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Dare To Love Series: Dare's Wild (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 8

by Parker Kincade

  Tanner growled deep in his chest and ground his erection against her. “Didn’t what?”

  “They didn’t touch … hey! Wait a minute.” Abby’s spine stiffened a second before her elbow jabbed his ribs. She spun on him the moment his grip lessened. “You don’t get to do that. I didn’t do anything wrong. You, on the other hand…”

  Tanner waited for her to fill in the blank, unable to fathom what in the hell he’d done. When it became obvious she was more interested in picking at her fingernails, he gave up. He knew from first hand experience the futility of arguing with a drunk person. He was exhausted, had a hard-on from hell with no relief in sight, and he was tired of playing games. “Why did you come here tonight?”

  “You shouldn’t have done it.”

  “Done what?”

  “I told you not to mess with a draw on commission, but did you listen to me? No! I’ve shown you some of the best properties in Miami, but could you pick one? No! It’s not hard, Tanner. You say I want this house. Then—”

  “The first one.”

  “What?” she snapped, shooting him a look of extreme annoyance.

  Until the words flew from his mouth, he hadn’t given much thought to which house he might want. Once he said it out loud, the idea grew roots, deep and strong.

  “The waterfront in Coconut Grove. You want me to pick a house? Fine. That’s the one I choose.” No question. Each time he walked into that house, he would relive the moment Abby reappeared in his life looking as flushed and beautiful as she looked right now, albeit less intoxicated. “I knew it was the house the instant I saw you in it. I just hadn’t realized it until this moment.”

  She braced her hands against the table. Her head fell forward. “Oh, God. I think I might be sick.”

  He didn’t waste any time. He bent and slipped an arm under her legs. Slow and smooth, to avoid her hurling all over him, Tanner lifted her into his arms.

  She groaned into his shoulder as she crossed her wrists behind his neck. “Where are you taking me?”

  “The bathroom.”

  “Can I lie down instead? I think … I should lie down.”

  “Yeah. Okay, babe. Whatever you need.”

  “I can take care of myself, you know.”

  He rubbed his cheek against her hair. God, he should take her to the shower, wash the club stench from her skin so she could sleep fresh and clean against his sheets. But she was fading fast. “Of course you can. That doesn’t mean I don’t like doing it for you.”

  He carried her into the bedroom and kicked the door shut behind them.

  “You called my boss after I asked you not to.”

  He laid her on the bed, settling her head against his pillow. He propped a hip against the mattress and smoothed her hair back. “Whether you see it or not, the money was already yours. I won’t apologize. You needed the money, didn’t you?”

  He got his answer when she turned her face away.

  “I don’t want to need you, Tanner. Don’t give me hope that I can rely on you. Not if you’re going to walk away again.”

  Her words hit him harder than a three-hundred-pound linebacker to the solar plexus. Did it look like he was going anywhere? He tried to see her and she refused. She was the one who decided to channel her inner party-girl instead of talking to him. In doing so, she made a decision that could very well come back to bite him on the ass.

  And anyway, he wanted her to need him. To rely on him. Not because of some monetary arrangement, but because she knew she could, damn it.

  Would she ever believe in him again? Now look who felt sick.

  “No one is walking away, Abby-girl. Get some rest now. We can talk in the morning.”

  “You aren’t staying?”

  He wanted to. More than anything he wanted to slip beneath the sheets with her. Wedge himself between her pretty thighs and fuck the doubt right out of her. After, he wanted to carry her to the shower, where he would take his time washing her body only to mess her up anew.

  But he wouldn’t. Not like this.

  “You need to rest. I’ll be in the living room if you need anything.”

  Her eyelids squeezed shut and she rolled onto her side, all but dismissing him.

  Tanner watched the rise and fall of her breath, his lungs mimicking each inhalation, exhalation.

  Not if you’re going to walk away again.

  He thought they were past what happened before. Forgive and forget. Wasn’t that how it went? Or was it forgive and don’t forget? Whatever. It appeared Abby hadn’t done either, regardless of what she said. What was he supposed to do with that?

