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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part Four

Page 4

by Desiree Broussard

  “What about Arania?” Bran asked, his voice low but strong. “She's determined to mate Zander.”

  “Yeah, about that,” Kosmas replied, stopping to size Bran up. “She's just shit out of luck. That was a match made in hell, if I ever saw one. No, they are too much alike. Zander is dominant and strong, not unlike most male vampires, but he's also stubborn and set in his ways. He's a leader, not a follower, and attempting to force him into mating with Arania would be more trouble than it's worth. I've heard the whispers about her. She's dominant in a distasteful way, with sexual tendencies that are dark and disturbing.”

  Kosmas slapped his hands down on his desk before coming to his feet with a wry smile on his face. “So I'm mating you to her, Bran. Make the arrangements.”

  “What?” Bran asked him, the color leeching out of his already pale skin. “You' joking. Right?”

  “I never joke about sex,” Kosmas replied, his mood suddenly lightened. “I hear she likes to beat her lover's ass with a whip. I'm sure you'll find it very entertaining.”

  The flabbergasted expression on the large vampire's face was priceless. Underneath the surface, though, Kosmas knew he was intrigued. He'd heard whispers of Bran's sexual escapades, too. As the leader of Golden Harbor, there wasn't much that Kosmas didn't know about his citizens.

  Swallowing thickly, Bran replied, “I'll get right on it.”

  “Very good,” Kosmas replied, hiding a smug grin. He had no doubts that Arania would accept the other man as mate... especially once she discovered his submissive tendencies.

  With a nod, Kosmas stepped out into the hallway, ignoring the guards that trailed behind him. Despite his bravado, his concerns were mounting. Zander could pop back up at anytime, and when he did he would be desperate to possess Keely.

  His thoughts turned to her. Fierce and independent, Keely was proving harder to control than he'd expected her to be. Her lack of interest in him stung, which made him only more determined to have her. Why couldn't she desire him? It would make it so much easier.

  Despite the bleakness of his thoughts, Kosmas refused to release her. He would never release her. In the same breath, though, he had his pride. He would have her, but he'd never let her realize the power she held over him.

  Was it lust or was it love that he felt for his mortal concubine? He still hadn't reached his conclusion. Doubts assailed him as he walked down the dimly lit hallway. What if he mated her just to spend the rest of eternity regretting his decision? Unfortunately, time was against him. He didn't have the luxury of delaying for months until he reached a decision. He had to mate her, or he would lose her to Zander. Guaranteed.

  She was resistant, but in the end, her future was no longer in her hands. His word was law, he could do whatever he wanted with her, and there would be nobody to care. His lips tightened in resolve. It was time to nudge her compliance. Kosmas was going to tease her, taunt her, and seduce her until he had her exactly where he wanted her, which was in his bed, with his cock buried inside of her tight, little body.

  * * * * *

  Keely gently arched her body, her lips curling up in a small smile of pleasure. Heat pooled deep within her body, her breasts heavy and full. As if he read her mind, his hands slid around her body as he cupped her swollen breasts gently. She moaned as he lowered his face and nuzzled the exposed arch of her neck and shoulder.

  Not quite awake but definitely not asleep, Keely couldn't resist the temptation of rubbing her backside against the hard rod that prodded against her. Her actions pleased him, Slowly, erotically, he nibbled down her neck with just the right amount of pressure, the sharp edge of his teeth causing goosebumps to pop up across her body.

  She was trapped in a spinning cyclone of hot, heated seduction, and she had no desire to escape it. His fingers skillfully tweaked her ripened nipples as awareness came to her bit by slow bit. The fantastical dream was much too pleasurable for her to consciously leave, her body a hotbed of desire quickly simmering out of control.

  “Yes,” she moaned in delight, her wily body maneuvering itself into a position that brought her extreme pleasure. His shaft slipped between her thighs, his length so long that his head extended past her clamped legs. Without opening her eyes, her hand slid down to tease it. She enjoyed the feel of his hardness placed across her warm and wet slit. Grasping his bulbous head, she pressed his length against her, moving just enough to slide her clit back and forth across his velvety skin. “Zander,” she groaned mindlessly, her body sitting at the edge of ecstasy.

  The man behind her stiffened, his face jerking away from her neck as he growled. At the same time, her eyes flew open in disbelief, reality washing over her like a bucket of ice cold water. Gasping with horror, she quickly rolled over in time to watch Kosmas jerk to his feet.

  He crossed his arms, his normally swarthy complexion more red than tan. “How dare you?” Keely sputtered out in disbelief, too dazed to even consider her nudity. “You have no right coming in here and ...”

  “Seducing you?” he drawled out, his voice cold and condescending. “In case you've forgotten, you are my concubine. I have every right to seduce you, as much and as often as I want to. You, on the other hand, have no right to deny me. We made an agreement that night in the courtyard, or have you conveniently forgotten?”

  He crawled back into the bed, his heated dark eyes locking her in place as he slowly advanced on her. Kosmas reminded her of a tiger stalking its prey, only a hundred times more dangerous. “What are you doing?” she asked him, hating that the question lacked the heat needed to turn him away.

