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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

Page 9

by Linda L Barton

  Roupert reached out and rested his hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “I have not been entirely honest with Frier about his past.”

  Aaron narrowed his eyes, wondering what could be so terrible about Frier’s past.

  Roupert drew in a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts before he spoke. “Frier is a member of the Royal Family. He is Prince Frier, the beloved son of King Ashlym and Queen Privlana.”

  Aaron stood dumbfounded, not moving or blinking.

  “On the day Queen Alona took over the Kingdom, I was entrusted by the Lillients to take the egg of the unborn Prince’s far away from the Kingdom and to keep him safe. I was to watch over it until the day the Champion came to free the kingdom from Queen Alona.” Aaron was surprised to learn the truth of Frier. His heart beat wildly in his chest as Roupert continued.

  “On that day, the Lillients commanded that I do not reveal to Frier his heritage, or that his mother still lives enslaved in the great dungeon deep under the castle. They feared that he would seek revenge against the Evil Queen and fall victim to her power.”

  Aaron stared at Roupert, his eyes wide with fear. “But if the Evil Queen has Frier, it’s up to us to save him. We promised to do this together.”

  Cassy could see the fear in Aaron’s eyes, and she had to agree with his desire to save Frier from Alona. Unfortunately, she knew they could not charge the castle for the queen surely had a trap ready for them. “What can we do, Roupert? We can’t leave Frier in her clutches.”

  “We have a plan,” a small voice came from behind of them.

  Roupert, Cassy, and Aaron turned to see Arianna, Syrea, and Brianna hovering in front of them with their little wings quickly beating in the air.

  Cassy stepped forward. “What is your plan?”

  Syrea spoke first. “First, you must know that the Queen sent two Demlins to lure Frier to the castle under false pretenses. Their names are David and Ralph, and they are two of the evilest Demlins from the Land of Shadows. They appeared to Frier cloaked in the image of another dragon, thus making Frier believe that he was of their clan from a far off realm. They told him that he was one of the chosen to serve the great Queen Alona, as dragons have done from the dawn of time.”

  Cassy looked at the three Lillients and could see the fear in their eyes.

  Now Brianna flew forward to speak. “They came to him in his dreams last night and told him that Roupert had been lying to him about who he was. They told him that Roupert stole him from Queen Alona before his birth because he wanted to control the vast power Frier would get once he grew to maturity.”

  Roupert watched the Lillients as they explained what had happened to Frier, and he felt his blood burn with rage. He closed his eyes and envisioned striking Alona down with his sword, this image bringing a smile to his lips.

  “I understand your desire for revenge, Roupert, but the Champion must be the one to conquer the Queen. She is the only one who can lift the curse and restore the Kingdom to its once great glory,” Brianna said with a serious look on her face.

  “That’s not fair to see my thoughts. Besides, they are only thoughts. I know what must happen to remove the curse and restore the Kingdom.” Roupert did not appreciate Brianna invading his mind and seeing his innermost feelings.

  Cassy watched the exchange between Roupert and the Lillient and wondered why she had warned him. Then again, knowing her own feelings, she was sure she knew.

  Aaron walked up and tugged on Cassy’s sleeve. “Who are they?”

  Cassy laughed then turned to face the Lillients. “This is Syrea, Arianna, and Brianna. They call themselves Lillients and they are the ones who were guarding Frier when the Evil Queen attacked and took control of the Kingdom. They are the ones who Queen Privlana sent to Roupert with Frier when he was still in his egg.”

  Aaron looked up at the three Lillients and smiled. “Hello, it’s an honor to meet you,” he said then he bowed in reverence.

  “We are honored to meet you, Aaron, brother of Cassandra,” Syrea smiled, as the three of them bowed.

  “So, what are we supposed to do to save Frier? If he believes that Roupert has betrayed him, he won’t trust us,” Cassy questioned.

  “Yes, we all know the burning desire he has fought all these years.” Roupert felt his heart ache for lying to Frier about whom he was, and that he was the lone dragon.

