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The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1

Page 11

by Linda L Barton

  “Thank you, that was very kind,” Abigail blushed.

  Once she had stood, Roupert stepped back, taken by surprise by what he saw. He lifted his hand and pointed at Abigail. “It’s you,” the words escaped his mouth.

  Taken aback by the strange statement, Abigail began to cry again. “What is going on here? I was in my grandfather’s library looking at one of his old books, and the next thing I know is I’m in this strange place and wearing this!” She pointed to the breastplate with the red gemstone in the center of it.

  “You were chosen. What you are wearing is the sacred Breast Plate and Blood Key. It has chosen you to be the Champion.” Roupert bowed his head in reverence.

  Abigail glanced down at the breastplate then back up at Roupert. “This makes no sense. This was the stone on my grandfather’s book. What’s going on?”

  Lightning flashed across the sky as thunder crashed in the distance. Soon the sky grew dark as the clouds released rain upon the ground.

  “Quick, we need to get to shelter before the storm becomes worse,” Roupert offered his hand to Abigail with a tone of urgency in his voice.

  She hesitated a moment, but when the lightning filled the sky again, she took his offered hand.

  “Where are you taking me?” she said breathlessly as they quickly followed the path with the rain pelting down on them.

  “To my hut, you will be safe there,” Roupert quickened his pace much to Abigail’s dismay.

  By the time they reached the hut, both were thoroughly soaked from the rain. Roupert ran to the hut tucked among the trees, opened the door, and waited for Abigail to enter before he joined her inside.

  “You look chilled. Let me start the fire,” Roupert quickly walked over to the firepit in the center of the hut and stoked the embers left from that morning, causing them to flare up. He then carefully placed a stick of dry wood on the small fire, along with a few twigs to help the fire burst into flames and begin to heat the room.

  “As a matter of fact, I am a bit cold,” she blushed when she saw the nervous look on Roupert’s face. “Maybe if I sit by the fire for a bit, I’ll feel better.”

  “Yes, that’s a good idea. Let the fire dry your clothes.” For some reason, Roupert found it difficult to look at Abigail. He had spoken to several a young maiden in his life, but there was something different about her. He quickly brushed the dust from one of the wooden chairs sitting by the table, and pulled it over by the fire.

  “Please, sit, and warm yourself by the fire,” Roupert uttered quietly while averting her gaze.

  Abigail sat on the offered chair then leaned forward enjoying the feel of the flames on her hands. “Thank you for bringing me here. I would hate to think that I would still be outside with the storm coming.”

  As their eyes met, Roupert felt his heart quicken in his chest. He turned his head and then grabbed another piece of wood then added it to the fire.

  “This should warm you in no time. I will make us some root tea,” he whispered nervously. He walked over to the shelf next to the table and grabbed a small jar, and then set it on the table.

  “Root tea? I’ve never had root tea,” Abigail smiled, as their eyes met.

  Realizing his eyes were transfixed on hers, Roupert turned his head and reached for the kettle. “I need to get some water. I’ll return in a moment.”

  He picked up the kettle and walked quickly toward the door, glad to put some distance between him and the beautiful young maiden with the hypnotic eyes.

  Once he was outside and had closed the door behind him, he leaned against the wall and exhaled a strained breath.

  “What is wrong with me? Why do I feel so drawn to her?”

  He shook his head then laughed at his foolishness. “You cannot have feelings for her; she is the Champion, chosen by the sacred Breast Place and Blood Key.”

  Just saying those words made his heart ache for he knew what was ahead for the stunning beauty sitting beside the fire inside of his hut.

  He dipped the kettle into the rain barrel then turned and opened the door. He paused a moment before stepping inside with the hope that he could control the strange emotions surging up from deep inside of his soul.

  “I’m glad you’re back. I was beginning to get lonely,” Abigail teased playfully, hoping to ease the tension between them.

  Roupert hung the kettle over the fire, trying to avoid her beautiful eyes. “The tea will be ready in a few minutes. Are you hungry?”

