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Reflected in the Rain (The Storm Inside)

Page 12

by Alexis Anne

  She licked her lips and took a step back toward the bed.

  “Oh no you don’t, Mrs. Spencer. Stay right where you are.”

  She froze mid-step, her chest was rising and falling and her eyes were following me, but that was it. She was mine.

  I kissed every inch of her exposed skin as I took my time. Kissing down her back was my favorite part. The way she responded to my touch, gasping and begging for more… I had to have my way with her.

  Starting with that dress.

  I ran my hand down her bare back. “Backless yet strangely appropriate. Sexy and sensual yet not risqué in the slightest. This dress is perfect, Eve. It’s just like you—the perfect combination.

  She smiled softly as she watched me over her shoulder. Her hair fell around her face and down her back. “You asked for a sexy white dress, I delivered.”

  She had no idea. “It is a very good look on you, darlin’. You should look into getting more.”

  She shivered under my touch. “With a reaction like that, how could I not?”

  I swallowed as I tried to keep myself together.

  Then I pushed the dress down her arms, finding exactly what I hoped: no bra. “You are my dream and destruction all mixed into one,” I groaned.

  But then I ran my fingers inside her dress, wiggling the delicate lace fabric down her hips and found her underwear. “You have not been wearing these all night…” I whispered. The back was little more than a white satin string held together by gold rings.

  “Of course I have,” she smiled, arching her back. “Why do you think I kept trying to sneak off with you. It would have been so easy to have some quick, naughty fun at our wedding.”

  It hurt. It physically hurt to know I missed out on seeing that underwear earlier in the night. I probably would have stuck to my plan, but at least I would have had the visual. Patience wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

  “Those are staying on. For now anyway.” I pushed the dress down to the floor and held her hand while she stepped out. “Don’t move.”

  I wanted to take a moment and appreciate everything that was my new wife. Only one light was on in the room and it bathed everything in the room in a soft yellow glow that reflected off her skin. She looked flawless. Her dark hair curled around her shoulders, falling just above her peaked and perfect nipples. She was toned and firm, but soft and supple in all the right places. I knew exactly what Eve looked like, and yet every time I saw her naked body it was a surprise.

  “You have far too many clothes on,” she chastised.

  I grinned from ear to ear as I tugged at the tie around my neck. “Let me fix that.”

  “Can I, or is that against the wedding night rules?”

  She was teasing me, of course. I stepped toward her, suddenly feeling oddly nervous. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  Eve pushed back my jacket, letting it fall to the floor, then moved to the top button of my shirt. “This is my favorite part. Other people get to talk to you, have meetings with you, work with you, but I’m the only one who gets to take off your clothes and see what’s hidden underneath.”

  I grabbed her hand, stopping her mid button, wrapped my arm around her waist and kissed her hard on the mouth.

  She was the only one who ever saw what was hidden underneath.

  When I pulled back from the kiss her eyes were softer than usual. She was breathless. “I love you, husband,” she whispered as she stroked her hand across my cheek.

  I didn’t think Eve would ever understand how much I loved her, but I was going to try every day for the rest of my life to show her, starting with a wedding night she would never forget.

  I swept her up into my arms and took her to bed. It was huge and soft. Eve sank into the mattress as soon as I laid her down beneath me. We didn’t say much after that. I think we were both too overwhelmed for words. Instead we communicated through sounds and hands. I made love to her slowly and her orgasm came on just as slowly. It built and built until she was sweating and shaking around me. She was so breathless she could barely say my name as we came together for the first time as husband and wife.

  “I’m exhausted,” she sighed five minutes later. Neither one of us had moved.

  “That was a pretty intense workout. We should shower and eat a snack. You know,” I grinned. “Refuel for round two.”

  Only her eyes moved. “Round two?”


  Her eyes lit up and a slow grin pulled at the corners of her lips. “Start the shower. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  I helped her shower. Eve really was exhausted, but by the time I had her soaped up she was laughing and joking again. “Do you think Greg will remember our wedding?”

