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Her Doctor Daddy

Page 7

by Shelly Douglas

  Shuddering in breaths of gasping completion, her eyes remained closed and he stared upon her face as his thick seed pulsed deep inside. Keeping perfectly still, she waited patiently until he softened within her velvety cunny. As his lips touched her forehead, her eyelids slowly lifted. “So how does it feel to be all mine?” he asked, the edges of his eyes crinkling as he smiled.

  “Like pure heaven,” she whispered, wrapping her arms tightly around his body.

  He smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. “Was I too rough for my angel?”

  She shook her head, grinning.

  “Good,” he said, rolling her so he could spoon her from behind. “Lex, I didn’t want to ruin the moment by asking too many questions, but what kind of protection are you using?”

  She swallowed hard before answering. “I took a class in college and learned how to monitor my cycle, so I’m aware of when my fertile time is. Don’t worry, we’re safe today.”

  He tumbled her onto her back. “Are you kidding? That’s not what I call protection. Oh, my God, you’re not under a doctor’s care?” he asked, his stern hazel eyes glaring down at her. “You’re telling me we just had unprotected sex?”

  Dramatically, she rolled her luminous baby blues up to the ceiling. “Don’t be silly. Just because I haven’t seen my gynecologist since last year doesn’t mean I’m not under anyone’s care. For your information, CM-BBT is a highly rated type of protection and completely natural. It stands for cervical mucus-basal body temperature…”

  “Yes, yes. I know exactly what it means. And tomorrow, I’m going to schedule you for a complete gynecological exam and see to it that you get some real birth control. After that, we’ll talk about how silly I am,” he scolded, rolling her back over to sleep in his strong arms.

  “Please, Raul,” she whined loudly. “I don’t want to have that kind of exam.”

  He smacked her backside in response. “Go to sleep, mi amorcita.”

  “Again with the Spanish?”

  “It means ‘my little love.’”

  She sucked in a deep, audible breath. “You aren’t angry with me?”

  He snuggled up closer, his teeth gently sinking into the back of her neck. “What do you think?”

  She smiled and sighed, interlocking her slender fingers with his large, protective ones.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Dick Cheek sneered at his nighttime security partner, Bob Paise. “Hey, keep your eyes on the monitors. You heard what Mr. Bozar instructed us to do.”

  “Who gives a fuck about that douchebag? He struts around like he’s God’s gift to women.”

  “He’s also our boss, and I happen to need this job,” Dick bellyached. “Not to mention the extra attention he gives that whiny little princess in the ER who thought she was being followed.”

  “Christ, she’s only been here a few weeks and walks around like she owns the fucking place. Not only is that little blond bombshell afraid of her own shadow, but I’ve heard through the rumor mill that she’s already balling Dr. Morales. I’d almost bet he’s the one that scared her, just to get into her tight little black pants.”

  “After the almighty doctor raised a ruckus about the lack of security, Mr. Bozar announced that he was looking to hire some extras. So, I told him to go down to that bar on the corner. He should be able to find some upstanding guys pretty quick there,” he added with a snicker, throwing a pack of cigarettes on the desk.

  “Hah! Did he actually answer you?”

  Dick shrugged his shoulders. “As usual, he told me to fuck off. Hey, Bob, shouldn’t you be starting to make your rounds? It’s almost eleven-thirty.”

  “Why don’t you make the dumb-ass rounds?”

  “Because I’m watching the monitors tonight. Now get the hell out of here before we get into trouble with the boss.”

  Bob looked around the security room. “Shit, where’d I put my utility belt?”

  Dick stared back at him in disbelief. “You’re wearing it, ass wipe.”

  Bob reached down and patted his waist. “Thanks, dickhead.”

  Putting his feet up on the desk, Dick watched as his partner walked down the artery that led toward the main wing of the hospital.

  That Bob’s a strange one. I have to wonder if he’s really that stupid, or if it’s all an act.