  “No, not just yet; please sit, I have so many questions,” Abigail pleaded.

  Roupert felt his heart stop in his chest. “Ah, okay.” He swallowed then he brought another chair over by the fire, keeping his distance from Abigail.

  “Please come closer. I promise not to bite. I have lived with my Grandfather for most of my life, so I’m at ease speaking with men,” Abigail laughed softly at seeing the shocked expression on his face. “Besides, I have a feeling that you are too much a gentleman for me to fear.”

  Realizing that he had no choice, Roupert pulled his chair closer to Abigail.

  “There that’s better, isn’t it? You saved me from the storm, so there is no need for us to feel uncomfortable with each other.” Abigail sensed kindness in this man who opened his home to her, and she found herself drawn to him.

  Roupert glanced up at her and found himself lost in her eyes again. He had never felt this way before, and he wondered why he did now. “You were raised by your Grandfather, what happened to your parents?”

  Abigail’s eyes filled with tears as she told him of her parents, and the tragic way they had died.

  “Where is this? I know I’m not in Maine anymore,” Abigail said with a hint of confusion in her voice.

  “Maine, no, I do not know of that place. You are in the Kingdom of Walandra.”

  Abigail was at a loss for words. “I don’t understand. How did I get here?”

  Roupert reached out and gently touched the stone attached to the breastplate covering her chest. “The Blood Key brought you here.”

  “But that makes no sense. How can a red stone do that? It was on an old worn out book that my grandfather brought home from a far away land. This is all insane,” Abigail covered her face with her hands as frustration consumed her entire being.

  Roupert felt troubled for Abigail. He knew she was scared, as anyone who were suddenly transported to a strange land away from everything they knew. Nonetheless, the Blood Key chose her as the Champion, and until she fulfilled her destiny, she will not return to her home.

  He reached out and took her hand in his, trying to console her fears. Their eyes met again, and the same feeling overcame him, making him pull his hand away.

  “I’m sorry… The water is warm,” he jumped up and carried the kettle to the table to prepare the tea.

  Abigail watched Roupert as he poured the hot water into the cups, and then stirred in an amber-colored substance into the tea.

  “I hope you do not mind, but I added some sweet sap to the tea,” Roupert said nervously as he carried the cups with him to the where they were sitting by the fire.

  “No, not at all; I like my tea sweet.” Abigail took the offered cup, “Thank you.”

  Roupert nodded then he returned to his chair without saying a word.

  Several tense-filled moments passed as both struggled with what to say. It was Abigail, who finally broke the silence.

  “Roupert, why did you call me the Champion? What did you mean by that?”

  Roupert gazed upon the beautiful young maiden and wondered how he could tell her the truth. She seemed to be such a delicate being, not one to challenge the Evil Queen Alona. He prepared himself to tell her when a sense of panic overtook him.

  “The fire grows weak. I’ll go get some more wood,” he quickly jumped to his feet and headed for the door.

  Before Abigail could respond, Roupert had vanished through the door, closing it behind him.

  “My, that was strange,” she thought aloud.

No sure, of how long he would be gone, Abigail decided to use this time to explore the hut. “This shouldn’t take long.”

  Abigail was amazed at how organized he had the small hut, as everything seemed to be in its proper place. She noticed the shelves with jars and pouches, as well as plates, bowls, and cups. She walked over to the table and ran her hand along the top, noticing the smoothness of the wood.

  “Very nice,” she said as she turned to walk back to her chair by the fire.

  “Oh, what was that?” She stopped, and looked down at the object she had just kicked with her foot.

  “Oh my, what is this?” Abigail gasped as she looked into the basket on the floor tucked under the table.

  Abigail had never seen such a thing. Nestled in the basket on a bed of straw was a large golden egg. She reached out to touch the egg when… “Stop, do not touch that!” a voice shouted, startling Abigail.

  She quickly pulled her hand away then ran back to her chair and sat with her hands folded in her lap. “I’m sorry, I meant no harm,” she cried, looking around for who had scolded her.

  At that moment, Roupert came through the door and saw Abigail crying.