  I turned off the shower and opened the glass door. “Honestly? I’m not sure. He wasn’t himself today.”

  We dried off and climbed back into bed with our leftovers. I placed the cake in the middle of the bed as a prize. “Food, then fun.”

  “As if I would have it any other way.” Eve was already shoving food in her mouth. “Did you have a good day?”

  I stopped mid chew. “Of course! Did you?” Maybe I’d missed out on some inside drama before the wedding?

  “I did,” she said slowly, setting her food down. “It was a beautiful day. I just wanted to make sure you had a good day too.”

  “I married you. It was the perfect day.” This woman had a way of making me feel more things that I knew what to do with.

  She nodded and picked her food back up, finishing off a sampling of a dozen different things they’d served at our reception. It was an insane amount of food. “Cake?”

  “Yes, please…”

  But the real question was how to eat it. I wanted to eat it all off of her in tiny little bites. But then again, having her return the favor could be a lot of fun, too.

  Turns out I didn’t need to worry. There was more cake than we knew what to do with. We each got to enjoy our fill of licking, biting, and suckling the chocolate off of each other. My favorite was the nipples. Chocolate covered nipples should be considered a delicacy—one I would happily indulge in any time.

  Of course I didn’t mind the chocolate infused blow job I received either. Eve licking off the frosting was as enjoyable as I expected, but the way she licked small bites of cake off of me was surprisingly mind blowing. Maybe it was the way her lips raked along the sensitive skin of my cock, or maybe it was the way her tongue swirled the pieces into her mouth, or the combination of both along with the suction of her mouth… it didn’t matter. All that mattered was how good it felt, how much fun we both had, and how satisfying our orgasms were.

  We could barely stay awake long enough to shower off a second time. I wrapped my arms around her, cradling her against my body as she drifted off to sleep. I’d woken up that morning as a single man and I was falling asleep married. I woke my fiancée up with my face between her thighs and sent her off to sleep three orgasms later.

  I hoped our honeymoon was a lot like our wedding day.

  Chapter 17


  “See that tree over there? The massive one with the little trees all around it? There should be a small offshoot of the falls just on the other side,” I called up to Jake who was about ten feet ahead of me with the backpack.

  He looked back with a devilish grin on his face and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “You sure about this, babe?”

  Oh I was sure. My idea to tease Jake had gone better than planned. He’d acted like it wasn’t bothering him, but the minute we landed on Guadaloupe the questions started. The man who had just been so calm and cool on the little commuter plane suddenly turned into a talk show host asking question after question.

  But I held out. I simply smiled each time he tried to squeeze my ideas out of me. It drove him crazy. Until this morning. He was just starting to stir and the morning light was just starting to stream in through the picture window above our bed when I whispered in his ear.

  “Today we’re hiki
ng up to the top of the volcano to see the first stage of the waterfalls.”

  He smiled and stretched with his eyes still closed. “Sounds like fun.”

  “And you’ll fuck me while we’re up there.”

  His eyes shot open and his strong arms tightened around me. “Yes, ma’am!”

  Then he was out of bed and digging out his backpack and sneakers before I could even roll over. “We still need to eat breakfast…”

  He looked up at me with such serious eyes and pointed at the porch. “Then get eating! I have a challenge to complete!”

  I grinned like an idiot all through breakfast.

  Every morning a tray of food and coffee was delivered to our porch. It was kind of magical to wake up to fresh fruit and croissants every day. My father’s best friend offered up his vacation house on the French Caribbean island of Guadaloupe for us to escape. It was perfectly located on the rainforest side of the island, which meant we were a five minute car ride from the beach or hiking, depending on which way we turned when we got to the main road.

  Jake still hadn’t told me what he’d packed in that backpack or how he planned on accomplishing his task, but I didn’t care. It was fun to watch Jake. He was like an excited kid and that glint in his eyes every time he looked at me… that was precisely what I was hoping for when I brought the game up in the first place.