  God help her, she was aroused by his body as it slid across her sheets. His muscles bunched underneath his luminescent skin, his taut, muscular stomach perfectly ridged above the beauty of his large cock. Keely wanted to lie back on the bed and spread her legs in surrender. She might have, had she not feared his reaction to her blunder.

  Calling him by Zander's name was one of the worst mistakes she could have ever made. For the tamest of men, it would have been a harsh insult, but for a man of Kosmas' caliber, it was enough to cause someone's death. At that moment, there was nothing human about Kosmas, save for his appearance, and even that was debatable. He was lethal and temperamental, with a preternatural testosterone level to go along with it. For once, Keely was actually glad Zander was nowhere to be found. Had he been accessible, she had no doubt that Kosmas would have killed him.

  His body moved over hers, his large hand wrapping around her throat gently, but with enough pressure to force her on her back underneath him. “I-I was asleep,” she informed him in a shaky voice, her body trembling in a mixture of arousal and fear. “You can't hold me accountable for something that happened when I wasn't even awake.”

  “Oh, but I do,” he replied, his face harsh in the shadowy light. “I hold you accountable for dreaming about another man when it should be me haunting your sleep. If you were one of my other concubines, I would kill you. I'm furious that he's even in your head, but instead of wanting to kill you, my anger makes me determined to wipe Zander from your heart and mind. By the time this night is over, Keely, Zander will be nothing more than a long forgotten memory for you.”

  Kosmas pressed his lips firmly to hers, but instead of punishing her, the pressure only aroused her further. His hand remained on her throat, his fingers pressing into her sensitive flesh. Just like the collar, his gesture was a sign of ownership. “I should blindfold you,” he grated out, his eyes raking across her face, “but I want to watch your eyes as I take you. Tonight you will submit to me, and I won't deny myself the pleasure of enjoying every moment of it.”

  Keely gaped at him, the quivering inside of her body intensifying with his every word. Her body craved his wicked touch, but her mind feared the power of his possession. As indomitable as his will was, would there be anything left of her after he was done? Kosmas didn't intend to just take her body, he wanted her very soul. His dominance was overwhelming, but her traitorous body was begging for the satisfaction
he promised. Her control was slipping by the second, and that terrified her more than anything.

  “No,” she said hoarsely, forcing the word through her stiffened lips. It felt like a lie.

  “Yes,” he corrected her, the palm of his hand lightly skimming down her chest and across one of her pebbled nipples. “Oh, yes. I can play your game, Keely. Time doesn't mean much to someone like me, and I can take as much is needed to negotiate the terms of your surrender.”

  After pleasurably toying with her breasts, his hand slid down to her hairless apex before cupping her. The tip of one perfectly formed finger trailed between her plump lips, slowly moving across her slit until it reached her swollen clit. Rotating it in a small circle, he purred, “I'm quite skilled when it comes to negotiations, as I'm only too happy to demonstrate.”

  “You've ignored me for days,” Keely said, desperately searching for the strength to refuse him. His caress was driving her wild. “Your mother tried to kill me, and I hate the fact that you own a harem.” The pauses between her words grew larger by the second as her thighs began to tremble. She was so close.

  “None of that matters,” he assured her in a matter-of-fact tone, dismissing her words as if they were nothing. “You're mine, and you exist solely for my pleasure. And as mine, I will protect you. Surrender to me, Keely.”

  Without missing a beat, he slid another finger into her opening. Oh, God. Her inner muscles clenched him, her body demanding something much larger than the teaser he was giving her. Her thighs slid open, her hips moving restlessly as she confessed softly, “I hate you.”

  Kosmas stared at her silently for a moment, his eyes hooded and mysterious as he continued to manipulate her body. He slid his lean hips between her thighs as he pressed his mouth against her shoulder. His fangs brushed against her skin, but they didn't pierce her flesh. She arched against him, surprised to realize she wanted to feel his bite. With his mouth close to her ear, he muttered, “Hate me all you want. It just makes this all the sweeter.”

  It did. Slowly, he penetrated her with his broad, swollen head, her wetness easing his passage. Her hands flew up to his wide shoulders as she gasped in pleasure from his fullness. The sensation of having him inside of her was indescribable, and he wasn't even halfway in.

  “You're so fucking tight,” he growled out, his hips moving in short, sure thrusts. He leaned up to watch as he slid in and out of her, the lust on his face increasing her own arousal. “Seeing my big cock buried in your little cunt makes me crazy. It's almost too small to take me, but you will You're going to take every hot, hard inch of me. I'll make sure of that.”

  Keely groaned, his crude words exciting her. With his large body dwarfing her own, and her thighs spread to the max to accommodate his hips, she felt well and truly taken. He controlled her every action, forcing her to accept the pleasure of his embrace, and his lovemaking was erotic as hell.

  Her hips ground up against his. “More,” she moaned, her body begging for release. Her pride, her determination to hold out, was shot from the feel of his body inside of her own. “Don't hold back. Not anymore.”