  “We all know the need of dragons to be with others of their kind, but you know that was impossible. Had Queen Alona known of Frier she would have just taken him sooner. You taught him well, so we must hold on to the faith that he will remember the bond you two have shared and not surrender to the darkness and hate from Alona.” Arianna commented with sorrow showing in her eyes.

  “Okay, standing around talking won’t save Frier. We need to go get him,” Aaron said with determination in his voice.

  “You are quite brave, young Aaron, but you must not go to the castle. It is not safe for you,” Brianna held up her hand as Aaron began to protest.

  “Brianna is correct. It will be a great battle, and one of your young age, does not need to fight,” Syrea pointed out, at seeing the disappointment in Aaron’s eyes.

  “That’s not fair. I want to…” Aaron suddenly closed his eyes, appearing to be in a strange trance.

  Cassy turned and looked at Aaron. “What have you done to him?”

  “He will sleep until you have conquered the Queen,” Syrea said without emotion.

  “What? You can’t just leave him here,” Cassy moved her hand in front of his face, with no response.

  “My child, we will not leave him here unattended. We will take him to our realm, where he will be safe,” Brianna assured her.

  “Okay, but what happens if I don’t win against the Queen? What will happen to Aaron then?”

  “Do not think that way, Cassandra. You will be triumphant over the Evil Queen,” Arianna said.

  “Fine, I hope I am, but if I’m not; what will happen to Aaron?” Cassy was tired of not getting any answers to her questions.

  The Lillients exchanged nervous glances then they turned and looked at Cassy.

  Brianna spoke up first. “If you should fail in your quest to destroy Queen Alona, Aaron will suffer your same fate.”

  The words hit Cassy like a sledgehammer. “How is that possible? Why can’t you just return him home?”

  “They won’t be able to return him to your home realm because Alona will have the power of the King’s blood in the Blood Key. Aaron will be trapped here and under her control with the rest of us,” Roupert spoke up.

  Cassy looked at Roupert then back to the Lillients. “Is that true,” she said with tears filling her eyes.

  The three Lillients merely nodded their heads, acknowledging that his words were true.

  Cassy felt as though someone had just kicked her in the gut. “No, that can’t be true.”

  “I’m sorry, but it is. So, you must be successful,” Roupert said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

  Realizing there was nothing more to say, Cassy leaned forward and gently kissed Aaron on the forehead. “I love you, little brother. I promise to destroy the Evil Queen so that we can return home again.”

  “I can’t believe that he was dishonest with me my whole life,” Frier moaned with tears streaming down his cheeks.

  “He was a traitor to the Queen, and he did not want you to know the truth,” David smirked with a devilish smile on his lips.

  “Yes, he wanted to keep you in the dark about who you really are,” Ralph taunted, feigning concern.

  The two Demlins looked at each other and cackled joyously, assured they had convinced the young Prince of the lie ordered by Queen Alona.

  “I’m glad you had found me before I helped them destroy our Queen. When do I get to meet her,” Frier asked while trying to control his emotions.

  “Soon, our friend, soon.”

  Chapter 15

  Queen Privlana paced the dungeon floor, dragging the chain behind her.

  “What have I done? How could I have allowed Alona to see my thoughts?”

  She knew the answer to that dreaded question. She had allowed her excitement of finally seeing her son consume her mind.

  Her heart ached at knowing that Frier was at the mercy of Alona and her evil magic. The worry and pain surging through Privlana was overwhelming, and she whispered a silent prayer that Frier be protected from what she knew would come.

  “My Queen,” a small voice penetrated the agonizing thoughts consuming Privlana’s mind.

  “Yes…what?” Privlana turned toward the sound of the gentle voice.

  Perched on a stone protruding from the dungeon wall sat Keira, the Milif.

  “I have come in answer to your question.” Keira smiled, trying to calm Privlana.

  “My question, I don’t understand what you mean,” Privlana said with a heavy heart.

  “My Queen, it was not your fault. Everything is happening, as it must to be.”

  Queen Privlana wiped the tears from her eyes, unsure of the meaning of Keira’s words. “How can Alona knowing of my son be good? She will kill him,” emotions overwhelmed her as she thought of Frier in the hands of Alona.

