terribly, and she could see they were starting to swell. Hopefully this acting gig was almost done.

  A little twinge of guilt gnawed at her. She’d behaved horribly, which was the whole point, but Tyler’s family seemed like nice people—the kind she could really like. Of course, there was no hope they’d ever like her now. She took a deep breath. Not that it mattered. This was all part of the plan, and it had to work fast, even if this did seem a little extreme. Her eyes focused on her lips again and she brushed a finger across them, remembering the feel of his mouth on hers, and his hand on thigh, moving up to…

  Oh! Serena shook her head, trying to erase the image from her mind. She fanned the heat from her face. That was it. No more kissing. This was a business deal, and she needed to treat it that way. Loud voices drew her attention. She quietly opened the door and crept down the hallway, crouching outside the kitchen where she could hear.

  “Have you lost your mind?” Chelsie ranted.

  “I think she’s cute.”

  Serena could hear the smile in Tyler’s voice.

  “Cute?” Chelsie screeched. “Oh my God! How far is Phoenix from the coast of Arizona? That’s cute?”

  Sam laughed. “Where did you scrape her up, anyway?”

  Silence fell on the group, and Serena inched closer. Photographs lined the hallway. Serena could barely make out Sam and Jim’s reflections in the glass. Chelsie paced around the room. Tyler’s back was to her.

  He finally spoke. “Chelsie put a personal ad online for me as a surprise for my birthday.”

  “You what?” the men said in tandem.

  “I thought we discussed that?” A note of censure crept into Jim’s voice.

  “We did, and I did it anyway.” Chelsie crossed her arms daring Jim to say something. “It’s not right for him to be alone.”

  Sam snorted. “Oh, and this is better?”

  “Hey,” Tyler said, “I’m getting the feeling that you don’t like my girl.”

  “Your girl?” Chelsie seethed. “You mean your dime store hooker-vegetarian-doesn’t touch raw food-gassy wonder woman?”

  “Where’d she go?” Jim lowered his voice.

  “Probably to check her drawers,” Sam said. “Talk about damaging the ozone layer.” Jim and Sam both laughed.

  Serena almost giggled out loud and had to put her hand over her mouth. They were totally falling for it. The photograph underneath their reflection drew her attention. Two boys, maybe 12 or 13, all decked out in their cowboy hats and boots with ropes hanging on their shoulder. She smiled, a warm feeling flowing through her. They were adorable in a cowboy kind of way. She knew Tyler was the one on the left, but the other kid she couldn’t place. It looked a lot like Jim. The conversation in the kitchen picked up again.

  “If that’s the way you feel about her, I think we need to leave.” Tyler even managed to sound angry. “This was your idea, Chelsie, and now that it’s working out for me, you want to go back to the way things were. You can’t have it both ways.”

  That was her cue. Serena walked gingerly back into the room, her feet throbbing.

  Tyler took her arm. “We’re going.”

  “Oh, good. Now we can go get something decent to eat.” Serena headed for the door.

  Chelsie rushed after her. “Serena, I really enjoyed meeting you.” She tugged on Serena’s arm. “I hope you come back sometime.”

  Serena glanced at Chelsie. She really felt sorry for her. Even if this charade was provoked by her meddling tendencies, it stil
l seemed a little cruel. Serena wanted to let Chelsie, and all of them, off the hook. They could have a good laugh, sit down, and enjoy the rest of the evening. Serena looked at Tyler, who gave her a warning glance that said, Don’t do it. But she so wanted to.

  “We’ll see,” Serena said, and almost ran out the door. Tyler quickly followed.

  “Hey, what about your date? I mean dog?” Sam stood on the porch wearing a big grin and holding onto Shadow by her collar. He certainly wasn’t sorry to see them go. Tyler whistled to Shadow and she jumped into the back of the Jeep. They sped off, leaving his family staring after them.

  Tyler pulled around the corner from Chelsie’s and parked. He grinned at Serena. “Looks like I underestimated your talents, Miss Finley. You ought to get an Oscar for that one,” he laughed.

  “You think so, Mr. Cooper?” She laughed with him.

