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Liar's Fire: A Cooper Brothers Novel

Page 23

by Dee Burks

  Tyler couldn’t believe it. He thought Lydia treated that restaurant like it was her own, working late covering shifts, doing what had to be done. But she’d just been stringing him along, keeping him in the dark, covering her tracks. Tyler tossed the checks on the table, his temper flaring. “How could someone steal right from under my nose and me not know it?” He felt like the biggest horse’s ass on the planet.

  “Happens every day.” Arlene stuffed the checks back into an envelope. “You got busy, worked hard, and trusted the wrong person without even realizing it.”

  The phone rang, but neither woman moved. “You want me to get it?” Tyler asked.

  “They’ve been calling all day for a statement on “Lone Star Love Affair.” Serena shook her head. “Let the machine get it.”

  After a few rings, a familiar voice boomed from the answering machine. “Serena, this is Deborah Blackwell from American Woman. Congratulations! You’re our newest assistant editor! You said you could be ready any time, and I’d like to hold you to that. We need you here in two weeks, if possible. Give me a call, and we’ll go over all the details.”

  Chapter 35

  The tension in the room closed in on Serena. How could she be so thrilled and excited, yet devastated at the same time? She’d dreamed of getting this call. How she’d celebrate for days and how she’d be out of Texas so fast it would take weeks for the dust to settle. She hadn’t imagined being torn by her emotions. Desperately wanting a future that was rightfully hers, but clinging to the love she’d missed out on her whole life.

  Searching Tyler’s face she tried to get some idea what he thought. Was he hurt because she’d kept this from him, or angry that she’d consider leaving? Especially now, with the restaurant gone.

  His face gave no emotions away. Except that he didn’t seem surprised by the call. What did that mean?

  Arlene folded her glasses and placed them in her purse. “I think I’ll call it a night.”

  Serena followed her mother out to her car, aware of Tyler’s relentless gaze. Once out of earshot, Arlene gave her a big hug. “Congratulations, honey.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not sure . . .”

  “Have a little faith,” Arlene glanced back at the house. “Things will work out fine.”

  Serena nodded her agreement, but the lump in her throat refused to budge. Looking into her mother’s eyes, she found they matched hers in teary emotion. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you doesn’t quite cover it.” Words hung in her chest. She admired Arlene, respected her, and yes, even loved her.

  “I know.” Arlene squeezed Serena’s hand. “I love you, too.” Watching her drive away, Serena dreaded what awaited her inside. How would she feel if Tyler had kept something like this from her? She’d be angry, very angry. And hurt.

  Serena braced herself for some heavy duty apologizing and rejoined Tyler in the kitchen. He’d pulled out a bottle of wine and now searched the cabinets for glasses.

  “What’s this for?” Not that she couldn’t use a drink right now, but this wine was for special occasions.

  “I thought we’d celebrate.”


  “Your new job.”

  Guilt weighed on her. How would she explain this and have it not sound horrible? “Tyler, I didn’t think it would really happen. It was like a long shot of a long shot, so I didn’t see any reason to . . .”

  “It’s okay, Nolea told me about it a long time ago.”

  “Nolea told you? Why?”

  “Trying to scare me off, I suppose.”

  “And you didn’t say anything?”

  “I figured you’d tell me if you wanted me to know.” He popped the cork and poured two glasses. Passing one to Serena he raised his. “Here’s to you. Congratulations.”

  He drank a sip, but Serena set her glass down. “So what now?”

  “You go to New York and wow ’em.” He tried to joke, but failed to lighten the mood.

  “And you?”

  He set his glass beside hers. “I don’t know.”

  “You could come with me.”

  “There’s nothing for me there.”

  “They have restaurants in New York.”

  “Not my kind. Besides, I don’t want to weigh you down.”

  “You wouldn’t.” Serena’s heart sank a fraction. Tyler gave up so easily. Couldn’t he see she’d try anything? Any kind of compromise? He wasn’t even considering one.

  “I’d be working long hours that are the opposite of the typical eight to five. We’d never see each other. How long do you think you would put up with that?’

  “As long as it took.”

  He shook his head. “You wouldn’t, and I’d never ask you to.”

  “So the answer is no? Just like that?” Her face flamed. How could he throw in the towel like this? How could the last few weeks mean so little to him? And so much to her? “You told me you loved me this morning; now it’s hard, so that’s it?”

  “No, that’s not it. I have to get back on my feet. I have my pride too. I don’t want to tag along like a lap dog and not ever have anything to offer. You’d end up hating me, and I’d hate myself.”

  Serena couldn’t believe what she heard. She’d have given up anything for this man, and he wouldn’t even travel to another state for her. Tyler Cooper didn’t posses an ounce of faith in anything including this relationship. Her pride goaded her to leave him in his misery. She’d worked hard for this opportunity, damn it. How dare he rip her heart out by making her choose. Her feet were lead weights anchoring her to the floor. She couldn’t leave. She needed him. His strength, his comfort, his love. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “How can I go and leave the best part of me here?”

  Tyler circled her stiff arms with his own, holding her until her anger eased. “You’ve earned this. I won’t let you pass it up if I have to hog tie you with duct tape and take you to Grand Central Station myself.”