  “Do not fear for the young Prince. While at first he will believe Alona’s lies, his heart will soon learn the truth. He is a Dragon of the Royal Clan, so the truth lives deep inside of him. He will come to accept the truth soon enough. Roupert raised him well and loved him as a son. Do not fear, My Queen, all will be as it is meant to be.”

  Privlana felt a warm sense of peace flow over her as she gazed upon Keira.

  .She had lived in fear for so many years that it had grown difficult to feel hope. She looked at Keira, wiped the tears from her eyes, and squared her shoulders.

  “What do you have planned, Keira?”

  Once the Lillients had left with Aaron, Cassy turned to Roupert. “Okay, what do we do first?”

  Roupert combed his hand through his hair, trying to decide the best course of action. He knew they could not just storm the castle, for Queen Alona had surely put her best guards along the perimeter and at the gates.

  “I’m not quite sure, but we must be careful not to act carelessly, for I know she is prepared for our attack.”

  Cassy felt her knees grow weak at his words. “I thought you’d know how to get inside unseen. You were a guard there once, right?”

  Roupert saw the fear in her eyes, and, to be honest, he felt the same fear consuming him. When he had realized that Frier was gone, his heart nearly stopped beating in his chest. While he always knew he had a great affection for Frier, he never realized just how deeply those feelings went. He closed his eyes as the memory of the day Frier came forth in life from the egg, and the joy his heart felt the first time their eyes met. That was when he knew he would fight any enemy and lay down his life for the young Prince.

  “Roupert, are you okay. Come on, we don’t have time for daydreaming.” Cassy reached up and tugged on his shirt sleeve, drawing him out of the memory.

  “I’m sorry; I’m just so worried about Frier. I fear that Alona will harm him should he challenge her.”

  Roupert’s words made no sense to Cassy. “Why would Frier challenge Alona? He does not know who she is or what she did. I can’t imagine her telling him that she killed his father and enslaved his mother in the dungeon.”

  As Roupert listened to Cassy, he suddenly understood why the Blood Key had chosen her.

  “I believe that Alona will try to convince him that she is on his side. Everything that I’ve heard since I’ve been here is that she craves the Power of the Dragon. She tried to get it from the King, but Queen Privlana prevented that. So, her only chance now is to get it from the King’s only living son: Frier.”

  Roupert stood in amazement at the brilliance of her words. Of course, Alona would want to convince Frier that she was on his side and that everything he knew was a lie.

  A smiled appeared across Roupert’s face. “You are correct. That is precisely what she would do. Cassy, you are brilliant!”

  Roupert grabbed Cassy, pulled her close to him, and held her in a tight embrace. “Thank you. Thank you for restoring my faith in the Champion.”

  Cassy laughed as Roupert released her from his grasp. “Well, I’m glad I have your faith. Now, let’s figure out how we’re going to get inside of that castle without being caught.”

  They both stood in silence for several moments, unsure of what to do. Each knew that it must be a perfect plan, but neither had the slightest idea of how to accomplish the feat.

  Cassy shook her head and laughed. “I have nothing, how about you?”

  Roupert shrugged his shoulders. “Neither do I. I worry the Queen will have extra guards posted around the castle.”

  “Come on, this is a magical realm. There has to be a way to get inside the castle unseen,” Cassy reached up and touched the Blood Key absent-mindedly.

  “Did you just say something,” Cassy turned toward Roupert.

  “No, I haven’t said anything.”

  “I can get you into the castle without the Evil Queen knowing.”

  Cassy and Roupert exchanged surprised looks.

  “You didn’t say that did you,” Roupert said.

  “No, and that wasn’t you, was it?” Cassy responded, her eyes wide with fear.

  “I said it,” the voice grew louder.

  “Who are you, and where are you?” Cassy struggled to see where the voice was coming from.

  “I am here, sitting on the toadstool,” the voice said in a firm tone.

  Cassy and Roupert turned and looked at the small creature sitting on a toadstool not far from where they stood.