  “Oh, I know so.”

  “You know I feel bad. Chelsie took it really hard.”

  “She took it all right; she was just mad that I outfoxed her on this one. She’s probably planning her next move right this minute.” Tyler smiled. “I could tell you were wavering at the end, but you played it out like a trooper.” He grinned, his excitement contagious. “The topper was the grope fest. That really ticked her off. She’ll be hearing about that one from her neighbors for weeks.”

  Tyler looked at her, an odd expression on his face. “You know I really appreciate you getting into it. We never talked about, you know, anything physical being part of the deal. I hope I didn’t go too far.”

  “No, not at all.” She shook her head. In fact you didn’t go far enough. She tried to push the thought from her mind, but it was difficult with him staring at her lips like that.

  He leaned toward her and she felt herself drawn to him, closer and closer until their breaths mingled and the lightest touch of his lips brushed hers.

  A digital version of an old rock tune blared from his hip and he jerked back, grabbing his cell phone. “Sorry,” he said as he flipped open the phone.

  Serena thunked her head back against the headrest. Damn, damn, and double damn. He’d almost kissed her and not five minutes after she’d promised herself no more kissing. She wasn’t irritated that he’d tried to kiss her, but that she’d wanted him to. Was she that sex starved? She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. Or was he that sexy? Either way this was a dangerous game. Very dangerous.

  Distance could be a good thing if there was enough of it. She leaned toward the door not listening to his conversation. She’d stay over here and mind her own business. No talking. No looking. No thinking. She watched his mouth move as he spoke. What great lips. She jerked her gaze to the road. No looking. And definitely no thinking.

  He snapped the phone shut. “I have to get back to the restaurant.” He started the Jeep and steered into traffic.

  Her shoulders drooped with disappointment. She’d had a fabulous time with Tyler and wasn’t ready for it to end so soon. “What’s wrong?”

  “Half our wait staff didn’t show, and only one busboy came in. We’re getting slammed.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Only if you know how to wait tables.”

  “I used to, but it’s been about fifteen years.” She sat up straight. “And Justin is off tonight. He works at a restaurant in the Winslow district. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind pitching in too.”

  “That would be great, but…” He looked at her dress and cocked a brow at her.

  “He can bring me some regular clothes. Can I borrow your phone?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He smiled. “You know, I’m beginning to think we make a great team.”

  Chapter 11

  Tyler parked the Jeep in back of the restaurant and escorted Serena through the kitchen. Though she tried to hide behind him, several staff members stared openly. He dragged her into a small office and flipped on the light. The tiny space barely had enough room for two people.

  A rickety desk occupied one corner and had papers, mail, and invoices in piles, one of which had spilled onto the floor. Napkin and paper towel boxes stacked to the ceiling took up most of the remaining space. Shelves lined one wall and displayed a haphazard arrangement of tools, parts, extension cords, and gadgets.

  “You can change in here,” Tyler said.

  “Oh my.” Serena hesitated even to move for fear one of the boxes, or worse, one of the shelves might tumble down on her.

  Tyler scanned the room. “I didn’t have a chance to tidy up.”

  She pointed to the desk. “Is there actually a computer under there?”

  “I prefer to think of it as a very large paperweight.”

  “Then how do you keep up with your book work?”

  He shrugged. “If someone calls and yells, I send them a check.”

  “Oh my.”

  “You said that already.”

  Tony stuck his head in the doorway. “Did you come to work, or . . .?” His smile spread as he took in Serena’s outfit. “So is this the first Dial-A-Date?”

  “No.” Tyler frowned.

  “Yes.” Serena smiled. “In a manner of speaking. I helped him give his sister a scare.” She stuck out a hand. “I’m Serena.”

  “If I know Chelsie, you gave her a good one.” Tony laughed.

  “You woulda loved it,” Tyler said. “Serena is going to change clothes and give us a hand. Her son is coming in to bus tables, too.”

  “Great, we need some help bad.” Shadow pushed her nose through the crack in the door. Tony widened it to let her into the office. “You know customers get kind of weird about seeing a dog in the kitchen.”