  His eyes flared with lust at her words. “Never again,” he vowed, his mouth only inches from hers. “Tonight changes everything, Keely. Everything.”

  He took her mouth, the movements of his body quickening. Kosmas pressed deeply inside of her, her nearly virginal flesh having no option but to accept his invasive presence. He filled her completely, his engorged shaft hitting every erogenous area inside of her. Keely screamed in pleasure as her orgasm hit, his deep pumps shooting her to the stars.

  “Next time will be longer,” he promised her, his voice harsh and strained. His control was shot, she could tell by the light sheen of sweat that covered his skin, and the tightness of his face. The knowledge that she affected him so strongly was erotic and intriguing. “If you only knew how long I've waited for this moment, and how many times I've jerked off as I imagined my hand was your hot puss. It was a piss poor second to this. The feel of you wrapped around me is more incredible than I ever could have imagined.”

  Surging inside of her, he groaned as his eyes squeezed shut. Then, to her surprise, he pulled his body away from hers, wrapping his hand around the head of his cock as his body convulsed. Kosmas remained on his knees for several seconds, his expression a mixture of torment and pleasure. Keely watched him in disbelief, silently hurt that he denied her the rapture of experiencing his release.

  Even as inexperienced as she was, she realized why he did it. Surprisingly, though, she didn't appreciate the gesture. What was wrong with her? Her emotions were in total chaos. He'd done her a favor by all but eliminating any chance of pregnancy, but at the same time, it bothered her.

  Despite her tumultuous thoughts, she managed to retain her composure, especially when he faced her again. “I'm going to take care of this,” he informed her, his eyes lingering appreciatively on her body. He wasn't the only one. Keely stared back at him, admiring his strong arms and muscled legs as her hormones jumped in joy. And the area between his legs? Despite his release, his erection was large and rock hard. Kosmas wasn't just sexy, he was addictive. Keely doubted there was a woman alive that could have resisted him, especially once he'd decided to have her.

  “But you aren't allowed to move,” Kosmas continued, pulling her attention back to his face. “When I return, we're going to have a repeat. Again, and again, and again.” He turned his back to her as Amanda gawked at his rear in appreciation.

  Sweet Lord, the vampire was going to kill her. But what a way to go.

  Chapter 5

  Kosmas wiped away the last of his shaving cream before surveying his face and body in the mirror. There wasn't a flaw on him. He was a male vampire in the prime of his life, and he looked it. His body was perfectly designed to be lethal and lusty, a combination that suited him perfectly.

  Nearly a week had passed by since he'd seduced his reluctant concubine. The sex between them was hot and heated, and to his surprise, he craved her more as the days went by. And although he knew her poor little puss had to be worn down, he was powerless to leave her alone. He'd fucked her countless times, taking her in positions that made her scream in delight. His balls tightened in anticipation of seeing her again, his seed sack full and ready to release. What he wouldn't give to lodge his cock deep within her, and fill her body to the brim. He couldn't, though. Not yet. Until he was sure of her, he wouldn't risk a pregnancy.

  His insecurity would soon be nothing more than a moot point, anyhow. Already, he'd let too much time pass him by, but he couldn't help it. Upon discovering how pleasurable possessing her truly was, he'd temporarily lost his head. The weight of his reality was beginning to press down on him, though. The Celebration of the Blood started the following night, and it was a big deal for the vampires of Golden Harbor. A once a year event, it was a wild and uninhibited celebration of everything that made them what they were. As leader, he was expected to attend it all, including the ball the following evening.

  Kosmas intended for Keely to be by his side, which meant she'd have to agree to mate him. His people wouldn't show her the proper respect without her commitment to him, and he had no desire to have her leashed by his feet. Not anymore. Behind closed doors she was still his to command, but in public he expected his people to acknowledge her for what she was... his soon-to-be mate.

  Walking into his room to dress, he considered the best time to mate her. There really was no reason to wait, and what better time than the Celebration of the Blood? A determined grin curved his lips, the thought appealing. Mating her would solve the majority of his problems. Once she was his by the laws of his people, Zander wouldn't dream of interfering, and neither would his mother.

  And he could plant his seed in her. Kosmas groaned out loud at the thought, his randy body so aroused he felt like he could release at any moment. He was obsessed with Keely, insatiable when it came to being inside of her. Knowing she was tied to him for an eternity would only make him want her mo
re. He'd have to be careful not to lose control. A human female was no match for a vampire's libido, especially one like his.

  She wouldn't share him with his concubines, he knew this already. Little did she know, though, he had no interest in visiting them. As beautiful as they were, Kosmas found them bland and unappealing when compared to Keely. But they gave him leverage over her, something he might need. The concubines would remain in the palace, but not for the purposes that most would assume.

  If she wanted him to remain faithful to her voluptuous little body, she'd have to assume the role that took several concubines to fulfill. His sexual appetites were voracious, his lovemaking knowing no boundaries. Would she be able to completely satisfy him? So far she had, and amazingly well. Only time would tell.

  Fully dressed, his body tightened in anticipation as he walked toward the door. It was time for Kosmas to return to her. He'd been away from her for too long already.


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