  “What is that?” The words had escaped Cassy’s mouth before she realized saying them.

  “It’s Bonert, he’s an Elim,” Roupert said with a hint of disgust in his voice.

  Bonert jumped from the toadstool then he began to grow until he stood nearly five-feet tall.

  “Hello Roupert, it’s nice to see you again,” Bonert said with sarcasm in his voice.

  “Well, I can’t say that it’s nice to see you again. What brings you to this part of the Kingdom? I thought you were banished to the Northern Mountains after your last fiasco.”

  “Roupert, I was never banished. It was just strongly suggested that I return to my people there,” Bonert replied with a mischievous smile on his face.

  “Call it whatever you want. I seem to remember that you were lucky to escape with your life after what you did,” Roupert said with a hint of joy at Bonert’s trouble.

  Seeing that he was getting nowhere with this line of conversation, Bonert decided it was time to change the subject.

  “So, who is this lovely young lady you are traveling with, Roupert?” Bonert bowed his head toward Cassy.

  Roupert suddenly felt an uneasy feeling come over him. “She is no one of your concern.”

  As Cassy listened to the two of them banter back and forth, she could not help but watch Bonert. He was a strange looking creature with his hooked shaped nose and large eyes. His hands were large for his frame with long thin fingers and sharp broken fingernails. He was quite disgusting to look at in his filthy clothes, and Cassy understood why Roupert was not pleased to see him.

  Bonert turned and faced Cassy. “Is it true that you worry about getting inside of Queen Alona’s castle undetected? I could have sworn that I heard you utter those words.”

  Roupert stepped forward, placing himself between her and Bonert. “You do not want help from this…this…”

  “Now, now, my old friend, name calling is so beneath us, is it not?” Bonert smiled.

  Roupert glanced over at Cassy and saw a look of concern flash across her face. He knew that he must control his emotions, so as not to give Bonert an upper hand.

  “You are right. Name-calling is below us. On the contrary, warning her of your treacherous ways and how making a deal with you can only lead to ruin, is not off-limits,” Roupert glared at Bonert, chal
lenging him to respond.

  Cassy had heard enough bickering. “Gentlemen, we don’t have time for you two to argue over old disagreements. The Evil Queen has Frier, and should she be able to get his power, we are all screwed.”

  Bonert and Roupert looked at each other with a look of confusion on their faces.

  “What does this word screwed mean?” Bonert asked while Roupert nodded his head in agreement.

  Cassy exhaled with frustration. “When one is screwed it means that you have no hope. It means that we will lose if Alona obtains Frier’s powers.”

  Bonert paused a moment then he nodded his understanding. “Yes, should the Evil Queen gain the Power of the Dragon from Frier, the entire Kingdom is screwed, as you say.”

  “Cassy, you do not need his help. You can use your own powers just as you did at the river.” Roupert hoped this would change her mind.

  Bonert smiled. “So, the stories are real? The Breast Plate and Blood Key do give the wearer magical powers.”

  “Stop listening to him. He will only use your trust against you,” Roupert pleaded.

  Cassy was at a loss for what to do. On one hand, she wanted to heed Roupert’s warning, but the chance that Bonert could help her conquer Queen Alona was too difficult to pass.

  “Give me a moment, I need to think. I know that we need to be careful, and I know that if we make the wrong step that we will lose. I do not intend to allow Alona to destroy Walandra, and I do not intend to let her kill Frier or Aaron either.”

  Bonert could see the conflicted emotions consuming Cassy, which pleased him greatly.

  “I understand your concern, and I want you to know that I only came to help you on this quest. Queen Alona is very powerful and cunning so you will need to catch her by surprise.” He stepped forward and reached out trying to touch the Blood Key.

  Cassy stepped back, surprised by this bold attempt. “What are you doing?”

  “I told you not to trust him. He only seeks the power of the Blood Key,” Roupert said with hate and mistrust burning in his eyes.

  Bonert pulled his hand back and put it behind his back. “I meant no harm. I only wanted to feel it, that’s all.”


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