  “I tried to hate you but it didn’t work.”

  She’s drunk, man. Let it go. She doesn’t trust you.

  He couldn’t. God help him. He had to know. “Why?” he choked out. He swallowed hard and tried again. “Why didn’t it work, sweetheart?”

  “I loved you too much to make it stick.”

  His heart thumped, thumped, thumped against his ribs. Did that mean she still loved him? Had she ever stopped? He’d be the biggest kind of asshole to demand a confession when she was drunk and half-asleep. He wasn’t sure it would matter even if he did.

  One thing was for certain—if he didn’t get out of there neither of them would get any rest tonight.

  He backtracked to the door. “Go to sleep, Abby-girl.”


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He nodded even though he knew she couldn’t see. “I know you are.” He let himself out, closing the door softly behind him.

  Too many emotions hit him all at once. Possessiveness. Anger. Pain. Love. How much shit could a man carry in his chest before it exploded, leaving nothing but a gaping wound behind?

  He crossed the room to get to the wet bar and palmed a bottle of scotch—thank you, hotel management. If ever there was a time for a little one-on-one with a single-malt, it was now. And why not? It was his way, after all. His always-faithful escape plan.

  He opened the bottle and held it up, drawing the spicy scent into his nose. Maybe Abby was right not to trust him. Closing his eyes, he waited for his taste buds to beg for a ticket on the sensory train. Waited for his mouth to water. Waited for the pleasure receptors in his brain to say leave your worries at the door. Come! Drink and forget!

  And he kept on waiting.

  He hadn’t had a drink since returning to Miami. He figured it was because of the stupid addendum to his contract. Yet here he was, open bottle of his favorite nightcap in hand, no one to stop him, and absolutely no desire to tip it back.

  Color him stunned. For once he didn’t want to leave his worries at the door. Not if it meant leaving Abby there, too. He wanted a clear head to figure shit out more than he wanted the false serenity waiting at the bottom of the bottle.

  Tanner recapped the scotch and slid it back where he’d found it.

  “Looks like the man is done running,” came Mitch’s voice from behind him. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

  He tossed the guy an annoyed look, but it was half-hearted at best.

  Good didn’t begin to cover it. He felt fucking liberated.


  The moment Abby opened her eyes she remembered why she didn’t drink.

  Her stomach churned. Her head throbbed. Her tongue felt as if it had quadrupled in size … and was currently stuck to the roof of her mouth.

  As she tried to produce some saliva to get it unstuck, the night came rushing back. The open house. The club. The cab ride to the hotel. Oh, fuck a duck, the hotel. Had she really argued with the desk clerk? Why yes. Yes, she had. And then had been escorted to Tanner’s room like the errant drunk she had been.

  Just then, Tanner appeared in the bathroom doorway, distracting her from a panic attack with his wet hair and gloriously bare chest.

  Holy Toledo. They’d had crazy wicked sex, yet this was the first time in ten years she had seen his shirtless body. He was bigger now, mouthwatering�
�hello, saliva glands—gorgeous. Her fingers twitched, eager to explore all the peaks and valleys of his hard frame, headache and nausea be damned.

  She moved things around in her mouth, making sure everything was in working order before spitting out a rough, “G’morning.”

  He gave her a cursory once-over, but nothing to indicate his mood.

  “Morning.” His muscles bunched and shifted in graceful tandem as he went to the dresser and pulled out a shirt. She could seriously watch him move all day. “You sleep okay?”

  Using her feet and elbows, she squirmed back until she was propped against the headboard. Smoothing her hair, she groaned inwardly at how she must look. Last night’s makeup still on her face. Bed head. And if the burning was any indication, her eyes were devil-red.

  “I guess. You?”

  He lifted a shoulder. He shoved his arms into the shirt and tugged it over his head. “I left a couple of aspirin on the table for you. Glass of water, too.”