  Serena laughed in spite of herself.

  “I won’t love you any less if you’re a thousand miles away.” Tyler squeezed her close. “In fact, I’ll probably love you more.”


  “Because you followed your dream, made yourself that person you always wanted to be.”

  Serena clung to him as his lips brushed the top of her head. Part of her knew he was right. He couldn’t come with her, and she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t go. But her heart refused to understand why. Why couldn’t he go on faith? Trust they could work things out no matter what? Why was the solution never simple for her? Each answer only offered more problems.

  “Let’s agree to enjoy the next two weeks, and then take it one day at a time,” he whispered against her ear. Tyler kissed her tenderly. The emotion between them humming with unspoken fear for the future. Serena slipped her hand into his and tugged him down the hall. She needed to be with him. Feel his heart against her chest, his hands on her body. Take comfort in the only man she’d ever had this kind of bond with, no matter what tomorrow may hold.

  Closing the bedroom door behind them, Serena quickly undressed. She came to him, her need to be loved by him pulsing through her body. Tyler shed his clothes and trailed kisses down her throat to her nipples. Serena arched her back as she stood and Tyler dropped to his knees, burying his head in her stomach. He kissed and tasted each part of her, as if committing every nuance of her to memory.

  Lifting her up, he laid her back against the pillows and covered her body with his. Serena gasped as he slid inside her, the warmth filling her completely. They both lay still, enjoying the feel of their bodies intimately joined in the love they shared. Gradually they moved together as if they were one being. Slowly at first, then faster as their need grew. Serena moved her hands over Tyler’s back, the muscles jerking and straining underneath her hands as he loved her body. For tonight, for this moment, they were closer than any two people on earth. Serena’s climax burst from deep in her soul and mingled with Tyler’s. They clung together, still joined a
s their breathing slowed.

  Tyler rolled over and pulled Serena close to his side. She slid a hand through the slick matt of curls on his chest. She loved this man. Too much to wound him with demands that forced his pride to surrender. Serena had been allowed to go her own way years ago by her mother and had come back to love Arlene deeply. Would she be able to offer Tyler the same thing?

  She wasn’t sure she possessed the strength, but she would find it. Serena’s heart burned with her decision, begging for consideration, but it was not to be heard. She would love Tyler with all that was in her for the next two weeks, then she would go.

  And hope.

  Chapter 36

  The strategy session for “Lone Star Love Affair” shifted into full swing as the clock struck 10 on Monday morning. Will and Nolea sat across from Serena, and Frank once again occupied the head of the table as editor-in-chief. They were the only four people at the paper who knew the whole truth, and they had to come up with something before the next edition went out.

  “Are you insane?” Nolea stared at Serena across the conference table.

  “I think it’s a fabulous idea.” Frank hopped up and paced behind his chair. “Blatant honesty! Who would have dreamed that could be the answer?”

  Will gave Serena a wink and a grin. She’d had the idea last night lying in Tyler’s arms. Why not tell people what really happened? Lay it all out, detail by detail. She and Tyler no longer had anything to hide.

  “What about the backlash from people that feel we lied to them?” Nolea glared at each person at the table in turn as if the entire world had skidded off its track and gone mad.

  “Lied, schmied,” Frank waved her off. “They’ll forget about that part and be swept away in the romance of it all. Besides, we didn’t really lie; we ran this as a special advertising series. Once people find out it’s real, they’ll go nuts.” Frank expanded on his idea with his usual flourish, planning photos and additional advertising opportunities to squeeze every drop of revenue from the last “Lone Star Love Affair.”

  The meeting broke up a few minutes later, and Nolea followed her down the hall, closing Serena’s office door behind them. “So, you’re going? Right?”

  “Of course I’m going. I gave Uncle Frank my notice this morning.”

  “How’d he take it?”

  “He pretended to be hurt, rattled on about how much I’d be missed and how proud he was, but Macy told me that he’s been itching to get back to work for weeks now. He was thrilled I’d been offered another job.”

  “How’s Justin doing?”

  “Great. He’s getting information on cooking schools in the New York area.”

  “New York is definitely the place for a budding chef. Or so I hear.” Nolea beamed. “Do you need me to do something with your house?”

  “My mom is going to stay in the house for the rest of the summer until I get settled and Justin can join me. Then she’ll sell it.” Serena picked up a newswire photo from her desk. “What’s this?”

  “I did a little research on the guy I saw at the fire. I knew he looked familiar.”

  “Who is he?”

  “You remember that story on a man in San Antonio who was conning women out of their money?”


  “So this is the same guy. Seems he’s been hiding out here with a chick named Krista Langford. Sound familiar?”

  “This is Krista’s lawyer? The guy who took out a two million dollar insurance policy on Tyler’s business? We have to call the police.”

  “Already did.” He may have disappeared by now, but they’re looking for him. You can bet she’ll never see a dime of that insurance money.”

  She smiled at Nolea. “Thanks. I know you and Tyler didn’t really hit it off.”

  “You’re welcome. And no matter what I think about Tyler, no woman should get two million for destroying someone’s business.” Nolea propped her feet up on Serena’s desk. “So is he going with you?”