  Dick swiveled around and picked up a Styrofoam cup as he reached for the glass coffeepot. It was going to be another long, boring night. Turning his attention back to the bank of screens that canvassed most of the main sections of the hospital, he focused on the one that had a view inside the ER area. Maybe if he was lucky, he’d get a glimpse of that little blond pixie. She sure was smoking hot!

  He remembered noticing her when she first started working at the hospital. It was fun to watch her nervous bright blue eyes dart up when it occurred to her that someone mysteriously appeared in the window. He had so much fun startling her that he did it a few more times that night. Of course, now that she knew who he was, he’d have to watch her in private. Bending closer to the screen, Dick squinted at the CRT.

  Wait! There she is coming out of the ER, dressed in that cute little uniform. Oh, God… would I like a piece of that tight ass!

  Without even realizing it, he’d reached down into his pants and begun massaging his half-hardened shaft.

  Yes, indeed. Her upturned little rear end fills out the back of her pants perfectly.

  With eyes closed, his fantasies took over his consciousness, and just as he became hard as a rock, his concentration was broken by the noise of someone turning the doorknob. Fumbling to remove his hand from his pants, he almost fell out of his chair.

  “What the hell are you doing, Dick?” Bob asked, snickering. “Did I catch you in an intimate moment with yourself?”

  “Shut the fuck up, and where in the hell have you been?” Dick hollered, pointing to his watch.

  “Aww, you were worried about me, isn’t that sweet? But me thinks you were concentrating a little harder on someone else right now,” Bob said sarcastically, pointing to the monitor as Lexi returned to the ER area.

  “I asked you a question, moron. Where were you?”

  “I decided to take an extra look around the parking lot tonight. Isn’t that where someone frightened your little missy?”

  “It doesn’t take that long to make rounds.” Dick stood up and took a closer look at his partner’s eyes. “Hey, wait a second, your eyes look awfully bloodshot.”

  “So what?” Bob countered. “It’s late and I’m tired.”

  “Tired, my ass—you were smoking a doobie out there. Jesus, I can smell it on you, too.”

  Lifting the shirt to his nose, Bob snorted. “It doesn’t smell, and I’m genuinely hurt that you would actually suspect me of such an illegal act,” Bob joked, raising his arms in protest.

  “I should write your ass up, you prick.”

  “Go ahead, dickhead. You act like you’re Mr. Perfect,” Bob defied in a snarky tone. “Don’t you think I’ve watched you make rounds?”

  “What in the hell are you talking about? I do my job the way I’m supposed to.”

  “Does that include standing in the doorway of a patient’s room to watch them sleep? And I find it very interesting how they’re usually young, attractive women. You must think I either nap or pound my meat when I’m behind the desk. Unlike you, I actually pay attention to the monitors.”

  “I’m just doing my job,” Dick protested.

  “The way I see it, we can either take this dispute to Mr. Bozar, or just forget about all our little indiscretions.”

  Dick raised an eyebrow, eyeing his partner to assess his seriousness. “Impressive,” he deadpanned.

  “What is?” Bob asked indignantly.

  “Let’s just say, you’re smarter than I’ve ever given you credit for.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Holding hands, Raul and Lexi walked into the main entrance of Pompano Regional Hospital and headed for the bank of elevators.

“Aren’t you afraid someone will see us together?” she asked, clasping his hand tightly.

  After entering the elevator, Raul pressed the sixth floor button and watched as the heavy door closed. “You’re mine now, remember?” he said with a wink.

  “Why can’t you do the exam? I’ve never even met Dr. Singleton.”

  Intently, he eyed the numbers as they lit up in progression over the doors. “Because you need an OB-GYN to do a thorough exam and prescribe effective birth control for you. Come on, Lexi, we’ve been over all of this.”

  “I know, but could you be in the room with me? I know it would make me feel better to have you there.”

  “I don’t think it’ll be a problem for me to come in and hold your hand, but I’ll check with Dr. Singleton first, just to make sure it’s okay with him.”

  After exiting the elevator and making a right hand turn, Raul opened the heavy office door for Lexi, who narrowed her eyes and muttered a few obscenities as she walked past him.