  Her cheeks burned hot enough to rival her eyes. “Thanks. About last night…” What could she possibly say? Sorry? She was pretty sure she apologized already, but she was willing to do it again.

  Tanner perched on the end of the bed, shoes in hand. He glanced back at her. “I meant what I said. I want the house in Coconut Grove. Offer them the full amount if I can move within the next few days. I want out of this hotel. The sooner the better.”

  No doubt thanks to her antics last night, most of which had come back to her with stunning clarity. “You’re still mad. Of course you’re mad. I acted like an idiot.”

  A full-powered sigh deflated his shoulders as he finished tying his shoe. He turned, bending his knee and resting it on the bed. “I’m not happy, but there’s no time to talk about it now. I’m due at the stadium in an hour.”

  “Will I see you tonight?”

  Her heart ached with the shake of his head. “No. I’ve got a meeting and I don’t know how long it’ll run. I’ll probably be late.”

  Abby tried to keep the disappointment from showing on her face. They needed to talk. She wanted to stay, to be there when he got back, no matter the time. She feared if she left now, they might never bridge the gap that seemed to stand between them this morning.

  Because of me.

  “I’m sorry about last night.” Tears formed but she blinked them away. The light of day brought a new perspective filled with regret. “I don’t know what I was thinking, arguing with the front desk like that.”

  “You had a lot to drink.”

  “That’s no excuse. But it’s my embarrassment to bear. If anyone captured the argument and ties your name to it, tell your bosses I’m a crazed groupie or something.” She wouldn’t have him penalized for something she did.

  His face remained expressionless save a subtle tightening of his jaw. “There won’t be any trouble.”

  “Thank God.” Relief emptied her lungs, but she knew first hand redemption wasn’t that easy. Wasn’t that what Tanner wanted from her? Maybe not a clean slate, but a second chance? And she hadn’t truly given him one, had she?

  No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to stop waiting for him to hurt her. She hated it, almost as much as she hated his cold, stoic attitude. “I really am sorry.”

  “No harm done. There’s no point rehashing it. And anyway, I’ve gotta run. You should eat something. The greasier the better. Call room service and have them send up some bacon or something.”

  Abby’s stomach turned at the thought. “I’m not sure I can handle food right now.”

  Please ask me to stay.

  Fear he’d reject her prevented the words from tumbling out of her mouth.

  “When you feel up to it, then. Charge it to the room.” He stood, watching her as if unsure what to do next. “If you don’t feel like going into work, feel free to hang here and get some sleep. You’ll have the place to yourself.” He dug his wallet out of his pocket. “In fact, here’s my room key.” He pulled out a card and dropped it on the bedside table.

  Not the invitation she hoped for, but she’d take it. “I would like to stay.”

  “I don’t know when I’ll be back.”

  The distance between them was killing her. She’d messed up. She’d been scared to put her faith in him and ended up pushing him away. She didn’t want him away. He’d been away for too long already. “It’s okay. Do what you need to do. As long as you don’t mind, I’ll be here waiting for you.”

  Something shifted in his gaze, turning it from hesitant and unsure to hot and hungry in a blink.

  “I don’t mind.” He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Do me a favor, will you?”

  Abby leaned into his touch, her heart feeling somewhat lighter with the small gesture. “Sure.” Anything.

  He cupped her chin, raising her face to his. “Take a shower and wash the cologne from your skin. Get rid of the dress, too. Burn it, wash it, throw it away. I don’t care as long as you get rid of that fucking scent. You can sleep in one of my T-shirts. And call housekeeping. Ask them to put clean sheets on the bed before you crawl back in.” He leaned over her, his mouth hovering over hers. “Let me be real clear on this point, Abby-girl. As long as you’re in my bed, the only man you’re gonna smell like is me.”

  Chapter Nine

  Tanner’s meeting turned into dinner at Prime 112, Miami’s premier steakhouse. After spending the morning in workouts and the afternoon with his new banker, his stomach hadn’t complained at all about the change of venue.