  “What happened here?” He looked around the room.

  “She nearly touched the Royal Egg,” the voice said.

  Roupert looked at Abigail and saw the fear in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I meant no harm. It’s just that I’ve never seen anything like that before. So that’s what it is; A Royal Egg? How interesting.” Abigail glanced around the hut, trying to find the source of the strange voice.

  “Come out, Brianna and introduce yourself,” Roupert said, trying not to laugh. “You nearly scared Abigail to death.”

  “I would not have scared her, had she not tried to touch the Royal Egg,” Brianna said defensively.

  “Well, I do not believe that the Champion would come all this way to harm the Prince, do you?” Roupert said playfully.

  Abigail gasped as the small creature with delicate wings flew towards her from the shadows, and she marveled how beautiful it was.

  “What do you mean the Champion? This is not…” Brianna placed her hand over her heart then began to cry with joy. “It is you. Please forgive me; I did not see the sacred Breast Place and Blood Key. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am that you are here. My name is Brianna of the Lillients. We are guardians of the Royal Eggs.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Brianna. My name is Abigail. None of this makes any sense to me, but I’m sure that you and Roupert will explain it all to me in due time.”

  “Yes, dear Abigail. You are very special, and it is an honor to be in your service. I have a feeling that the Blood Key has chosen well,” Brianna bowed her head.

  Abigail placed her hand over the Blood Key and felt a strange vibration and warmth go into her hand then through her entire being. “Oh my,” she said with surprise.

  “This is truly a joyous day, Roupert; one that we have long awaited. My sisters must know,” Brianna closed her eyes then two other Lillients appeared.

  “See my sisters; the Champion is here,” Brianna said excitedly.

  Brianna turned to the two Lillients and said, “This is Syrea and Arianna.”

  Syrea and Arianna bowed their heads then looked at Abigail with smiles on their faces.

  “She is quite lovely,” Syrea observed as the others nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Do you not think that she is lovely, Roupert,” Syrea said with a playful smile on her face.

  “Ah, yes, she is,” his cheeks grew warm and flushed as he realized what he had said.

  “Stop teasing him. Can you not see that he is taken with her?” Arianna chided Syrea then winked at Abigail.

  Hoping to end this line of discussion, Roupert walked over and put some more wood on the fire.

  “May I ask a question?” Abigail addressed the Lillients.

  “Of course, what do you want to know?” Syrea answered.

  “Why does Roupert have the egg here? If it’s a Royal Egg, why isn’t it in a castle instead of sitting in a basket here in this simple hut?” She hoped that she had not offended him.

  “That is why you are here, dear child,” Arianna answered with compassion in her eyes.

  Abigail sat transfixed as the Lillients told her the tale of how Alona tricked King Ashlym and Queen Privlana and took control of the Kingdom of Walandra. As they shared the story, Abigail rested her hand over the Blood Key, feeling the strange vibration moving through her. Once the Lillients had completed the tale, Abigail understood her destiny and through the power of the Blood Key, she had a clear understanding of how to accomplish it.

  “May I see the Royal Egg again?” Abigail asked in a firm voice.

  The Lillients exchanged concerned looks then nodded.

  Abigail stood and walked over to the basket then carefully set it on the table A rush of emotions overtook her as she gazed down at the Golden Egg nestled safely in the straw.

  “He’s lonely,” Abigail said flatly.

  “He’s what?” Roupert asked with surprise, unsure if he had heard her correctly.

  Abigail turned toward Roupert. “I said; he’s lonely. Prince Frier feels alone. He told me,” she reached out and gently touched the egg.

  “I don’t understand. Why didn’t he let me know,” Roupert said as he walked over to the basket.

  “It’s because she wears the Blood Key,” Syrea explained as the other Lillients nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Yes, the King’s blood calls out to his son,” Brianna said with tears of joy forming in the corners of her eyes.

  “What else does he tell you?” Arianna said excitedly.

  With her hand resting on the egg, Abigail closed her eyes and opened her mind to the thoughts of the young Prince.