  Tyler frowned as Justin rounded the corner with his arms full of laundry. The boy squished his shoulders between Tony and the office door giving the cook a nervous glance as he passed. He dumped the clothes into Serena’s waiting arms.

  “Thanks,” she said. “Are you sure you want to stay and help out?”

  He shrugged. “Yeah, I know a girl that works here.”

  Knows? Knows how well? Serena kept the questions to herself, not wanting to embarrass Justin in front of the two men. She pointed with her elbow. “This is Tony.” He nodded at Justin who returned his acknowledgment.

  Tyler dug in his pocket. “Justin would you mind running Shadow over to my place first?”

  “Sure.” Justin took the keys he offered, and Tyler scribbled the address on the back of an envelope and handed it to the boy.

  “Is that something important?” Serena pointed to the envelope.

  Tyler gave her a frustrated glance. “I told you if it’s important, they call.” He waved Justin on his way. “Get back as quick as you can.” The boy disappeared and reappeared a second later. He jerked a hair brush out of his back pocket and handed it to Serena, then was gone again.

  “Thanks!” she shouted.

  “Good, I was worried about . . .” Tyler motioned to her hair. “That.”

  “Well, if you’ll make yourself scarce, I’ll take care of that.”

  He hurried out the door and shut it behind him. Serena looked for an empty place to put her clothes. There wasn’t one. She dumped the pile on top of the cluttered desk, causing several papers to float to the floor.

  How could he let this office get into such a mess? Her urge to straighten and tidy nearly took hold, but her aching feet won out. She was ready to lose these heels and put on her comfortable tennis shoes. The entire evening had been an adventure, and she hadn’t wanted her time with Tyler to end so soon. Helping him out gave her the perfect excuse to hang around. Shimmying out of the dress, Serena slipped into her T-shirt and jeans in two minutes. She struggled to sit in the only chair and put her tennis shoes on, but it kept rolling backward time and again.

  Finally accomplishing the task, she stood and grabbed the hair brush off the edge of the desk. God bless that boy for remembering it. She tried to find something that she could see her reflection in and finally settled on the clock on the wall. It was almo
st face height, and she could see enough in the glass to brush out her highly teased hair. Each stroke brought a wave of pain as she tugged and yanked. “Now I know why big hair will never come back,” she mumbled.

  Grabbing a rubber band out of the desk drawer, she pulled her hair into a small ponytail. She gazed at her reflection. Thank God she hadn’t done a wild job on her make-up for tonight. She now looked and felt like herself again.

  This evening seemed to be working out perfectly, too. She’d have the chance to observe what Tyler was really like, see him in action so to speak. He came across as a guy completely at ease and in control of his life. Her gaze focused on the pile of bills covering the desk. All evidence to the contrary not withstanding.

  She opened the door and came face to face with a small dark-haired woman who had one hand raised as if to knock. The woman nodded at her. “I’m Lydia. Tyler said you came to help?” Her Latina accent was thick and distinct.

  Serena nodded. “I’m Serena.”

  Lydia studied her, not seeming pleased. If she’d wanted to see the hooker costume, it was a little late. Lydia glanced behind Serena into the office.

  “Tyler’s out there somewhere,” Serena said.

  Lydia narrowed her eyes. “I know that. Follow me.”

  Serena tagged along behind the woman trying to place her heritage. The accent was not exactly Spanish. Puerto Rican maybe.

  Her straight, jet black hair hung to her waist and her dark skin gave her an exotic appeal. Lydia wasn’t exactly pretty, but interesting just the same. She didn’t act the least bit happy that she had to babysit Serena, though. And what self-respecting waitress would when they were this busy?

  Serena quickened her pace and closed the gap between them to be sure Lydia could hear her. “I’ve waited tables before, and I can tend bar a little.”

  They had almost reached the dining area. The woman snatched an apron off a shelf and flung it back at Serena. Lydia pushed through the swinging doors to the drink station that was a buzz of activity.

  She faced Serena and lowered her voice. “Keep the glasses full of ice. Bring water, tea, and coffee. Stay out of trouble. Tell me when a table needs cleaned.”


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