  “Behave yourself, young lady,” he said in a low tone, closing the door behind them.

  After they were greeted by a young woman sitting on the other side of a glass sliding door, she handed Lexi a clipboard with several forms attached. “Please fill these out and the doctor will see you soon. He hasn’t had a delivery today, so he’s running on schedule.”

  As Lexi carried the papers to a chair in the waiting area, Raul cocked his head to see if he could catch a glimpse of a doctor walking by. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you standing there, Dr. Morales,” the attractive woman said. “Can I help you?”

  “I just wondered if Dr. Singleton had a minute to see me before Lexi Roberts goes in for her examination.”

  “Sure, as soon as he steps out of the exam room, I’ll tell him you’re here,” she said, looking behind her.

  “Raul Morales, it’s always good to see you,” Dr. Singleton interrupted, energetically approaching the reception window. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Do you have time for a quick conversation?”

  “Of course, Raul, come right in.”

  “Wait right here—I’ll be back in a minute,” Raul said, turning to her. “And don’t get any ideas about leaving, young lady.”

  Lexi peered up at him as she finished filling out the forms.

  Dr. Singleton opened the door and extended his hand. After Raul briskly shook it, he closed the door, and the two disappeared into the large office.

  * * *

  “Take everything off, including your bra and underpants,” the nurse directed in a light tone. “The gown should be open in the front, and the sheet is to drape over your lap.” After laying the short blue worn-out fabric over the examining table, the attractive young woman tossed the folded material next to it and exited, closing the door behind her.

  Lexi quickly undressed and donned the gown—the last thing she wanted was to be half naked when the doctor walked in. Attempting to sit in the thin, short material, she crossed her legs and briefly peered at the evil-looking silver stirrups jutting out from the long examining table, wondering what Raul and her new gynecologist could be discussing. And just as she unfolded the white, starched sheet to place over her bare thighs, a slight knock was heard on the heavy wooden door before it opened.

  “Hi, Lexi, I’m Dr. Singleton.” A handsome tall man with reddish-brown hair abruptly retrieved a file from the clear acrylic folder on the back of the door and walked in reading it as Raul followed closely behind. “The request I received from Dr. Morales to sit in on your exam was a bit unusual, so I just want to double-check with you that it’s okay. Normally, a husband asks to accompany one of my patients, not a boyfriend.”

  Lexi smiled, wondering if Raul had actually referred to himself as her boyfriend. “I’m a little nervous, so I hope it’s okay for him to stay with me during the exam.”

  “Raul and I started working in this hospital about ten years ago and have been friends ever since, so I have no problem with his presence,” he said, turning to smile at his colleague. “Well, now that the formalities are behind us, let’s talk about why you’re here. It says on the form that this is your first gynecological exam and you are interested in obtaining some type of birth control.”

  Raul’s face reddened and angled toward Lexi in disbelief that she’d lied to him. “Yes, that’s right,” she admitted, her cheeks radiating a blushing pink.

  The doctor tossed the file folder onto the desk and washed his hands before coming to stand beside her. It was chilly in the exam room, so as he helped her to lie down, her nipples stiffened, tenting the fabric of the thin cotton gown. Pulling the open front further to the side, he exposed Lexi’s pert, full breast. “Place your right hand under the back of your head, please.”

  Mortified that her exposed nipple was standing at attention, she wanted to cross her arms over her chest, but instead complied, with hopes that the exam would be over soon. The doctor’s warm fingertips massaged and probed her breast for what seemed like an eternity before tenderly swirling the supple, pillow-like circumference of her skin. And as she peered up at the ceiling, he finished by gently pinching her rock-hard rosy teat in between his thick fingers. “Just checking to see if there is any fluid,” he advised in a serious manner. “You can switch arms now, please.”

  As Lexi swallowed nervously, she continued looking upward, trying to pretend she was home listening to records instead of lying half naked on a table with erect nipples in front of two men. But unfortunately, the doctor seemed interested in having a chat.