  “He says that he has waited long to come forth into the world, and he is thankful to Roupert for caring for him all these long years. He says the spirit of his father has come to him and told him of a Champion that would restore the Kingdom and free its people from the reign of the Evil Queen, but that he was to stay inside the egg until the Champion made themself known. He wants you to know that this knowledge has given him peace all these long years.”

  Roupert reached out and touched the egg as tears streamed down his cheeks. “I’m sorry; I did not know that you were lonely all this time. I wish I would have known for so was I.”

  Abigail took Roupert’s hand in hers, and suddenly he could hear the young Prince’s thoughts. He opened his eyes wide with surprise then laughed as the thoughts of the Prince filled his mind.

  After several moments, he released her hand and stepped away from the basket with tears of joy wetting his cheeks.

  Abigail turned to face Roupert, her face aglow with joy. “He loves you, you know and he’s thankful for everything you’ve done to keep him safe all these years.”

  Overtaken with joy, Roupert took Abigail in his arms and held her tightly. “Thank you; thank you for allowing me to know he’s alright. I have worried all these years that something was wrong since he had remained in the egg.”

  Abigail glanced at the Lillients and realized they were also crying. “Oh my, we are quite a bunch tonight, aren’t we?”

  “He likes you as well, Abigail and Prince Frier thinks you are beautiful. He does say that he is surprised that the Champion would be so young,” Roupert saw a look of concern cross Abigail’s face.

  Abigail felt all eyes upon her, and honestly, she had wondered the same thing. “I don’t know why it chose me. I’m a seventeen-year-old girl from Maine. I have lived most of my life on an island in a huge mansion, reading books and playing chess with my grandfather whenever he would return from his travels. I wish I knew the answer to his question, but I don’t.”

  “It does not matter why it chose you, Abigail. All that matters is you are here now,” the words left Roupert’s mouth before he realized what he had said.

  “See, it is true, he is taken with her,
” Arianna teased, as joyous laughter filled the room.

  Chapter 18

  Cassy sat mesmerized by the tale of how her great-grandmother Abigail came to be the Champion. She looked over at Roupert and could see the sadness in his eyes as he spoke of Abigail, and wondered if she had returned his feelings.

  “I don’t understand something. If Frier knew of his father and mother while he was still in the egg, why doesn’t he know any of that now?”

  “You see, when Queen Privlana cast her protection spell over the Dragon clan, she also cast a spell that would prevent Frier from remembering once he came forth from the egg.”

  Cassy’s eyes lit up with excitement. “You were forbidden to tell him, weren’t you?”

  “Yes, I was forbidden to tell him the truth, and all memory of his true identity was stricken from the minds of the subjects of the Kingdom until Alona’s curse is lifted.” Roupert looked at her with sadness clearly showing on his face.

  Cassy shook her head, amazed at how everything fell into place. “So tell me, what happened? Why wasn’t Abigail able to lift the curse and restore the Kingdom?”

  Roupert hung his head, as tears filled his eyes. “We were able to get Abigail into the dungeon and were about to reunite the sacred Breast Plate with Queen Privlana, but something happened that none of us expected,” his voice cracked as his emotions overwhelmed him.

  Cassy held her breath, waiting for him to continue.

  “I don’t know how it happened, but Alona had somehow set a trap for us. Once Abigail was only mere feet away from Queen Privlana and powerful force wrapped around Abigail and held her in place. I tried to free her, but I was unsuccessful. I could see the fear in Abigail’s eyes as the force darkened and began to crush her.”

  Cassy’s eyes were wide with fear, as Roupert told the tale, and she wondered if she would meet the same fate.

  “Abigail cried out for me to save her, but I couldn’t move; for my feet were held fast to the floor by some magical power. Alona laughed a wicked laugh and slowly walked toward Abigail with her hands outstretched. It was then when Queen Privlana cried out for the power of the Blood Key to save Abigail. Just as Alona was about to rip the Blood Key from the Breast Plate on Abigail’s chest; she vanished, and then I awoke in my hut.”


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