  “Oh, baby. This is going to be fun…” Jake groaned as he pulled to a stop at a set of small falls that ended in a pool of water, surrounded by forest. We were fairly high up on the dormant volcano and had timed our hike to leave between the scheduled tours, not that many tourists were hiking. Most were more than happy to take the easy walk up to the second stage of the falls and enjoy the view from there. Only a select few chose to make the much harder extra hike the rest of the way up.

  It was like we were alone in the world.

  The volcano was covered in fairly dense rainforest which made it seem even more intimate. The tree canopy blotted out most of the sunlight and the humidity was incredible. When it rained, it was light, like a mist.

  It was so humid my hair had become naturally curly for the first time in my life and I was enjoying the unexpected change, wearing it down in soft waves. At the moment those waves were plastered to the side of my head.

  “It looks like we can walk out on those rocks if you want to get closer to the falls,” Jake said.

  I nodded and waited while Jake took off the backpack and set it against a tree before taking my hand and leading me out onto the wide, flat rocks. We stopped at the last one I could reach, and Jake wrapped me up in his arms. “It is so beautiful up here.”

  I nodded as I looked out at the rushing water. “It doesn’t look real. The colors are so rich!”

  Jake was looking everywhere but at me and that was when I realized he was scouting out a place for us to have fun. I’d been watching for other hikers the whole time, but we never saw anyone. I was really hopeful we’d be alone on our hike for a while longer.

  Long enough to have an amazing orgasm under the rainforest canopy.

  I’d been on pins and needles all morning. Every sense was tuned to Jake and his body. So when he wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close, it wasn’t just his warmth and firm body I felt. I heard every breath and the thud of his heart. I felt the excited energy running under his skin. The anticipation was driving him.

  But it was the life in his green eyes that really tugged at my heart. I loved seeing him so happy and light. He grinned and turned me slightly to the right. “There, those bushes next to the pool.”

  There was a low stand of bushes just in the shade of the trees above. It might work. “We should take a closer look.”

  Jake threaded his fingers through mine, drawing me along with him as he returned to the shore and retrieved his backpack. This was what I wanted: fun and excitement with Jake. But now that it was here, I was nervous.

  Luckily Jake wasn’t. He was completely focused on his mission and utterly adorable. It was impossible to not get swept up in his sexy confidence.

  The bushes were tall and thick enough that no one would see us unless they came right up on us, which we would ideally hear well in advance. “What do you think Mrs. Spencer?” He was right at my ear and his warm breath danced along my sensitive skin. He tossed the backpack down and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling my backside flush against his front. “Have I mentioned how much I liked your game idea?”

  I laughed as I closed my eyes and leaned into his embrace. Jake’s other hand had traveled down between my legs. “I was getting that impression. What’s in the bag or is it a secret still?”

  He spun me in his arms so that we were face to face. I couldn’t help myself; I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. After a long, deep kiss Jake pulled back with an enormous grin on his face. “I’m getting the impression you’re enjoying the game, too.”

  We’d barely started and I was having the time of my life. “A game I can’t lose? Oh, I’m having fun.”

  “You know, I hadn’t thought of it that way. It really is a win all around.”

  I nodded slowly as Jake stepped away to open the mysterious backpack. “Put this around your shoulders, please.” He held out an enormous checked blanket. While I wrapped it around my shoulders like a giant, long shawl Jake repositioned me with my back to the water. Then, he kneeled in front of me, kissing my belly and wrapping his large hands around my waist, holding me close.

  Standing like that, I imagined I looked like a swimmer drying off. Jake was completely hidden in front of me. He was my secret.

  He slid his fingers around the button of my pants, slid the zipper down, and slowly removed my pants. But it was the way he did it—so slowly and lovingly. He studied my skin with his eyes and fingers, moving me where he wanted me with gentle moves. And when he looked up at me from his knees with those soft green eyes I was already so turned on I was finding it hard to stand. My head was spinning.