  “Are you performing self-examinations on your breasts?”

  Lexi shook her head and immediately looked over to Raul who instantly gave a slight wink, indicating that he had every intention of taking over the responsibility for that monthly procedure.

  “After I give her a lesson, I’ll make sure we do it together every month.”

  Dr. Singleton nodded his approval. “Okay, young lady. I’m going to need you to scoot your bottom down to the edge of the table.”

  After watching the doctor lower himself onto the short black rolling stool in front of her, Lexi nervously complied, slowly inching her bare backside down along the length of the crinkled, sterile sheet of white paper. After switching on the bright lamp and donning his blue disposable examination gloves, he lifted his head. “A little further, please,” he said through pursed lips as he waited patiently before helping to place her feet in the stirrups. “Now drop your knees to the sides, and try to relax,” he continued, angling the light so that it shined fully on her exposed pussy, leaving her in an extremely embarrassing position before reaching for a metal hinged instrument that was shaped like a duck’s bill.

  Lexi’s breathing became rapid and shallow as her body instantly sprang upward and her eyes widened. “Oh, my God, what is that?”

  “I’m going to have a look at your vagina and cervix before extracting a small specimen. You’ll feel a little pressure, but try to relax when I insert this. It will make it less uncomfortable for you,” he said in a matter-of-fact tone, his head bending forward as he rolled his stool closer.

  Lexi winced before looking over to Raul for moral support as the doctor inserted the hideous metal equipment inside her.

  “You can hold her hand to lessen the anxiety,” Dr. Singleton mentioned over his shoulder, which had Raul leaping to his feet. The procedure took only a few minutes, and after collecting the sample, he slipped the large speculum from her vulva and said, “We’ll send this to the lab, and you can call us for a report in about seven days.”

  She watched intently, wondering why he would be spurting a massive amount of lubrication onto a piece of thick, folded gauze, but had her answer as he dipped his large, gloved finger in it. “I’m going to have a closer look at the inside of you, now,” he warned in a low tone, leaning forward.

  There was a hitch in her breath as his cold, wet fingers splayed her sex open to view her sensitive pink folds before sliding his thick extremity into her tight o
pening. Lexi squeezed Raul’s hand as the doctor continued deep into her dark canal, the pressure of her vaginal walls mounting as he pressed onto her soft lower belly. “Your uterus is tipped backward, but that’s not unusual. Everything else seems perfectly normal,” he said before his fingers casually slipped out.

  Relieved that the examination was finally over, Lexi started to back herself up on the table, but Raul stopped her with a hand on her thigh. “Not yet, baby. I’m pretty sure Dr. Singleton isn’t done yet.”

  Through narrowed icy blue eyes, she stared back at him. “Jesus. There’s more?”

  Dr. Singleton approached her from the side, his gloved finger almost dripping with lubrication. “I need you to roll over, Lexi.”

  “Oh, my God. What for?”

  “You’re probably not going to like this, but a rectal exam is necessary. I can have you slide back down to the edge of the table, but it will be more comfortable on your knees,” he said, his evil-looking drenched finger still pointing in the air.

  “Like he’d know which position would be more comfortable?” she sneered under her breath to Raul.

  “That’s enough, young lady. Behave yourself and roll over,” Dr. Morales scolded, walking to the other side of the table. “I apologize for my girlfriend’s sass,” he said, turning to Dr. Singleton. “I’m sure it’s just her nerves speaking out loud,” he added, shaking his head, his jaw tightening. “Head down, and raise your tushy up, Alexa Lynn,” he instructed, firmly but gently.

  Not happy about the compromising position she was about to be put in, Lexi tumbled over and growled at Raul as her gown instantly raised upward. With one warm, gloved hand on her back in an attempt to lower her, Dr. Singleton used the digit on his other to tap her tiny, crinkled hole. “I’m going to insert my finger deep into your bottom,” he said, rubbing and circling her puckered rim with the slippery substance before sliding the tip inside.


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