  Serena shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Nolea leaned forward. “You really love him, don’t you?”

  She nodded, her emotions threatening to tumble overboard like they did every time she thought about saying goodbye.

  “What’s this?” Nolea squinted. “You never cry. Especially over a man.”

  “I know.” Serena swiped a finger under one eye, hoping the mascara stayed in place the entire day instead of streaking down her cheek before noon as it had lately. “I think I’ve cried more in the last month than I have my whole life. It’s a wonder I’m not dehydrated.”

  Nolea laughed with her. “You know I didn’t mean to make things hard.”

  Serena grinned. “Yes, you did.”

  “Well, maybe a little hard, but I had your best interest at heart. You can’t help who you love, I guess.”

  Nolea’s sincerity touched her heart. They’d been friends so long. Serena found it hard to imagine going to work every day and not having Nolea there to support and encourage her. She was a huge part of the reason Serena was getting this opportunity. It hurt to leave her friend behind. “You can come visit me in New York once I’m settled.”

  “Bet on it.” Nolea stood. “You better get to work on that last article. I have a feeling it will be a barn burner.”

  Will passed Nolea on the way out, and Serena thought she saw Nolea’s fingertips graze his behind. Her eyes widened at Will’s grin.

  He leaned into the office and whispered, “I owe you one, Red. You were right about playing hard to get. Works every time.”

  He disappeared as Serena dissolved into a fit of giggles. She couldn’t even picture Nolea and Will as lovers. They were the ultimate odd couple. But somehow, they seemed made for one another. Opposite sides of the same coin. She was thrilled for them and hopeful that they could find what she and Tyler had. No matter how short their time might be.

  Chapter 37

  The last edition of “Lone Star Love Affair” was read by almost everyone in the state and many across the country, having been picked up by news wires from coast to coast. Serena’s honest and heartfelt description of how they really met, came to an agreement, and “faked” their love affair was a hit. She ended the article with the fact that the restaurant had burned, and though there was no insurance, they planned to carry on and rebuild. That last part wasn’t exactly true, but here again, she hoped it would be.

  One unexpected outcome was that it had created an outpouring of good wishes from readers across the city and around the country. People stopped Tyler and Serena on the street asking for autographs and offering advice to make their love last. Donations also poured in to help Tyler rebuild, and while it wasn’t a huge amount of money, at least it gave him a start. Still, difficult decisions and choices loomed ahead of them both.

  Two weeks came and went so quickly, Serena’s heart barely kept up. It was like an Indy car driver racing toward impact, the thrill of the speed with the knowledge of disaster ahead.

  Each day she fell deeper in love with Tyler as they talked, laughed, and held one another into the wee hours of the morning. But they couldn’t put off the inevitable.

  The investigation so far had turned up a big fat goose egg. The fire marshal ruled the blaze an accidental electrical fire with no evidence of arson, which cleared Tyler. Jeff turned over all the financial records of the business, and the police were still looking for Lydia but said it could take months to track her down.

  This is it. Serena took a deep breath and scanned the bedroom hoping she’d packed everything. Today it was time. The last time. Serena had been up at dawn, to have a last breakfast with both Arlene and Justin. It had been a joyous occasion; she’d see them soon in New York. But it was different with Tyler.

  Her bags sat next to the door, ready to be loaded as the clocked ticked. Each second a blow to her heart. She rubbed a finger over the cross that hung at her neck. Did she really have the strength to do this?

  “Is this everything?” Tyler scooped up the bags, invadi
ng her dread.

  She followed him out and climbed into the Jeep. The thick Texas air weighed heavy on her chest, muggy and humid; she would definitely not miss Texas in July. Glancing back, she took in what had been her home, her life, one last time. She was ready to go, but her heart begged to stay.

  They drove to the airport neither one saying much. It had all been said anyway. Several times. The reasons why, the arguments, the acceptance. It had to be this way. She knew it, so did he.

  Tyler parked, unloaded, and followed her to security, holding her hand until the last second. Serena turned and looked at him. Her heart pounded as she gazed into his stormy blue eyes. “It’s time.”

  He tried to smile. “Those magazine people don’t have any idea how lucky they are.” Gathering her into his arms, he held her close.

  She inhaled his scent, burning his memory into her heart. She wanted to say she’d be back, but she knew it wasn’t true. It was his turn, his choice to make the leap of faith or not, and she had to be strong enough to survive if he didn’t.

  Serena leaned back and pulled the silver chain over her head. It was her most precious possession, but not near as precious as the love they shared. Pressing the cross into Tyler’s palm, she said, “If you’re ever in New York . . .”

  Tyler nodded, moisture glistening in his eyes. “I love you.” He grasped the necklace in his fist.

  “I love you, too.” She kissed him one last time, turned, and walked away.

  Chapter 38

  Tyler sat on Chelsie’s porch listening to his sister’s excited chatter inside the house. He couldn’t make out the words but expected they were similar to what he’d heard an hour or so ago. James Lohan Jr. had made it through his first month of life. So, of course, Chelsie threw a barbecue to celebrate.


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