  “Step out,” he whispered hoarsely. That was when I realized Jake was panting and a little shaky, too. The moment was affecting both of us.

  Underneath my pants and thin white t-shirt I was wearing a bikini. Jake smiled wickedly as he played with the edges of the fabric, but I couldn’t keep my eyes on him. The electricity shooting over my skin from his touch was overwhelming. I closed my eyes and ran my hands through his hair as his fingers moved under the fabric.

  “My, my, my… so turned on for me, Mrs. Spencer. I like this very much.” I peeked down at him hidden in the folds of my blanket. My husband was thoroughly pleased with himself.

  “You’ve got me turned on, now what are you going to do Mr. Spencer?”

  He bounced his eyebrows. “Win.”

  I sucked in an excited breath and tugged on a fistful of hair. Jake laughed deep in his chest as he slid two fingers slowly inside me.

  I shuddered and groaned.

  “Quiet, please. This is supposed to be a secret…” he chastised me.

  I shook my head and smiled with my eyes closed. “Oh shut up and make me come you cocky bastard.”

  He took my challenge, plunging those long fingers of his deep inside me a split second before he kissed my clit through the fabric. The combination was explosive and revved me up from aroused to verging on climax.

  But I wanted more.

  I let him work his magic until I was hot and breathless. “I think you should lie down,” I whispered.

  Jake’s green eyes shot up to meet mine, followed by a slow grin.

  He eased his fingers out then grabbed a towel from his backpack, wiping his fingers dry before laying it out on the forest floor. “Keep the blanket,” he said while bouncing his eyebrows.

  Unlike me, Jake had opted for a simple pair of bright green swimming trunks and a t-shirt. He pulled the Velcro apart, allowing his erection to spring free.

  It was beautiful and all mine. I straddled him, lowering down to my knees and sinking slowly onto his cock while he held
my bikini bottoms to the side and out of the way. He groaned and I placed a finger over his lips, “Now, now. This is a secret, remember?”

  But instead of answering me, Jake sank his fingers in to my hips and encouraged me to start moving. “And quick,” he reminded me with another quiet moan.

  And we were. No one ever came by, it was me and Jake and pure sexual ecstasy. I worshipped him, running my greedy hands over every muscle I could find, enjoying every ridge of his abs and the way our bodies looked coming together. I loved bracing my hands around his flexed biceps as we moved. And I really loved the strain of his neck and shoulders as we came together.

  We lay on the ground panting for a few minutes, laughing because well, we’d been successful. Sex—good sex—on a hike in the forest. I was on a high.

  “Ready for a swim?” Jake asked, brushing a stray hair from my cheek with his knuckles.

  “I’d love one.”

  The water was actually warm on one end thanks to the volcano and the swim was almost therapeutic. “Is this for real?” I asked as I realized we’d been swimming alone in a hidden paradise for the last hour.

  “If it isn’t, please don’t shatter my dreams.”

  I smiled and swam into my husband’s arms. He pulled me into his lap and nuzzled my ear before kissing me on the cheek. “Happy honeymoon, Jake.”

  He tensed, tilting my chin up so he could look into my eyes. He had the sweetest smile on his face. “Happy honeymoon, Eve.”

  Chapter 18


  Eve was making me crazy. Her secret sex list was all I could think about. Every time she came near me I wondered if she was about to whisper something else in my ear. Four days and she’d done it twice—both times were amazing, I might add. Sex in the forest had been nothing short of mind-blowing, but then she went and topped it. We rented a jet ski at the resort on the other side of the island, disappeared into a secluded inlet, and had the best oral sex of my life. The image of Eve sucking me off while I laid back on that jet ski was etched into my brain. I was uncomfortably hard just thinking about it. But then we’d switched. Eve spread on a jet ski was more than I could handle. I was lucky I could still stand and walk. That woman was going to kill me.


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