  When he called to get Ian’s advice on the old Reynolds Youth Center property, the man had insisted on meeting in person, wanting to hear more about his plans. And Ian hadn’t come alone. He brought along his half-brother Alex—who wanted to know how the Thunder could help—and a woman named Sarah Shaw.

  Sarah, Ian informed him upon introduction, had an MBA from Yale with a substantial history in non-profit organizations. A sweet, pretty girl with a kind heart, Tanner couldn’t think of a better person to help him reopen the youth center than Ms. Shaw. If he had his way, she would oversee the place well into the future.

  Sarah’s youthful vibrancy and desire to make a difference was addictive. She jumped on board with his vision without the slightest hesitation. Halfway through dinner the two of them had shoved their plates aside and huddled together, using dinner napkins and borrowed pens to layout and design the new space.

  Around the same time, Ian and Alex abandoned them for a table of investors Ian knew. Investors who might be interested in tossing funds his way to help with the rebuild. According to his banker, funding would not be a problem, but Tanner certainly wouldn’t turn them down if they wanted to help.

  Several of his teammates had already offered to donate time to providing football camps. Alex offered to help coordinate various activities as well.

  But the pièce de résistance of his night went to his parting conversation with Ian in regard to Abby. The man actually gave him leave to live his life, going so far as to relieve Mitch of his current work detail, effective immediately.

  Tanner had been shocked, to say the least.

  I’m a pretty good judge of character, Ian told him. I knew assigning Mitch to keep an eye on you was overkill, but it worked to prove my point. You’re more than the jack-off you pretended to be in LA. It’s good you finally realized it.

  The addendum to his contract would remain, but as long as he kept his nose clean, his job was secure.

  It was close to eleven by the time Tanner slid his newly-acquired keycard into the door of his suite, feeling lighter than he had in months.

  His life was coming together. His job. The house. The center.

  Only one question mark remained.

  He slipped inside the bedroom, his gaze immediately drawn to the bed. The sight of the gorgeous, naked woman sleeping there made his mouth water.

  Abby had left the reading light on, and it bathed her in a soft glow. Sprawled on her stomach, the sheet exposed the luscious curve of her ass alo
ng with her long, golden legs. Her cheek rested against the mattress, the pillows pushed to the floor.

  An ache took up residence in the vicinity of his heart as he watched her sleep.

  None of the plans he set in motion tonight would mean anything without her by his side.

  Abby. My Abby.

  Actually, he had that backward. He was hers. Lock, stock, and barrel, Abby had owned his soul from the day they met. Somewhere along the way, he’d gotten lost. Lost in a world too big for his teenage ego to manage.

  He wasn’t lost anymore. Not even close.

  He pulled her ring from his pocket, the one she’d thrown back at him all those years ago. He rolled it between his thumb and forefinger, warming the metal.

  Maybe it was good, what happened back then. They’d been young and starry-eyed, neither with a clue how to make an adult relationship work. Maybe the pain, the wasted years apart were a necessary part of their journey back to each other. Fate or something.

  God, he loved her. Loved her more as a man than he ever could have as a boy.

  He set the ring on the dresser and emptied the rest of his pockets. He undressed, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor next to the bed.

  Eyes glued on Abby’s sleeping form, he eased the sheet away, exposing her beautiful curves. He traced over her hip and palmed her ass, giving the soft globe a squeeze as he bent to place a kiss on the well of her back.

  Her legs shifted as she started to wake. “Tanner?”

  Her husky sleep voice did something to him. Made him hard, desperate to be with her. To show her with his body what he wasn’t quite ready to give her with words.

  He kissed up her spine. “Hey, babe.”

  She rolled over, her back arched in a stretch that pushed her naked breasts toward his waiting mouth. He latched on to what was offered, working her nipple to a tight bud with gentle pumps of his lips.

  “Mmm. I tried to wait up for you. What time is it?”

  He released her long enough to check the bedside clock. “Just after eleven.” He gave her nipple another quick suckle, using his fingers to mimic the action on her other breast.


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